442 resultados para Conjunctival swab


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AIM: To identify viruses associated with respiratory disease in young horses in New Zealand. METHODS: Nasal swabs and blood samples were collected from 45 foals or horses from five separate outbreaks of respiratory disease that occurred in New Zealand in 1996, and from 37 yearlings at the time of the annual yearling sales in January that same year. Virus isolation from nasal swabs and peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) was undertaken and serum samples were tested for antibodies against equine herpesviruses (EHV-1, EHV-2, EHV-4 and EHV-5), equine rhinitis-A virus (ERAV), equine rhinitis-B virus (ERBV), equine adenovirus 1 (EAdV-1), equine arteritis virus (EAV), reovirus 3 and parainfluenza virus type 3 (PIV3). RESULTS: Viruses were isolated from 24/94 (26%) nasal swab samples and from 77/80 (96%) PBL samples collected from both healthy horses and horses showing clinical signs of respiratory disease. All isolates were identified as EHV-2, EHV-4, EHV-5 or untyped EHV Of the horses and foals tested, 59/82 (72%) were positive for EHV-1 and/or EHV-4 serum neutralising (SN) antibody on at least one sampling occasion, 52/82 (63%) for EHV-1-specific antibody tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), 10/80 (13%) for ERAV SN antibody, 60/80 (75%) for ERBV SN antibody, and 42/80 (53%) for haemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibody to EAdV-1. None of the 64 serum samples tested were positive for antibodies to EAV, reovirus 3 or PIV3. Evidence of infection with all viruses tested was detected in both healthy horses and in horses showing clinical signs of respiratory disease. Recent EHV 2 infection was associated with the development of signs of respiratory disease among yearlings [relative risk (RR) = 2.67, 95% CI = 1.59-4.47, p = 0.0171]. CONCLUSIONS: Of the equine respiratory viruses detected in horses in New Zealand during this study, EHV 2 was most likely to be associated with respiratory disease. However, factors other than viral infection are probably important in the development of clinical signs of disease.


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This is the first documented study of the anatomical details of the contents of the normal koala orbit, excluding the bulbus oculi. Baseline data were established which are necessary for understanding and treating ocular disease in the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus). The anatomy of the orbital contents of the koala were examined and described from animals that presented dead or were euthanized for humane reasons. Dissections of the orbital cavity were performed under magnification. Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) casts of the nasolacrimal system and the vascular supply of the orbit were also made in order to study these systems. The superficial lymphatic drainage of the conjunctival tissues was studied by subcutaneous injection of Evan's Blue into the palpebral conjunctiva of a freshly deceased animal, and by Microfil casts of the efferent lymphatics. In general, the orbital contents of the koala are consistent with those of other carnivorous polyprotodont and herbivorous diprotodont marsupials.


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To define the location of potential oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in ocular melanoma we carried out comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) analysis on a population-based series of 25 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded primary tumors comprising 17 choroidal, 2 ciliary body, 4 iris, and 2 conjunctival melanomas. Twelve (48%) of the 25 melanomas showed no chromosomal changes and 13 (52%) had at least one chromosomal gain or loss. The mean number of CGH changes in all tumors was 3.3, with similar mean numbers of chromosomal gains (1.5) and losses (1.8). The highest number of chromosomal changes (i.e., nine) occurred in a conjunctival melanoma and included four changes not observed in tumors at any other ocular site (gains in 22q and 11p and losses in 6p and 17p). The most frequent gains in all primary ocular melanomas were on chromosome arm 8q (69%), 6p (31%) and 8p (23%) and the most frequent losses were on 6q (38%), 10q (23%), and 16q (23%). The most common pairing was gain in 8p and gain in 8q, implying a whole chromosome copy number increase; gains in 8p occurred only in conjunction with gains in 8q. The smallest regions of copy number alteration were mapped to gain of 8q21 and loss of 6q21, 10q21, and 16q22. Sublocalization of these chromosomal changes to single-band resolution should accelerate the identification of genes involved in the genesis of ocular melanoma.


