969 resultados para Constitutional judge
El reconocimiento de la jurisprudencia como fuente jurídica principal concede a todo fallo efectos vinculantes de alcance general y abstracto. Este cambio de esquema ha trastocado los cánones de tradición romano-germánica. La ubicación de la jurisprudencia dentro del sistema de fuentes dependerá, por la forma, de la jerarquía orgánica del juez o tribunal del que emanare. En cuanto al fondo, existen dos aristas. La primera, en cuanto a la materia, en aplicación del principio del paralelismo de las formas jurídicas: si existiese reserva constitucional o legal sobre una materia determinada, la jurisprudencia estará creando subreglas de idéntica naturaleza y jerarquía. Finalmente, desde la perspectiva axiológica, en atención al principio de interpretación pro homine y de progresividad de los derechos fundamentales, la jurisprudencia que prevalecería es aquella que presente un estándar mayormente garantista, sin importar la jerarquía orgánica del juez o tribunal emisor.
Este artículo asume que uno de los problemas contemporáneos más acuciantes es la enorme dificultad de relacionarnos con la diferencia, cualquiera que esta sea, y de construir formas de convivencia que superen las visiones dominantes basadas en las jerarquizaciones. el derecho no es ajeno a esta interpelación. En cada sentencia encontramos una disputa para dar sentido y significado a los derechos que están en juego en el caso concreto, tal disputa está ligada a las creencias, ideologías, formas de entender el mundo de quienes juzgan. es así que en este estudio analizo sentencias emitidas por las cortes constitucionales de ecuador y Colombia, para ensayar contestaciones a la interrogante: ¿Cómo responde la justicia constitucional ecuatoriana y colombiana en los casos que afronta la diferencia?
France is known for being a champion of individual rights as well as for its overt hostility to any form of group rights. Linguistic pluralism in the public sphere is rejected for fear of babelization and Balkanization of the country. Over recent decades the Conseil Constitutionnel (CC) has, together with the Conseil d’État, remained arguably the strongest defender of this Jacobin ideal in France. In this article, I will discuss the role of France’s restrictive language policy through the prism of the CC’s jurisprudence. Overall, I will argue that the CC made reference to the (Jacobin) state-nation concept, a concept that is discussed in the first part of the paper, in order to fight the revival of regional languages in France over recent decades. The clause making French the official language in 1992 was functional to this policy. The intriguing aspect is that in France the CC managed to standardise France’s policy vis-à-vis regional and minority languages through its jurisprudence; an issue discussed in the second part of the paper. But in those regions with a stronger tradition of identity, particularly in the French overseas territories, the third part of the paper argues, normative reality has increasingly become under pressure. Therefore, a discrepancy between the ‘law in courts’ and the compliance with these decisions (‘law in action’) has been emerging over recent years. Amid some signs of opening of France to minorities, this contradiction delineates a trend that might well continue in future.
Proponents of the “fast and frugal” approach to decision-making suggest that inferential judgments are best made on the basis of limited information. For example, if only one of two cities is recognized and the task is to judge which city has the larger population, the recognition heuristic states that the recognized city should be selected. In preference choices with >2 options, it is also standard to assume that a “consideration set”, based upon some simple criterion, is established to reduce the options available. A multinomial processing tree model is outlined which provides the basis for estimating the extent to which recognition is used as a criterion in establishing a consideration set for inferential judgments.