142 resultados para Crucible


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During the summer of 1994, Archaeology in Annapolis conducted archaeological investigations of the city block bounded by Franklin, South and Cathedral Streets in the city of Annapolis. This Phase III excavation was conducted as a means to identify subsurface cultural resources in the impact area associated with the proposed construction of the Anne Arundel County Courthouse addition. This impact area included both the upper and lower parking lots used by Courthouse employees. Investigations were conducted in the form of mechanical trenching and hand excavated units. Excavations in the upper lot area yielded significant information concerning the interior area of the block. Known as Bellis Court, this series of rowhouses was constructed in the late nineteenth century and was used as rental properties by African-Americans. The dwellings remained until the middle of the twentieth century when they were demolished in preparation for the construction of a Courthouse addition. Portions of the foundation of a house owned by William H. Bellis in the 1870s were also exposed in this area. Construction of this house was begun by William Nicholson around 1730 and completed by Daniel Dulany in 1732/33. It was demolished in 1896 by James Munroe, a Trustee for Bellis. Excavations in the upper lot also revealed the remains of a late seventeenth/early eighteenth century wood-lined cellar, believed to be part of the earliest known structure on Lot 58. After an initially rapid deposition of fill around 1828, this cellar was gradually covered with soil throughout the remainder of the nineteenth century. The fill deposit in the cellar feature yielded a mixed assemblage of artifacts that included sherds of early materials such as North Devon gravel-tempered earthenware, North Devon sgraffito and Northem Italian slipware, along with creamware, pearlware and whiteware. In the lower parking lot, numerous artifacts were recovered from yard scatter associated with the houses that at one time fronted along Cathedral Street and were occupied by African- Americans. An assemblage of late seventeenth century/early eighteenth century materials and several slag deposits from an early forge were recovered from this second area of study. The materials associated with the forge, including portions of a crucible, provided evidence of some of the earliest industry in Annapolis. Investigations in both the upper and lower parking lots added to the knowledge of the changing landscape within the project area, including a prevalence of open space in early periods, a surprising survival of impermanent structures, and a gradual regrading and filling of the block with houses and interior courts. Excavations at the Anne Arundel County Courthouse proved this to be a multi-component site, rich in cultural resources from Annapolis' Early Settlement Period through its Modern Period (as specified by Maryland's Comprehensive Historic Preservation Plan (Weissman 1986)). This report provides detailed interpretations of the archaeological findings of these Phase III investigations.


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It is well known that during alloy solidification, convection currents close to the so-lidification front have an influence on the structure of dendrites, the local solute concentration, the pattern of solid segregation, and eventually the microstructure of the casting and hence its mechanical properties. Controlled stirring of the melt in continuous casting or in ingot solidification is thought to have a beneficial effect. Free convection currents occur naturally due to temperature differences in the melt and for any given configuration, their strength is a function of the degree of superheat present. A more controlled forced convection current can be induced using electro-magnetic stirring. The authors have applied their Control-Volume based MHD method [1, 2] to the problem of tin solidification in an annular crucible with a water-cooled inner wall and a resistance heated outer one, for both free and forced convection situations and for various degrees of superheat. This problem was studied experimentally by Vives and Perry [3] who obtained temperature measurements, front positions and maps of electro-magnetic body force for a range of superheat values. The results of the mathematical model are compared critically against the experimental ones, in order to validate the model and also to demonstrate the usefulness of the coupled solution technique followed, as a predictive tool and a design aid. Figs 6, refs 19.


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The liquid metal flow in induction crucible models is known to be unstable, turbulent and difficult to predict in the regime of medium frequencies when the electromagnetic skin-layer is of considerable extent. We present long term turbulent flow measurements by a permanent magnet incorporated potential difference velocity probe in a cylindrical container filled with eutectic melt In-Ga-Sn. The parallel numerical simulation of the long time scale development of the turbulent average flow is presented. The numerical flow model uses an implicit pseudo-spectral code and k-w turbulence model, which was recently developed for the transitional flow modelling. The results compare reasonably to the experiment and demonstrate the time development of the turbulent flow field and the turbulence energy.


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The liquid metal flow in inducation crucible models is known to be higly unstable and turbutlen in the regim e of medium frequecies when the elctronmagnetic skin-layer is of considerable extent. We present long term turbulent flow measurements by a permanent magnet incorporated potential difference veolocity probe in a cylindirical container filled with eutecti mlt In-Ga-SN. The parallel numerical simulation of the long time scale development of the turbulen average flow is presented. The numerical lfow model uses a pseud-spectral code and k-w turbulence model, which was recently developed for the transitional flow modelling. The result compare reasonably to the experiment and demonstrate the time development of the turbulent flow field.


