351 resultados para Constellation (Frigate)
This paper deals with the goodness of the Gaussian assumption when designing second-order blind estimationmethods in the context of digital communications. The low- andhigh-signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) asymptotic performance of the maximum likelihood estimator—derived assuming Gaussiantransmitted symbols—is compared with the performance of the optimal second-order estimator, which exploits the actualdistribution of the discrete constellation. The asymptotic study concludes that the Gaussian assumption leads to the optimalsecond-order solution if the SNR is very low or if the symbols belong to a multilevel constellation such as quadrature-amplitudemodulation (QAM) or amplitude-phase-shift keying (APSK). On the other hand, the Gaussian assumption can yield importantlosses at high SNR if the transmitted symbols are drawn from a constant modulus constellation such as phase-shift keying (PSK)or continuous-phase modulations (CPM). These conclusions are illustrated for the problem of direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation of multiple digitally-modulated signals.
Alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary veins (ACD/MPV) is a rare and lethal developmental disorder of the lung defined by a constellation of characteristic histopathological features. Nonpulmonary anomalies involving organs of gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and genitourinary systems have been identified in approximately 80% of patients with ACD/MPV. We have collected DNA and pathological samples from more than 90 infants with ACD/MPV and their family members. Since the publication of our initial report of four point mutations and 10 deletions, we have identified an additional 38 novel nonsynonymous mutations of FOXF1 (nine nonsense, seven frameshift, one inframe deletion, 20 missense, and one no stop). This report represents an up to date list of all known FOXF1 mutations to the best of our knowledge. Majority of the cases are sporadic. We report four familial cases of which three show maternal inheritance, consistent with paternal imprinting of the gene. Twenty five mutations (60%) are located within the putative DNA-binding domain, indicating its plausible role in FOXF1 function. Five mutations map to the second exon. We identified two additional genic and eight genomic deletions upstream to FOXF1. These results corroborate and extend our previous observations and further establish involvement of FOXF1 in ACD/MPV and lung organogenesis.
Cerebral, ocular, dental, auricular, skeletal anomalies (CODAS) syndrome (MIM 600373) was first described and named by Shehib et al, in 1991 in a single patient. The anomalies referred to in the acronym are as follows: cerebral-developmental delay, ocular-cataracts, dental-aberrant cusp morphology and delayed eruption, auricular-malformations of the external ear, and skeletal-spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia. This distinctive constellation of anatomical findings should allow easy recognition but despite this only four apparently sporadic patients have been reported in the last 20 years indicating that the full phenotype is indeed very rare with perhaps milder or a typical presentations that are allelic but without sufficient phenotypic resemblance to permit clinical diagnosis. We performed exome sequencing in three patients (an isolated case and a brother and sister sib pair) with classical features of CODAS. Sanger sequencing was used to confirm results as well as for mutation discovery in a further four unrelated patients ascertained via their skeletal features. Compound heterozygous or homozygous mutations in LONP1 were found in all (8 separate mutations; 6 missense, 1 nonsense, 1 small in-frame deletion) thus establishing the genetic basis of CODAS and the pattern of inheritance (autosomal recessive). LONP1 encodes an enzyme of bacterial ancestry that participates in protein turnover within the mitochondrial matrix. The mutations cluster at the ATP-binding and proteolytic domains of the enzyme. Biallelic inheritance and clustering of mutations confirm dysfunction of LONP1 activity as the molecular basis of CODAS but the pathogenesis remains to be explored.
