942 resultados para Current Density Mapping Method
It is important that long superconducting tape must have desired strain tolerance (less reduction of Jc with applied strains) and stress tolerance (less reduction of JC in applied stresses) for its use as coils and magnets. Ag addition to the BPSCCO system has many advantages with its physical and chemical inertness to the system, reduces the processing temperature, and promotes the grain growth, grain alignment and connectivity. All these not only enhance the critical current density of the tapes but also improve the mechanical properties. But the published results show very much scattering on the type of Ag additive to be selected, method of addition and its optimum percentage. Also there are some negative reports in this regard. The present work has been undertaken to study the effect of silver addition in different forms (Ag powder, Ag2O, AgNO3) on the superconducting and mechanical properties of (Bi,Pb)-2223/Ag tapes and to find out a suitable form of Ag additive and its optimum percentage to have better superconducting and mechanical properties. Also it is the aim of the present work is to optimise the process parameters needed to prepare (Bi,Pb)-2223/Ag multifilamentary tapes of length ~ 12 m in solenoid and pancake coil forms with good critical current density and homogeneity of J C along the length of the tapes.
Geometric parameters of binary (1:1) PdZn and PtZn alloys with CuAu-L10 structure were calculated with a density functional method. Based on the total energies, the alloys are predicted to feature equal formation energies. Calculated surface energies of PdZn and PtZn alloys show that (111) and (100) surfaces exposing stoichiometric layers are more stable than (001) and (110) surfaces comprising alternating Pd (Pt) and Zn layers. The surface energy values of alloys lie between the surface energies of the individual components, but they differ from their composition weighted averages. Compared with the pure metals, the valence d-band widths and the Pd or Pt partial densities of states at the Fermi level are dramatically reduced in PdZn and PtZn alloys. The local valence d-band density of states of Pd and Pt in the alloys resemble that of metallic Cu, suggesting that a similar catalytic performance of these systems can be related to this similarity in the local electronic structures.
The application vistas of superconductors have widened very much since the discovery of high TC superconductors (HTS) as many of the applications can be realised at 77 K rather than going down to 4.2 K, the liquid He temperature. One such application is the HTS current lead which is used to connect a superconducting system with a room temperature power source. Minimising heat leak to the cryogenic environment is the main advantage of introducing current leads into superconducting systems. The properties of HTSS likes zero resistance (avoiding joule heating) and very low thermal conductivity (minimized conductive heat transfer) make them ideal candidates to be used as current leads. There are two forms of HTS current leads. (i) bulk form (tube or rod) prepared either from YBCO or BSCCO and (ii) tape form prepared from Bi-2223 multifilamentary tapes. The tape form of current leads has many advantages with respect to the mechanical and thermal stability related criteria. Crucial information on various aspects of HTS current lead development are not available in the literature as those are kept proprietary by various companies around the world. The present work has been undertaken to tailor the properties of multifilamentary tapes for the current lead application and to optimise the processing parameters of the same for enhanced critical current density and field tolerance. Also it is the aim of the present investigation is to prepare prototype current leads engineered for operation in conduction cooled mode and test them for operational stability
The global atmospheric electrical circuit sustains a vertical current density between the ionosphere and the Earth's surface, the existence of which is well-established from measurements made in fair-weather conditions. In overcast, but non-thunderstorm, non-precipitating conditions, the current travels through the cloud present, despite cloud layers having low electrical conductivity. For extensive layer clouds, this leads to space charge at the upper and lower cloud boundaries. Using a combination of atmospheric electricity and solar radiation measurements at three UK sites, vertical current measurements have been categorised into clear, broken, and overcast cloud conditions. This approach shows that the vertical “fair weather” current is maintained despite the presence of cloud. In fully overcast conditions with thick cloud, the vertical current is reduced compared to thin cloud overcast conditions, associated with the cloud's resistance contributions. Contribution of cloud to the columnar resistance depends both on cloud thickness, and the cloud's height.
