996 resultados para Cretaceous Sediments


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Benthic foraminiferal distribution patterns throughout the late Maastrichtian Tethyan deep sea are analyzed. Many species are ubiquitously distributed throughout this region and therefore it is hard to assess their ecological preferences. However, five species show distribution patterns, which suggest that they may have distinctive paleoenvironmental preferences. These preferences are interpreted from hypothesized surface circulation and upwelling patterns. Additional information comes from Recent benthic foraminiferal ecology and from responses to the Cretaceous/Paleogene (k/Pg) boundary event. This enables us to assess the ecological preferences of these late Maastrichtian taxa, and establish them as ecological-marker (ecomarker) species for paleoenvironmental interpretation of the late Maastrichtian bathyal-abyssal Tethyan realm. (1) Eouvigerina subsculpturu is suggested to be indicative of reasonably oxygenated upper-middle bathyal environments, though with high abundance of utilizable organic matter. (2) Sliteria varsoviensis is linked to areas of late Maastrichtian upwelling and seems to have been an epibenthic species with an opportunistic life mode. (3) Guvelinellu beccuriiformis and (4) Nuttullides truempyi are considered to be indicative of oligotrophic conditions unless they occur with a large proportion of endobenthic morphotypes. (5) Guvelinellu pertusu is proposed to indicate neritic-middle bathyal environments of the 'boreal' realm, which might be influenced by more seasonal food-fluxes and by higher oxygen levels than similar settings in the (sub)tropics. Finally, the anomalous high abundances of the buliminid species Sitella cf. plunu in deep open ocean environments is discussed in terms of possible mechanisms permitting such a (morphologically) opportunistic species to thrive in such an assumedly oligotrophic environment.


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A paleomagnetic investigation of the Late Cretaceous sediments of the Maud Rise, Antarctica, recovered in Holes 689B and 690C provides a fairly complete magnetostratigraphic record ranging from Chron C33N through Chron C29R. The Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary is shown to occur in Chron C29R at Site 690.


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Cretaceous sediments in Montana record events during a period of unusual geologic interest. After a long period of extensive submergence of the area during Jurassic time, came a period of varying continental and marine deposition with consequent variations in the types of sediments laid down. A study of these variations, their extent, and their cause has been the primary object of this thesis.


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Correlation of mineral associations from sediment recovered on the northwestern Australian continental margin document the juvenile-to-mature evolution of a segment of the Indian Ocean. Lower Cretaceous sediments contain sandy-to-silty radiolarian claystone that consists of highly smectitic mixed-layered illite/smectite (I/S) in addition to minor amounts of diagenetic pyrite, barite, and rhodochrosite. These immature, poorly sorted sediments were derived from nearby continental margin sources. Discrete bentonite layers and abundant smectite are the alteration products of volcanic material deposited during early basin formation. Abundant quartz-replaced radiolarian tests suggest high surface-water productivity, and calcareous fossils indicate water depths were above the calcite compensation depth (CCD) in the juvenile Indian Ocean. The increase in pelagic carbonate from the mid- to Late Cretaceous signals the transition to mature, open-ocean conditions. Similar to other slowly deposited contemporaneous deep-sea sediments, mid- to Upper Cretaceous sediments of the northwestern margin of Australia contain palygorskite. This palygorskite is associated with calcareous sediment across the ooze-to-chalk transition, detrital mixed-layered I/S, and zeolite minerals in places. This palygorskite occurs above the transformation from opal-A to opal-CT. The underlying opal-CT sediment contains abundant smectite and zeolite minerals. Calcareous sediment dominates the Cenozoic, except at abyssal sites that were not inundated by calcareous turbidites. Paleocene and Eocene sediments contain abundant smectite and zeolite minerals derived from the alteration of volcanic material. Palygorskite was found to be associated with sepiolite and dolomite in Miocene sediments from Site 765 in the Argo Basin. Pliocene and Quaternary sediments contain detrital kaolinite and mixed-layered I/S, abundant opal-A radiolarian tests, and minor amounts of pyrite