Cette thèse de Doctorat s'intéresse à la gouvernance du sport et plus particulièrement à la gouvernance des fédérations sportives européennes. Elle part du triple constat du manque de réflexion académique sur Popérationnalisation du concept de gouvernance du sport en unités de mesure, de l'intérêt croissant de l'Union européenne, du Conseil de l'Europe et de la Confédération suisse pour la réforme des organisations sportives internationales, ainsi que du faible attrait académique pour l'analyse d'un ensemble de fédérations sportives européennes. Elle a pour objectif principal de décrire l'état de la gouvernance d'un ensemble de fédérations sportives européennes (27) opérant en Europe. Cet objectif se décline en quatre questions principales : 1) Quelles sont les définitions et les dimensions de la gouvernance et de la gouvernance du sport dans une approche prescriptive ? 2) Comment mesurer la gouvernance du sport en Europe ? 3) Comment la gouvernance du sport est-elle mise en oeuvre par les fédérations sportives européennes ? 4) Comment améliorer la gouvernance du sport en Europe ? En reconnaissant la nature hybride d'une organisation sportive et optant pour les approches prescriptives de la gouvernance, la revue de la littérature présente les enseignements de la corporate governance, de la gouvernance des organisations à but non lucratif, de la gouvernance démocratique et de la gouvernance du sport. Celle-ci révèle notamment l'existence d'une constellation de prescriptions, applicables à un ensemble généralement non défini d'organisations sportives en Europe. La gouvernance du sport est ensuite définie par : « Les mécanismes par lesquels une organisation sportive de nature hybride agissant dans un système complexe et un environnement composés de multiples parties prenantes, notamment publiques et privées, est induite à modifier son comportement, ses structures et modes organisationnels afin de satisfaire leurs attentes multiples et divergentes tout en cherchant à préserver son autonomie ». Elle est déconstruite en trois dimensions, six composantes, et 39 indicateurs mesurant de façon originale quantitativement et qualitativement la mise en oeuvre de la gouvernance du sport. En nous appuyant sur une analyse de contenu et une série d'entretiens directifs, les résultats basés sur 1525 unités d'analyse montrent une image encourageante des fédérations sportives européennes, notamment en termes de formalisation des procédures démocratiques, et de publication d'informations biographiques. Cette image tend cependant à s'assombrir lorsque les indicateurs mesurent la transparence budgétaire et comptable, la mise en place d'une politique de développement environnemental, ou l'imposition d'une limite de mandat pour les membres du Conseil d'Administration. Ces résultats conduisent à la formulation de plusieurs recommandations conceptuelles, méthodologiques et empiriques permettant finalement de contribuer à une « meilleure » gouvernance du sport en Europe qu'actuellement (2014).
TCF3-HLF-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is currently incurable. Using an integrated approach, we uncovered distinct mutation, gene expression and drug response profiles in TCF3-HLF-positive and treatment-responsive TCF3-PBX1-positive ALL. We identified recurrent intragenic deletions of PAX5 or VPREB1 in constellation with the fusion of TCF3 and HLF. Moreover somatic mutations in the non-translocated allele of TCF3 and a reduction of PAX5 gene dosage in TCF3-HLF ALL suggest cooperation within a restricted genetic context. The enrichment for stem cell and myeloid features in the TCF3-HLF signature may reflect reprogramming by TCF3-HLF of a lymphoid-committed cell of origin toward a hybrid, drug-resistant hematopoietic state. Drug response profiling of matched patient-derived xenografts revealed a distinct profile for TCF3-HLF ALL with resistance to conventional chemotherapeutics but sensitivity to glucocorticoids, anthracyclines and agents in clinical development. Striking on-target sensitivity was achieved with the BCL2-specific inhibitor venetoclax (ABT-199). This integrated approach thus provides alternative treatment options for this deadly disease.
Dans un monde toujours plus globalisé depuis le milieu du XXcmc siècle, le couple linguistiquement mixte est une constellation conjugale de plus en plus fréquente en Suisse comme ailleurs. Le choix du lieu de la vie commune implique souvent la migration de l'un des partenaires vers le pays de l'autre, et donc parfois vers une nouvelle langue - en l'occurrence ici le français - qu'il s'agit de s'approprier. Cette thèse se penche donc sur les liens entre ce contexte a priori positif que représente le couple, et l'appropriation langagière du/de la partenaire alloglotte. De par sa base affective, mais surtout de par le fait que la personne migrante peut compter sur quelqu'un qui est prêt et disposé à l'aider, notamment parce que la migration a été décidée dans le cadre d'un projet commun, le couple favorise