152 resultados para Concentrator
Irradiation distribution functions based on the yearly collectible energy have been derived for two locations; Sydney, Australia which represents a mid-latitude site and Stockholm, Sweden, which represents a high latitude site. The strong skewing of collectible energy toward summer solstice at high latitudes dictates optimal collector tilt angles considerably below the polar mount. The lack of winter radiation at high latitudes indicates that the optimal acceptance angle for a stationary EW-aligned concentrator decreases as latitude increases. Furthermore concentrator design should be highly asymmetric at high latitudes.
Low concentrator PV-T hybrid systems produce both electricity and thermal energy; this fact increases the overall efficiency of the system and reduces the cost of solar electricity. These systems use concentrators which are optical devices that concentrate sunlight on to solar cells and reduce expensive solar cell area. This thesis work deals with the thermal evaluation of a PV-T collector from Solarus.Firstly the thermal efficiency of the low concentrator collector was characterized for the thermal-collector without PV cells on the absorber. Only two types of paint were on the absorber, one for each trough of the collector. Both paints are black one is glossy and the other is dull,. The thermal efficiency at no temperature difference between collector and ambient for these two types of paint was 0.65 and 0.64 respectively; the U-value was 8.4 W/m2°C for the trough with the glossy type of paint and 8.6 W/m2°C for the trough with dull type of paint. The annual thermal output of these two paints was calculated for two different geographic locations, Casablanca, Morocco and Älvkarleby, Sweden.Secondly the thermal efficiency was defined for the PV-T collector with PV cells on the absorber. The PV cells cover 85% of the absorber, without any paint on the rest of the absorber area. We also tested how the electrical power output influences the thermal power output of the PV-T collector. The thermal and total performances for the PV-T collector were only characterized with reflector sides, because of the lack of time we could not characterize them with transparent sides also.
The aim of this master thesis is an investigation of the thermal performance of a thermal compound parabolic concentrating (CPC) collector from Solarus. The collector consists of two troughs with absorbers which are coated with different types of paint with unknown properties. The lower and upper trough of the collector have been tested individually. In order to accomplish the performance of the two collectors, a thorough literature study in the fields of CPC technology, various test methods, test standards for solar thermal collectors as well as the latest articles relating on the subject were carried out. In addition, the set‐up of the thermal test rig was part of the thesis as well. The thermal performance was tested according to the steady state test method as described in the European standard 12975‐2. Furthermore, the thermal performance of a conventional flat plate collector was carried out for verification of the test method. The CPC‐Thermal collector from Solarus was tested in 2013 and the results showed four times higher values of the heat loss coefficient UL (8.4 W/m²K) than what has been reported for a commercial collector from Solarus. This value was assumed to be too large and it was assumed that the large value was a result of the test method used that time. Therefore, another aim was the comparison of the results achieved in this work with the results from the tests performed in 2013. The results of the thermal performance showed that the optical efficiency of the lower trough of the CPC‐T collector is 77±5% and the corresponding heat loss coefficient UL 4.84±0.20 W/m²K. The upper trough achieved an optical efficiency of 75±6 % and a heat loss coefficient UL of 6.45±0.27 W/m²K. The results of the heat loss coefficients are valid for temperature intervals between 20°C and 80°C. The different absorber paintings have a significant impact on the results, the lower trough performs overall better. The results achieved in this thesis show lower heat loss coefficients UL and higher optical efficiencies compared to the results from 2013.
