963 resultados para Crack plane
Although the issue of the out-of-plane response of unreinforced masonry structures under earthquake excitation is well known with consensus among the research community, this issue is simultaneously one of the more complex and most neglected areas on the seismic assessment of existing buildings. Nonetheless, its characterization should be found on the solid knowledge of the phenomenon and on the complete understanding of methodologies currently used to describe it. Based on this assumption, this article presents a general framework on the issue of the out-of-plane performance of unreinforced masonry structures, beginning with a brief introduction to the topic, followed by a compact state of art in which the principal methodologies proposed to assess the out-of-plane behavior of unreinforced masonry structures are presented. Different analytical approaches are presented, namely force and displacement-based, complemented with the presentation of existing numerical tools for the purpose presented above. Moreover, the most relevant experimental campaigns carried out in order to reproduce the phenomenon are reviewed and briefly discussed.
During the last years, several studies have been made aiming to assess the out-of-plane seismic response of unreinforced stone masonry structures. This fact led to the development of a wide variety of models and approaches, ranging from simple kinematic based analytical models up to complex numerical simulations. Nevertheless, for the sake of simplicity, the out-of-plane seismic response of a masonry wall pier may be obtained by means of a simple single-degree-of-freedom system while still providing good results. In fact, despite the assumptions associated with such a simple formulation, it is also true that the epistemic uncertainty inherent with the selection of appropriate input parameters in more complex models may render them truly ineffective. In this framework, this paper focuses on the study of the out-of-plane bending of unreinforced stone masonry walls (cantilevers) by proposing a simplified analytical approach based on the construction of a linearized four-branch model, which is used to characterize the linear and nonlinear response of such structural elements through an overturning moment-rotation relationship. The formulation of the four-branch model is presented and described in detail and the meaningful parameters used for its construction are obtained from a set of experimental laboratory tests performed on six full-scale unreinforced regular sacco stone masonry specimens. Moreover, a parametric analysis aiming to evaluate the effect of these parameters’ variation on the final configuration of the model is presented and critically discussed. Finally, the results obtained from the application of the developed four-branch model on real unreinforced regular sacco stone masonry walls are thoroughly analysed and the main conclusions obtained from its application are summarized.
Stone masonry is one of the oldest and most worldwide used building techniques. Nevertheless, the structural response of masonry structures is complex and the effective knowledge about their mechanical behaviour is still limited. This fact is particularly notorious when dealing with the description of their out-of-plane behaviour under horizontal loadings, as is the case of the earthquake action. In this context, this paper describes an experimental program, conducted in laboratory environment, aiming at characterizing the out-of-plane behaviour of traditional unreinforced stone masonry walls. In the scope of this campaign, six full-scale sacco stone masonry specimens were fully characterised regarding their most important mechanic, geometric and dynamic features and were tested resorting to two different loading techniques under three distinct vertical pre-compression states; three of the specimens were subjected to an out-of-plane surface load by means of a system of airbags and the remaining were subjected to an out-of-plane horizontal line-load at the top. From the experiments it was possible to observe that both test setups were able to globally mobilize the out-of-plane response of the walls, which presented substantial displacement capacity, with ratios of ultimate displacement to the wall thickness ranging between 26 and 45 %, as well as good energy dissipation capacity. Finally, very interesting results were also obtained from a simple analytical model used herein to compute a set of experimental-based ratios, namely between the maximum stability displacement and the wall thickness for which a mean value of about 60 % was found.
The seismic assessment of the local failure modes in existing masonry buildings is currently based on the identification of the so-called local mechanisms, often associated with the out-of-plane wall behavior, whose stability is evaluated by static force-based approaches and, more recently, by some displacement-based proposals. Local mechanisms consist of kinematic chains of masonry portions, often regarded as rigid bodies, with geometric nonlinearity and concentrated nonlinearity in predefined contact regions (unilateral no-tension behavior, possible sliding with friction). In this work, the dynamic behavior of local mechanisms is simulated through multi-body dynamics, to obtain the nonlinear response with efficient time history analyses that directly take into account the characteristics of the ground motion. The amplification/filtering effects of the structure are considered within the input motion. The proposed approach is validated with experimental results of two full-scale shaking-table tests on stone masonry buildings: a sacco-stone masonry façade tested at Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil and a two-storey double-leaf masonry building tested at European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering (EUCENTRE).