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The role of sunscreens in preventing skin cancer and melanoma is the focus of ongoing research. Currently, there is no objective measure which can be used in field studies to determine whether a person has applied sunscreen to their skin, and researchers must use indirect assessments such as questionnaires. We sought to develop a rapid, non-invasive method for identifying sunscreen on the skin for use in epidemiological studies. Our basic method is to swab the skin, elute any residues which have been adsorbed onto the swab by rinsing in ethanol, and submit the eluted washings for spectrophotometric analysis. In a controlled study, we applied 0.1 ml of sunscreen to a 50 cm(2) grid on both forearms of 21 volunteers. Each forearm was allocated one of 10 different sunscreen brands. The skin was swabbed after intervals of 20 min, 1 h, 2 h and 4 h. In a field study conducted among 12 children aged 2-4 years attending a child care centre, sunscreen was applied to the faces of half the children. Swabs were then taken from the face and back of all children without knowledge of sunscreen status. In the controlled study, sunscreen was clearly detectable up to 2 h after application for all brands containing organic sunscreen, and marginally detectable at 4 h. In the field study, this method correctly identified all children with and without sunscreen. We conclude that spectrophotometric analysis of skin swabs can reliably detect the presence of sunscreen on the skin for up to 2 It after application. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A resistência a fármacos antituberculose tem constituído uma grande ameaça ao controle da tuberculose em âmbito mundial. A sua detecção precoce permite ao médico instituir um esquema de tratamento mais adequado ao paciente e consequentemente quebrar a cadeia de transmissão dos bacilos. Os testes de sensibilidade a antimicrobianos atuais, embora eficientes, são caros e/ou demorados e/ou trabalhosos. Com base nesta premissa, nos propusemos a desenvolver e padronizar um método fenotípico direto para determinação da sensibilidade do Mycobacterium tuberculosis a antimicrobianos de primeira linha do tratamento da tuberculose. Para o desenvolvimento deste novo teste, utilizaram-se os princípios do método das proporções e do exame de cultura pelo método de Ogawa–Kudoh. O estudo foi dividido em duas fases. A primeira, caracterizada pelo desenvolvimento e padronização do método proposto e a segunda, pela análise da concordância entre o método desenvolvido e o método do MGIT (padrão-ouro). Na primeira fase, foram realizados diversos ensaios para definir: os volumes de absorção e de liberação de líquidos de diferentes tipos de swab, o meio de cultura, as concentrações dos antimicrobianos e o tempo de leitura/interpretação das culturas. Além disso, foi verificado se a amostra deveria ou não ser diluída. Com base nos resultados destes ensaios, padronizou-se o método com: swab comercial, em meio de cultura Ogawa- Kudoh contendo separadamente 0,2 μg/mL de isoniazida, 40,0 μg/mL de rifampicina, 10,0 μg/mL de estreptomicina e 500,0 μg/mL de ácido para-nitrobenzóico. Padronizou-se ainda a inoculação da amostra de escarro de forma direta, ou seja, sem diluir e a leitura/interpretação do resultado do teste no período entre 21 e 28 dias. A análise comparativa entre este método e o teste de sensibilidade a antimicrobianos no sistema MGIT realizada na segunda fase do projeto indicou um índice kappa igual a 1,000, ou seja, uma concordância muito boa em relação ao padrão-ouro. Diante desses resultados promissores, acreditamos que o método desenvolvido apresente um grande potencial para ser utilizado em laboratórios com pouca infra-estrutura, por ser de baixo custo, fácil execução e relativamente rápido.


