993 resultados para Crystalline rocks


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Chromium oxide gel material was synthesised and appeared to be X-ray amorphous. The changes in the structure of the synthetic chromium oxide gel were investigated using hot-stage Raman spectroscopy based upon the results of thermogravimetric analysis. The thermally decomposed product of the synthetic chromium oxide gel in nitrogen atmosphere was confirmed to be crystalline Cr2O3 as determined by the hot-stage Raman spectra. Two bands were observed at 849 and 735 cm-1 in the Raman spectrum at 25 °C, which were attributed to the symmetric stretching modes of O-CrIII-OH and O-CrIII-O. With temperature increase, the intensity of the band at 849 cm-1 decreased, while the band at 735 cm-1 increased. These changes in intensity are attributed to the loss of OH groups and formation of O-CrIII-O units in the structure. A strongly hydrogen bonded water H-O-H bending band was found at 1704 cm-1 in the Raman spectrum of the chromium oxide gel, however this band shifted to around 1590 cm-1 due to destruction of the hydrogen bonds upon thermal treatment. Six new Raman bands were observed at 578, 540, 513, 390, 342 and 303 cm-1 attributed to the thermal decomposed product Cr2O3. The use of the hot-stage Raman microscope enabled low-temperature phase changes brought about through dehydration and dehydroxylation to be studied.


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A solvothermal route for the preparation of crystalline state lithium niobate using Li2 CO3 and Nb2 O5 is developed. Oxalic acid is employed as solvent, which coordinates with niobium oxide to stimulate the main reaction. Scanning electron microscopy images show that the as-prepared sample displays a cubic morphology. X-ray diffraction and IR spectrum of the as-prepared sample indicate that the sample is well crystalline.


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Based on the embedded atom method (EAM) and molecular dynamics (MD) method, the mono-crystalline copper with different defects is investigated through tension and nanoindentation simulation. The single-crystal copper nanowire with surface defects is firstly studied through tension. For validation, the tension simulations for nanowire without defect are carried out under different temperatures and strain rates. The defects on nanowires are then systematically studied in considering different defects orientation distribution. It is found that the Young’s modulus is insensitive of surface defects and centro-plane defects. However, the yield strength and yield point show a significant decrease due to the different defects. Specially, the 〖45〗^° defect in surface and in (200) plane exerts the biggest influence to the yield strength, about 34.20% and 51.45% decrease are observed, respectively. Different defects are observed to serve as a dislocation source and different necking positions of the nanowires during tension are found. During nanoindentation simulation, dislocation is found nucleating below the contact area, but no obvious dislocation is generated around the nano-cavity. Comparing with the perfect substrate during nanoindentation, the substrate with nano-cavities emerged less dislocations, it is supposed that the nano-cavity absorbed part of the indent energy, and less plastic deformation happened in the defected substrate.


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Magnetic Resonance Imaging was used to study changes in the crystalline lens and ciliary body with accommodation and aging. Monocular images were obtained in 15 young (19-29 years) and 15 older (60-70 years) emmetropes when viewing at far (6m) and at individual near points (14.5 to 20.9 cm) in the younger group. With accommodation, lens thickness increased (mean±95% CI: 0.33±0.06mm) by a similar magnitude to the decrease in anterior chamber depth (0.31±0.07mm) and equatorial diameter (0.32±0.04mm) with a decrease in the radius of curvature of the posterior lens surface (0.58±0.30mm). Anterior lens surface shape could not be determined due to the overlapping region with the iris. Ciliary ring diameter decreased (0.44±0.17mm) with no decrease in circumlental space or forward ciliary body movement. With aging, lens thickness increased (mean±95% CI: 0.97±0.24mm) similar in magnitude to the sum of the decrease in anterior chamber depth (0.45±0.21mm) and increase in anterior segment depth (0.52±0.23mm). Equatorial lens diameter increased (0.28±0.23mm) with no change in the posterior lens surface radius of curvature. Ciliary ring diameter decreased (0.57±0.41mm) with reduced circumlental space (0.43±0.15mm) and no forward ciliary body movement. Accommodative changes support the Helmholtz theory of accommodation including an increase in posterior lens surface curvature. Certain aspects of aging changes mimic accommodation.


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A holistic study of the composition of the basalt groundwaters of the Atherton Tablelands region in Queensland, Australia was undertaken to elucidate possible mechanisms for the evolution of these very low salinity, silica- and bicarbonate-rich groundwaters. It is proposed that aluminosilicate mineral weathering is the major contributing process to the overall composition of the basalt groundwaters. The groundwaters approach equilibrium with respect to the primary minerals with increasing pH and are mostly in equilibrium with the major secondary minerals (kaolinite and smectite), and other secondary phases such as goethite, hematite, and gibbsite, which are common accessory minerals in the Atherton basalts. The mineralogy of the basalt rocks, which has been examined using X-ray diffraction and whole rock geochemistry methods, supports the proposed model for the hydrogeochemical evolution of these groundwaters: precipitation + CO 2 (atmospheric + soil) + pyroxene + feldspars + olivine yields H 4SiO 4, HCO 3 -, Mg 2+, Na +, Ca 2+ + kaolinite and smectite clays + amorphous or crystalline silica + accessory minerals (hematite, goethite, gibbsite, carbonates, zeolites, and pyrite). The variations in the mineralogical content of these basalts also provide insights into the controls on groundwater storage and movement in this aquifer system. The fresh and weathered vesicular basalts are considered to be important in terms of zones of groundwater occurrence, while the fractures in the massive basalt are important pathways for groundwater movement.


