896 resultados para Controlled conditions


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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At a time when technological advances are providing new sensor capabilities, novel network capabilities, long-range communications technologies and data interpreting and delivery formats via the World Wide Web, we never before had such opportunities to sense and analyse the environment around us. However, the challenges exist. While measurement and detection of environmental pollutants can be successful under laboratory-controlled conditions, continuous in-situ monitoring remains one of the most challenging aspects of environmental sensing. This paper describes the development and test of a multi-sensor heterogeneous real-time water monitoring system. A multi-sensor system was deployed in the River Lee, County Cork, Ireland to monitor water quality parameters such as pH, temperature, conductivity, turbidity and dissolved oxygen. The R. Lee comprises of a tidal water system that provides an interesting test site to monitor. The multi-sensor system set-up is described and results of the sensor deployment and the various challenges are discussed.


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The decisions animals make about how long to wait between activities can determine the success of diverse behaviours such as foraging, group formation or risk avoidance. Remarkably, for diverse animal species, including humans, spontaneous patterns of waiting times show random ‘burstiness’ that appears scale-invariant across a broad set of scales. However, a general theory linking this phenomenon across the animal kingdom currently lacks an ecological basis. Here, we demonstrate from tracking the activities of 15 sympatric predator species (cephalopods, sharks, skates and teleosts) under natural and controlled conditions that bursty waiting times are an intrinsic spontaneous behaviour well approximated by heavy-tailed (power-law) models over data ranges up to four orders of magnitude. Scaling exponents quantifying ratios of frequent short to rare very long waits are species-specific, being determined by traits such as foraging mode (active versus ambush predation), body size and prey preference. A stochastic–deterministic decision model reproduced the empirical waiting time scaling and species-specific exponents, indicating that apparently complex scaling can emerge from simple decisions. Results indicate temporal power-law scaling is a behavioural ‘rule of thumb’ that is tuned to species’ ecological traits, implying a common pattern may have naturally evolved that optimizes move–wait decisions in less predictable natural environments.


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Osteosarcomas are the most prevalent primary bone tumors found in pediatric patients. To understand their molecular etiology, cell culture models are used to define disease mechanisms under controlled conditions. Many osteosarcoma cell lines (e.g., SAOS-2, U2OS, MG63) are derived from Caucasian patients. However, patients exhibit individual and ethnic differences in their responsiveness to irradiation and chemotherapy. This motivated the establishment of osteosarcoma cell lines (OS1, OS2, OS3) from three ethnically Chinese patients. OS1 cells, derived from a pre-chemotherapeutic tumor in the femur of a 6-year-old female, were examined for molecular markers characteristic for osteoblasts, stem cells, and cell cycle control by immunohistochemistry, reverse transcriptase-PCR, Western blotting and flow cytometry. OS I have aberrant G-banded karyotypes, possibly reflecting chromosomal abnormalities related to p53 deficiency. OS I had ossification profiles similar to human fetal osteoblasts rather than SAOS-2 which ossifies ab initio, (P


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Ultrasound promotes the reduction of hexacyanoferrate(III) by thiosulfate ions mediated by RuO2 . xH(2)O under diffusion-controlled conditions. There is a strong correlation between the measured first-order rate constant and the absorbance of the dispersion, which, in turn, is closely related to the specific surface area of the catalyst. The enhancement in rate with ultrasonic irradiation appears to be largely associated with the dispersive action of the ultrasound on the aggregated particles of RuO2 . xH(2)O. The rate of reaction increases with increasing %duty cycle and ultrasonic intensity. The measured overall activation energies for the reaction with and without ultrasound, i.e. 18 +/- 1 and 20 +/- 1 kJ mol(-1), respectively, are very similar to those expected for a diffusion-controlled reaction. The homogeneous reaction is not promoted by ultrasound.


