954 resultados para Critical incident technique


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Le présent mémoire s’intéresse aux interventions policières en contexte de crise. Il s’attarde plus particulièrement à l’usage de la force par les structures d’intervention spécialisée. L’intérêt de cette étude découle principalement du manque de connaissances empiriques sur le sujet. L’objectif général de cette étude est de comprendre les éléments qui peuvent expliquer le recours à la force par les structures d’intervention spécialisées et de vérifier si ces facteurs varient selon le type de menace auquel font face les policiers. Nous nous sommes intéressés à 438 événements de crise suicidaire, de barricade et de prise d’otage qui se sont déroulés au Québec, de 1990 à 2011, et durant lesquels est intervenu le groupe tactique d’intervention (GTI) de la Sûreté du Québec (SQ). Pour une meilleure compréhension de cette problématique, il sera en premier lieu question de comparer, selon leur niveau de risque, les personnes présentant une menace uniquement pour elles-mêmes avec celles présentant une menace pour autrui et les personnes qui présentent une menace tant pour elles-mêmes que pour autrui. En second lieu, malgré le fait que près de 90 % des situations de crise se terminent par une reddition pacifique, il est pertinent de connaître les facteurs qui expliquent l’usage de la force de la part des policiers et de voir si ces facteurs varient selon le niveau de risque de l’individu. Des analyses descriptives ont permis d’établir que les situations où l’individu en crise présente uniquement une menace pour lui-même diffèrent des autres groupes sur la base de certaines variables. Cet individu est davantage jugé comme suicidaire et il possède plus souvent des antécédents psychiatriques. L’élément déclencheur est souvent associé aux problèmes conjugaux, ce qui coïncide avec le fait que c’est souvent la conjointe ou l’ex-conjointe qui appelle les autorités. Des analyses bivariées n’ont pas illustré de profils distincts selon la problématique de la crise. Or, certains facteurs se démarquent des autres de manière générale pour l’ensemble de l’échantillon et les différents groupes. La possession d’une arme par l’individu, le degré d’intoxication, la présence d’antécédents psychiatriques, la durée du premier contact avec les policiers et la qualité de la négociation sont effectivement des facteurs qui semblent influencer à un certain point les opérations. Les analyses de régression logistique indiquent que les policiers interviennent davantage lorsqu’il n’y aucun contact n’est établi avec l’individu. Nous observons également que ces derniers restent davantage en retrait lorsque l’individu, présentant une menace pour lui-même, est en possession d’une arme à feu. D’autre part, il semble que les policiers réagissent plus souvent auprès des individus présentant une menace pour autrui lorsque la négociation est jugée non satisfaisante. Nous pouvons en conclure qu’ils semblent davantage s’attarder à des facteurs précis qu’au type de menace, ce qui rejoint un certain segment de la littérature à ce sujet.


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Shipping list no.: 2004-0092-P.


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Fathers in the United Kingdom (UK) usually attend the birth and immediate care of their baby. They also have an increasing presence during complicated and preterm childbirth, newborn resuscitation and early neonatal unit(NNU) care. However, there is limited evidence about the effect of these experiences on them. The aim of this study was to gain an understanding of the experiences of fathers encountering these situations. The study consisted of three phases and was undertaken in one National Health Service trust in the UK. Qualitative semi-structured interviews using a phenomenological approach were undertaken with 20 first-time fathers present at the delivery, resuscitation and/or admission of their baby to the NNU. Direct observations were made of 22 normal and complicated deliveries and initial newborn care and qualitative semi-structured interviews using the critical incident approach were undertaken with 37 health care professionals (HCPs). The study generated qualitative and quantitative data that were analysed accordingly. The findings show that most fathers were involved for at least some of the time and often spontaneously initiated their involvement. Their most important need was for information. They were usually more concerned about their partner, irrespective of the baby?s need for resuscitation and NNU care. To facilitate their involvement, fathers needed guidance and support from HCPs, particularly delivery suite midwives. Most HCPs recognised the needs of fathers and ways in which they could be helped to connect with their experience. However, these needs were not always met, usually because of inadequate staffing levels, a lack of resources or a mother-centred philosophy of care. The findings suggest the service often determines the extent to which fathers are involved. It is anticipated that these findings will inform HCP education and training and the development of both policy and health education thereby enhancing the quality of care provision for fathers.


