970 resultados para Constâncio II, Imperador de Roma, 317-361


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El presente trabajo se constituye como una aproximación a Roma, peligro para caminantes (1968), el poemario de Rafael Alberti (1902-1999). Tomando como directriz analítica el orden de aparición de cada una de las secciones que conforman dicha obra, las presentes líneas nos dan una breve panorámica de sus configuraciones temáticas, de su estilo y de los diálogos que establece con otros autores, obras y estilos de la tradición literaria y artística en general: los sonetos romanescos de Giuseppe Gioachino Belli, la formas de versificación española, las cintas de Federico Fellini, etc


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Durante la dictadura de Franco, el régimen implementó una política de olvido que se ocupó de borrar del espacio público las conmemoraciones republicanas, asimismo impuso el 1 de abril y el 18 de julio como aniversarios que lo legitimaban. Sin embargo, el recuerdo de los aniversarios republicanos permaneció latente como memoria subterránea en gran parte de la sociedad. Frente a la política de olvido ejercida por el régimen, Triunfo intentó transformar el 14 de abril en un lugar de memoria conmemorándolo en sus páginas.


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Durante la dictadura de Franco, el régimen implementó una política de olvido que se ocupó de borrar del espacio público las conmemoraciones republicanas, asimismo impuso el 1 de abril y el 18 de julio como aniversarios que lo legitimaban. Sin embargo, el recuerdo de los aniversarios republicanos permaneció latente como memoria subterránea en gran parte de la sociedad. Frente a la política de olvido ejercida por el régimen, Triunfo intentó transformar el 14 de abril en un lugar de memoria conmemorándolo en sus páginas.


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El presente trabajo se constituye como una aproximación a Roma, peligro para caminantes (1968), el poemario de Rafael Alberti (1902-1999). Tomando como directriz analítica el orden de aparición de cada una de las secciones que conforman dicha obra, las presentes líneas nos dan una breve panorámica de sus configuraciones temáticas, de su estilo y de los diálogos que establece con otros autores, obras y estilos de la tradición literaria y artística en general: los sonetos romanescos de Giuseppe Gioachino Belli, la formas de versificación española, las cintas de Federico Fellini, etc


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Durante la dictadura de Franco, el régimen implementó una política de olvido que se ocupó de borrar del espacio público las conmemoraciones republicanas, asimismo impuso el 1 de abril y el 18 de julio como aniversarios que lo legitimaban. Sin embargo, el recuerdo de los aniversarios republicanos permaneció latente como memoria subterránea en gran parte de la sociedad. Frente a la política de olvido ejercida por el régimen, Triunfo intentó transformar el 14 de abril en un lugar de memoria conmemorándolo en sus páginas.


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El presente trabajo se constituye como una aproximación a Roma, peligro para caminantes (1968), el poemario de Rafael Alberti (1902-1999). Tomando como directriz analítica el orden de aparición de cada una de las secciones que conforman dicha obra, las presentes líneas nos dan una breve panorámica de sus configuraciones temáticas, de su estilo y de los diálogos que establece con otros autores, obras y estilos de la tradición literaria y artística en general: los sonetos romanescos de Giuseppe Gioachino Belli, la formas de versificación española, las cintas de Federico Fellini, etc


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A description is given of the taxa sorted out of the zooplanktion and mikronekton material of the 1st German Antarctic Expedition 1975/76 by the Kiel sorting center. The methods employed in the sorting center are describined in detail. Notes for further use of the material are also given.


