571 resultados para Condicionamento operante


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This work of course conclusion has as objective main the development of a plan of marketing for academy of Acquamondo gymnastics. The enterprise has good equipment and training structure, allowing the client a propitious exercise that shows valuables results. However, there's no structured organization of internal and external communication and marketing: the concern with this topics, essential nowadays to the companies' survivor, practically doesn't exists. Expecting the improvement of the relationship between academy and its clients, enlarge the horizons of the mark and make it known at Bauru and region, stablish priority publics and actions and prospect new clients, the main ideas have been used of practices which contribute in an expressive way for the e stablished objective, like planning, strategic planning, marketing, communication and Public Relations, all applied to the reality of a micro and small company. Based on the concepts described above and by means of SWOT Analysis, a model of marketing plan was proposed with the aim of expanding the reach and impact power of Acquamondo gymnastics in the region its operates


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The disadvantages generated by the acid etching of the dentin, such as an increase in its permeability, in the surface moisture and in the potential to denature the external dentinal collagen, the formation of a fragility zone and the citotoxicity of the adhesive monomers; which are all aggravated by the depth of the dentin, have stimulated new and different treatment philosophies of the dentin. The purpose of the present study, therefore, was to investigate the effects of three dentin treatments: laser irradiation, acid etching and hypermineralization, in the shear bond strength of the SMP Plus bonding system. Sixty bovine incisors were extracted and randomly selected immediatly alter the animal's death. They were kept frozen (-18°C) for no longer than 14 days. After buccal dentinal surface had been exposed, X-Rays were taken to control the dentin thickness. The specimens were separated into two groups: (1) Control, kept in distilled water at 4ºC; (2) Mineralized, kept in hypermineralized solution at 4°C for 14 days. Each group was divided into three sub-groups according to the type of dentin treatment used: group F - followed the manufacturer instructions (acid-etching + primer + bond), group AL (acid-etching + primer + bond + laser) and group LA (laser + (laser + acid-etching + primer + bond). A composite resin standard cylinder (Z100-3M) was bond to the dentinal surface and the shear bond strength performed on a Universal lnstron machine 4301, with 500 Kg load and at 0,5mm/min. speed. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) determined that the treatments influenced the shear bond strength values (p<0,05) with the following average shearing load at failure: AL (9,96 MPa), F (7,28MPa) e LA (4,87 MPa). The interaction between the two factors analyzed Group (control and mineralized) and treatment (F, AL, LA) also influenced the shear bond strength (p<0,05). The highest values were obtained...


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Em países de clima tropical, o calor é um dos principais limitantes à produção de frangos de corte, sendo ainda responsável por induzir uma elevada mortalidade, especialmente na fase de terminação. Visando aliviar o efeito do estresse pelo calor, foram avaliadas duas técnicas para melhorar a tolerância térmica: o condicionamento térmico precoce (TCP) e a formulação dieta utilizando o princípio de Mongin (equilíbrio eletrolítico). Para tanto, o balanço eletrolítico do K+Na-Cl foi ajustado em 350 mEq/kg e a relação eletrolítica (K+Cl)/Na em 3:1, pelo programa PPFR (http://www.fmva.unesp.br/ppfr). Foram utilizados 300 pintos machos Cobb 500, em arranjo fatorial 2x2 (com e sem TCP e com e sem o princípio de Mongin), num delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em 24 boxes (6 repetições por tratamento). As aves foram inicialmente alojadas em baterias metálicas (1-7 dias de idade), e posteriormente em piso (8-48 dias de idade), sendo arraçoadas com: (T1) dieta tradicional sem TCP; (T2) dieta tradicional com TCP; (T3) dieta com a aplicação do equilíbrio eletrolítico sem TCP e (T4) dieta com aplicação do equilíbrio eletrolítico com TCP. O condicionamento térmico foi realizado no quinto dia de idade, por 24 horas a 36 °C, somente na metade do lote (150 aves). Após esse período, todas as aves foram transferidas para boxes de 1,5x3m (12 aves/boxe), tendo como cama a maravalha de madeira reutilizada. Aos 36 dias de idade foi aplicado um estresse agudo (36°C) por 8 horas em todos os tratamentos, sendo monitorado eletronicamente a temperatura e a umidade do galpão e do microclima na altura das aves. A alimentação e a água foram ad libitum, mesmo durante o período de estresse. Foram aferidos os dados de desempenho aos 7, 35 e 48 dias de idade para ganho de peso, consumo de ração e conversão alimentar, e também a taxa de mortalidade de cada boxe. Verificou-se que tanto o equilíbrio eletrolítico como o condicionamento térmico precoce foram eficazes significativamente (P<0,05) para minimizar a mortalidade dos frangos submetidos ao estresse agudo de calor, sem prejuízo no desempenho das aves. Além disso, foi observado um efeito mais favorável quando aplicados simultaneamente (T4). Assim, para o tratamento em que nenhuma destas estratégias foram utilizadas (T1), a taxa de mortalidade foi 83% superior ao tratamento em que ambas foram aplicadas (T4). Assim, tanto o condicionamento térmico precoce como o princípio de Mongin foram válidos para minimizar os efeitos danosos causados pelo calor em frangos de corte.