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A groundwater programme monitoring flow and quality of a potable water spring in a slum district in Kampala, Uganda revealed that although latrines acted as the principal means of organic waste disposal for the 1000 plus people living in the spring’s catchment, levels of faecal indicator bacteria (TVC 45 Deg C) in spring discharge remained at or below detection during the dry season, despite the presence of high levels of chloride (45mg/l-56mg/l) and nitrate (23mg/l – 30mg/l NO3-N), indicating sewage impacts. A programme of column and batch testing of laterite underlying the area provided a means of investigating the soil’s attenuation capacity under more controlled conditions.
X-ray diffraction analyses revealed the laterite to be dominated by quartz and kaolinite with minor (<5% by volume) quantities of haematite. Batch studies revealed that over 99% of bacteriophage adsorbed to haematite in less than 5 minutes. By contrast batch tests on haematite-free soil samples from the Blue Hills in Australia showed that although they had comparable dominant mineralogy and iron coverage on their surfaces (determined from Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence) they had negligible ability to adsorb H40/1.
Based on the results of the batch studies using natural soils, a programme of batch studies, undertaken using pure haematite showed the mineral to have an extremely high capacity to adsorb bacteriophage, and suggested that it was responsible for the levels of attenuation observed.
The results of column studies were in keeping with the findings of batch experiments. Injection of 20 pore volumes of 300 pfu/mL of the bacteriophage H40/1 into a 20mm diameter glass column packed with sand sized (Ø>500µm) laterite revealed that the column could irreversibly remove over 2.5 log10 bacteriophage over its 10cm length.
Mineralogical and batch test data provide convincing evidence to show that laterite can potentially act as an inexpensive means of removing micro organisms from water. The material, particularly in nodular form, displays considerable potential to act as an alternative filter material to conventional quartz filter sands.


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In the Centane magisterial area of South Africa, high rates of oesophageal cancer have been associated with home-grown maize contaminated with fumonisins. The aim of this study was to implement a simple intervention method to reduce fumonisin exposure in a subsistence-farming community. The hand-sorting and washing procedures, based on traditional maize-based food preparation practices, were previously customised under laboratory-controlled conditions. Home-grown maize and maize-based porridge collected at baseline were analysed for fumonisin B1, B2 and B3. The geometric mean (95% confidence interval) of fumonisin contamination in the home-grown maize at baseline was 1.67 (1.21-2.32) mg kg-1 and 1.24 (0.75-2.04) mg kg -1 (dry weight) in the porridge. Fumonisin exposure was based on individual stiff porridge consumption and the specific fumonisin levels in the porridge (dry weight) consumed. Porridge (dry weight) consumption at baseline was 0.34 kg day-1 and fumonisin exposure was 6.73 (3.90-11.6) mu g kg-1 body weight day-1. Female participants (n = 22) were trained to recognise and remove visibly infected/damaged kernels and to wash the remaining maize kernels. The discarded kernels represented 3.9% by weight and the fumonisins varied from 17.1 to 76.9 mg kg-1. The customised hand-sorting and washing procedures reduced fumonisin contamination in the maize and porridge by 84 and 65%, respectively. The intervention reduced fumonisin exposure by 62% to 2.55 (1.94-3.35) mu g kg-1 body weight day-1. This simple intervention method has the potential to improve food safety and health in subsistence-farming communities consuming fumonisin-contaminated maize as their staple diet.


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Ear recognition, as a biometric, has several advantages. In particular, ears can be measured remotely and are also relatively static in size and structure for each individual. Unfortunately, at present, good recognition rates require controlled conditions. For commercial use, these systems need to be much more robust. In particular, ears have to be recognized from different angles ( poses), under different lighting conditions, and with different cameras. It must also be possible to distinguish ears from background clutter and identify them when partly occluded by hair, hats, or other objects. The purpose of this paper is to suggest how progress toward such robustness might be achieved through a technique that improves ear registration. The approach focuses on 2-D images, treating the ear as a planar surface that is registered to a gallery using a homography transform calculated from scale-invariant feature-transform feature matches. The feature matches reduce the gallery size and enable a precise ranking using a simple 2-D distance algorithm. Analysis on a range of data sets demonstrates the technique to be robust to background clutter, viewing angles up to +/- 13 degrees, and up to 18% occlusion. In addition, recognition remains accurate with masked ear images as small as 20 x 35 pixels.