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A Síndrome de Sjögren é afecção auto-imune das glândulas exócrinas, que envolve particularmente as glândulas salivares e lacrimais. Não existe exame de certeza para diagnóstico. OBJETIVO: Avaliação da importância do papel da biópsia de glândula salivar menor e da sialometria, isoladamente ou associadas, como métodos utilizados para a classificação da Síndrome de Sjögren. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Coorte transversal. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: Todos os 72 pacientes com queixa de boca seca, de janeiro de 1997 a setembro de 2003, foram submetidos à investigação diagnóstica e classificação com base nos critérios estabelecidos. A sialometria não-estimulada foi realizada com a técnica do swab. Os exames histopatológicos foram avaliados quanto à presença de focos inflamatórios. RESULTADOS: A sialometria não-estimulada e a biópsia de glândula salivar menor apresentaram sensibilidades diferentes para Síndrome de Sjögren primária e Síndrome de Sjögren secundária. A sialadenite focal com maior número de focos foi característica da Síndrome de Sjögren primária. Compararam-se biópsia e sialometria e observou-se que a especificidade e o valor preditivo positivo da biópsia foram maiores. Entre biópsia e biópsia associada à sialometria, a biópsia teve maior sensibilidade e maior valor preditivo negativo. A especificidade da biópsia associada à sialometria foi maior. Entre sialometria e biópsia associada à sialometria, a biópsia associada à sialometria apresentou maior valor preditivo positivo e maior especificidade. A sensibilidade da sialometria foi maior. CONCLUSÕES: Os testes sialometria e biópsia apresentaram desempenhos diferentes nos pacientes com Síndrome de Sjögren primária e secundária; a positividade dos dois critérios em conjunto aumenta muito a especificidade para Síndrome de Sjögren (95%).


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Trinta por cento das faringotonsilites agudas são de etiologia estreptocócica com potencial de complicações como a glomerulonefrite difusa aguda e febre reumática. Crianças de creches apresentam maior incidência destas infecções. OBJETIVO: Identificar e comparar a prevalência do Streptococcus pyogenes na orofaringe entre crianças que freqüentam creches e crianças não-institucionalizadas, em duas regiões do Brasil. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: Estudo prospectivo com 200 crianças, provenientes da cidade de Porto Velho/RO e São Paulo/SP, em quatro grupos, freqüentadoras ou não de creches. Realizou-se swab de orofaringe e cultura para identificação do Streptococcus pyogenes. RESULTADOS: Prevalência de 8% e 2% entre as crianças de São Paulo que atendem a creches e do grupo controle, respectivamente, apresentando valor estatístico (p=0,02). Prevalência de 24% e 16% nos grupos de Porto Velho/RO que freqüentam creche e controle respectivamente, não caracterizando diferença estatisticamente significante (p=0,18). Observou-se diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos creche e controle de São Paulo/SP aos seus correspondentes de Porto Velho/RO (p < 0,01). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados deste estudo nos permitem sugerir que freqüência em creches representa um fator de risco para a colonização de orofaringe pelo Streptococcus pyogenes, fato observado em populações distintas, porém com significância estatística em apenas uma das duas amostras.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of canine amniotic membrane, previously preserved in glycerin, used as a patch on the repair of experimentally-made superficial corneal ulcers and to compare corneal epithelization between the treated and non-treated groups. Xenogeneic amniotic membranes were collected aseptically and preserved in 99% glycerin at room temperature. Each animal was anesthetized and submitted to superficial corneal keratectomy of the left eye. The treated group received a fragment of canine amniotic membrane as a patch, while the control group had no treatment. The treated group showed blepharospasm, ocular discharge and conjunctival congestion. The membrane accelerated corneal repair in the beginning of the process, however, it delayed its conclusion (p<0.05). Treated eyes showed greater vessel formation and decreased corneal transparency (p<0.05). The stroma of the control group was thicker than that of the treated group (p<0.05). We suggest that amniotic membrane used in this manner can be applied as a therapy for superficial corneal ulcers in the beginning phases of the repair process.


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The objective of the present study was the exogenous stimulation of ovarian activity and definition of embryo collection, and transfer protocols, in the domestic cat for potential application in non-domestic endangered species. Sixteen adult queens and two adult male reproducers kept in the experimental cat house at the Morphology sector at the Veterinary Department (DVT), UFV, were used in this study. All the queens received a single application of 150 IU Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin (eCG) in the post estrus to induce ovarian activity and 80 to 84 hours later, received a single application of 100 UI Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) to induce ovulation. After hCG application, only the donor queens were naturally mated. The receptor queens received extra stimulus for induction of ovulation through manipulation of an intravaginal swab. Five to six days after hCG application, the donor queens were subjected to a laparotomy for embryo collection that was performed by trans-horn uterine washing. On average, six embryos were surgically inovulated. They were classified as type I and III compact morula and blastocysts in four receptor queens. Three animals presented pregnancy confirmed by ultrasound at day 36 and two of these animals gave birth to litters of two and four offsprings, respectively, at 66 and 63 days after induction of ovulation. Except for one still birth, all the offspring developed normally.