An cylinder-parabolic solar concentrator is presented to produce steam for different applications. This prototype was built in glass fiber with dimensions that follow a study of optimization of parameters inherent in the optical reflection of sunlight by the surface of reflection and absorption of the same by tubing that leads the fluid of work. The surface of the concentrator of 2.24 m² has been covered by layers of mirror with 1.0 m of lenght and 2.0 cm wide. The absorb tubing consists of a copper tube diameter equal to 28 mm. The concentrator is moving to follow the apparent motion of the sun. It will be presented the processes of manufacturing and assembly of the concentrator proposed, which has as main characteristics the facilities construction and assembly, in addition to reduced cost. Will be presented data from tests performed to produce steam setting up some parameters that diagnose the efficiency of the concentrator. It will be demonstrated the viabilities thermal, economic and of materials of the proposed system.The maximum temperature achieved in the vacuum tube absorber was 232.1°C and average temperature for 1 hour interval was 171.5°C, obtained in a test with automation. The maximum temperature achieved in the output of water was 197.7°C for a temperature of 200.0°C in the absorber tube. The best average result of the water exit temperature to interval of 1 hour was 170.2°C for a temperature of 171.2°C, in the absorber tube, obtained in test with automation. Water exit mean temperatures were always above of the water steaming temperature. The concentrator present a useful efficiency of 38% and a production cost of approximately R$ 450,00 ( $ 160.34)
Given the growing environmental crisis caused by degradation, mainly due to the use of polluting energy sources, increasing the growing use of renewable energies worldwide, with emphasis on solar energy, an abundant supply and available to everyone, which can be harnessed in several ways: electricity generation; dehydration of food; heating, disinfection and distillation and cooking. The latter has as its primary feature the viability of clean, renewable energy for society, combating ecological damage caused by large-scale use of firewood for cooking foods, use in tropical countries with high solar radiation, and has funding NGOs throughout the world with the goal of achieving low-income population. The proposed project consists of a solar cooker for concentration, working from the reflection of sunlight by a hub that they converge to a focal point at the bottom of the pot, getting lots of heat. The solar cooker under study consists of two elliptical reflecting parabolas made from the recycling of scrap TV antenna, having 0.29 m² of surface area for each antenna, which were covered by multiple mirrors of 2 mm thick and mounted on a metal structure, with correction for the mobility of the apparent movement of the sun. This structure was built with the recycling of scrap metal, possessing a relatively low cost compared with other solar cookers, around US$ 50.00. This cost becomes negligible, since that will involve a great benefit to not have fuel costs for each meal, unlike the use of gas or firewood for cooking food. The tests show that the cooker has reached the maximum temperature of 740 ° C, for boiling water in an average time of 28 minutes, cooking various types of foods such as potatoes, rice and pasta in an average time of 45 minutes and still going as a solar oven, making pizza baking and meat. These cooking times do not differ much from the cooking times on a gas stove, it becomes the solar cooker as a good consumer acceptance, and furthermore not to deliver the same gases that can poison the food as with the wood stove. Proves the viability of using the stove to cook or bake in two daily meals for a family, still presenting a position to improve his performance with the addition of new materials, equipment and techniques
Due to the increasing need to promote the use of resources that support the environment and the clean industry, the science has developed in the area of natural resource use as well as enhanced use of the renewable energy sources. Considering also the great need for clean water and wide availability of salt or brackish water, added to the great solar energy potential in northeastern of the Brazil, it was developed a solar distiller whose main difference is its system of pre-solar heating also. From experimental adjustments, the system was developed by the use of a cylindrical solar concentrator coupled to a conventional distiller. The system is designed such that attempt to facilitate the process termination trap to ensure constant movement of the fluid mass and thus enable higher temperatures to the system and thus fetch a higher amount of distillate collected. In a stage of the experiment were used a forced circulation to try to further increase the amount of energy exchange system. To develop the study were set up four settings for comparison in which one was only distiller simple as basic parameter, the second proposed configuration were with the coupling of the concentration triggered manually every 30 minutes to monitor the sun, the third configuration occurred with automatic triggering of a timer, and the fourth configuration was also used a pumping system that tried to improve the circulation of the fluid. With the comparative analysis of the results showed a gain in the amount of distillate system, especially in the forced model
Purpose: Long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT) is one of the main treatments for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Patients receiving LTOT may have less than optimal home conditions and this may interfere with treatment. The objective of this study was, through home visits, to identify the characteristics of patients receiving LTOT and to develop knowledge regarding the home environments of these patients.Methods: Ninety-seven patients with a mean age of 69 plus or minus 10.5 years were evaluated. This study was a cross-sectional descriptive analysis. Data were collected during an initial home visit, using a questionnaire standardized for the study. The results were analyzed retrospectively.Results: Seventy-five percent of the patients had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and 11% were active smokers. The patients' mean pulse oximetry values were 85.9% plus or minus 4.7% on room air and 92% plus or minus 3.9% on the prescribed flow of oxygen. Most of the patients did not use the treatment as prescribed and most used a humidifier. The extension hose had a mean length of 5 plus or minus 3.9 m (range, 1.5-16 m). In the year prior to the visit, 26% of the patients received emergency medical care because of respiratory problems. Few patients reported engaging in leisure activities.Conclusion: The home visit allowed us to identify problems and interventions that could improve the way LTOT is used. The most common interventions related to smoking cessation, concentrator maintenance and cleaning, use of a humidifier, and adjustments of the length of the connector hose. Therefore, the home visit is a very important tool in providing comprehensive care to patients receiving LTOT, especially those who show lack of adequate progress and those who show uncertainty about the treatment method.