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Significant recent progress has shown ear recognition to be a viable biometric. Good recognition rates have been demonstrated under controlled conditions, using manual registration or with specialised equipment. This paper describes a new technique which improves the robustness of ear registration and recognition, addressing issues of pose variation, background clutter and occlusion. By treating the ear as a planar surface and creating a homography transform using SIFT feature matches, ears can be registered accurately. The feature matches reduce the gallery size and enable a precise ranking using a simple 2D distance algorithm. When applied to the XM2VTS database it gives results comparable to PCA with manual registration. Further analysis on more challenging datasets demonstrates the technique to be robust to background clutter, viewing angles up to +/- 13 degrees and with over 20% occlusion.


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A glicosilação não-enzimática e o stress oxidativo representam dois processos importantes visto desempenharem um papel importante no que respeita às complicações de vários processos patofisiológicos. No presente, a associação entre a glicosilação não-enzimática e a oxidação de proteínas é reconhecida como sendo um dos principais responsáveis pela acumulação de proteínas não-funcionais que, por sua vez, promove uma contínua sensibilização para um aumento do stress oxidativo ao nível celular. Embora esteja disponível bastante informação no que respeita aos dois processos e suas consequências ao nível estrutural e funcional, permanecem questões por esclarecer acerca do que se desenvolve ao nível molecular. Com o objectivo de contribuir para uma melhor compreensão da relação entre a glicosilação não-enzimática e a oxidação, proteínas modelo (albumina, insulina e histonas H2B e H1) foram submetidas a sistemas in vitro de glicosilação não-enzimática e oxidação em condições controladas e durante um período de tempo específico. A identificação dos locais de glicosilação e oxidação foi realizada através de uma abordagem proteómica, na qual após digestão enzimática se procedeu à análise por cromatografia líquida acoplada a espectrometria de massa tandem (MALDI-TOF/TOF). Esta abordagem permitiu a obtenção de elevadas taxas de cobertura das sequências proteicas, permitindo a identificação dos locais preferenciais de glicosilação e oxidação nas diferentes proteínas estudadas. Como esperado, os resíduos de lisina foram os preferencialmente glicosilados. No que respeita à oxidação, além das modificações envolvendo hidroxilações e adições de oxigénio, foram identificadas deamidações, carbamilações e conversões oxidativas específicas de vários aminoácidos. No geral, os resíduos mais afectados pela oxidação foram os resíduos de cisteína, metionina, triptofano, tirosina, prolina, lisina e fenilalanina. Ao longo do período de tempo estudado, os resultados indicaram que a oxidação teve início em zonas expostas da proteína e/ou localizadas na vizinhança de resíduos de cisteína e metionina, ao invés de exibir um comportamente aleatório, ocorrendo de uma forma nãolinear por sua vez dependente da estabilidade conformacional da proteína. O estudo ao longo do tempo mostrou igualmente que, no caso das proteínas préglicosiladas, a oxidação das mesmas ocorreu de forma mais rápida e acentuada, sugerindo que as alterações estruturais induzidas pela glicosilação promovem um estado pro-oxidativo. No caso das proteínas pré-glicosiladas e oxidadas, foi identificado um maior número de modificações oxidativas assim como de resíduos modificados na vizinhança de resíduos glicosilados. Com esta abordagem é realizada uma importante contribuição na investigação das consequências do dano ‘glico-oxidativo’ em proteínas ao nível molecular através da combinação da espectrometria de massa e da bioinformática.