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Introduction: Chemical composition of water determines its physical properties and character of processes proceeding in it: freezing temperature, volume of evaporation, density, color, transparency, filtration capacity, etc. Presence of chemical elements in water solution confers waters special physical properties exerting significant influence on their circulation, creates necessary conditions for development and inhabitance of flora and fauna, and imparts to the ocean waters some chemical features that radically differ them from the land waters (Alekin & Liakhin, 1984). Hydrochemical information helps to determine elements of water circulation, convection depth, makes it easier to distinguish water masses and gives additional knowledge of climatic variability of ocean conditions. Hydrochemical information is a necessary part of biological research. Water chemical composition can be the governing characteristics determining possibility and limits of use of marine objects, both stationary and moving in sea water. Subject of investigation of hydrochemistry is study of dynamics of chemical composition, i.e. processes of its formation and hydrochemical conditions of water bodies (Alekin & Liakhin 1984). The hydrochemical processes in the Arctic Ocean are the least known. Some information on these processes can be obtained in odd publications. A generalizing study of hydrochemical conditions in the Arctic Ocean based on expeditions conducted in the years 1948-1975 has been carried out by Rusanov et al. (1979). The "Atlas of the World Ocean: the Arctic Ocean" contains a special section "Hydrochemistry" (Gorshkov, 1980). Typical vertical profiles, transects and maps for different depths - 0, 100, 300, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000 m are given in this section for the following parameters: dissolved oxygen, phosphate, silicate, pH and alkaline-chlorine coefficient. The maps were constructed using the data of expeditions conducted in the years 1948-1975. The illustrations reflect main features of distribution of the hydrochemical elements for multi-year period and represent a static image of hydrochemical conditions. Distribution of the hydrochemical elements on the ocean surface is given for two seasons - winter and summer, for the other depths are given mean annual fields. Aim of the present Atlas is description of hydrochemical conditions in the Arctic Ocean on the basis of a greater body of hydrochemical information for the years 1948-2000 and using the up-to-date methods of analysis and electronic forms of presentation of hydrochemical information. The most wide-spread characteristics determined in water samples were used as hydrochemical indices. They are: dissolved oxygen, phosphate, silicate, pH, total alkalinity, nitrite and nitrate. An important characteristics of water salt composition - "salinity" has been considered in the Oceanographic Atlas of the Arctic Ocean (1997, 1998). Presentation of the hydrochemical characteristics in this Hydrochemical Atlas is wider if compared with that of the former Atlas (Gorshkov, 1980). Maps of climatic distribution of the hydrochemical elements were constructed for all the standard depths, and seasonal variability of the hydrochemical parameters is given not only for the surface, but also for the underlying standard depths up to 400 m and including. Statistical characteristics of the hydrochemical elements are given for the first time. Detailed accuracy estimates of initial data and map construction are also given in the Atlas. Calculated values of mean-root deviations, maximum and minimum values of the parameters demonstrate limits of their variability for the analyzed period of observations. Therefore, not only investigations of chemical statics are summarized in the Atlas, but also some elements of chemical dynamics are demonstrated. Digital arrays of the hydrochemical elements obtained in nodes of a regular grid are the new form of characteristics presentation in the Atlas. It should be mentioned that the same grid and the same boxes were used in the Atlas, as those that had been used by creation of the US-Russian climatic Oceanographic Atlas. It allows to combine hydrochemical and oceanographic information of these Atlases. The first block of the digital arrays contains climatic characteristics calculated using direct observational data. These climatic characteristics were not calculated in the regions without observations, and the information arrays for these regions have gaps. The other block of climatic information in a gridded form was obtained with the help of objective analysis of observational data. Procedure of the objective analysis allowed us to obtain climatic estimates of the hydrochemical characteristics for the whole water area of the Arctic Ocean including the regions not covered by observations. Data of the objective analysis can be widely used, in particular, in hydrobiological investigations and in modeling of hydrochemical conditions of the Arctic Ocean. Array of initial measurements is a separate block. It includes all the available materials of hydrochemical observations in the form, as they were presented in different sources. While keeping in mind that this array contains some amount of perverted information, the authors of the Atlas assumed it necessary to store this information in its primary form. Methods of data quality control can be developed in future in the process of hydrochemical information accumulation. It can be supposed that attitude can vary in future to the data that were rejected according to the procedure accepted in the Atlas. The hydrochemical Atlas of the Arctic Ocean is the first specialized and electronic generalization of hydrochemical observations in the Arctic Ocean and finishes the program of joint efforts of Russian and US specialists in preparation of a number of atlases for the Arctic. The published Oceanographic Atlas (1997, 1998), Atlas of Arctic Meteorology and Climate (2000), Ice Atlas of the Arctic Ocean prepared for publication and Hydrochemical Atlas of the Arctic Ocean represent a united series of fundamental generalizations of empirical knowledge of Arctic Ocean nature at climatic level. The Hydrochemical Atlas of the Arctic Ocean was elaborated in the result of joint efforts of the SRC of the RF AARI and IARC. Dr. Ye. Nikiforov was scientific supervisor of the Atlas, Dr. R. Colony was manager on behalf of the USA and Dr. L. Timokhov - on behalf of Russia.


