181 resultados para Cuniculus


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Asignatura. Etología de los recursos pesqueros (Licenciatura Ciencias del mar)


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[ES] Se estudia del comportamiento del Oryctolagus cuniculus criado en cautividad ante el hurón (Mustela putorius furo), una especie que se utiliza para la caza de conejos salvajes. Se observa que los conejos permanecían en grupo cuando existía riesgo. No obstante, pasado cierto tiempo, se mostraron curiosos e interactuaban con el potencial predador sin que pareciera haber una clara conducta de evaluación del riesgo de tales acciones.


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This article describes the clinical applicability of a nerve stimulator–guided technique, previously described in dogs, to block the sciatic and the femoral nerves in 4 pet rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) undergoing hind limb surgeries. Preanesthetic intramuscular doses of medetomidine (0.08 mg/kg), ketamine (15 mg/kg), and buprenorphine (0.03 mg/kg) were administered to the rabbit patients. The rabbits were intubated and general anesthesia was maintained using isoflurane in oxygen. The sciatic-femoral nerve block was performed with 2% lidocaine at a volume of 0.05 mL/kg/nerve. Sciatic-femoral block was feasible in rabbits, and the motoric responses following electrical stimulation of both nerves were consistent with those reported in dogs after successful nerve location. Iatrogenic complications, namely nerve damage and local anesthetic toxicity, did not occur. Based on these results, the authors conclude that the sciatic-femoral nerve block described in dogs can be safely performed in rabbits. Clinical trials are required to assess the analgesic efficacy of the combined sciatic-femoral nerve block in rabbits as a part of multimodal pain management.


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Landscape analysis with transects, in the Marina Baja area (province of Alicante, Spain), has contributed to establish the influence of different landscape matrices and some environmental gradients on wild rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Mammalia: Leporidae) abundance (kilometric abundance index, KAI). Transects (n = 396) were developed to estimate the abundance of this species in the study area from 2006 to 2008.Our analysis shows that rabbits have preferences for a specific land use matrix (irrigated: KAI = 3.47 ± 1.14 rabbits/km). They prefer the coastal area (KAI = 3.82 ± 1.71 rabbits/km), which coincides with thermo-Mediterranean (a bioclimatic belt with a tempered winter and a hot and dry summer with high human density), as opposed to areas in the interior (continental climate with lower human occupation). Their preference for the southern area of the region was also noted (KAI = 8.22 ± 3.90 rabbits/km), which coincides with the upper semi-arid area, as opposed to the northern and intermediate areas (the north of the region coinciding with the upper dry and the intermediate area with the lower dry). On the other hand, we found that the number of rabbits increased during the 3-year study period, with the highest abundance (KAI = 2.71 ± 1.30 rabbits/km) inMay. Thus, this study will enable more precise knowledge of the ecological factors (habitat variables) that intervene in the distribution of wild rabbit populations in a poorly studied area.


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Thesis (doctoral)--Friedrich-Alexanders-Universitat Erlangen.


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A longitudinal capture-mark-recapture study was conducted to determine the temporal dynamics of rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) in a European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) population of low to moderate density on sand-hill country in the lower North Island of New Zealand. A combination of sampling ( trapping and radio-tracking) and diagnostic (cELISA, PCR and isotype ELISA) methods was employed to obtain data weekly from May 1998 until June 2001. Although rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus ( RHDV) infection was detected in the study population in all 3 years, disease epidemics were evident only in the late summer or autumn months in 1999 and 2001. Overall, 20% of 385 samples obtained from adult animals older than 11 weeks were seropositive. An RHD outbreak in 1999 contributed to an estimated population decline of 26%. A second RHD epidemic in February 2001 was associated with a population decline of 52% over the subsequent month. Following the outbreaks, the seroprevalence in adult survivors was between 40% and 50%. During 2000, no deaths from RHDV were confirmed and mortalities were predominantly attributed to predation. Influx of seronegative immigrants was greatest in the 1999 and 2001 breeding seasons, and preceded the RHD epidemics in those years. Our data suggest that RHD epidemics require the population immunity level to fall below a threshold where propagation of infection can be maintained through the population.