The density (BSG) of bone increases, at the osteon scale, during lifetime aging within the bone. In addition, post-mortem diagenetic change due to microbial attack produces denser bioapatite. Thus, fractionation of finely powdered bone on the basis of density should not only enable younger and older populations of osteons to be separated but also make it possible to separate out a less diagenetically altered component. We show that the density fractionation method can be used as a tool to investigate the isotopic history within an individual's lifetime, both in recent and archaeological contexts, and we use the bomb C-14 atmospheric pulse for validating the method.
1. To understand population dynamics in stressed environments it is necessary to join together two classical lines of research. Population responses to environmental stress have been studied at low density in life table response experiments. These show how the population's growth rate (pgr) at low density varies in relation to levels of stress. Population responses to density, on the other hand, are based on examination of the relationship between pgr and population density. 2. The joint effects of stress and density on pgr can be pictured as a contour map in which pgr varies with stress and density in the same way that the height of land above sea level varies with latitude and longitude. Here a microcosm experiment is reported that compared the joint effects of zinc and population density on the pgr of the springtail Folsomia candida (Collembola). 3. Our experiments allowed the plotting of a complete map of the effects of density and a stressor on pgr. Particularly important was the position of the pgr= 0 contour, which suggested that carrying capacity varied little with zinc concentration until toxic levels were reached. 4. This prediction accords well with observations of population abundance in the field. The method also allowed us to demonstrate, simultaneously, hormesis, toxicity, an Allee effect and density dependence. 5. The mechanisms responsible for these phenomena are discussed. As zinc is an essential trace element the initial increase in pgr is probably a consequence of dietary zinc deficiency. The Allee effect may be attributed to productivity of the environment increasing with density at low density. Density dependence is a result of food limitation. 6. Synthesis and applications. We illustrate a novel solution based on mapping a population's growth rate in relation to stress and population density. Our method allows us to demonstrate, simultaneously, hormesis, toxicity, an Allee effect and density dependence in an important ecological indicator species. We hope that the approach followed here will prove to have general applicability enabling predictions of field abundance to be made from estimates of the joint effects of the stressors and density on population growth rate.
This paper presents an efficient construction algorithm for obtaining sparse kernel density estimates based on a regression approach that directly optimizes model generalization capability. Computational efficiency of the density construction is ensured using an orthogonal forward regression, and the algorithm incrementally minimizes the leave-one-out test score. A local regularization method is incorporated naturally into the density construction process to further enforce sparsity. An additional advantage of the proposed algorithm is that it is fully automatic and the user is not required to specify any criterion to terminate the density construction procedure. This is in contrast to an existing state-of-art kernel density estimation method using the support vector machine (SVM), where the user is required to specify some critical algorithm parameter. Several examples are included to demonstrate the ability of the proposed algorithm to effectively construct a very sparse kernel density estimate with comparable accuracy to that of the full sample optimized Parzen window density estimate. Our experimental results also demonstrate that the proposed algorithm compares favorably with the SVM method, in terms of both test accuracy and sparsity, for constructing kernel density estimates.
Extending previous studies, a full-circle investigation of the ring current has been made using Cluster 4-spacecraft observations near perigee, at times when the Cluster array had relatively small separations and nearly regular tetrahedral configurations, and when the Dst index was greater than −30 nT (non-storm conditions). These observations result in direct estimations of the near equatorial current density at all magnetic local times (MLT) for the first time and with sufficient accuracy, for the following observations. The results confirm that the ring current flows westward and show that the in situ average measured current density (sampled in the radial range accessed by Cluster 4–4.5RE) is asymmetric in MLT, ranging from 9 to 27 nAm−2. The direction of current is shown to be very well ordered for the whole range of MLT. Both of these results are in line with previous studies on partial ring extent. The magnitude of the current density, however, reveals a distinct asymmetry: growing from 10 to 27 nAm−2 as azimuth reduces from about 12:00MLT to 03:00 and falling from 20 to 10 nAm−2 less steadily as azimuth reduces from 24:00 to 12:00MLT. This result has not been reported before and we suggest it could reflect a number of effects. Firstly, we argue it is consistent with the operation of region-2 field aligned-currents (FACs), which are expected to flow upward into the ring current around 09:00MLT and downward out of the ring current around 14:00MLT. Secondly, we note that it is also consistent with a possible asymmetry in the radial distribution profile of current density (resulting in higher peak at 4– 4.5RE). We note that part of the enhanced current could reflect an increase in the mean AE activity (during the periods in which Cluster samples those MLT).