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Electromagnetic processing of liquid metals involves dynamic change of the fluid volume interfacing with a melting solid material, gas or vacuum, and possibly a different liquid. Electromagnetic field and the associated force field are strongly coupled to the free surface dynamics and the heat-mass transfer. We present practical modelling examples of the flow and heat transfer using an accurate pseudo-spectral code and the k-omega turbulence model suitable for complex and transitional flows with free surfaces. The 'cold crucible' melting is modelled dynamically including the melting front gradual propagation and the magnetically confined free surrounding interface. Intermittent contact with the water-cooled segmented wall and the radiation heat losses are parts of the complex problem.


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A casting route is often the most cost-effective means of producing engineering components. However, certain materials, particularly those based on Ti, TiAl and Zr alloy systems, are very reactive in the molten condition and must be melted in special furnaces. Induction Skull Melting (ISM) is the most widely-used process for melting these alloys prior to casting components such as turbine blades, engine valves, turbocharger rotors and medical prostheses. A major research project is underway with the specific target of developing robust techniques for casting TiAl components. The aims include increasing the superheat in the molten metal to allow thin section components to be cast, improving the quality of the cast components and increasing the energy efficiency of the process. As part of this, the University of Greenwich (UK) is developing a computer model of the ISM process in close collaboration with the University of Birmingham (UK) where extensive melting trials are being undertaken. This paper describes the experimental measurements to obtain data to feed into and to validate the model. These include measurements of the true RMS current applied to the induction coil, the heat transfer from the molten metal to the crucible cooling water, and the shape of the column of semi-levitated molten metal. Data are presented for Al, Ni and TiAl.


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The pseudo-spectral solution method offers a flexible and fast alternative to the more usual finite element and volume methods, particularly when the long-time transient behaviour of a system is of interest. The exact solution is obtained at grid collocation points leading to superior accuracy on modest grids. Furthermore, the grid can be freely adapted in time and space to particular flow conditions or geometric variations, especially useful where strongly coupled, time-dependent, multi-physics solutions are investigated. Examples include metallurgical applications involving the interaction of electromagnetic fields and conducting liquids with a free surface. The electromagnetic field determines the instantaneous liquid volume shape, which then affects the electromagnetic field. A general methodology of the pseudo-spectral approach is presented, with several instructive example applications: the aluminium electrolysis MHD problem, induction melting in a cold crucible and the dynamics of AC/DC magnetically levitated droplets. Finally, comparisons with available analytical solutions and to experimental measurements are discussed.


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Electromagnetic Levitation (EML) is a valuable method for measuring the thermo-physical properties of metals - surface tensions, viscosity, thermal/electrical conductivity, specific heat, hemispherical emissivity, etc. – beyond their melting temperature. In EML, a small amount of the test specimen is melted by Joule heating in a suspended AC coil. Once in liquid state, a small perturbation causes the liquid envelope to oscillate and the frequency of oscillation is then used to compute its surface tension by the well know Rayleigh formula. Similarly, the rate at which the oscillation is dampened relates to the viscosity. To measure thermal conductivity, a sinusoidally varying laser source may be used to heat the polar axis of the droplet and the temperature response measured at the polar opposite – the resulting phase shift yields thermal conductivity. All these theoretical methods assume that convective effects due to flow within the droplet are negligible compared to conduction, and similarly that the flow conditions are laminar; a situation that can only be realised under microgravity conditions. Hence the EML experiment is the method favoured for Spacelab experiments (viz. TEMPUS). Under terrestrial conditions, the full gravity force has to be countered by a much larger induced magnetic field. The magnetic field generates strong flow within the droplet, which for droplets of practical size becomes irrotational and turbulent. At the same time the droplet oscillation envelope is no longer ellipsoidal. Both these conditions invalidate simple theoretical models and prevent widespread EML use in terrestrial laboratories. The authors have shown in earlier publications that it is possible to suppress most of the turbulent convection generated in the droplet skin layer, through use of a static magnetic field. Using a pseudo-spectral discretisation method it is possible compute very accurately the dynamic variation in the suspended fluid envelope and simultaneously compute the time-varying electromagnetic, flow and thermal fields. The use of a DC field as a dampening agent was also demonstrated in cold crucible melting, where suppression of turbulence was achieved in a much larger liquid metal volume and led to increased superheat in the melt and reduction of heat losses to the water-cooled walls. In this paper, the authors describe the pseudo-spectral technique as applied to EML to compute the combined effects of AC and DC fields, accounting for all the flow-induced forces acting on the liquid volume (Lorentz, Maragoni, surface tension, gravity) and show example simulations.