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Leishmaniasis is one of most important neglected zoonosis and remains endemic in at least 88 developing countries in the world. In addition, anthropogenic environmental changes in urban areas are leading to its emergency world-wide. Zoonotic leishmaniasis control might only be achieved by an integrated approach targeting both the human host and the animal reservoirs, which in certain sylvatic cycles are yet to be identified. Recently, hares have been pointed out as competent reservoirs of Leishmania infantum in Spain, but the role of other lagomorphs has not been clarified. Here, 69 rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) from a natural area in Madrid in which a high density was present were analyzed using indirect (immunofluorescence antibody test, IFAT) and direct (PCR, culture) techniques. Fifty-seven (82.6%) of the animals were positive to at least one technique, with IFAT yielding the highest proportion of positive samples. L. infantum was isolated in 13% animals demonstrating the occurrence of infection in this setting. Our results suggest that rabbits could play a role of competent reservoir of L. infantum and demonstrate that the prevalence of infection is high in the analyzed area.


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The European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) uses the secretion of the chin gland in the maintenance of social status. Previous work has concentrated on secretion collected directly from the animal. In this study, the analysis was conducted by collecting scent marks made by free-ranging animals. Scent marks were found to be concentrated at the center of the area controlled by a social group, and at the boundaries between two adjacent social groups. Only the mark from dominant animals could be identified. Marks were also collected from the skin of rabbits, where they had been placed by the dominant individual. The mark found on the head of a subordinate animal may, in the future, be used to identify the dominant animal of the social group, who placed the mark.


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The volatile components of the chin gland secretion of the wild European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus (L.), were investigated with the use of gas chromatography. Studies of the chemical nature of this secretion by previous workers demonstrated that it was important in the maintenance of social structure in this species. This study identified 34 different volatile components that consist primarily of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons. Especially common are a series of alkyl-substituted benzene derivatives that provide most of the compound diversity in the secretion. Samples of chin gland secretion collected from animals at three different geographical locations, separated by more than 100 km, showed significant differences in composition. This work suggests that variation among populations needs to be considered when undertaking semiochemical research. Alternate nonparametric methods are also used for the analysis of chromatographic data.


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Although prosimians are greatly olfaction-oriented, little is known about the specifics of how they use scent to communicate. In this preliminary study we attempted to delineate intra- and interspecific differences among the anogenital gland secretions of two lemur species (Lemur catta and Propithecus verreauxi coquereli) using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results indicate that the two species are discernible through scent. Furthermore, we were able to identify reproductive status using this technique. The anogenital secretions of the different sexes in L. catta, though perhaps not P. v. coquereli, are chemically distinguishable. Given this information, it appears that at least some lemur species can use scent marks to determine species, sex, and reproductive status. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The present study consisted of two experiments that evaluated experimental infections of Haemaphysalis leporispalustris ticks by a Brazilian strain of Rickettsia rickettsii, and their effect on tick biology. In experiment I, ticks were exposed to R. rickettsii during the larval, nymphal or adult stages by feeding on rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) needle-inoculated with R. rickettsii, and thereafter reared on uninfected rabbits for the entire next tick generation. Regardless of the tick stage that acquired the infection, all subsequent tick stages were shown to be infected by PCR (infection rates varying from 1.3 to 41.7%), and were able to transmit R. rickettsii to uninfected rabbits, as demonstrated by rabbit seroconversion, guinea pig inoculation with rabbit blood, and PCR on rabbit blood. In Experiment II, ticks were exposed to R. rickettsii during the larval stage by feeding on rabbits co-infested with R. rickettsii-infected adult ticks, and thereafter reared on uninfected rabbits until the next generation of larvae. Again, all subsequent tick stages were shown to be infected by PCR (infection rates varying from 3.0 to 40.0%), and were able to transmit R. rickettsii to uninfected rabbits. Thus, it was demonstrated that larvae, nymphs, and adults of H. leporispalustris were able to acquire and maintain the R. rickettsii infection by transstadial and transovarial transmissions within the tick population, with active transmission of the bacterium to susceptible rabbits by all parasitic stages. Analyses of biological parameters of uninfected and R. rickettsii-infected tick lineages were performed in order to evaluate possible deleterious effects of R. rickettsii to the infected tick lineages. Surprisingly, all but one of the four R. rickettsii-experimental groups of the present study showed overall better biological performance than their sibling uninfected control ticks. Results of the present study showed that H. leporispalustris could support infection by a high virulent strain of R. rickettsii for at least two generations, in which infected tick lineages tended to have better performance than uninfected ticks. Our results support a possible role of H. leporispalustris in the enzootic maintenance of R. rickettsii in Latin America, as previously suggested by earlier works.