la socialisation et donc le contact de la personne nouvellement arrivée avec différentes (variétés de) langues qu'elle s'approprie progressivement : contrairement à beaucoup de migrant-e-s venu-e-s seul-e-s dans un nouveau pays, le/la partenaire alloglotte de ces couples se voit souvent pourvu-e d'une famille (belle-famille et enfants), d'un réseau social (ami-e-s du partenaire francophone), et d'une médiation culturelle et linguistique utile pour accéder notamment au marché de l'emploi, mais également pour comprendre les différents enjeux sociaux dans lesquels elle se voit plongée. Cette médiation affective, linguistique et socio-culturelle proposée par le couple lui permet d'identifier plus aisément des solutions utiles pour dépasser certaines barrières sociales, économiques, administratives, linguistiques et/ou culturelles. Pour autant, le/la partenaire alloglotte du couple linguistiquement mixte est avant tout un acteur social à part entière, qui vit aussi hors du couple et s'aménage - sans doute plus vite, plus facilement et plus naturellement que d'autres migrant-e-s - ses propres modalités de socialisation, en fonction de son vécu et de ses projections pour le futur. Dans une perspective fondamentalement socioconstructiviste du développement humain, l'appropriation langagière est donc ici considérée comme la construction par la personne d'une capacité à agir dans l'espace social et dans la langue. Si l'appropriation a lieu dans et par l'interaction, il s'agit d'investiguer à la fois certains des enjeux de pouvoir dans lesquels s'inscrit cette interaction, et le sens que la personne donne à ces enjeux en fonction de sa subjectivité propre. Le cadre épistémologique de ce travail convoque ainsi des outils issus de la sociologie bourdieusienne et foucaldienne, de la sociolinguistique critique, de la psychologie sociale et de la psycho-sociolinguistique afin d'explorer certaines des limites sociales et psycho-affectives qui influencent les modalités de l'appropriation langagière de la personne alloglotte. La méthode adoptée pour explorer ces deux types de limites s'inscrit dans la tradition de la recherche sur les récits de vie, tout en s'en distanciant sur deux points. D'une part, si le récit de vie considère la personne qui se raconte comme narratrice de sa propre vie, l'autobiographie langagière réflexive met l'accent sur une démarche potentiellement formatrice lui permettant de « penser » sa trajectoire de vie en lien avec son appropriation langagière. D'autre part, les analyses menées sur ces textes écrits et oraux sont tout à la fois thématiques et discursives, puisque la manière dont les événements sont racontés permet de retracer les enjeux souvent ambivalents, parfois contradictoires, qui influencent le sens que la personne donne à son parcours avec le français et la construction de son sentiment de légitimité ou d'illégitimité à vivre en Suisse et en français. En dernière instance, cette thèse défétichise le couple, considéré comme la rencontre de deux subjectivités autour d'un projet de « vivre ensemble », plus que comme un lien romantique et amoureux. Elle défétichise la langue, comprise comme un répertoire langagier forcément plurilingue et hétéroglossique. Elle défétichise l'appropriation langagière, qui apparaît comme un effet collatéral et contextuel de la vie en couple et en société. Elle défétichise enfin le récit de soi, en le poussant vers la réflexion d'un soi ancré dans le social. Si les partenaires des huit couples interrogés ont une voix forte dans l'entier de ce texte, c'est qu'ils et elles existent comme personnes, indépendamment du couple, de la langue, de l'appropriation langagière et de la démarche autobiographique réflexive qui les font se rejoindre dans le contexte particulier de cette recherche mais qui ne constituent que certains de leurs positionnements identitaires et sociaux.
ous discutons le cas d'une femme de 58 ans qui présente une asthénie progressive et une dyspnée ainsi que des paresthésies des membres. On découvre une pancytopénie avec des neutrophiles hypersegmentés, une anémie macrocytaire hyporégénérative et des éléments d'hémolyse (forte augmentation des LDH). Cette constellation doit faire suspecter une carence en vitamine B12 qui est confirmée chez notre patiente par un dosage de la cobalamine indétectable. Le bilan étiologique montre des anticorps anti-cellules pariétales gastriques positifs à 1/640, diagnostiques d'une maladie de Biermer. A 58 year old woman presents with a progressive fatigue and dyspnea associated with paresthesia. Laboratory tests show pancytopenia with hypersegmented neutrophiles, macrocytic hyporegenerative anemia and arguments for hemolysis, in particular highly increased LDH. This constellation strongly suggests vitamin B12 deficiency, which was confirmed with an undetectable cobalamine concentration in the blood of our patient. The etiologic work up shows the presence of anti-parietal cells antibodies at a titer of 1/640, diagnostic of Biermer anemia.