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Vacuum arc remelting (VAR) aims at production of high quality, segregation-free alloys. The quality of the produced ingots depends on the operating conditions which could be monitored and analyzed using numerical modelling. The remelting process uniformity is controlled by critical medium scale time variations of the order 1-100 s, which are physically initiated by the droplet detachment and the large scale arc motion at the top of liquid pool [1,2]. The newly developed numerical modelling tools are addressing the 3-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic and thermal behaviour in the liquid zone and the adjacent ingot, electrode and crucible.


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The tilt-casting method is used to achieve tranquil filling of gamma-TiAl turbine blades. The reactive alloy is melted in a cold crucible using an induction coil and then the complete crucible-mould- running system assembly is rotated through 180degrees to transfer the metal into the mould. The induction current is ramped down gradually as the rotation starts and the mould is preheated to maintain superheat. The liquid metal then enters the mould and the gas within it (argon) escapes through the inlet aperture and through auxiliary vents. Solidification starts as soon the metal enters the mould and it is important to account for this effect to predict and prevent misruns. The rotation rate has to be controlled carefully to allow sufficient time for gas evacuation, but at the same time preserve superheat. This 3-phase system is modelled using the FV method, with a fast implicit numerical scheme used to capture the transient liquid free surface. The enthalpy method is used to model solidification and predict defects such as trapped bubbles, macro-porosity or surface connected porosity. Modeling is used to support an experimental program for the development of a production method for gamma-TiAl blades, with a target length of 40cm. The experiments provide validation for the model and the model in turn optimizes the tilt-casting process. The work is part of the EU project IMPRESS.


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Newly developed numerical modelling tools are described, which address the 3-dimensional (3D) time-dependent magnetohydrodynamic and thermal behaviour in the liquid pool zone in the adjacent ingot, electrode and crucible. The melting electrode film flow and the droplet detachment initiation are simulated separately by an axisymmetric transient model.


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Ponencia presentada en el Coloquio interdisciplinario sobre brujas. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM, octubre 2004.