Anisotropic Magnetoresistive (AMR) sensors shows a new possibility to detect magnetic fields produced by magnetic particles present in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. A system that uses excitation and detection of magnetic field was developed using AMR sensor. A magnetic flux concentrator was also studied to increase the sensitivity of AMR in this work.
We describe the design and tests of a set-up mounted in a conventional double beam spectrophotometer, which allows the determination of optical density of samples confined in a long liquid core waveguide (LCW) capillary. Very long optical path length can be achieved with capillary cell, allowing measurements of samples with very low optical densities. The device uses a custom optical concentrator optically coupled to LCW (TEFLON® AF). Optical density measurements, carried out using a LCW of ̃ 45 cm, were in accordance with the Beer-Lambert Law. Thus, it was possible to analyze quantitatively samples at concentrations 45 fold lower than that regularly used in Spectrophotometric measurements.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este trabalho de pesquisa, com enfoque interdisciplinar, transita nos campos político e midiático no intuito de mostrar o teor dos discursos nas proposições, ações e entrevistas dos membros da Comissão da Amazônia, Integração Nacional e de Desenvolvimento Regional (CAINDR), da Câmara dos Deputados do Brasil. Ao indicar se os eixos temáticos ‘Desenvolvimento’ e ‘Sustentabilidade’ estão inseridos ou não nas políticas públicas construídas no âmbito deste fórum, o principal objetivo desta tese é responder que tipo de desenvolvimento se defende nesta comissão e como a Amazônia é retratada por seus membros. Através de um minucioso levantamento de projetos, requerimentos, documentos discursos e ações dos parlamentares que compuseram a comissão durante a 52ª Legislatura (2003-2006), como também da produção midiática associada a determinadas ações e proposições apresentadas na CAINDR durante esse período, partiu-se para a Análise de Discurso. Mais do que uma ferramenta metodológica, a Análise de Discurso constitui-se uma abordagem teórico-metodológica essencialmente interdisciplinar que possibilita a compreensão das estratégias discursivas em um determinado campo social. Analisar os sentidos das falas, as marcas ou pistas deixadas na produção de sentidos, como também elucidar o lugar social desta produção (relações) e as vozes convocadas pelos discursos dos atores desse fórum permitem identificar o que estes priorizam para a região e como a retratam - resultado que fica ainda mais interessante ao se cruzar com o noticiário em questão, situando a relação entre os campos político e midiático. Nesse sentido, adotou-se a Teoria dos Campos Sociais como referencial teórico para esta pesquisa, não somente por buscar compreender as relações e representações do mundo social, mas também por ajudar a localizar, na disputa do poder simbólico, o eixo organizador dos interesses e estratégias dos atores do campo social em foco. O resultado deste trabalho foi compensador e permitiu confirmar a sua hipótese central: a de que o modelo de desenvolvimento defendido na CAINDR prioriza o avanço de fronteiras e de mercado em detrimento ao caráter ambiental – dando continuidade ao modelo espoliativo e concentrador que há muito vigora na Amazônia brasileira.
A presente dissertação avalia a margem de estabilidade de tensão da subestação de Rurópolis-PA 230 kV do sistema elétrico Tramoeste da Eletrobrás Eletronorte, utilizando medições locais de fasores de tensão e corrente obtidos através do concentrador de dados fasoriais ou (PDC, do inglês Phasor Data Concentrator) da Eletronorte. A avaliação é baseada na identificação dos parâmetros do equivalente Thevenin (tensão e impedância) “vistos” a montante da subestação em estudo. Os parâmetros do equivalente Thévenin são estimados a partir dos fasores de tensão e corrente medidos localmente, assim como a impedância da carga é calculada usando os mesmos fasores. A margem de estabilidade de tensão determina a distância dada entre os valores, em módulo, da impedância de Thévenin e da impedância da carga. Essa margem, para a subestação referida, foi avaliada em três casos. O primeiro caso avalia a margem considerando dois patamares de carga (leve e pesada); o segundo caso avalia a margem considerando dois níveis de geração na Usina de Tucuruí; e o terceiro caso avalia a margem frente a duas perturbações no Sistema Interligado Nacional (SIN), sendo uma perturbação mais próxima, eletricamente, e outra mais distante da subestação de Rurópolis 230 kV. Os resultados obtidos demonstram uma aplicação promissora das análises propostas para serem usadas em tempo real em sistemas de potência, beneficiando aplicações de ações corretivas.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)