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Introdução – Apesar de em Portugal se verificar o aumento da indústria da produção de aves para consumo humano, apenas alguns estudos incidem sobre a qualidade do ar interior e as implicações da sua degradação. Objectivos – Descrever a contaminação fúngica num aviário, analisar possíveis associações com a temperatura ambiente e a humidade relativa e o possível impacto na saúde dos consumidores e trabalhadores desta unidade. Métodos – Foi desenvolvido um estudo descritivo para avaliar a contaminação fúngica num aviário. Colheram‑se 5 amostras de ar de 100 litros através do método de compactação e 4 amostras de superfícies, utilizando a técnica da zaragatoa e um quadrado de 10 cm de lado de metal. Simultaneamente, os parâmetros ambientais – temperatura ambiente e humidade relativa – também foram medidos. Resultados – Foram identificadas vinte espécies de fungos no ar, sendo os seguintes os quatro géneros mais comummente isolados: Cladosporium (40,5%), Alternaria (10,8%), Chrysosporium e Aspergillus (6,8%). Nas superfícies, 21 espécies de fungos foram identificadas, sendo os 4 géneros mais identificados Penicillium (51,8%), Cladosporium (25,4%), Alternaria (6,1%) e Aspergillus (4,2%). Importa referir o facto de Aspergillus flavus, também isolado no ar, ser reconhecido como produtor de micotoxinas (aflatoxina) e Aspergillus fumigatus, uma das espécies isoladas no ar e superfícies, ser capaz de causar aspergilose grave ou fatal. Não se verificou relação significativa (p> 0,05) entre a contaminação fúngica e as variáveis ambientais. Conclusão – Caracterizou‑se a distribuição fúngica no ar e superfícies do aviário e analisou‑se a possível influência das variáveis ambientais. Foi reconhecido um potencial problema de Saúde Pública devido à contaminação fúngica e à possível produção de micotoxinas com a eventual contaminação dos produtos alimentares. A contaminação fúngica, particularmente causada pelo Aspergillus fumigatus, e a possível presença de micotoxinas no ar, devem ser encaradas também como fatores de risco neste contexto ocupacional. ABSTRACT - Background – Although there is an increasingly industry that produce whole chickens for domestic consumption in Portugal, only few investigations have reported on the indoor air of these plants and the consequences of their degradation. Objectives – Describe one poultry environmental fungal contamination analyse possible associations between temperature and relative humidity and its possible impact on the health of consumers and of the poultry workers. Methods – A descriptive study was developed to monitor one poultry fungal contamination. Five air samples of 100 litres through impaction method were collected and 4 swab samples from surfaces were also collected using a 10 cm square of metal. Simultaneously, environmental parameters – temperature and relative humidity – were also measured. Results – Twenty species of fungi in air were identified, being the 4 most commonly isolated the following genera: Cladosporium (40.5%), Alternaria (10.8%), Chrysosporium and Aspergillus (6.8%). In surfaces, 21 species of fungi were identified, being the 4 genera more identified Penicillium (51.8%), Cladosporium (25.4%), Alternaria (6.1%) and Aspergillus (4.2%). In addition, Aspergillus flavus also isolated in the poultry air is a well‑known producer of potent mycotoxins (aflatoxin), and Aspergillus fumigatus, one of the species isolated in air and surfaces, is capable of causing severe or fatal aspergillosis. There was no significant relationship (p>0,05) between fungal contamination and environmental variables. Conclusions – Was characterized fungal distribution in poultry air and surfaces and analyzed the association of environmental variables. It was recognized the Public Health problem because of fungal contamination and also due to probable mycotoxins production with the possible contamination of food products. Fungal contamination, particularly due to the presence of Aspergillus fumigatus and also the possible presence of mycotoxins in the air, should be seen as risk factor in this occupational setting.


