861 resultados para Costa Rican women teachers-writers


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Dyslipidemia, i.e. high levels of blood lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides), is strongly related to cardiovascular disease (CVD). In order to reduce the risk of CVD at any moment in a person ́s life, it is crucial to know his/her –and the population’s– lipid profile. The aim of this study was to assess the (statistical) indicators of blood lipids and the prevalence of dyslipidemia in patients treated in the Integral Health Attention Program from Universidad de Costa Rica. A descriptive study was conducted including 10,044 patients aged 20 to 65 years, who were tested for a blood lipid profile in 2006. A total of 2,969 (29.6%) male and 7,075 (70.4%) female patients took part in the study, with an average age of 43.5 years. General averages for blood lipids were: 203.3 mg/dl for total cholesterol, 50.1 mg/dl for HDL, 120.1 mg/dl for LDL, and 165.6 mg/dl for triglycerides. Prevalence of 17.2% was determined for hypercholesterolemia (≥240 mg/dl), as well as 21.3% for low HDL levels (<40 mg/dl), 11.9% for high LDL levels (≥160 mg/dl), and 26.3% for high triglyceride levels (≥200 mg/dl). Women showed higher overall levels of dyslipidemia than men. Based on health areas, no significant differences were found in general lipid levels by age or sex. Results indicate that the general prevalence of dyslipidemia is close to half the rate reported in worldwide literature and lower than results reported in Costa Rican studies. However, general averages exceeded optimal levels for each blood lipid; consequently, it is important to develop health interventions oriented to reduce the impact of dyslipidemia in the studied population.


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The purpose of this article is to offer the design and infrastructure parameters necessary to have safe playgrounds since they represent a unique opportunity to foster an integral development, particularly in children.  In these public places, children learn to resolve conflicts to continue playing, having fun, and developing.  These recreational areas then become learning places that foster the formation process and provide great social, emotional, physical, cognitive, intellectual, and spiritual benefits.  However, such benefits are diminished by the lack of interest of the communities and the adult population to optimize playground conditions and by unscrupulous developers, who design playgrounds in inappropriate places putting the population at risk.  Therefore, the following must be taken seriously into consideration before, during, and after the construction of a playground: design, construction, materials, equipment, components and the procedures to meet the necessary safety requirements and the objective for which they were created, that being an area designed, equipped, and located exclusively for playing that facilitates the integral development of the population.  Consequently, it is urgent for Costa Rica to enact clear regulations that guarantee the construction, design, and use of playgrounds that do not put the population’s health at risk, prevent accidents, and guarantee the inalienable rights of each Costa Rican.


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El propósito de este estudio fue conocer la relación entre las variables (soporte social, autonomía, salud mental, actividad físico recreativa) que integran la perspectiva subjetiva de la calidad de vida, ligadas al género en personas adultas mayores costarricenses. Además, conocer el principal motivo de estos sujetos para realizar la actividad física y el beneficio percibido por estos, de acuerdo al género. En este estudio participaron 152 sujetos (92 mujeres y 60 hombres) con edades entre los  60 a 75 años, de 21 centros diurnos, a los cuales se les aplicó dos instrumentos: un cuestionario  de calidad de vida (INISA,1994) y una encuesta sobre actividad física recreativa. Los resultados mostraron relación significativa entre las variables autonomía y soporte social; autonomía y estado mental; autonomía  y frecuencia de la actividad; autonomía y duración. Asimismo, en lo que respecta al género; la depresión geriátrica fue superior en las mujeres (F=5.86). La salud fue el motivo principal para realizar la actividad física y los beneficios principales de ésta para ambos géneros fueron, el sentirse más reanimados, más alegres, con energía, y el alivio de dolores. Se concluye, que la calidad de vida (soporte social, autonomía, salud mental)  percibida por el adulto mayor no difiere en lo que respecta al género e incluso en el motivo o beneficio para hacer actividad física, excepto en lo que respecta a la depresión, la cual se presenta con mayor frecuencia en las mujeres. Se comprueba que la actividad física recreativa le permite obtener al adulto mayor resultados positivos entre más cantidad de veces y  de tiempo por  semana le  dedique.


