256 resultados para Corridors


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The problem of continuous curvature path planning for passages is considered. This problem arises when an autonomous vehicle traverses between prescribed boundaries such as corridors, tunnels, channels, etc. Passage boundaries with curvature and heading discontinuities pose challenges for generating smooth paths passing through them. Continuous curvature half-S shaped paths derived from the Four Parameter Logistic Curve family are proposed as a prospective path planning solution. Analytic conditions are derived for generating continuous curvature paths confined within the passage boundaries. Zero end curvature highlights the scalability of the proposed solution and its compatibility with other path planners in terms of larger path planning domains. Various scenarios with curvature and heading discontinuities are considered presenting viability of the proposed solution.


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Executive Summary: Tropical marine ecosystems in the Caribbean region are inextricably linked through the movement of pollutants, nutrients, diseases, and other stressors, which threaten to further degrade coral reef communities. The magnitude of change that is occurring within the region is considerable, and solutions will require investigating pros and cons of networks of marine protected areas (MPAs), cooperation of neighboring countries, improved understanding of how external stressors degrade local marine resources, and ameliorating those stressors. Connectivity can be broadly defined as the exchange of materials (e.g., nutrients and pollutants), organisms, and genes and can be divided into: 1) genetic or evolutionary connectivity that concerns the exchange of organisms and genes, 2) demographic connectivity, which is the exchange of individuals among local groups, and 3) oceanographic connectivity, which includes flow of materials and circulation patterns and variability that underpin much of all these exchanges. Presently, we understand little about connectivity at specific locations beyond model outputs, and yet we must manage MPAs with connectivity in mind. A key to successful MPA management is how to most effectively work with scientists to acquire the information managers need. Oceanography connectivity is poorly understood, and even less is known about the shape of the dispersal curve for most species. Dispersal kernels differ for various systems, species, and life histories and are likely highly variable in space and time. Furthermore, the implications of different dispersal kernels on population dynamics and management of species is unknown. However, small dispersal kernels are the norm - not the exception. Linking patterns of dispersal to management options is difficult given the present state of knowledge. The behavioral component of larval dispersal has a major impact on where larvae settle. Individual larval behavior and life history details are required to produce meaningful simulations of population connectivity. Biological inputs are critical determinants of dispersal outcomes beyond what can be gleaned from models of passive dispersal. There is considerable temporal and spatial variation to connectivity patterns. New models are increasingly being developed, but these must be validated to understand upstream-downstream neighborhoods, dispersal corridors, stepping stones, and source/sink dynamics. At present, models are mainly useful for providing generalities and generating hypotheses. Low-technology approaches such as drifter vials and oceanographic drogues are useful, affordable options for understanding local connectivity. The “silver bullet” approach to MPA design may not be possible for several reasons. Genetic connectivity studies reveal divergent population genetic structures despite similar larval life histories. Historical stochasticity in reproduction and/or recruitment likely has important, longlasting consequences on present day genetic structure. (PDF has 200 pages.)


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Marine Fishery Reserves (MFRs) are being adopted, in part, as a strategy to replenish depleted fish stocks and serve as a source for recruits to adjacent fisheries. By necessity, their design must consider the biological parameters of the species under consideration to ensure that the spawning stock is conserved while simultaneously providing propagules for dispersal. We describe how acoustic telemetry can be employed to design effective MFRs by elucidating important life-history parameters of the species under consideration, including home range, and ecological preferences, including habitat utilization. We then designed a reserve based on these parameters using data from two acoustic telemetry studies that examined two closely-linked subpopulations of queen conch (Strombus gigas) at Conch Reef in the Florida Keys. The union of the home ranges of the individual conch (aggregation home range: AgHR) within each subpopulation was used to construct a shape delineating the area within which a conch would be located with a high probability. Together with habitat utilization information acquired during both the spawning and non-spawning seasons, as well as landscape features (i.e., corridors), we designed a 66.5 ha MFR to conserve the conch population. Consideration was also given for further expansion of the population into suitable habitats.