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Five of the six sites drilled during Leg 77 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project yielded Cretaceous sediments. Two of these sites, 535 and 540, form a composite section that spans the upper Berriasian through most of the Cenomanian. Olive black marly limestones in this interval yield relatively rich, well-preserved nannofossil assemblages that allow biostratigraphic subdivision of the sequence. This composite section provides important information on the Early Cretaceous history of the Gulf of Mexico, as well as additional information on tropical Lower Cretaceous nannofossil assemblages. The post-Cenomanian nannofossil (and sedimentary) record is limited to a thin, condensed section of Santonian through lower Maestrichtian pelagic sediments at one site (538) and is absent or represented by redeposited material at the other sites. Two new genera, Perchnielsenella and Darwinilithus, are described. Two new taxa, Darwinilithus pentarhethum and Lithraphidites acutum ssp. eccentricum, are described; and two new combinations, Rhagodiscus reightonensis and Perchnielsenella stradneri, are propose.


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Basal carbonate sediments recovered at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1149 lie directly on magnetic Anomaly M12. They contain abundant and moderately well preserved calcareous nannofossils. Two nannofossil zones are recognized: the lower Calcicalathina oblongata Zone and the upper Lithraphidites bollii Zone, indicating a late Valanginian-late Hauterivian age. The close occurrence of two significant bioevents, the first occurrence (FO) of L. bollii and the FO of Rucinolithus terebrodentarius in Core 185-1149B-20R, together with dip data recorded during in situ geophysical logging, suggest the presence of an unconformity that corresponds to the lower Hauterivian sedimentary section. The continuous occurrence of L. bollii is reported for the first time in sediments from the Pacific Ocean. Other marker species regarded as cosmopolitan (e.g., C. oblongata) have a sporadic occurrence. Nannoconids, very useful zonal markers for Tethyan areas, are virtually absent. The presence of an unusually high abundance of Diazomatolithus lehmanii is also recorded and correlates with the Valanginian 13C positive excursion.


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Lower and Upper Cretaceous sediments of the Maurice Ewing Bank, Site 511 (black shales, mudstones, zeolitic clays, and nannofossil chalk and ooze, 361 m thick) are characterized by an assemblage of planktonic foraminifers of low systematic diversity, including over 50 species. Representatives of Hedbergella, Globigerinelloides, Archaeoglobigerina, Whiteinella, Rugoglobigerina, and Heterohelix are predominant; species of Ticinella, Praeglobotruncana, Globotruncana, Schackoina, and Planoglobulina associated with some interbeds occur in smaller numbers. Planktonic foraminifers enable us to subdivide the Cretaceous sediments into Barremian-Aptian, Albian, upper Cenomanian, Turonian, Coniacian-Santonian, Santonian, Campanian, and upper Campanian-Maestrichtian intervals. The Lower Cretaceous (Albian) and Upper Cretaceous (upper Cenomanian-Turonian) are separated by a distinct hiatus and unconformity. In the Upper Cretaceous section, a hiatus may be present at the top of the Campanian. The upper Cenomanian-Santonian sediments are reduced in thickness, whereas the Campanian-Maestrichtian interval is expanded. In the Barremian-Aptian black shales, planktonic foraminifers are very rare: they were deposited in shallow water under anoxic conditions. In the Albian, when sedimentation conditions became oxidizing and the depth increased to 200-400 meters, they became more common. By the end of the Upper Cretaceous, depths appear to increase to 2000 meters. In the interbeds of calcareous sediments, planktonic foraminifers are common; in interbeds of zeolitic clays they are rare or absent (dissolution facies). Alternation of these types of sediments is especially characteristic of the Coniacian-lower Campanian, testifying to abrupt CCD fluctuations. The planktonic foraminifers of the Falkland Plateau belong to the Austral Province of the Southern Hemisphere. In their systematic composition they are extremely similar to microfauna of the Boreal Province of the Northern Hemisphere.