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Esta tese apresenta um sistema de localização baseado exclusivamente em ultrassons, não necessitando de recorrer a qualquer outra tecnologia. Este sistema de localização foi concebido para poder operar em ambientes onde qualquer outra tecnologia não pode ser utilizada ou o seu uso está condicionado, como são exemplo aplicações subaquáticas ou ambientes hospitalares. O sistema de localização proposto faz uso de uma rede de faróis fixos permitindo que estações móveis se localizem. Devido à necessidade de transmissão de dados e medição de distâncias foi desenvolvido um pulso de ultrassons robusto a ecos que permite realizar ambas as tarefas com sucesso. O sistema de localização permite que as estações móveis se localizem escutando apenas a informação em pulsos de ultrassons enviados pelos faróis usando para tal um algoritmo baseado em diferenças de tempo de chegada. Desta forma a privacidade dos utilizadores é garantida e o sistema torna-se completamente independente do número de utilizadores. Por forma a facilitar a implementação da rede de faróis apenas será necessário determinar manualmente a posição de alguns dos faróis, designados por faróis âncora. Estes irão permitir que os restantes faróis, completamente autónomos, se possam localizar através de um algoritmo iterativo de localização baseado na minimização de uma função de custo. Para que este sistema possa funcionar como previsto será necessário que os faróis possam sincronizar os seus relógios e medir a distância entre eles. Para tal, esta tese propõe um protocolo de sincronização de relógio que permite também obter as medidas de distância entre os faróis trocando somente três mensagens de ultrassons. Adicionalmente, o sistema de localização permite que faróis danificados possam ser substituídos sem comprometer a operabilidade da rede reduzindo a complexidade na manutenção. Para além do mencionado, foi igualmente implementado um simulador de ultrassons para ambientes fechados, o qual provou ser bastante preciso e uma ferramenta de elevado valor para simular o comportamento do sistema de localização sobre condições controladas.


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The ability of microorganisms to use oil hydrocarbons as a source of carbon and energy is crucial for environmental oil detoxification. However, there is still a lack of knowledge on fundamental aspects of this process on specific habitats and under different climate scenarios. In the first phase of this work, the culturable fraction of the oil hydrocarbon (OH) degrading bacteria from the sea surface microlayer (SML) of the estuarine system Ria de Aveiro was characterized. In the second phase, the impact of oil contamination on the active bacterial community was studied under climate change scenarios. Pseudomonas emerged as the prevailing genera among OH degrading bacteria in the SML. Moreover, culture-independent methods revealed that the relative abundance and diversity of Gammaproteobacteria, in which Pseudomonas is included, varies along an estuarine gradient of contamination. In order to access the impact of oil contamination on microbial communities under climate change scenarios, an experimental life support system for microcosm experiments (ELLS) was developed and validated for simulation of climate change effects on microbial communities. With the ELSS it is possible to simulate, in controlled conditions, fundamental parameters of the dynamics of coastal and estuarine systems while maintaining community structure in terms of the abundance of the most relevant members of the indigenous bacterial community. A microcosm experiment in which the independent and combined impact of ultraviolet radiation, ocean acidification and oil contamination on microbial communities was conducted. The impact on bacterial communities was accessed with a 16S RNA (cDNA) based barcode pyrosequencing approach. There was a drastic decrease of Desulfobacterales relative abundance after oil contamination under the reduced pH value estimated for 2100, when compared to present values. Since members of this order are known OH degraders, such a significant decrease may have consequences on OH detoxification of contaminated environments under the pH levels of the ocean expected for the future. Metagenome predictions based on the 16S RNA database indicated that several degradation pathways of OH could be affected under oil contamination and reduced water pH. Taken together, the results from this work bring new information on the dynamics of OH degrading bacteria in coastal and estuarine environments under present and future climate scenarios.