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The present thesis is focuses on the problem of Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) using only visual data (VSLAM). This means to concurrently estimate the position of a moving camera and to create a consistent map of the environment. Since implementing a whole VSLAM system is out of the scope of a degree thesis, the main aim is to improve an existing visual SLAM system by complementing the commonly used point features with straight line primitives. This enables more accurate localization in environments with few feature points, like corridors. As a foundation for the project, ScaViSLAM by Strasdat et al. is used, which is a state-of-the-art real-time visual SLAM framework. Since it currently only supports Stereo and RGB-D systems, implementing a Monocular approach will be researched as well as an integration of it as a ROS package in order to deploy it on a mobile robot. For the experimental results, the Care-O-bot service robot developed by Fraunhofer IPA will be used.


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Coherent ecological networks (EN) composed of core areas linked by ecological corridors are being developed worldwide with the goal of promoting landscape connectivity and biodiversity conservation. However, empirical assessment of the performance of EN designs is critical to evaluate the utility of these networks to mitigate effects of habitat loss and fragmentation. Landscape genetics provides a particularly valuable framework to address the question of functional connectivity by providing a direct means to investigate the effects of landscape structure on gene flow. The goals of this study are (1) to evaluate the landscape features that drive gene flow of an EN target species (European pine marten), and (2) evaluate the optimality of a regional EN design in providing connectivity for this species within the Basque Country (North Spain). Using partial Mantel tests in a reciprocal causal modeling framework we competed 59 alternative models, including isolation by distance and the regional EN. Our analysis indicated that the regional EN was among the most supported resistance models for the pine marten, but was not the best supported model. Gene flow of pine marten in northern Spain is facilitated by natural vegetation, and is resisted by anthropogenic landcover types and roads. Our results suggest that the regional EN design being implemented in the Basque Country will effectively facilitate gene flow of forest dwelling species at regional scale.


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Os estudos de relação entre a paisagem e a água doce vêm sendo aprofundados pela comunidade científica e pelos propositores de políticas públicas, principalmente, para atender às demandas sobre as maneiras que este sistema ambiental pode ser alterado e na identificação das implicações políticas e ecológicas destas mudanças. Quanto mais se torna intenso e diversificado o uso dos corpos hídricos e da paisagem em bacias hidrográficas maior é a necessidade de se definir formas de planejamento, gerenciamento e gestão ecológica desses ecossistemas. O completo entendimento do funcionamento e dos processos ecológicos que ocorrem em uma bacia hidrográfica exige conhecimento simultâneo de seus sistemas aquáticos e terrestres, da biodiversidade, da fisiografia, da geologia e de sua conservação, temporal e espacial. Este entendimento e conhecimento da área de interesse são vitais para proposições de instrumentos ambientais legais, como Unidades de Conservação (UCs). É muito importante que a fundamentação destas propostas tenha como eixo principal o funcionamento dos ecossistemas e das paisagens, de forma a garantir uma maior conectividade e integração entre água (doce, salobra e salgada) e terra, e seus múltiplos usos. A presente tese foi desenvolvida com base neste contexto, apresentando e aplicando metodologias integradoras, seja na ecologia de paisagem (EP), seja na relação entre os ambientes dulcícola e terrestre. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de processos para planejamento ambiental em BHs, através do diagnóstico, compreensão e análise do funcionamento e dinâmica da paisagem e de ecossistemas de rios e córregos, apoiados no uso de geotecnologias. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, a BHGM ocupa uma área de 1260,36 km e 204,69 km de perímetro. É uma bacia com forma mais alongada que circular (KC = 1,6144e IC =0,4747 km/km) que indica uma menor susceptibilidade a enchentes em condições normais de precipitação exceto em eventos de intensidades anômalas. O mapeamento base (2007) realizado indicou que a bacia possuía 34,86% de uso antrópico e 64,04 % de remanescente florestal. Os dados de fitofisionomia potencial indicaram predominância da classe Florestas Ombrófila Densa Submontana (40%) e de Terras Baixas (39%). Foram estabelecidas para bacia 269 unidades de paisagem (integração da geomorfologia, geologia, fitofisionomia e uso da terra e cobertura vegetal (2007)) que junto com os dados de métrica de paisagem constituíram a proposta integrativa da tese para ecologia de paisagem. Em relação à qualidade ambiental foram adotados o índice de avaliação visual (IAV), o índice multimétrico físico-químico bacteriológico e o índice biótico estendido (IBE). A comparação entre estes índices demonstrou a confirmação entre os seus resultados para a maioria dos pontos amostrados nas áreas de referência e de pelo menos dois índices para os pontos intermediários e impactados. Foram propostos também dois cenários para a bacia: um considerando as condicionantes e medidas compensatórias vinculadas à licença prévia do complexo petroquímico do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (COMPERJ); e outro, sem considerar estas condições. O primeiro indicou a realização da restauração ecológica, seguindo as diretrizes do mapa síntese, integrada para restauração da paisagem.