Despite the effectiveness of combination antiretroviral therapy in the treatment of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), nonadherence to medication has become a major threat to its effectiveness. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of self-reported irregular use of antiretroviral therapy and the factors associated with such an irregularity in PLWHA. A cross-sectional study of PLWHA who attended two referral centers in the city of Recife, in Northeastern Brazil, between June 2007 and October 2009 was carried out. The study analyzed socioeconomic factors, social service support and personal habits associated with nonadherence to antiretroviral therapy, adjusted by multivariable logistic regression analysis. The prevalence of PLWHA who reported irregular use of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) was 25.7%. In the final multivariate model, the irregular use of cART was associated with the following variables: being aged less than 40 years (OR = 1.66, 95%-CI: 1.29-2.13), current smokers (OR = 1.76, 95%-CI: 1.31-2.37) or former smokers (OR = 1.43, 95%-CI: 1.05-1.95), and crack cocaine users (OR = 2.79, 95%-CI: 1.24-6.32). Special measures should be directed towards each of the following groups: individuals aged less than 40 years, smokers, former smokers and crack cocaine users. Measures for giving up smoking and crack cocaine should be incorporated into HIV-control programs in order to promote greater adherence to antiretroviral drugs and thus improve the quality of life and prolong life expectancy.
The development of novel strengthening techniques to address the seismic vulnerability of masonry elements is gradually leading to simpler, faster and more effective strengthening strategies. In particular, the use of fabric reinforced cementitious matrix systems is considered of great potential, given the increase of ductility achieved with simple and economic strengthening procedures. To assess the effectiveness of these strengthening systems, and considering that the seismic action is involved, one important component of the structural behaviour is the in-plane cyclic response. In this work is discussed the applicability of the diagonal tensile test for the assessment of the cyclic response of strengthened masonry. The results obtained allowed to assess the contribution of the strengthening system to the increase of the load carrying capacity of masonry elements, as well as to evaluate the damage evolution and the stiffness degradation mechanisms developing under cyclic loading.
Five full-scale timber floors were tested in order to analyse the in-plane behaviour of these structural systems. The main objective was an assessment of the effectiveness of in-plane strengthening using cross-laminated timber (CLT). To this end, one unstrengthened specimen (original), one specimen strengthened with a second layer of floorboards, two specimens strengthened with three CLT panels, and one specimen strengthened with two CLT panels, were tested. A numerical analysis was then performed in order to analyse the composite behaviour of the timber floors in more detail. Due to its importance as regards composite behaviour, the first phase of the experimental programme was composed of push-out tests on specimens representing the shear connection between the timber beams and the CLT panels. This paper describes the tests performed and the numerical modelling applied to evaluate the composite behaviour of the strengthened timber floors. The use of CLT panels is revealed to be an effective way to increase the in-plane stiffness of timber floors, through which the behaviour of the composite structure can be significantly changed, depending on the connection applied, or modified as required.
The present work describes a model for the determination of the moment–rotation relationship of a cross section of fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) elements that also include longitudinal bars for the flexural reinforcement (R/FRC). Since a stress–crack width relationship (σ–w)(σ–w) is used to model the post-cracking behavior of a FRC, the σ–w directly obtained from tensile tests, or derived from inverse analysis applied to the results obtained in three-point notched beam bending tests, can be adopted in this approach. For a more realistic assessment of the crack opening, a bond stress versus slip relationship is assumed to simulate the bond between longitudinal bars and surrounding FRC. To simulate the compression behavior of the FRC, a shear friction model is adopted based on the physical interpretation of the post-peak compression softening behavior registered in experimental tests. By allowing the formation of a compressive FRC wedge delimited by shear band zones, the concept of concrete crushing failure mode in beams failing in bending is reinterpreted. By using the moment–rotation relationship, an algorithm was developed to determine the force–deflection response of statically determinate R/FRC elements. The model is described in detail and its good predictive performance is demonstrated by using available experimental data. Parametric studies were executed to evidence the influence of relevant parameters of the model on the serviceability and ultimate design conditions of R/FRC elements failing in bending.