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A descriptive study was developed to compare air and surfaces fungal contamination in ten hospitals’ food units and two food units from companies. Fifty air samples of 250 litres through impaction method were collected from hospitals’ food units and 41 swab samples from surfaces were also collected, using a 10 by 10 cm square stencil. Regarding the two companies, ten air samples and eight surface samples were collected. Air and surface samples were collected in food storage facilities, kitchen, food plating and canteen. Outdoor air was also collected since this is the place regarded as a reference. Simultaneously, temperature, relative humidity and meal numbers were registered. Concerning air from hospitals’ food units, 32 fungal species were identified, being the two most commonly isolated genera Penicillium sp.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Biomédicas, 3 de Fevereiro de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.


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Pesquisou-se infecção intestinal por enterovirus em 300 crianças, aparentemente normais, nascidas de parto hospitalar, com a mediana das idades de 2 dias, estudadas antes da alta hospitalar. Essas crianças foram divididas em três grupos de igual número, sendo que o primeiro grupo foi examinado no período que precedeu o 1.º Dia Nacional de Vacinação Contra a Poliomielite, efetuado em 1980, o segundo logo após a realização dessa imunização em massa e o terceiro posteriormente ao 2º Dia Nacional de Vacinação Contra a Poliomielite levado a efeito no mesmo ano. A pesquisa de enterovirus foi feita a partir de uma única amostra de fezes, colhida de cada criança por meio de Swab retal. Obteve-se o isolamento de poliovírus em 13 (4,3%) dos 300 recém-nascidos estudados, sendo que 8 deles pertenciam ao primeiro grupo e os outros 5 ao segundo. Das crianças infectadas, 12 eliminavam poliovírus lei poliovírus 3. Não foram isolados outros enterovirus. Discute-se a possibilidade da infecção por esses poliovírus ter ocorrido por transmissão transplacentária, via canal de parto ou ainda por infecção cruzada no próprio ambiente hospitalar.


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Eighteen Cebus apella monkeys, (juvenile and adult of both sexes) were inoculated five years ago, with three Trypanosoma cruzi strains (CA1, n = 10; Colombian, n=4 and Tulahuen, n=4), either by conjunctival or intraperitoneal route, once or repeatedly. Parasitological, hematological, serological, enzymatic, radiographic, electro and echocardiographic findings have been peviously published15 and they are similar to those observed in human pathology. The most frequent electrocardiographic alteration was right branch bundle block. Six animals, chosen at random, were sacrificed. Those sacrificed 20 to 25 months post-first inoculation showed focal accumuli of leukocytes with myocytolysis. Foci of diffuse interstitial fibrosis with mild infiltrate of leukocytes among fibers were observed in the animals sacrificed 36 to 47 months post-inoculation. No parasites were seen. The lesions were more prominent in the ventricular walls and the septum. The fact that the infiltrates were predominant in the animals sacrificed at a shorter time after first inoculation and that fibrosis was more severe in those sacrificed at a longer time suggests that there is a progression of the infiltrative lesions to fibrosis, with a leukocytic activity indicative of a chronic phase. These lesions are similar to those described in human chronic Chagas' disease. This would demonstrate that this model is useful in evaluating a progress in the knowledge of the pathogenesis which is still a controversial issue, immunology, immunogenesis and chemotherapeutic agents of the chronic and indeterminate phases of this disease.


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Leptospirosis is an important cause of acute renal failure in our environment. Although several mechanisms are implicated, the role of rhabdomyolysis in the pathogenesis of acute renal failure in leptospirosis has not been analysed. Sixteen patients with the diagnosis of leptospiroses consecutively admitted to the hospital were prospectively studied. The disease was characterized by sudden onset in all patients and, at admission, jaundice, conjunctival suffusion and myalgias. Mild to moderate proteinuria with unremarkable urinary sediment was recorded in 37.5% of the patients and abnormal levels of urea creatinine were found in 87.5% and 74.0%, respectively. Increased levels of aminotranspherase were documented in all 12 and CPK in all 10 patients studied. Serum myoglobin levels greater than 120µg/l recorded in 56.2%. A correlation between myoglobin and renal failure or severity of disease, however, could not be established.