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Determining patterns of population connectivity is critical to the evaluation of marine reserves as recruitment sources for harvested populations. Mutton snapper (Lutjanus analis) is a good test case because the last known major spawning aggregation in U.S. waters was granted no-take status in the Tortugas South Ecological Reserve (TSER) in 2001. To evaluate the TSER population as a recruitment source, we genotyped mutton snapper from the Dry Tortugas, southeast Florida, and from three locations across the Caribbean at eight microsatellite loci. Both Fstatistics and individual-based Bayesian analyses indicated that genetic substructure was absent across the five populations. Genetic homogeneity of mutton snapper populations is consistent with its pelagic larval duration of 27 to 37 days and adult behavior of annual migrations to large spawning aggregations. Statistical power of future genetic assessments of mutton snapper population connectivity may benefit from more comprehensive geographic sampling, and perhaps from the development of less polymorphic DNA microsatellite loci. Research where alternative methods are used, such as the transgenerational marking of embryonic otoliths with barium stable isotopes, is also needed on this and other species with diverse life history characteristics to further evaluate the TSER as a recruitment source and to define corridors of population connectivity across the Caribbean and Florida.


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Squaretail coralgrouper (Plectropomus areolatus) were captured and tagged at a fish spawning aggregation (FSA) site with conventional and acoustic tags to assess their vulnerability to fishing and spatial dynamics during reproductive periods. Males outnumbered females in catch and, on average, were larger than females. Findings revealed a high vulnerability to fishing, particularly during reproductive periods, and most fish were recaptured within the 5-month spawning season and within 10−12 km of the aggregation site. Individual and sex-specific variability in movement to, and residency times at, the FSA site indicates that individual monthly spawning aggregations represent subsets of the total reproductive population. Some individuals appeared to move along a common migratory corridor to reach the FSA site. Sex-specific behavioral differences, particularly longer residency times, appear to increase the vulnerability of reproductively active males to fishing, particularly within a FSA, which could reduce reproductive output. Both fishery-dependent and fishery-independent data indicate that only males were present within the first month of aggregation. The combined results indicate that reproductively active P. areolatus are highly vulnerable to fishing and that FSAs and migratory corridors of reproductively active fish should be incorporated into marine protected areas. The capture of P. areolatus during reproductive periods should be restricted as part of a comprehensive management strateg


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The interaction of ocean climate and growth conditions during the postsmolt phase is emerging as the primary hypothesis to explain patterns of adult recruitment for individual stocks and stock complexes of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Friedland et al. (1993) first reported that contrast in sea surface temperature (SST) conditions during spring appeared to be related to recruitment of the European stock complex. This hypothesis was further supported by the relationship between cohort specific patterns of recruitment for two index stocks and regional scale SST (Friedland et al., 1998). One of the index stocks, the North Esk of Scotland, was shown to have a pattern of postsmolt growth that was positively correlated with survival, indicating that growth during the postsmolt year controls survival and recruitment (Friedland et al., 2000). A similar scenario is emerging for the North American stock complex where contrast in ocean conditions during spring in the postsmolt migration corridors was associated with the recruitment pattern of the stock complex (Friedland et al., 2003a, 2003b). The accumulation of additional data on the postsmolt growth response of both stock complexes will contribute to a better understanding of the recruitment process in Atlantic salmon.