We report the analysis of a uniform sample of 31 light curves of the nova-like variable UU Aqr with eclipse-mapping techniques. The data were combined to derive eclipse maps of the average steady-light component, the long-term brightness changes, and the low- and high-frequency flickering components. The long-term variability responsible for the ""low-brightness`` and ""high-brightness`` states is explained in terms of the response of a viscous disk to changes of 20%-50% in the mass transfer rate from the donor star. Low- and high-frequency flickering maps are dominated by emission from two asymmetric arcs reminiscent of those seen in the outbursting dwarf nova IP Peg, and they are similarly interpreted as manifestations of a tidally induced spiral shock wave in the outer regions of a large accretion disk. The asymmetric arcs are also seen in the map of the steady light aside from the broad brightness distribution of a roughly steady-state disk. The arcs account for 25% of the steady-light flux and are a long-lasting feature in the accretion disk of UU Aqr. We infer an opening angle of 10 degrees +/- 3 degrees for the spiral arcs. The results suggest that the flickering in UU Aqr is caused by turbulence generated after the collision of disk gas with the density-enhanced spiral wave in the accretion disk.
New results for attenuation and damping of electromagnetic fields in rigid conducting media are derived under the conjugate influence of inertia due to charge carriers and displacement current. Inertial effects are described by a relaxation time for the current density in the realm of an extended Ohm`s law. The classical notions of poor and good conductors are rediscussed on the basis of an effective electric conductivity, depending on both wave frequency and relaxation time. It is found that the attenuation for good conductors at high frequencies depends solely on the relaxation time. This means that the penetration depth saturates to a minimum value at sufficiently high frequencies. It is also shown that the actions of inertia and displacement current on damping of magnetic fields are opposite to each other. That could explain why the classical decay time of magnetic fields scales approximately as the diffusion time. At very small length scales, the decay time could be given either by the relaxation time or by a fraction of the diffusion time, depending on whether inertia or displacement current, respectively, would prevail on magnetic diffusion.
Phenomenological orbital-polarizition (OP) terms have been repeatedly introduced in the single-particle equations of spin-density-functional theory, in order to improve the description of orbital magnetic moments in systems containing transition metal ions. Here we show that these ad hoc corrections can be interpreted as approximations to the exchange-correlation vector potential A(xc) of current-density functional theory (CDFT). This connection provides additional information on both approaches: phenomenological OP terms are connected to first-principles theory, leading to a rationale for their empirical success and a reassessment of their limitations and the approximations made in their derivation. Conversely, the connection of OP terms with CDFT leads to a set of simple approximations to the CDFT potential A(xc), with a number of desirable features that are absent from electron-gas-based functionals. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Layer-by-layer (LbL) films from K(2)Nb(6)O(17)(2-) and polyallylamine (PAH) and dip-coating films of H(2)K(2)Nb(6)O(17) were prepared on a fluorine-doped tin-oxide (FTO)-coated glass. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) images were carried out for morphological characterization of both materials. The real surface area and the roughness factor were determined on the basis of pseudocapacitive processes involved in the electroreduction/electrooxidation of gold layers deposited on these films. Next, lithium ion insertion into these materials was examined by means of electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical measurements. More specifically, cyclic voltammetry and current pulses under visible light beams were used to investigate mass transport and chromogenic properties. The lithium ion diffusion coefficient (D(Li)) within the LbL matrix is significantly higher than that within the dip-coating film, ensuring high storage capacity of lithium ions in the self-assembled electrode. Contrary to the LbL film, the potentiodynamic profile of absorbance change (Delta A) as a function of time is not similar to that obtained in the case of current density for the dip-coating film. Aiming at analyzing the rate of the coloration front associated with lithium ion diffusion, a spectroelectrochemical method based on the galvanostatic intermittent titration technique (GITT) was employed so as to determine the ""optical"" diffusion coefficient (D(op)). In the dip-coating film, the method employed here revealed that the lithium ion rate is higher in diffusion pathways formed from K(2)Nb(6)O(17)(2-) sites that contribute more significantly to Delta A. Meanwhile, the presence of PAH contributed to the increased ionic mobility in diffusion pathways in the LbL film, with low contribution to the electrochromic efficiency. These results aided a better understanding of the potentiodynamic profile of the temporal change of absorbance and current density during the insertion/deinsertion of lithium ions into the electrochromic materials.