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Presents the contributions of pedagogical actions of a teacher- researcher, based on Body Culture Movement. Such actions were developed in physical education classes for one month in the second year of secondary education of state public school, located in the interior of São Paulo. Aims to understand what are the contributions to the student arising from actions based on Gymnastics in teacher reflection, developed by a teacherresearcher. The research approach and procedures adopted for the construction of data is qualitative in nature, exploring the descriptions field diary about the classes held. The results show that the contributions of such pedagogical actions can not be verified in the short time since they refer to changes in attitude and this requires time and the opportunity to participate in experiments planned in terms of goals and purposes that not are always proposed by the interlocutors of pedagogical action, but determined by external agents, such as educational policy and those responsible for curriculum development. The value of experience lies in how the actor engages with the pedagogical situation and the senses extracted from these actions, which presupposes individually with each student receives certain experience and the meanings extracted from each experience.


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Damage to health caused by excess body fat also generating a negative economic impact, with significant increase in public spending. The metabolic syndrome, which also gets several other names, such as plurimetabolic syndrome or syndrome X, is nothing more than the combined incidence of some diseases or metabolic disorders in which obesity, besides being one of them, seems to promote parallel effects that contribute to the development of other chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Researchers agree that hyper caloric diets associated with a sedentary lifestyle are the main triggers of disease, including the increasing on genetic predisposition to this disease in children and adolescents. In the case of children and adolescents the diagnosis is complicated by the lack of a consensus accepted by the scientific community. In addition to behavioral and environmental factors unfavorable to health, in a more detailed analysis also found hereditary aspects or simply genetic, such as hepatic enzyme Butyrylcholinesterase. When compared to eutrophic, obese adolescents, like adults obese, have higher serum concentration values as well as major activity for this enzyme. Increasing evidence suggests that excess body weight assumes an important role in the variation of metabolic functions in adolescents, favoring the emergence of early diagnostic indicators of metabolic syndrome.


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A portion of operant literature supports significant production of knowledge about problem solving, observation response and contingency relations between responses with different probabilities of occurrence (Premack Principle). This study investigated possible convergences between a descriptive analysis of ordinal behavior and such portion of the operant literature. Conceptual and methodological analysis of publications have highlighted the relevance of the sequence of events functionally related to the characterization of the production of knowledge about problem solving, observation response and the Premack Principle enabling approaches between programs of research on complex behavioral repertoires as well as expansions in research strategies concerning ordinal responding.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS


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Nove amostras de minerais de ferro, provenientes de diferentes minas (jazidas) pertencentes à Vale, foram o objeto desse trabalho, que buscou correlacionar a depressão das referidas amostras com amido e carboximetil celulose versus parâmetros mineralógicos e morfológicos. O amido de milho convencional se mostrou capaz de realizar ação depressora sobre todas as amostras, exceto sobre aquelas que se mostraram mais ricas em hematita compacta (HC). Tais hematitas podem ser chamadas de "problemáticas", visto que interagem fortemente com o coletor e apresentam deficiência de serem deprimidas pelo amido, exigindo elevadas dosagens para minimização de sua tendência à flotação. Carboximetil celulose não apresentou ação depressora sobre nenhuma das amostras estudadas. A flotabilidade das amostras ricas em HC pode ser minimizada pela ação do amido de milho condicionado em pH 8,0-8,5. Testes de flotação com minério itabirítico, contendo elevado percentual de hematitas compactas de pequeno tamanho de cristal, confirmaram a redução do teor de Fe no rejeito com a utilização de amido condicionado em pH≅8.