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Purpose: The present study assessed damage to the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) following nerve lateralization and implant placement surgery through optical and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Materials and Methods: IAN lateralization was performed in 16 adult female rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). During the nerve lateralization procedure, one implant was placed through the mandibular canal, and the IAN was replaced in direct contact with the implant The implant was placed in the right mandible, and the left side was used as a control (no surgical procedure) After 8 weeks, the animals were sacrificed and samples were prepared for optical and TEM analysis of IAN structural damage Histomorphometric analysis was performed to determine the number and cross-sectional dimensions of nerve fascicles and myelin sheath thickness between experimental and control grouos. The different parameters were compared by one-way analysis of variance at the 95% significance level Results: Alterations in the perineural and endoneural regions of the IAN, with higher degrees of vascularization., were observed in the experimental group TEM showed that the majority of the myelinated nerve fibers were not affected in the experimental samples. No significant variation in the number of fascicles was observed, significantly larger fascicle height and width were observed in the control group, and significantly thicker myelin sheaths were observed in the experimental samples Conclusion: IAN lateralization resulted in substantial degrees of tissue disorganization at the microstructural level because of the presence of edema However, at the ultrastructural level, small amounts of fiber degeneration were observed. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2009,24-859-865


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El acopio esparcido ha recibido singular atención en las últimas décadas, y muchos estudios se han centrado en semillas de palmeras dispersadas por Dasyprocta. Nuestro objetivo fue identificar las especies consumidoras de frutos de Mauritia flexuosa, evaluar la importancia relativa de esas especies y el destino de las semillas dispersadas. Utilizamos experimentos de campo para evaluar el destino de las semillas removidas por frugívoros, en la Reserva de la Biosfera Pilón Lajas, Bolivia. Predijimos que las semillas enterradas por Dasyprocta tendrían menor mortalidad que las no enterradas. Colocamos 6-16 estaciones de frutos, con 15-50 frutos cada una, en cinco periodos de muestreo cubriendo un año. Los principales dispersores de M. flexuosa fueron D. punctata y Cuniculus paca, que transportan las semillas un máximo de 12.63 m y 14.1 m, respectivamente. Los dispersores removieron 7.5% de los frutos de las estaciones. Todas las semillas dispersadas en cuatro de los muestreos fueron depredadas o se pudrieron; solamente el 0.5% de las semillas dispersadas en febrero germinaron. De las semillas colocadas sobre y debajo del suelo en época seca y húmeda, solamente sobrevivieron aquellas enterradas en la época húmeda; el resto fueron depredadas o se pudrieron. Ninguna de las 84 semillas removidas por D. punctata fue enterrada, lo cual difiere de casi todos los reportes sobre el comportamiento de Dasyprocta. Discutimos este resultado en relación al posible efecto de la humedad del suelo y el tamaño de las semillas, y postulamos que la elevada abundancia del recurso haría innecesario acopiar semillas bajo suelo