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Résumé Le premier article de la thèse se veut une revue systématique des données empiriques mettant en lumière les antécédents à la base de l’émergence du leadership narcissique dans les organisations, ses composantes psychologiques ainsi que ses incidences tant pour les organisations que pour leurs membres. Conséquemment, cette étude brosse initialement une recension détaillée des principaux facteurs idiosyncrasiques, culturels, environnementaux et structurels participant à la manifestation du leadership narcissique dans les organisations. Par la suite, elle en sonde la teneur en isolant l’existence de cinq composantes psychologiques, soit le charisme, l’influence intéressée, la motivation fallacieuse, l’inhibition intellectuelle et la considération simulée. Enfin, elle souligne les conséquences négatives de son actualisation dont les principales sont : la production de prises de décisions volatiles et risquées; la création d’un climat organisationnel toxique; la destruction de la confiance des subordonnés; la détérioration de l’efficacité organisationnelle; l’émergence d’une gestion dysfonctionnelle; et la manifestation de comportements non-éthiques. Le deuxième article s’avère une analyse comparative de deux types de leadership se révélant, de prime abord, trompeusement analogues. Ces deux types sont le leadership transformationnel et le leadership narcissique. Quoique se situant aux antipodes en matière de satisfaction de besoins (influence idéalisée versus influence intéressée), de promotion de visions (motivation inspirationnelle versus motivation fallacieuse), de réceptivité à la rétroaction d’autrui (stimulation intellectuelle versus inhibition intellectuelle) et de traitement des relations interpersonnelles (considération individualisée versus considération simulée), les leaderships transformationnel et narcissique partagent entre eux un élément commun : le charisme du leader. C’est précisément cette dernière caractéristique, conférant à son détenteur un puissant halo magnétisant, qui se révèle le creuset de la spéciosité du leadership narcissique opérant essentiellement lors des tout premiers contacts avec le leader. En fait, le charisme du leader narcissique sert en quelque sorte de fard, composé de charme et de fascination, masquant une décevante réalité psychologique et dont les propriétés captieuses s’étiolent rapidement. Le troisième article de la thèse est une étude conceptuelle examinant la structuration idiosyncrasique des criminels en col blanc ayant commis des fraudes financières se chiffrant à plusieurs dizaines de millions de dollars. Exploitant le croisement des deux dimensions fondamentales de l’agression, soit sa fonction (proactive ou réactive) et sa forme (directe ou indirecte), cette étude propose une taxonomie archétypique de différents types de psychopathie susceptible de mieux cerner la psychologie du criminel en col blanc d’envergure. L’agression est dite proactive lorsqu’elle est motivée par des impératifs de prédation indépendants de l’état émotionnel de l’individu. L’action de l’individu prédateur est intentionnelle et instrumentale. Elle vise l’atteinte d’objectifs préétablis avant l’actualisation de l’agression. Par contre, elle est considérée réactive lorsque la préservation de l’intégrité physique ou psychologique de l’individu est l’objet d’une menace émergeant de son environnement externe immédiat. Dans ce cas, la réaction agressive de l’individu est émotionnellement conditionnée. Par ailleurs, nonobstant la nature de sa fonction, l’agression peut s’exprimer directement ou indirectement. Elle est considérée directe lorsqu’elle a pour cible l’agressé en tant que tel. La forme physique d’agression peut être physique (sévices corporels) ou verbale (menaces et insultes). Par contre, lorsqu’elle emprunte des modes d’expression plus subtils, tels les rumeurs, l’humour malicieux et la tromperie, l’agression est dite indirecte. Le pairage des deux dimensions fondamentales de l’agression permet la construction d’un modèle d’analyse bidimensionnelle englobant quatre types de psychopathie, à savoir les psychopathies parasitique (préservation indirecte), colérique (préservation directe), cynégétique (prédation directe) et sympathique (prédation indirecte). C’est précisément cette dernière forme de psychopathie, le type sympathique caractérisé par un étaiement idiosyncrasique narcissico-machiavélique, qui traduit le mieux la psychologie des criminels en col blanc d’envergure. Enfin, le quatrième et dernier article de la présente thèse se propose d’explorer une problématique de recherche n’ayant reçu que très peu d’attention de la part des membres de la communauté scientifique, à savoir l’examen de l’adéquation d’un modèle dimensionnel du narcissisme pathologique inspiré du modèle développé par Roche, Pincus, Lukowitsky, Ménard et Conroy (2013). Au moyen d’une étude de cas exploratoire, il a été possible d’associer la vulnérabilité narcissique au segment décompensatoire (échec des stratégies inadaptées d’agrandissement de soi) du modèle théorique inspiré de celui de Roche et al. (2013) et ce, conformément à ses prescriptions. En effet, la comparaison des résultats de l’un des deux participants de l’étude, madame H, obtenus lors des deux saisies de données espacées d’un intervalle d’une année, indique une diminution de la vulnérabilité narcissique lors de la période de re-compensation. En outre, cette diminution est accompagnée de celle de la grandiosité narcissique. En somme, la relation positive entre les deux dimensions du narcissisme pathologique se révèle, sur un plan longitudinal, constante dans les deux segments – compensatoire (recours à des stratégies inadaptées d’agrandissement de soi) et décompensatoire – du modèle théorique inspiré de celui de Roche et al. (2013). Par ailleurs, les résultats obtenus auprès des deux participants à l’étude de cas, monsieur B et de madame H, s’avèrent éclairants eu égard à la prépondérance respective de chacune des dimensions (grandiosité et vulnérabilité) narcissiques en fonction des segments compensatoire et décompensatoire du modèle théorique inspiré de celui de Roche et al. (2013). Se trouvant en mode de compensation narcissique lors des deux saisies de données, monsieur B affiche une grandiosité narcissique supérieure à sa vulnérabilité narcissique. Cette constatation respecte en tous points les prescriptions théoriques du modèle. Quant à madame H, qu’elle soit en mode de compensation ou de décompensation narcissique (postulat non démontré eu égard aux prescriptions du modèle théorique utilisé), sa vulnérabilité narcissique demeure constamment plus élevée que sa grandiosité narcissique. Théoriquement, selon les prescriptions du modèle, la prépondérance devrait être observée chez la dimension « grandiosité narcissique » en période de compensation. De toute évidence, les données obtenues auprès de madame H s’écartent de ces prescriptions.


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En esta investigación se parte de la hipótesis que la política relativa a la protección de invenciones basadas en recursos biológicos, establecida por la OMC, tiene un impacto negativo en la soberanía de los países en desarrollo, en tanto que dicha política no contiene disposiciones para impedir con el know how técnico, ni con la información sobre logística de distribución y aún con el know how técnico, ni con la información sobre logística de distribución y aún no se cuenta con información precisa de los mercados,