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This thesis is a qualitative case study drawing on discourse analysis and ethnographic traditions. The aim of the study is to provide a description of the discourse consciously constructed by a group of six TESOL professionals in the interests of their own development. Once a week, the group met for one hour and took turns to act as 'Speaker'. The other five individuals acted as Understanders. The extra space given to the Speaker allowed a fuller articulation of a problem or focus than would normally be possible in other professional talk. The Understanders contributed moves to support this articulation. The description covers a two-year period (1998-2000) of this constructed discourse. Data, collected during this period, are drawn from several different sources: recordings, interviews, diaries and critical incident journals. The main recordings are of the actual Group Development Meetings (GDMs). Discussion of six transcribed GDMs demonstrates which discourse choices and decisions were important. In particular, the study looks at the key role played by 'Reflection' in this process. It is argued that Reflection is the key element in supporting the Speaker. The analysis of Reflection, which is considered from four perspectives (values, purpose, form and outcomes) draws on data from the featured cases. Issues relating to the transfer to other groups of this discourse-based approach to professional development are considered.


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Oliver’s 1997 four-stage loyalty model proposes that loyalty consists of belief, affect, intention, and action. Although this loyalty model has recently been subject to empirical examination, the issue of moderator variables has been largely neglected. This article fills that void by analyzing the moderating effects of selected personal and situational characteristics, using a sample of 888 customers of a large do-it-yourself retailer. The results of multi-group causal analysis suggest that these moderators exert an influence on the development of the different stages of the loyalty sequence. Specifically, age, income, education and expertise, price orientation, critical incident recovery, and loyalty card membership are found to be important moderators of the links in the four-stage loyalty model. Limitations of the study are outlined, and implications for both research and managerial practice are discussed.


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Objective: To explore healthcare professionals’ experiences around the time of newborn resuscitation in the delivery room, when the baby’s father was present. Design: A qualitative descriptive, retrospective design using the critical incident approach. Tape-recorded semistructured interviews were undertaken with healthcare professionals involved in newborn resuscitation. Participants recalled resuscitation events when the baby’s father was present. They described what happened and how those present, including the father, responded. They also reflected upon the impact of the resuscitation and the father’s presence on themselves. Participant responses were analysed using thematic analysis. Setting: A large teaching hospital in the UK. Participants: Purposive sampling was utilised. It was anticipated that 35–40 participants would be recruited. Forty-nine potential participants were invited to take part. The final sample consisted of 37 participants including midwives, obstetricians, anaesthetists, neonatal nurse practitioners, neonatal nurses and paediatricians. Results: Four themes were identified: ‘whose role?’ ‘saying and doing’ ‘teamwork’ and ‘impact on me’. While no-one was delegated to support the father during the resuscitation, midwives and anaesthetists most commonly took on this role. Participants felt the midwife was the most appropriate person to support fathers. All healthcare professional groups said they often did not know what to say to fathers during prolonged resuscitation. Teamwork was felt to be of benefit to all concerned, including the father. Some paediatricians described their discomfort when fathers came to the resuscitaire. None of the participants had received education and training specifically on supporting fathers during newborn resuscitation. Conclusions: This is the first known study to specifically explore the experiences of healthcare professionals of the father’s presence during newborn resuscitation. The findings suggest the need for more focused training about supporting fathers. There is also scope for service providers to consider ways in which fathers can be supported more readily during newborn resuscitation.


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This thesis begins with a review of the literature on wisdom models, theories of wise leadership, and existing wisdom measures. It continues with a review of how the concept of wisdom may add value to existing leadership models, highlighting the need to empirically identify the characteristics of wise leaders and develop a wise leadership measure. A nomological framework for wise leadership is then presented. Based on a review of the wisdom and leadership paradigms, a mixed-methods research design is described for three studies to define the characteristics of wise leadership in organisations; identify specific leadership challenges that might require wise responses; and to develop the wise leadership measure comprising of vignettes. The first study involves critical incident interviews with 26 nominated wise leaders and 23 of their nominators, which led to the identification of nine wise leadership dimensions which include Strong Ethical Code, Strong Judgement, Optimising Positive Outcomes, Managing Uncertainty, Strong Legacy, Leading with Purpose, Humanity, Humility, and Self-Awareness. The second study includes critical incident interviews with 20 leaders about organisational challenges associated with the nine dimensions, to elucidate the wise leadership measure. The third study includes the design of 45 vignettes based on organisational challenges that measure the nine wise leadership dimensions. The measure is then administered to 250 organisational leaders to establish its construct validity, leading to the selection of 18 vignettes forming the final wise leadership measure. Theoretical, methodological and practical implications of this research are then discussed with recommendations for future research.