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A região da cuesta de Botucatu caracteriza-se por um gradiente topográfico contendo um mosaico de ambientes com diferentes formações de vegetação natural (floresta estacional semidecidual, cerrado e matas ciliares), além de áreas antropizadas com a predominância de pastagens, plantações de cana-de-açúcar, laranja, e reflorestamentos de eucalipto, com paisagem fragmentada. Inserida nesta região, a Fazenda Experimental Edgardia, pertencente à Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Botucatu, representa uma amostra desta heterogeneidade ambiental, tendo grande importância para a conservação da biodiversidade, tanto de flora como fauna. Entretanto, poucos são os estudos sobre a sua fauna, principalmente de mamíferos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo conhecer a fauna de mamíferos de médio e grande porte nesta área, e sua relação com o mosaico de habitats. Foram obtidos registros indiretos da presença de mamíferos através de vestígios (pegadas e fezes) em transectos (trilhas pré-existentes), ao longo de um ano. De março de 2004 a março de 2005 foram registradas 18 espécies de mamíferos silvestres de médio e grande porte. Quanto à ocorrência destacou-se Mazama sp., presente em todos os ambientes, com maior abundância relativa no ambiente de transição de floresta/Cerradão. Puma concolor (Linnaeus, 1771), Leopardus pardalis (Linnaeus, 1758), Cerdocyon thous (Linnaeus, 1766), Procyon cancrivorus (Cuvier, 1798) e Dasypus novemcinctus (Linnaeus, 1758) também foram encontradas em praticamente todos os ambientes, e espécies como Chironectes minimus (Zimmermann, 1780), Cuniculus paca Linnaeus, 1766, Eira barbara (Linnaeus, 1758) e uma espécie do gênero Conepatus Gray, 1837 estiveram restritas a ambientes específicos. A análise de correspondência mostrou oito espécies com ocorrência em todos os ambientes: sete mais associadas aos ambientes de várzea, floresta e pastagem e três aos ambientes de cultura de arroz, transição entre floresta/Cerradão e vegetação natural em estádio sucessional secundário. Os resultados sugerem que a fauna de mamíferos de médio e grande porte na Fazenda Experimental Edgardia está sujeita às modificações ambientais que a região vem sofrendo. Embora existam preferências de algumas espécies por determinados hábitats, parece ocorrer certa plasticidade em relação às modificações de seus hábitats originais.


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O estudo objetivou avaliar a riqueza e composição de vertebrados de médio e grande porte em latrinas ativas e inativas de ariranhas [Pteronura brasiliensis (Gmelin, 1788)], em uma Unidade de Conservação de Uso Sustentável na Amazônia Oriental Brasileira. O estudo foi realizado em 45 latrinas ao longo de 230 km nos rios Falsino e Araguari (0°55'N, 51°35'W), sendo que desse total, 24 apresentaram fezes frescas e 21 fezes velhas de ariranhas. De julho a novembro de 2012, cada latrina foi monitorada com uma armadilha fotográfica programada para operar por 24 horas. O esforço de campo resultou em 458,8 armadilhas/dia, sendo 247,5 armadilhas/dia em latrinas com fezes frescas e 211,3 armadilhas/dia com fezes velhas. Foram obtidos registros de 22 espécies de vertebrados. A maior parte das espécies registradas foram mamíferos (n = 13), seguida por aves (n = 6), e répteis (n = 3). As espécies mais frequentemente fotografadas foram paca [Cuniculus paca (Linnaeus, 1766); n = 21], jaguatirica [Leopardus pardalis (Linnaeus, 1758); n =11], juriti-pupu (Leptotila verreauxi Bonaparte, 1855; n = 8), ariranha [Pteronura brasiliensis (Gmelin, 1788); n = 7], e anta [Tapirus terrestris (Linnaeus, 1758); n = 6], que foram responsáveis por 55,8% de todos os registros. A maior parte dos registros (69,5%) foram obtidos em latrinas com fezes frescas e o número de espécies foi maior (n = 19) do que os registrados em latrinas com fezes velhas (n = 15). No entanto, a dissimilaridade entre a comunidade de vertebrados entre latrinas com fezes frescas e velhas não diferiu. A média de visitação em latrinas com fezes frescas foi ligeiramente superior do que em latrinas com fezes velhas, embora essa diferença tenha sido apenas marginalmente significativa. Entretanto, houve uma diminuição no número de registros de felinos [Leopardus pardalis, Leopardus wiedii (Schinz, 1821) e Panthera onca (Linnaeus, 1758)], marginalmente significativo em latrinas com fezes frescas. Dessa forma, a presença de fezes frescas em latrinas ativas de ariranhas parecem aumentar o registro de espécies de vertebrados, sendo especialmente importante para os grupos que apresentam guilda trófica similar.