The ethanol oxidation reaction (EOR) was investigated using PtSnCe/C electrocatalysts in different mass ratios (72:23:5, 68:22:10 and 64:21:15) that were prepared by the polymeric precursor method. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed that the particles ranged in size from approximately 2 to 5 nm. Changes in the net parameters observed for Pt suggest the incorporation of Sn and Ce into the Pt crystalline network with the formation of an alloy between Pt, Sn and/or Ce. Among the PtSnCe catalysts investigated, the 68:22:10 composition showed the highest activity toward ethanol oxidation, and the current time curves obtained in the presence of ethanol in acidic media showed a current density 50% higher than that observed for commercial PtSn/C (E-Tek). During the experiments performed on single direct ethanol fuel cells, the power density for the PtSnCe/C 68:22:10 anode was nearly 40% higher than the one obtained using the commercial catalyst. Data from Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy showed that the observed behavior for ethanol oxidation may be explained in terms of a double mechanism. The presence of Sn and Ce seems to favor CO oxidation, since they produce an oxygen-containing species to oxidize acetaldehyde to acetic acid. Copyright (C) 2011, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents the results concerning the degradation of the pesticide carbaryl comparing two methods: electrochemical (EC) and photo-assisted electrochemical (PAEC). The experimental variables of applied current density, electrolyte flow-rate and initial carbaryl concentration were investigated. The results demonstrate that the electrochemical degradation of carbaryl was greatly enhanced when simultaneous UV light was applied. The greatest difference between the PAEC and EC method was apparent when lower current densities were applied. The extent of COD removal was much enhanced for the combined method, independent of the applied current density. It should be noted that the complete removal of carbaryl was achieved with out the need to add NaCl to the reaction mixture, avoiding the risk of chlorinated organic species formation. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Single-phase perovskite structure Pb(1-x)Ba(x)TiO(3) thin films (x = 0.30, 0.50 and 0.70) were deposited on Pt/Ti/SiO(2)/Si substrates by the spin-coating technique. The dielectric study reveals that the thin films undergo a diffuse type ferroelectric phase transition, which shows a broad peak. An increase of the diffusivity degree with the increasing Barium contents was observed, and it was associated to a grain decrease in the studied composition range. The temperature dependence of the phonon frequencies was used to characterize the phase transition temperatures. Raman modes persist above tetragonal to cubic phase transition temperature, although all optical modes should be Raman inactive. The origin of these modes was interpreted in terms of breakdown of the local cubic symmetry by chemical disorder. The absence of a well-defined transition temperature and the presence of broad bands in some interval temperature above FE-PE phase transition temperature Suggested a diffuse type phase transition. This result corroborates the dielectric constant versus temperature data, which showed a broad ferroelectric phase transition in these thin films. The leakage Current density of the PBT thin films was studied at different temperatures and the data follow the Schottky emission model. Through this analysis the Schottky barrier height values 0.75, 0.53 and 0.34 eV were obtained to the PBT70, PBT50 and PBT30 thin films, respectively. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.