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A demarcação de Unidades de Conservação é uma forma supostamente eficaz para a conservação da biodiversidade. A Mata Atlântica é caracterizada por apresentar uma elevada biodiversidade e altos níveis de ameaça. O estado do Rio de Janeiro encontra-se totalmente inserido nesse bioma e seus remanescentes florestais são considerados um hotspot dentro de outro hotspot. O Rio de Janeiro pode ser considerado um dos estados melhor amostrados, porém ainda existem lacunas de conhecimentos geográficos sobre a ocorrência de morcegos. Esta tese foi desenvolvida em três capítulos com o objetivo de contribuir com conservação de morcegos no estado do Rio de Janeiro, focando em como e onde eles já foram amostrados e que locais ainda carecem de atenção. Para este estudo foram utilizados dados referentes a buscas bibliográficas e dados de amostragens do Laboratório de Diversidade de Morcegos da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro. No primeiro capítulo pode-se observar que as localidades com mais de 30 espécies de morcegos são resultado de grande esforço de captura e amostragens usando diversas metodologias. Para uma melhor amostragem da riqueza local, devem-se armar redes não somente em trilhas e próximas a árvores em frutificação, mas também sobre corpos de água. Fazer busca em refúgios diurnos também é aconselhável. Devem ser realizadas amostragens durante a noite toda e variar a fase do ciclo lunar, não restringindo a apenas uma ou partes das fases do ciclo lunar. No segundo capítulo observou-se que 43% das Unidades de Conservação aqui estudadas apresentam 20 ou mais espécies. Localidades que apresentam de 20 a 40 espécies de morcegos na Mata Atlântica podem ser consideradas bem amostradas. Isso demonstra que mais da metade das Unidades de Conservação não podem ser consideradas bem inventariadas. Muitos projetos de pesquisas dão prioridade para a localidade estudada ser uma Unidade de Conservação, porém existem poucos trabalhos de longa duração. No Rio de Janeiro ainda existem diversas Unidades de Conservação não amostradas, principalmente aquelas de difícil acesso e em altitudes elevadas. No terceiro capítulo foi possível observar que há uma maior proporção de espécies que apresentam distribuição geográfica restrita. Esse padrão constitui uma informação importante em termos de conservação, visto que indiretamente poderia indicar uma menor capacidade de dispersão desses animais em médias e grandes distâncias. Entretanto existem lacunas de conhecimento em decorrência da falta de amostragem em algumas regiões, sendo imperativos maiores esforços de captura. Importantes municípios para a conservação e/ou preservação de morcegos como Varre-Sai, Cambuci, Miracema, Carmo, Cantagalo, Valença, Barra do Piraí e Piraí não estão sob proteção legal, mesmo constituindo possíveis corredores entre Unidades de Conservação ou mesmo fragmentos importantes que ainda detém espécies que não estão representadas em Unidades de Conservação já estabelecidas. É imperativo que mais estudos e esforços de conservação sejam direcionados para essas áreas