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Sports and recreation management is addressed here using a model that combines the policies and methodologies applied in the Costa Rican context as a result of a concern to identify the real needs in the sports, recreation, and health promotion fields through the different manifestations of human movement.  This approach has been developed during eight years of work in the Costa Rican Sports and Recreation Institute (Instituto Costarricense del Deporte y la Recreación-ICODER) together with different Costa Rican communities, both rural and urban, and local organizations, such as Comprehensive Development Community Associations, Sports and Recreation Community Boards (CCDR), Municipal Mayorships, and NGOs, among others.  This article particularly takes into consideration the experience of the CCDRs as entities that have been given the responsibility by the Costa Rican Government to promote and manage municipal sports and recreation services with a convenient offering that would meet the needs of users or customers.  In this way, this article is aimed at answering the question on how Boards should conduct an efficient management in a way that they also meet the needs of public users or customers in the municipalities of the country, by proposing a management model that serves as an additional instrument to improving the already existing services managed by the aforementioned entities.  This study presents a model of Costa Rican management structured with the theoretical elements that currently define the organization and planning of sports and recreation as a service.


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No data has apparently been published on morbidity and outpatient service of faculty and staff of a distance university.  This report presents such data from the Universidad Estatal a Distancia (Costa Rican State University for Distance Education). The participants in this study were the employees who were outpatients between January 15, 2004 and December 15, 2006.  Instead of using a sample, the entire population was studied with a total of 1,526 medical records. Procedure: During the first stage all of the medical records were read and the morbidity data was tabulated.  Subsequently, this information was statistically analyzed using Statgraphics Centurion XV. The main findings were that 50% of the patients used the outpatient service only once during the study period and that most of them were between 20 and 50 years of age.  The days with the most consultations were Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.  The number of consultations was relatively stable throughout the year, with a slight increase in June. The three main causes for visiting the service were: upper respiratory tract diseases, muscular-skeletal disorders, and irritated digestive system problems. Main conclusions: Most of the consultations were from the departments with the more faculty and staff members; however, some departments had extremely high or low consultation rates per capita, maybe due to factors such as pathologies that require periodic control, geographical proximity, and psycho-social issues of patients who create a vicious circle due to the somatization of such problems.  The hypothesis that this population’s morbidity rate would differ from the national average because of its high educational level was rejected.  Nevertheless, the hypothesis that there are weekly and yearly cycles was maintained.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the cognitive effects of applying physical recreational activities to two groups of pre-school students, related to mathematics to one of the groups and recreational games to the other.  A total of 27 subjects (13 girls and 14 boys) of 5 and a half and 6 and half years of age participated in the study.  The instrument used was a questionnaire including basic math concepts such as geometry, basic operations with concrete elements, and how to read the clock, based on the topics established by the Costa Rican Ministry of Public Education.  Once the instrument was developed, a plan of physical recreational activities related to math was prepared and applied to the experimental group (pre-school B) for one and a half months, while the other group played recreational games.  Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.  Positive and significant effects were found in the physical recreational activity program regarding student performance in 10 of the 12 items that were applied to assess mastery of basic math concepts.  In conclusion, using physical education as another instrument to teach other disciplines represents an excellent alternative for pre-school teachers that try to satisfy the learning needs of children that will soon be attending school.  Using movement as part of guided and planned activities plays an indispensable role in children’s lives; therefore, learning academic subjects should be adapted to their needs to explore and know their environment.


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Resumen El artículo presenta un breve recorrido por la historia reciente de las comunidades alfareras costarricenses de Guaitil y San Vicente, en la región Chorotega. Profundiza en el cambio intergeneracional y el relevo de género que comprometen el mantenimiento de esta tradición ancestral. Asimismo introduce la importancia que tienen los sellos de calidad diferenciada por territorio, como las denominaciones de origen (DO): una herramienta de rescate, valoración y protección de estos saberes culturales. El aporte al conocimiento de la actividad alfarera en Guaitil y San Vicente presenta datos de un censo realizado por el centro especializado CadenAgro de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA) en los talleres artesanos. La información obtenida muestra un panorama para la gestión a largo plazo de la DO que garantice el mantenimiento de las prácticas culturales de las comunidades artesanas. Abstract The article presents a brief overview of the recent history of potter Costa Rican communities Guaitil and San Vicente, in the Chorotega region. It deepen is intergenerational change and gender relay involving the maintenance of this ancient tradition. It also introduces the importance of quality labels differentiated by territory, as designations of origin (DO): a rescue tool, valuation and protection of this cultural knowledge. The contribution to knowledge of the activity of pottery in San Vicente and Guaitil presents data from a census conducted by the specialized center CadenAgro of the National University of Costa Rica (UNA) in artisan workshops. The information obtained shows an overview for long-term management of DO to ensure the maintenance of the cultural practices of artisan communities.