This work proposes a constitutive model to simulate nonlinear behaviour of cement based materials subjected to different loading paths. The model incorporates a multidirectional fixed smeared crack approach to simulate crack initiation and propagation, whereas the inelastic behaviour of material between cracks is treated by a numerical strategy that combines plasticity and damage theories. For capturing more realistically the shear stress transfer between the crack surfaces, a softening diagram is assumed for modelling the crack shear stress versus crack shear strain. The plastic damage model is based on the yield function, flow rule and evolution law for hardening variable, and includes an explicit isotropic damage law to simulate the stiffness degradation and the softening behaviour of cement based materials in compression. This model was implemented into the FEMIX computer program, and experimental tests at material scale were simulated to appraise the predictive performance of this constitutive model. The applicability of the model for simulating the behaviour of reinforced concrete shear wall panels submitted to biaxial loading conditions, and RC beams failing in shear is investigated.
Numerical Assessment of the out-of-plane response of a brick masonry structure without box behaviour
This paper presents the assessment of the out-of-plane response due to seismic loading of a masonry structure without rigid diaphragm. This structure corresponds to real scale brick masonry specimen with a main façade connected to two return walls. Two modelling approaches were defined for this evaluation. The first one consisted on macro modelling, whereas the second one on simplified micro modelling. As a first step of this study, static nonlinear analyses were conducted to the macro model aiming at evaluating the out-of-plane response and failure mechanism of the masonry structure. A sensibility analyses was performed in order to assess the mesh size and material model dependency. In addition, the macro models were subjected to dynamic nonlinear analyses with time integration in order to assess the collapse mechanism. Finally, these analyses were also applied to a simplified micro model of the masonry structure. Furthermore, these results were compared to experimental response from shaking table tests. It was observed that these numerical techniques simulate correctly the in-plane behaviour of masonry structures. However, the
The present study proposes a dynamic constitutive material interface model that includes non-associated flow rule and high strain rate effects, implemented in the finite element code ABAQUS as a user subroutine. First, the model capability is validated with numerical simulations of unreinforced block work masonry walls subjected to low velocity impact. The results obtained are compared with field test data and good agreement is found. Subsequently, a comprehensive parametric analysis is accomplished with different joint tensile strengths and cohesion, and wall thickness to evaluate the effect of the parameter variations on the impact response of masonry walls.
OBJETIVOS: O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar, sob a ótica de usuários de crack, quais são as estratégias que eles utilizam para minimizar ou evitar os riscos decorrentes do consumo de crack. MÉTODO: Utilizou-se método qualitativo de pesquisa, desenvolvido mediante entrevistas semiestruturadas em profundidade. Foi entrevistada uma amostra intencional por critérios, composta por 30 usuários de crack, selecionados por meio de informantes-chave e distribuídos em oito diferentes cadeias. As entrevistas foram transcritas literalmente, inseridas e analisadas no software NVivo 8, com exploração dos dados mediante a técnica de análise de conteúdo. RESULTADOS: Os entrevistados acreditam que os maiores riscos decorrentes da dependência do crack sejam os relacionados aos efeitos psíquicos da droga, como fissura, sintomas paranoides transitórios e sintomas depressivos, assim como os decorrentes da ilegalidade dela, como a polícia e as questões referentes ao tráfico. Entretanto, os riscos de complicações físicas do consumo quase não foram apontados. As estratégias se concentraram no controle dos efeitos psíquicos, principalmente pelo consumo de álcool e maconha. Para lidar com as consequências da ilegalidade da droga, mostraram se preocupar com a postura que adotam perante o traficante e a polícia. CONCLUSÕES: As estratégias desenvolvidas pelos usuários focam na tentativa de se autoprotegerem principalmente dos episódios de violência e no alívio de sintomas desagradáveis causados pela droga - principalmente fissura e sintomas paranoides transitórios. Essas estratégias podem parecer efetivas a curto prazo, porém apresentaram riscos de longo prazo, tais como dependência de álcool e maconha.