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Ao longo de quase cinco anos de trabalho, foi desenvolvido o Índice de Qualidade dos Municípios - Verde, pela Fundação CIDE. O trabalho buscou retratar as características da fragmentação florestal fluminense. Como um elemento para apoiar a gestão ambiental do território, o projeto identificou corredores ecológicos prioritários para a interligação de fragmentos florestais. A grande contribuição do trabalho, do ponto de vista conceitual, foi reorientar o debate acerca da fragmentação florestal no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. O projeto IQM - Verde apresentou, exaustivamente, lugares onde ocorreram perdas e ganhos de estoques de vegetação com porte arbóreo, num recorte por municípios, bacias hidrográficas e Unidades de Conservação. Existem importantes questões que foram levantadas e ainda aguardam maiores e melhores respostas. Uma delas é tentar explicar, a partir da ecologia de paisagens, quais são os mecanismos que facilitam ou dificultam o processo natural de sucessão florestal. A situação da sucessão florestal é completamente diferente de uma região para outra do Estado. No Noroeste do Estado existem indícios claros de retração e fragmentação dos remanescentes enquanto na região Serrana do Sul Fluminense aparecem sinais claros de recuperação e recomposição florestal. Novos conceitos de gestão ambiental procuram minimizar os efeitos decorrentes da fragmentação e do isolamento espacial das espécies. O aumento da conectividade através de corredores ecológicos entre unidades de conservação e até mesmo entre os fragmentos mais bem conservados é apontado por muitos pesquisadores como uma das formas mais eficazes de promover a manutenção dos remanescentes florestais - a longo prazo - e até mesmo promover a recuperação funcional de determinadas unidades ecológicas atualmente ilhadas. A atual geração de pesquisadores e gestores públicos está diante do problema do controle dos processos que desencadeiam a fragmentação florestal. Portanto, é urgente a necessidade de entender todas as consequências associadas ao processo de fragmentação florestal e, ao mesmo tempo, descobrir os efeitos inibidores deste complexo fenômeno que possui raízes físicas, naturais e sociais. O objetivo central da tese é, a partir de elementos da História das Mentalidades e da Teoria da Decisão, construir cenários de pressão antrópica sobre os remanescentes florestais e propor um programa possível de intervenção econômica, jurídica e política, denominado no presente estudo como bolsa floresta, capaz de aliviar o atual processo de fragmentação florestal.


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In the Caribbean, many coral reef associated fishes have been observed making diel migrations, yet little is known about the detailed movement pathways and space use patterns of individual fish. Often these migrations occur along temporally or spatially consistent corridors that connect preferred resting and foraging habitats. Recent analysis of gut contents from Haemulids and Lutjanids, has provided evidence that these species forage in seagrass beds and other habitats near their coral reef refuges. Few studies have provided direct and spatially explicit evidence of nocturnal migrations and detailed day and night space use patterns for individual fish. This study integrated manual acoustic telemetry to track two common reef species, the bluestriped grunt (Haemulon sciurus) and schoolmaster snapper (Lutjanus apodus) throughout their daily home range. Space use patterns of these species were then examined using Geographical Information System (GIS) tools to link movement behavior to seascape structure derived in a benthic habitat map. This study represents a novel integration of spatial technologies to enhance our understanding of the movement ecology of adult H. sciurus and L. apodus.


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Landscape agriculture is the combination of landscape ecology and agriculture. Its basic idea is from the system theory and landscape ecology. Now landscape agriculture is getting more and more attention because of its multi-functional roles. For example, it can exploit the agricultural ecosystem more rationally, make full use of the self-adjustment function of the natural patches and corridors in the field, as well as the effects from landform types and topological components. It uses regenerative biological energy to a large extent, constitutes beautiful scenic view and protects the diversity of genetics, species, ecosystems and landscapes. Landscape agriculture emphasizes environment improvement, bio-diversity protection and tourism development, thus provides new possibility for the increase of economical benefits and gets the positive feedback loop started. An example from the former Soviet Union is presented as well in this paper


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Herbivory and burrowing activity of mammals may influence the species composition and diversity of plant communities. The effect of corridors and holes systems constructed by root vole (Microtus oeconomus Pallas) on the plant species diversity was studied in the habitat of high - mountain meadow (3250 in a.s.l in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China). By using grid method, these disturbances were studied on 16 plots (100 cm x 100 cm) distributed in 4 transects in studied area, in August 2000 and 2001. The disturbance intensity index, D, was calculated as the percent of the ground surface disturbed by voles in the study area. Plant species were identified and counted on the same plots. In total 46 plant species were identified - 39% of this number was considered as sensitive to the vole disturbances as their occurrence and/or abundance decreased along the disturbance intensity. Generally, a significantly negative correlation (r = - 0.911 P < 0.01) between vole aboveground disturbances and plant species diversity (H') was found. The results suggest that root vole ground disturbances, especially in the form of actively utilized holes and corridors have significantly negative influence on plant species diversity in high-mountain grassland habitat.