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Molecular dynamics simulations were carried out on single chain models of linear low-density polyethylene in vacuum to study the effects of branch length, branch content, and branch distribution on the polymer’s crystalline structure at 300 K. The trans/gauche (t/g) ratios of the backbones of the modeled molecules were calculated and utilized to characterize their degree of crystallinity. The results show that the t/g ratio decreases with increasing branch content regardless of branch length and branch distribution, indicating that branch content is the key molecular parameter that controls the degree of crystallinity. Although t/g ratios of the models with the same branch content vary, they are of secondary importance. However, our data suggests that branch distribution (regular or random) has a significant effect on the degree of crystallinity for models containing 10 hexyl branches/1,000 backbone carbons. The fractions of branches that resided in the equilibrium crystalline structures of the models were also calculated. On average, 9.8% and 2.5% of the branches were found in the crystallites of the molecules with ethyl and hexyl branches while C13 NMR experiments showed that the respective probabilities of branch inclusion for ethyl and hexyl branches are 10% and 6% [Hosoda et al., Polymer 1990, 31, 1999–2005]. However, the degree of branch inclusion seems to be insensitive to the branch content and branch distribution.


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The environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) has been used to image liquid hydrocarbons in sandstones and oil shales. Additionally, the fluid sensitivity of selected clay minerals in hydrocarbon reservoirs was assessed via three case studies: HCl acid sensitivity of authigenic chlorite in sandstone reservoirs, freshwater sensitivity of authigenic illite/smectite in sandstone reservoirs, and bleach sensitivity of a volcanic reservoir containing abundant secondary chlorite/corrensite. The results showed the suitability of using ESEM for imaging liquid hydrocarbon films in hydrocarbon reservoirs and the importance of simulating in situ fluid-rock interactions for hydrocarbon production programmes. In each case, results of the ESEM studies greatly enhanced prediction of reservoir/borehole reactions and, in some cases, contradicted conventional wisdom regarding the outcome of potential engineering solutions. (C) 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Experiments were carried out on the sodium hypochlorite bleach sensitivity of a deep subsurface andesitic reservoir in order to predict possible deleterious mineral transformations during a downhole clean-up job. Experiments involved examination of core samples from the reservoir using an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM) with an attached Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS) before and after the samples were immersed in bleach. Bleach immersion of whole-rock samples resulted in rapid (less than 1 min) precipitation of abundant 3.0-10.0-μm-wide calcite rhombs within clay-associated micropores and on clay and feldspar grain surfaces. Abundant microporefilling calcite rhombs also formed in pure separates of constituent chlorite/corrensite, whereas no calcite formed in a pure separate of constituent zeolite. These experiments indicate that corrensite is the likely calcium source in this experimental fluid-rock system. Formation of calcite occurs via a cation exchange reaction in which calcium in the smectitic interlayers of corrensite exchanges for sodium in the bleach. Serious formation damage due to calcite precipitation would have occurred in the andesite reservoir had it been exposed to bleach. This finding gives credence to earlier suggestions that cation exchange reactions have the potential to cause calcite precipitation in some sandstone reservoirs when exposed to drilling, completion or stimulation fluids. © 1993.


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The Geothermal industry in Australia and Queensland is in its infancy and for hot dry rock (HDR) geothermal energy, it is very much in the target identification and resource definition stages. As a key effort to assist the geothermal industry and exploration for HDR in Queensland, we are developing a comprehensive and new integrated geochemical and geochronological database on igneous rocks. To date, around 18,000 igneous rocks have been analysed across Queensland for chemical and/or age information. However, these data currently reside in a number of disparate datasets (e.g., Ozchron, Champion et al., 2007, Geological Survey of Queensland, journal publications, and unpublished university theses). The goal of this project is to collate and integrate these data on Queensland igneous rocks to improve our understanding of high heat producing granites in Queensland, in terms of their distribution (particularly in the subsurface), dimensions, ages, and controlling factors in their genesis.


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Across central Australia and south-west Queensland, a large (~800,000km2) subsurface temperature anomaly occurs (Figure 1). Temperatures are interpreted to be greater than 235°C at 5km depth, ca. 85°C higher than the average geothermal gradient for the upper continental crust (Chopra & Holgate, 2005; Holgate & Gerner, 2011). This anomaly has driven the development of Engineered Geothermal Systems (EGS) at Innamincka, where high temperatures have been related to the radiogenic heat production of High Heat Producing Granites (HHPG) at depth, below thermally insulative sedimentary cover (Chopra & Holgate, 2005; Draper & D’Arcy, 2006; Meixner & Holgate, 2009). To evaluate the role of granitic rocks at depth in generating the broader temperature anomaly in SW-Queensland, we sampled 25 granitic rocks from basement intervals of petroleum drill cores below thermal insulative cover along two transects (WNW–ESE and NNE–SSW — Figure 1) and performed a multidisciplinary study involving petrography, whole-rock chemistry, zircon dating and thermal conductivity measurements.