Se analiza la recepción de Diego de Saavedra Fajardo en la Alemania ilustrada del siglo XVIII, donde se imprimieron y tradujeron algunas obras de este autor. A través del análisis del prólogo que precede la edición alemana de Locuras de Europa, conoceremos el universo editorial que impulsó su aparición en Leipzig y la conyuntura histórico-política que lo propició
Poverty alleviation views have shifted from seeing the poor as victims or as potential consumers, to seeing them as gainers. Social businesses include microfinancing and microfranchising, which engage people at the bottom of the pyramid using business instead of charity. There are, however, social business firms that do not fit to the existing social business model theory. These firms provide markets to poor producers and mix traditional, local craftsmanship with western design. Social business models evolve faster than the academic literature can study them. This study contributes to filling this gap. The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to develop the concept of social business as poverty alleviation method in developing countries. It also aims; 1) to describe the means for poverty alleviation in developing countries; 2) to introduce microbusiness as a social business model; and 3) to examine the challenges of microbusinesses. Qualitative case study is used as a research strategy and theme interviews as a data collecting method. The empirical data is gathered from four interviews of Finnish or Finnish-owned firms that employ microbusiness – Mifuko, Tensira, Mangomaa and Tikau – and this is supported with secondary data including articles on case companies. The results show that microbusiness is a valid new social business model that aims at poverty alleviation by engaging the poor at the bottom of the pyramid. It is possible to map the value proposition, value constellation, and economic and social profit equations of the case firms. Two major types of firms emerge from the results; the first consists of design-oriented firms that emphasize the quality and design of the products, and the second consists of bazaar-like firms whose product portfolio is less sophisticated and who promote more the stories of the products – not the design. All microbusiness firms provide markets, promote traditional handicrafts, form close relationships to their producers, and aim at enhancing lives through their businesses. The attitudes towards social businesses are sometimes negative, but this is changing for the better. In conclusion, microbusiness answers to two different needs at the same time – consumers’ needs for ethical products and the social needs of the producers – but the social need is the ultimate reason why the entrepreneurs started business. Microbusiness continues as a poverty alleviation tool that sees the poor as gainers; by providing them steady employment, microbusiness increases the poor’s self-esteem and enables them for a better living. Academic literature has not been able to offer enough alternative business models to cover all social businesses; the current study contributes to this by concluding that microbusiness is another social business model.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência do herbicida sulfosate, aplicado isoladamente e em misturas com diferentes adjuvantes, comparado com o herbicida glifosate, ambos aplicados com baixo volume de calda, no controle da planta daninha arroz vermelho (Oryza sativa L.) sob aplicação em condições de préplantio da cultura do arroz. O experimento foi conduzido em campo, sendo a área experimental instalada na cultura de arroz irrigado, variedade IAC-101. A área de pousio recebeu uma lâmina de água de 5 a 10cm de pro fundidade por dois dias, e após a retirada, o arroz vermelho começou a germinar. Quando o mesmo atingiu cerca de 20-25cm de altura, procedeu-se a aplicação de herbicidas de manejo (pré-plantio) . Após 16 dias da aplicação foi efetuado o plantio da cultura com densidade de 60-80 sementes/metro linear e profundidade de 3cm, sendo o espaçamento utilizado de 21,8cm entre linhas. Foram testados tratamentos com os seguintes produtos: sulfosate a 1,20; 1,44 e 1,68Kg i.a./ha e glifosate a 1,20; 1,44 e 1,68Kg i.a./ha, ambos os produtos aplicados isolados e em misturas com os seguintes adjuvantes: Poliglicol, Organosilicone e Amina Graxa, além de uma testemunha não capinada. Para a avaliação do efeito dos tratamentos empregados foram realizadas as seguintes avaliações: fitotoxicidade aperente, porcentagem de controle do arroz vermelho; altura do arroz vermelho (em cm); estande da cultura (no de per filhos/metro linear) e altura da cultura (em cm). Através dos resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que os herbicidas sulfosate, glifosate nas formulações comerciais Rodeo e Roundup, nas doses de 1,20; 1,44 e 1,68Kg i.a./ha, aplicados isolados (exceto o Rodeo) e conjuntamente com os adjuvantes poliglicol (Mojante), organosilicone (Silwet) e amina graxa (Frigate) (exceto Roundup, que foi utilizado apenas com o adjuvante amina graxa e sozinho), propiciaram excelente nível de controle do arroz vermelho, quando aplicados em pós-emergência e área total, e pré-plantio da cultura de arroz, implantada no sistema de plantio direto. Também foi verificado que não ocorreu diferença quanto à eficiência entre sulfosate e glifosate no controle do arroz vermelho, ambos controlando de forma eficiente a planta daninha.
Premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) seem to form a severity continuum with no clear-cut boundary. However, since the American Psychiatric Association proposed the research criteria for PMDD in 1994, there has been no agreement about the symptomatic constellation that constitutes this syndrome. The objective of the present study was to establish the core latent structure of PMDD symptoms in a non-clinical sample. Data concerning PMDD symptoms were obtained from 632 regularly menstruating college students (mean age 24.4 years, SD 5.9, range 17 to 49). For the first random half (N = 316), we performed principal component analysis (PCA) and for the remaining half (N = 316), we tested three theory-derived competing models of PMDD by confirmatory factor analysis. PCA allowed us to extract two correlated factors, i.e., dysphoric-somatic and behavioral-impairment factors. The two-dimensional latent model derived from PCA showed the best overall fit among three models tested by confirmatory factor analysis (c²53 = 64.39, P = 0.13; goodness-of-fit indices = 0.96; adjusted goodness-of-fit indices = 0.95; root mean square residual = 0.05; root mean square error of approximation = 0.03; 90%CI = 0.00 to 0.05; Akaike's information criterion = -41.61). The items "out of control" and "physical symptoms" loaded conspicuously on the first factor and "interpersonal impairment" loaded higher on the second factor. The construct validity for PMDD was accounted for by two highly correlated dimensions. These results support the argument for focusing on the core psychopathological dimension of PMDD in future studies.
Object detection is a fundamental task of computer vision that is utilized as a core part in a number of industrial and scientific applications, for example, in robotics, where objects need to be correctly detected and localized prior to being grasped and manipulated. Existing object detectors vary in (i) the amount of supervision they need for training, (ii) the type of a learning method adopted (generative or discriminative) and (iii) the amount of spatial information used in the object model (model-free, using no spatial information in the object model, or model-based, with the explicit spatial model of an object). Although some existing methods report good performance in the detection of certain objects, the results tend to be application specific and no universal method has been found that clearly outperforms all others in all areas. This work proposes a novel generative part-based object detector. The generative learning procedure of the developed method allows learning from positive examples only. The detector is based on finding semantically meaningful parts of the object (i.e. a part detector) that can provide additional information to object location, for example, pose. The object class model, i.e. the appearance of the object parts and their spatial variance, constellation, is explicitly modelled in a fully probabilistic manner. The appearance is based on bio-inspired complex-valued Gabor features that are transformed to part probabilities by an unsupervised Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). The proposed novel randomized GMM enables learning from only a few training examples. The probabilistic spatial model of the part configurations is constructed with a mixture of 2D Gaussians. The appearance of the parts of the object is learned in an object canonical space that removes geometric variations from the part appearance model. Robustness to pose variations is achieved by object pose quantization, which is more efficient than previously used scale and orientation shifts in the Gabor feature space. Performance of the resulting generative object detector is characterized by high recall with low precision, i.e. the generative detector produces large number of false positive detections. Thus a discriminative classifier is used to prune false positive candidate detections produced by the generative detector improving its precision while keeping high recall. Using only a small number of positive examples, the developed object detector performs comparably to state-of-the-art discriminative methods.
The dissertation examines the rule of law within the European Union in the theoretical framework of constitutional pluralism. The leading lines of constitutional pluralism are examined with relation to the traditional and prevailing, monistic and hierarchical conceptions on how to perceive legal orders in Europe. The theoretical part offers also historical perspective by highlighting some of the turning points for the Union constitutional legal order in the framework of European integration. The concept of rule of law is examined in legal terms and its meaning to the Union constitutional constellation as a constitutional principle and a common value is observed. The realization of the rule of law at supranational and national level is explored with a view to discover that recent developments in some of the Member States give rise to concern about the viability of the rule of law within the European Union. It is recognized that the inobservance of the rule of law at national level causes a threat to the supranational constitutional legal order. The relationship between the supranational and national legal orders is significant in this respect and therefore particularly the interaction between the Court of Justice of the European Union (hereinafter the ECJ) and the Member States’ (constitutional/supreme) courts takes focus. It is observed that functioning dialogue between the supranational and national courts based on mutual respect and judicial deference is an important prerequisite for the realization of the rule of law within Europe. In order to afford a concrete example, a recent case C-62/14 Gauweiler v Deutscher Bundestag is introduced and analysed in relation to the notorious relationship between the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany and the ECJ. The implications of the ECJ’s decision in Gauweiler v Deutscher Bundestag is assessed with reference to some of the pressing issues of constitutionalism within Europe and some institutional aspects are also brought forward. Lastly, the feasibility of constitutional pluralism as a theoretical setting is measured against the legal reality of today’s Europe and its many constitutions. The hierarchical idea of one ultimate source of power, stemming from the traditional approaches to legal systems, is then assessed with relation to the requirement of the realization of the rule of law within the European Union from the supranational and national point of view.
The starting point of Demirovic's text is Adornos idea that concepts as forms of thinking are constellations of power. Differently from many interpretations of Adorno as resigned, Demirovic shows that this assumption enables Adorno to give his own theory the character of interventions in the ideological consensus of everyday life with regard to emancipation.
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