957 resultados para Crown of Aragon
Aproximació als fets de la conquesta de Mallorca per Jaume I a través de la historiografia catalana medieval i el seu ús com a instrument de propaganda política.
Ayant en perspective la faible représentativité des élèves d’origine haïtienne issus des milieux défavorisés de la grande région de Montréal dans les filières scientifiques à l’école secondaire et dans les orientations de carrière, cette étude vise à examiner l’incidence de caractéristiques individuelles ainsi que de facteurs associés à l’environnement familial, scolaire, socioéconomique et culturel sur les attitudes de ces élèves envers les sciences. L’analyse des données est basée sur les résultats d’un questionnaire portant sur le profil sociodémographique d’un groupe d’élèves de quatrième et cinquième année fréquentant deux écoles secondaires multiethniques de la couronne-nord de Montréal ainsi que sur des entretiens avec quinze de ces élèves qui sont d’origine haïtienne. Des entretiens ont également été réalisés avec des parents, un membre d’un organisme communautaire, des membres du personnel des écoles ainsi que des professionnels et scientifiques haïtiano-québécois dans le but de porter un regard croisé sur les différentes positions exprimées par les quinze élèves. Le modèle écosystémique de Bronfenbrenner (1979, 1986) a servi de cadre de référence permettant de dégager les pôles les plus marquants dans les attitudes envers les sciences chez les élèves d’origine haïtienne. La synthèse des opinions exprimées par les différents répondants souligne l’existence d’un environnement peu valorisant des sciences autour des élèves d’origine haïtienne. Les conditions socioéconomiques, les pratiques familiales, le statut ethnoculturel ainsi que des représentations individuelles des sciences concourent à créer et à maintenir des attitudes très peu engageantes envers les sciences chez ces élèves. L’étude met en évidence l’urgence de démystifier les sciences en brisant certains stéréotypes qui empêchent certaines catégories d’élèves d’accéder aux sciences. Elle commande aussi les politiques en matière d’éducation d’être plus ouvertes aux différences ethnoculturelles et d’explorer des manières dynamiques de rendre la culture scientifique accessible à tous les groupes sociaux.
The elderly tutor La Sale's didactic treatise for his charges (dated 1451) includes an eye-witness account of the siege of Anjou-held Naples by the Aragonese in 1438. It narrates the accidental death (or miracle, depending on the perspective of the chroniclers) of the infante Pedro of Castille, brother of King Alfonso the Magnanimous of Aragon. This article explores how "La Sale", an adapted version of the Middle French translation of Valerius Maximus's 'Facta et dicta memorabilia', frames and skews the anecdote towards an exploration of the reliability and authority of the tutor-narrator.
Writing this collection of journalistic nonfiction has come at an appropriate time for me as I head out into the world on my own. I still don’t know if or where I’ll be working. I don’t know if I’ll be an intern or employee or if I want to go to graduate school in the future. The world is wide open before me, and that is a scary thing. However, these women have been assuring and guiding me. Meeting and interviewing them has taught me that life is subjective. They have shown me that everything we own can be lost in an instant, that life—family, freedom, happiness—is more precious and more fragile than we may think. These women are not superficial; they are sincere and wise. I would consider myself blessed to have a fraction of their strength, and, indeed, it is their characters to which I aspire. Each woman has suffered loss, but each woman has also gained a new, deeper perspective on life. They are the ones who, from my point of view, are flying high and clinging tight—with views from the crown of the forest.
This article reports a longitudinal follow-up of a 15-month-old child with dental trauma resulting from an attack by a dog. The injury consisted of laceration of the facial tissues and loss of the upper central deciduous incisors, in addition to loss of bone tissue in the same area. A malformation of the crown of the right central permanent incisor and complete change of the shape of the left central permanent incisor were observed. The etiological factors of childhood injuries as well as the importance of dental emergency care are discussed and the 14-year clinical and radiographic follow up of the case is presented.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate in vitro the efficacy of root reinforcements by light-cured composite resin or zirconium fiber post in simulated immature non-vital teeth. Fifty-six bovine incisors teeth were used for this study. The crown of each tooth was removed in the medium third to obtain a standard length of 30 mm. The specimens were divided into four groups (n = 14): G1) the root canals were instrumented and enlarged to simulate immature non-vital teeth and were reinforced with a light-cured composite resin using a translucent curing post (Luminex system); (G2) the specimens were instrumented, enlarged and they received root reinforcement with zirconium fiber post; G3 (positive control): they received similar treatment to the G1 and G2 groups, but did not receive root reinforcement; G4 (negative control): the roots were not weakened and did not receive reinforcement. Every tooth was submitted to compressive force using an Instron testing machine with an angle of 45&DEG; at a speed of 1 mm min(-1) until the fracture. The results showed a markedly increased resistance to fracture in the G1 and G2 (122.38 and 122.08 kgf, respectively). Among the results of G1 and G2 there was not any significant difference (P > 0.05) but they were significantly different from the control groups (P < 0.05). The conclusion is that the use of root reinforcements with zirconiun fiber post or composite resin can increase significantly the structural resistance of the weakened teeth, decreasing the risk of the fracture.
The Catholic kings government - Fernando of Aragon and Isabel of Castille - (1474-1504) is set in Middle to Modern Age transition period and was considered a period of justice and peace in Castille. It makes us possible to question about implications, to law, of a kingdom organization in a transition era. We propose to verify what characterize the passage from a medieval law to a modern law, and which elements indicate this transition in catholic kings government. We emphasize two main prerrogatives, a medieval tradition, a judge one, and another of modern character, the legislative, that close on Fernando and label tradition.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This monograph is aimed at reflecting the internal structure of the book Coroa da Terra (1946), the Portuguese poet Jorge de Sena (1919-1978), investigating for this, the guiding criteria for the ordering of poems. Starting from a question posed by an author paratext, we considered the possibility that the book is constituted as a unit of poetic path, in which each poem comprises a stretch of the pilgrimage undertaken by the poet toward the crown of the Earth. Moreover, from the epigraph of the book and the Preface (1960) of 1st edition of Poesia I (1961), we consider the idea that the Coroa da Terra is a search for truth, or even that the pilgrimage made by the poet is on the trail of a poetic word conscious and therefore ethically responsible. This search would set the poetic language of testimony, from which derive two other important vectors for the exegesis of poetry seniana: metamorphosis and pilgrimage. Upholding the unity of the book would be the language in dialectical flow as a formal procedure, which enables the poet be an expression in constant motion. To check the validity of our hypothesis, we conducted an analysis of four poems in sequential order (―Purgatório‖, ―Suma Teológica‖, ―Os trabalhos e os dias‖, ―Espiral‖). To them, it was added to analyze the poem ―Metamorfose‖, poem 23rd of the Coroa da Terra, which acted as a reference point and as close to the research by presenting a character's thought seniano synthesis. It was found that the idea of unity is sustained when we consider Coroa da Terra as a journey of formative poetic direction
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)