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This paper presents a case study of an elite female coach and her career termination from a 20+ year career following a critical life incident. A novel autobiographical approach was adopted whereby the participant undertook expressive writing to describe her experiences prior to, during, and following coaching an athlete at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. Thematic analysis indicated seven phases related to the participant’s experiences of the critical incident: Build up to the event, the event, the aftermath, recovery and reflection on the event, sampling of new avenues, enlightenment, and career re-birth. The findings reinforce the high demands placed upon elite coaches, the subsequent threats to physical and mental well-being, and the importance of having robust psychological skills and suitable social support to cope with these demands. Implications for preparing and supporting coaches for successful career transition are discussed.


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Cette thèse examine le comportement de quatre doyens canadiens dont les facultés sont en situation financière précaire. Dans un contexte d’imputabilité accrue des établissements universitaires et de modification constante aux rapports de pouvoir internes, cette étude présente une importance particulière pour la compréhension de l’exercice réel des fonctions administratives des cadres académiques intermédiaires. La recherche scientifique sur ce sujet attribue aux doyens une contribution vitale au bon fonctionnement des établissements; le doyen en demeure pourtant un des rouages les moins étudiés. La position intermédiaire qu’occupent les doyens les place dans un conflit de rôle évident. Pris entre des rôles et des attentes contradictoires émis par la communauté facultaire, d’une part, et par la direction de l’établissement, d’autre part, ils doivent conjuguer cette ambiguïté avec des responsabilités croissantes en matière de gestion financière, de leadership et d’opérationnalisation des visées stratégiques de l’université. Comprendre la façon dont les doyens arrivent à mobiliser les leviers institutionnels à leur disposition pour résoudre des situations critiques permettra d’améliorer notre compréhension de la complexité de la prise de décision au niveau intermédiaire et notre compréhension globale du fonctionnement des établissements universitaires. La présente étude importe de la théorie culturelle-historique de l’activité (culturalhistorical activity theory, ou CHAT) un modèle d’analyse de l’activité collective en situation de contradictions systémiques. Quatre doyens d’une même université ont été interviewés afin de présenter une situation vécue de difficulté budgétaire, et le processus de résolution qui a suivi. Les données ont été analysées qualitativement afin de décrire les interventions que réalisent les doyens sur les leviers présents dans leurs environnements. Les résultats suggèrent que les participants ont misé sur une maîtrise fine des rouages institutionnels et sur des interventions diversifiées afin de résoudre les contradictions de leurs systèmes d’activité.


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Cette thèse examine le comportement de quatre doyens canadiens dont les facultés sont en situation financière précaire. Dans un contexte d’imputabilité accrue des établissements universitaires et de modification constante aux rapports de pouvoir internes, cette étude présente une importance particulière pour la compréhension de l’exercice réel des fonctions administratives des cadres académiques intermédiaires. La recherche scientifique sur ce sujet attribue aux doyens une contribution vitale au bon fonctionnement des établissements; le doyen en demeure pourtant un des rouages les moins étudiés. La position intermédiaire qu’occupent les doyens les place dans un conflit de rôle évident. Pris entre des rôles et des attentes contradictoires émis par la communauté facultaire, d’une part, et par la direction de l’établissement, d’autre part, ils doivent conjuguer cette ambiguïté avec des responsabilités croissantes en matière de gestion financière, de leadership et d’opérationnalisation des visées stratégiques de l’université. Comprendre la façon dont les doyens arrivent à mobiliser les leviers institutionnels à leur disposition pour résoudre des situations critiques permettra d’améliorer notre compréhension de la complexité de la prise de décision au niveau intermédiaire et notre compréhension globale du fonctionnement des établissements universitaires. La présente étude importe de la théorie culturelle-historique de l’activité (culturalhistorical activity theory, ou CHAT) un modèle d’analyse de l’activité collective en situation de contradictions systémiques. Quatre doyens d’une même université ont été interviewés afin de présenter une situation vécue de difficulté budgétaire, et le processus de résolution qui a suivi. Les données ont été analysées qualitativement afin de décrire les interventions que réalisent les doyens sur les leviers présents dans leurs environnements. Les résultats suggèrent que les participants ont misé sur une maîtrise fine des rouages institutionnels et sur des interventions diversifiées afin de résoudre les contradictions de leurs systèmes d’activité.