Relação entre o craving por tabaco e o craving por crack em pacientes internados para desintoxicação
OBJETIVO: Verificar se há relação entre aumento do craving por crack e aumento do craving por tabaco em pacientes internados para desintoxicação. MÉTODO: Ensaio clínico tipo quase-experimental de análise quantitativa. Amostra composta por 32 homens dependentes de cocaína (crack) e tabaco, em duas a três semanas de abstinência. Realizou-se intervenção em grupo, no qual, inicialmente, foram aplicados: CCQB (Cocaine Craving Questionnaire-Brief ), QSUB (Questionnaire of Smoking Urges-Brief ) e BAI (Inventário Beck de Ansiedade). Em seguida, foram aplicadas imagens relacionadas ao crack e reaplicados CCQB, QSUB e BAI. Após, foi realizada entrevista individual em que se aplicaram FSD (Ficha com Dados Sociodemográficos) e FTND (Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence). RESULTADOS: A partir da exposição de imagens relativas ao crack, houve aumento significativo do craving por crack, do craving por tabaco e dos sintomas de ansiedade, estando essas medidas correlacionadas positivamente entre si. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados indicam uma associação significativa entre craving por crack e craving por tabaco, sugerindo que a abstinência de tabaco pode ajudar na eficácia do tratamento para dependência de crack.
OBJETIVO: Verificar a variação da fissura de dependentes de crack no decorrer da internação e a associação com perfil antropométrico. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa com delineamento transversal (n = 30). Avaliaram-se o perfil de consumo de substâncias psicoativas; dados sociodemográficos; variáveis antropométricas (peso, estatura, índice de massa corporal, relação cintura-quadril, perímetros, dobras cutâneas e diâmetro ósseo); e fissura avaliada por meio do Cocaine Craving Questionnaire Brief. As coletas de dados ocorreram nas 24 horas iniciais e finais do tratamento. RESULTADOS: Observou-se aumento significativo do percentual de gordura e diminuição significativa da fissura. Não se evidenciou associação entre variáveis antropométricas e fissura, tanto no início como ao final da internação. CONCLUSÃO: Houve significativa diminuição na fissura e modificação na composição corporal, entretanto não houve correlação entre essas variáveis.
Introdução: O craving (ou fissura) é um fator muito importante no tratamento da dependência de substâncias psicotrópicas. Objetivo: Validar o Cocaine Craving Questionnaire-Brief - Versão Brasileira Adaptada para o Crack. Método: O delineamento foi experimental e seus participantes foram randomizados, em grupos: experimental, para o qual foi apresentada uma imagem de um indivíduo consumindo crack (G1), e controle (G2), para o qual não foi apresentada nenhuma imagem. A amostra foi composta por 109 sujeitos (G1 = 50 e G2 = 59) do sexo masculino, internados por causa da dependência do crack. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: Entrevista Clínica com dados sociodemográficos, CCQ-B Versão Adaptada para o Crack, Escala Analógico-Visual do Craving, Inventários Beck de Ansiedade e de Depressão e o Estímulo Visual indutor de craving para o G1. Resultados: Na análise fatorial, foram encontrados dois fatores: o fator 1, relacionado ao craving propriamente dito, e o fator 2, relacionado à percepção da falta de controle do uso do crack. Os dois fatores apresentaram variância total de 68,84%, e a correlação entre os fatores foi significativa e de baixa intensidade (r = 0,204; p = 0,041). O alfa de Cronbach do seu total de pontos foi 0,85. O instrumento no total de pontos foi correlacionado com a Escala Analógico-Visual (r = 0,515; p < 0,01). Conclusão: O CCQ-B - Versão Brasileira Adaptada para o Crack demonstrou ser, psicometricamente, satisfatório para utilização em pesquisas e em ambiente clínico.