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A combination of Method of Moments (MoM) and compound slot Equivalent Circuit Model for linear array design is presented in this document. From the S Matrix of the single element, the more suitable network for its characterization is analyzed and selected. Then according to the radiation requirements of the desired array, the elements are designed and then properly connected by means of Forward Matching Procedure (FMP), which takes into account impedance matters in order to keep the input matched at the designing frequency. Comparison between HFSS simulations and MoM-FMP results are also presented. First part of this work was introduced in (1)(2) but a summary is included here to make the understanding easier.


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Al ser la naturaleza objeto de representación artística por el hombre, campos tan diversos como el arte y la ciencia forestal pueden compartir sus orígenes. Los pinos son un género botánico repartido por la cuenca mediterránea capaces de suscitar emociones al haber sido sujetos de lo que fue una innovación cultural. Se propone que los pinos pudieron ser objeto de las primeras representaciones artísticas de los antiguos pobladores de la Península Ibérica. La metodología en la selección de resultados se basa en patrones morfológicos: patrón 1 (plántulas de pino en sus primeras etapas de crecimiento), patrón 2 (dibujos asimilables a ramas de pino) y patrón 3 (dibujos de pinos de gran porte). La presentación de los resultados se estructura en: parte I (referente a las representaciones artísticas estimadas como de pinos en la prehistoria, diferenciando el arte paleolítico del post-paleolítico), parte II (contempla los resultados encontrados en el repertorio iconográfico del arte Íbero y Celtíbero) y parte III (presenta una selección de resultados del arte romano en Hispania). Las diferentes etapas artísticas se articulan comenzando con una introducción, seguida de enfoques multidisciplinares que incluyen una visión histórica del paisaje o de la ecología de la vegetación. A continuación se exponen los resultados de la revisión realizada en cada etapa histórica y el estudio y descripción de las piezas seleccionadas (localización geográfica, datación arqueológica, clasificación genérica de técnica, materiales, dimensiones, iconografía, contexto cultural y procedencia) y por último su discusión en cuanto a su adscripción al género Pinus y a la flora presente en el entorno, caso de ser posible. Esta información se completa con gráficos, diagramas, mapas y tablas situándolas en su contexto arqueológico y cronológico, aportando datos sobre el carácter utilitario, simbólico o ideológico de los pinos, cuya pervivencia se manifiesta en ser protagonistas de gran número de festejos en la España rural de nuestros días. SUMMARY Nature has been represented in paintings since ancient times, which enables fields of study as separate as art and forest science to share a common origin. Pine-tress belong to a botanical genus widely distributed throughout the Mediterranean basin, which are capable of rising emotion and being a representation of what at that time was cultural innovation, subsequently becoming symbols. In this dissertation we hypothesise that pine forest may have been one of the first artistic representations of the ancient dwellers of the Iberian Peninsula. The methodology used for the selection of results is based on morphological patterns, i.e.: Patern 1 (pine seedlings at their first developmental stages), Pattern 2 (drawings associated with pine branches and shoots), and Pattern 3 (paintings of large pine-trees). Results are shown according to the following structure: Part I (relating to prehistoric paintings identified as pines and differentiating Paleolithic from Post-Paleolithic art), Part II (involves the results gathered concerning Iberian and Celtiberian iconographic art) and Part III (including a selection of Roman art in Hispania concerning pine representations). The different artistic periods are linked beginning by an Introduction, followed by a multidisciplinary approach ranging from a historical landscape analysis to plant ecology within a Mediterranean context. Thereafter, results are presented by assessing each historical period and by describing each of the particular art pieces subjected to investigation (geographical location, archaeological date, generic classification of the art technique, materials, dimensions, iconography and cultural context and origin). Finally, the results are discussed according to their ascription to the Pinus genus and when possible, in relation with the surrounding flora. The information provided is complemented with diagrams, maps and tables to enable its understanding within a chronological and archaeological context and providing evidence for the functional, symbolic and ideological character of pines, which are still alive in Spain in the form of many rural feasts with particular kinds of celebrations where this species plays a central role.