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Most unsignalised intersection capacity calculation procedures are based on gap acceptance models. Accuracy of critical gap estimation affects accuracy of capacity and delay estimation. Several methods have been published to estimate drivers’ sample mean critical gap, the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) technique regarded as the most accurate. This study assesses three novel methods; Average Central Gap (ACG) method, Strength Weighted Central Gap method (SWCG), and Mode Central Gap method (MCG), against MLE for their fidelity in rendering true sample mean critical gaps. A Monte Carlo event based simulation model was used to draw the maximum rejected gap and accepted gap for each of a sample of 300 drivers across 32 simulation runs. Simulation mean critical gap is varied between 3s and 8s, while offered gap rate is varied between 0.05veh/s and 0.55veh/s. This study affirms that MLE provides a close to perfect fit to simulation mean critical gaps across a broad range of conditions. The MCG method also provides an almost perfect fit and has superior computational simplicity and efficiency to the MLE. The SWCG method performs robustly under high flows; however, poorly under low to moderate flows. Further research is recommended using field traffic data, under a variety of minor stream and major stream flow conditions for a variety of minor stream movement types, to compare critical gap estimates using MLE against MCG. Should the MCG method prove as robust as MLE, serious consideration should be given to its adoption to estimate critical gap parameters in guidelines.


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Currently there is no reliable objective method to quantify the setting properties of acrylic bone cements within an operating theatre environment. Ultrasonic technology can be used to determine the acoustic properties of the polymerising bone cement, which are linked to material properties and provide indications of the physical and chemical changes occurring within the cement. The focus of this study was the critical evaluation of pulse-echo ultrasonic test method in determining the setting and mechanical properties of three different acrylic bone cement when prepared under atmospheric and vacuum mixing conditions. Results indicated that the ultrasonic pulse-echo technique provided a highly reproducible and accurate method of monitoring the polymerisation reaction and indicating the principal setting parameters when compared to ISO 5833 standard, irrespective of the acrylic bone cement or mixing method used. However, applying the same test method to predict the final mechanical properties of acrylic bone cement did not prove a wholly accurate approach. Inhomogeneities within the cement microstructure and specimen geometry were found to have a significant influence on mechanical property predictions. Consideration of all the results suggests that the non-invasive and non-destructive pulse-echo ultrasonic test method is an effective and reliable method for following the full polymerisation reaction of acrylic bone cement in real-time and then determining the setting properties within a surgical theatre environment. However the application of similar technology for predicting the final mechanical properties of acrylic bone cement on a consistent basis may prove difficult.


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Objectives: The lack of durability in resin-dentine bonds led to the use of chlorhexidine as MMP-inhibitor to prevent the degradation of hybrid layers. Biomimetic remineralisation is a concept-proven approach in preventing the degradation of resin-dentine bonds. The purpose of this study is to examine the integrity of aged resin-dentine interfaces created with a nanofiller-containing etch-and-rinse adhesive after the application of these two approaches.Methods: The more established MMP-inhibition approach was examined using a parallel in vivo and in vitro ageing design to facilitate comparison with the biomimetic remineralisation approach using an in vitro ageing design. Specimens bonded without chlorhexidine exhibited extensive degradation of the hybrid layer after 12 months of in vivo ageing.Results: Dissolution of nanofillers could be seen within a water-rich zone within the adhesive layer. Although specimens bonded with chlorhexidine exhibited intact hybrid layers, water-rich regions remained in those hybrid layers and degradation of nanofillers occurred within the adhesive layer. Specimens subjected to in vitro biomimetic remineralisation followed by in vitro ageing demonstrated intrafibrillar collagen remineralisation within hybrid layers and deposition of mineral nanocrystals in nanovoids within the adhesive.Conclusions: The impact was realized by understanding the lack of an inherent mechanism to remove water from resin-dentine interfaces as the critical barrier to progress in bonding with the etch-and-rinse technique. The experimental biomimetic remineralisation strategy offers a creative solution for incorporating a progressive hydration mechanism to achieve this goal, which warrants its translation into a clinically applicable technique. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.