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Caffeine users have been encouraged to consume caffeine regularly to maintain their caffeine tolerance and so avoid caffeine’s acute pressor effects. In controlled conditions complete caffeine tolerance to intervention doses of 250 mg develops rapidly following several days of caffeine ingestion, nevertheless, complete tolerance is not evident for lower intervention doses. Similarly complete caffeine tolerance to 250 mg intervention doses has been demonstrated in habitual coffee and tea drinkers’ but for lower intervention doses complete tolerance is not evident. This study investigated a group of habitual caffeine users following their self-determined consumption pattern involving two to six servings daily. Cardiovascular responses following the ingestion of low to moderate amounts caffeine (67, 133 and 200 mg) were compared with placebo in a double-blind, randomised design without caffeine abstinence. Pre-intervention and post-intervention (30 and 60 min) 90 s continuous cardiovascular recordings were obtained with the Finometer in both the supine and upright postures. Participants were 12 healthy habitual coffee and tea drinkers (10 female, mean age 36). Doses of 67 and 133 mg increased systolic pressure in both postures while in the upright posture diastolic pressure and aortic impedance increased while arterial compliance decreased. These vascular changes were larger upright than supine for 133 mg caffeine. Additionally 67 mg caffeine increased dp/dt and indexed peripheral resistance in the upright posture. For 200 mg caffeine there was complete caffeine tolerance. Cardiovascular responses to caffeine appear to be associated with the size of the intervention dose. Habitual tea and coffee drinking does not generate complete tolerance to caffeine as has been previously suggested. Both the type and the extent of caffeine induced cardiovascular changes were influenced by posture.


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O aço inoxidável é um material de alta durabilidade e resistência, utilizado nos mais diversos setores comerciais. O conhecimento das suas características e propriedades é essencial para uma escolha mais seletiva e vantajosa. Pretende‐se com este trabalho, estudar as propriedades mecânicas, a resistência ao desgaste e o comportamento, em ambientes mais agressivos de três tipos de aços inoxidáveis duplex, produzidos pela OUTOKUMPU e comercialmente conhecidos pelas designações LDX 2101, SAF 2507 e o SAF 2205. Para tal efeito foram realizados ensaios de Dureza Vickers, antes e após dobragem; ensaios de tracção em duas diferentes situações: seguindo a norma NP EN 10002‐ 1:2006 e após a realização de alguns ciclos de carga e descarga; ensaio de Impacto à temperatura ambiente e após arrefecimento criogénico; ensaio de resistência à corrosão. Também foi feito o estudo de resistência ao desgaste com base na técnica de micro‐abrasão por esfera rotativa e o estudo metalográfico. Foi também objetivo deste trabalho, relacionar o uso dos referidos aços duplex e as consequências que esse uso tem para o meio ambiente, bem como o seu comportamento quando exposto a condições extremas. Para tal, foram colocadas amostras dos referidos aços, em dois tipos de solos com condições de humidade e acidez diferentes analisando o seu estado após imersão em solo com condições controladas durante 272 dias.


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To assess the variability of the response to exogenous atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), it was infused at the rate of 1 microgram/min for 2 h in 6 salt-loaded normal volunteers under controlled conditions on 2 occasions at an interval of 1 week. The effect on solute excretion and the haemodynamic and endocrine actions were highly reproducible. The constant ANP infusion caused a delayed and prolonged excretion of sodium, chloride and calcium, no change in potassium or phosphate excretion or in glomerular filtration rate but a marked decrease in renal plasma flow. Blood pressure, heart rate and the plasma levels of angiotensin II, aldosterone, arginine vasopressin and plasma renin activity were unaltered. The effect of a 2-h infusion of ANP 0.5 microgram/min or its vehicle on apparent hepatic blood flow (HBF) was also studied in 14 normal volunteers by measuring the indocyanine green clearance. A 21% decrease in HBF was observed in subjects who received the ANP infusion (p less than 0.01 vs vehicle). Thus, ANP infused at a dose that did not lower blood pressure decreased both renal and liver blood flow in normotensive volunteers. The renal and endocrine responses to ANP were reproducible over a 1-week interval.