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En este artículo primero critico la noción cristiana y capitalista de “humanismo” y luego planteo una posible interpretación más positiva, pero provisional, de ese concepto como “lucha contra” dogmatismos y supersticiones. Enseguida considero la obra de Mauro Fernández Acuña y la defiendo de las falsas acusaciones lanzadas sobre todo por grupos e ideólogos católicos en Costa Rica.


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ResumenEn este trabajo se hace un análisis desde la creación de la Diócesis de Nicaragua y Costa Rica (1531-1850) hasta que se divide en 1850, cuya organización se basó en las disposiciones del Patronato Real y los acuerdos del Concilio de Trento (1545). De igual manera, se estudia el papel de los obispos que estuvieron al frente de la dirección de la diócesis y también son objeto de investigación los conflictos internos, en especial los que ocurrieron con la provincia de Costa Rica.AbstractThis work sets forth an analysis made of the Nicaraguan and Costa Rican Diocese (1531-1850) from its creation up to its division in 1850. It was established based on the resolutions of the Royal Patronage (Patronato Real) and the accords of the Council of Trent (1545). Likewise, research is carried out on the role played by the bishops that geared the Diocese, as well as on the internal conflicts, especially those that occurred in the province of Costa Rica.


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ResumenCon el presente artículo se pretende, por un lado, caracterizar la dinámica de la productividad agrícola en una región en proceso mismo de colonización, como era el caso de la región norte de Costa Rica; y por otro lado, aportar insumos de carácter regional que permitan posteriormente, elaborar análisis comparativos que ayuden a esclarecer las verdaderas dimensiones de la especialización o diversificación del agro costarricense.AbstractThis article is aimed, on the one hand, at pointing out the changes in agricultural productivity in a region undergoing a settlement process, as was the case of the northern region of Costa Rica; and on the other hand, at providing data at the regional level that will allow for subsequent comparative analyses that will help clarify the real scope of specialization or diversification of the Costa Rican agricultural activities.


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Resumen Explora la forma y el momento en que se inicia y se desarrolló al consumo del café en la sociedad costarricense, con el fin de determinar la relación entre el consumo de café y sociabilidad identataria y reconocer los factores que contribuyeron al crecimiento de consumo interno. Abstract The author explores how and when coffee consumption developed in Costa Rican society in order to determine the relationship between coffee consumption, sociability, and identity, and highlight the factor which contributed  to the growth of domestic consumption.


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Resumen Con base en evidencias empíricas el autor se opone a la hipótesis de que fue el compromiso y el consenso de las elites lo que llevo a la consolidación de la democracia en Costa Rica y muestra que aun en la década de 1950 los políticos estaban dispuestos a utilizar la fuerza para derribar a sus enemigos. Abstract Using empirical evidence the author rejects the hypothesis that it was compromise and consensus among Costa Rican Elites which lead to the consolidation of democracy in Costa Rican, and shows that even in the 1950´s politicians were willing to used force in order to bring down their opponents


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ResumenAnálisis de las distintas fuentes crediticias existentes en el Valle Central de Costa Rica entre 1850 y 1860. Estudia el papel jugado por el crédito en la economía costarricense como instrumento clave de dominación y para la extracción del excedente del campesino.AbstractA discussion of the various sources of credit in the Central Valley of Costa Rica between 1850 and 1860. The author studies of credit in the Costa Rican economy as a key means of dominations and for surplus extractions from the peasantry.


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ResumenEste artículo tiene como objetivo analizar a los primeros escritores de los periódicos costarricenses de la primera mitad del siglo XIX, como paso previo para estudiar el desarrollo de la prensa y la transmisión del pensamiento colectivamente, a través del material impreso y su impacto en la sociedad decimonónica.AbstractThe purpose of this article is to analyze the main writers publishing in Costa Rican newspapers during the first half of the 19th century. This is a prior step for a discussion of the development of the press and the collective transmission of ideas by means of printed material, and of their impact of 19th century society.


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ResumenEstudia el impacto de la legislación anticlerical dictada en Costa Rica en 1884 sobre el quehacer del clero costarricense. Enfatiza en la ley de la secularización de los cementerios, la prohibición de celebraciones religiosas fuera de los templos y el análisis de las finanzas eclesiásticas.AbstractA study of the impact of anti-Church legislation adopted in 1884 in Costa Rica, as regards the activities of Costa Rican clergy. The article focuses on the secularization of cemeteries, the prohibition of religious celebrations outside the churches, and an analysis of the financial situation of the Church.