925 resultados para Compressed workweek.


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The experiments were designed to evaluate the biocompatibility of a plastically compressed collagen scaffold (PCCS). The ultrastructure of the PCCS was observed via scanning electron microscopy. Twenty New Zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into experimental and control groups that received corneal pocket transplantation with PCCS and an amniotic membrane, respectively. And the contralateral eye of the implanted rabbit served as the normal group. On the 1st, 7th, 14th, 21st, 30th, 60th, 90th, and 120th postoperative day, the eyes were observed via a slit lamp. On the 120th postoperative day, the rabbit eyes were enucleated to examine the tissue compatibility of the implanted stroma. The PCCS was white and translucent. The scanning electron microscopy results showed that fibers within the PCCS were densely packed and evenly arranged. No edema, inflammation, or neovascularization was observed on ocular surface under a slit lamp and few lymphocytes were observed in the stroma of rabbit cornea after histological study. In conclusion, the PCCS has extremely high biocompatibility and is a promising corneal scaffold for an artificial cornea. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part A, 2013.


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Lycopodiopsis derbyi Renault was analyzed on the basis of compressed silicified stems from four Guadalupian outcrops of the Parana Basin (Corumbatai Formation) in the State of Sao Paulo, Southern Brazil. Dichotomous stems have been recorded, and three different branch regions related to apoxogenesis are described. The most proximal region has larger, clearly rhomboidal leaf cushions, with protruding upper edges; the intermediate transitional region also has rhombic leaf cushions, but they are smaller and less elongated than the lower in the same axis; finally, the most distal region reveals only incipient cushions, with inconspicuous infrafoliar bladders; interspersed microphylls were still attached. A well preserved branch representative of this most distal region was sectioned; it has a siphonostelic cylinder similar to that previously described for L derbyi. The cortex, however, shows new traits, such as a short portion of elongated cells between the periderm and the external cortex (or leaf cushion tissue). The stems were apparently silicified prior to their final burial but were probably not transported for long distances. Their final burial may have taken place during storm events, which were common during the deposition of the Corumbatai Formation. These stems are commonly deformed due to compression, mainly because the internal cortical portions rapidly decayed prior to silicification due to their thin-walled tissue, and are therefore not preserved. The common alkalinity of a shallow marine environment such as that in which the Corumbatai Formation was deposited, should mobilize the silica and favors petrifaction. Based on the new data, an emended diagnosis is proposed and a modification of the identification key published by Thomas and Meyen in 1984 for Upper Paleozoic Lycopsida is suggested. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Certificate verification in PKI is a complex and time consuming process. In the classical PKI methodology, in order to obtain a public key and to accept a certificate as valid, a verifier needs to extract a certificate path from the PKI and to verify the certificates on this path recursively. Levi proposed a nested certificate model vvith the aim to simplify and speed up certificate verification. Such a nested certificate-based PKI significantly improves certificate verification, but it also requires a large increase in the number of issued certificates, which makes this model impractical for real life deployment. In order to solve this drawback of nested PKI, while retaining its speed in certificate verification, we propose in this paper the innovative concept of a compressed nested certificate, which is a significantly modified version of the nested certificate model. Compressed nested certificate PKI deploys compressed nested certificates which speed up and simplify certificate verification while keeping certificate load to a minimum, thus providing implementers the option of integrating it into the existing PKI model or building it separately as an independent model.


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Compressed sensing (CS) is a new information sampling theory for acquiring sparse or compressible data with much fewer measurements than those otherwise required by the Nyquist/Shannon counterpart. This is particularly important for some imaging applications such as magnetic resonance imaging or in astronomy. However, in the existing CS formulation, the use of the â„“ 2 norm on the residuals is not particularly efficient when the noise is impulsive. This could lead to an increase in the upper bound of the recovery error. To address this problem, we consider a robust formulation for CS to suppress outliers in the residuals. We propose an iterative algorithm for solving the robust CS problem that exploits the power of existing CS solvers. We also show that the upper bound on the recovery error in the case of non-Gaussian noise is reduced and then demonstrate the efficacy of the method through numerical studies.


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The collection contains an EBSD map of AZ31 compressed to 1% strain at room temperature in a direction parallel to the extrusion direction. The map was collected as part of an investigation into the role of twinning in the occurrence of a yield point elongation during deformation.


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Images published on online social sites such as Facebook are increasingly prone to be misused for malicious purposes. However, existing image forensic research assumes that the investigator can confiscate every piece of evidence and hence overlooks the fact that the original image is difficult to obtain. Because Facebook applies a Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)-based compression on uploaded images, we are able to detect the modified images which are re-uploaded to Facebook. Specifically, we propose a novel method to effectively detect the presence of double compression via the spatial domain of the image: We select small image patches from a given image, define a distance metric to measure the differences between compressed images, and propose an algorithm to infer whether the given image is double compressed without referring to the original image. To demonstrate the correctness of our algorithm, we correctly predict the number of compressions being applied to a Facebook image.


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A novel image encryption scheme based on compressed sensing and blind source separation is proposed in this work, where there is no statistical requirement to plaintexts. In the proposed method, for encryption, the plaintexts and keys are mixed with each other using a underdetermined matrix first, and then compressed under a project matrix. As a result, it forms a difficult underdetermined blind source separation (UBSS) problem without statistical features of sources. Regarding the decryption, given the keys, a new model will be constructed, which is solvable under compressed sensing (CS) frame. Due to the usage of CS technology, the plaintexts are compressed into the data with smaller size when they are encrypted. Meanwhile, they can be decrypted from parts of the received data packets and thus allows to lose some packets. This is beneficial for the proposed encryption method to suit practical communication systems. Simulations are given to illustrate the availability and the superiority of our method.


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With the development of the cyber-physical systems (CPS), the security analysis of the data therein becomes more and more important. Recently, due to the advantage of joint encryption and compression for data transmission in CPS, the emerging compressed sensing (CS)-based cryptosystem has attracted much attention, where security is of extreme importance. The existing methods only analyze the security of the plaintext under the assumption that the key is absolutely safe. However, for sparse plaintext, the prior sparsity knowledge of the plaintext could be exploited to partly retrieve the key, and then the plaintext, from the ciphertext. So, the existing methods do not provide a satisfactory security analysis. In this paper, it is conducted in the information theory frame, where the plaintext sparsity feature and the mutual information of the ciphertext, key, and plaintext are involved. In addition, the perfect secrecy criteria (Shannon-sense and Wyner-sense) are extended to measure the security. While the security level is given, the illegal access risk is also discussed. It is shown that the CS-based cryptosystem achieves the extended Wyner-sense perfect secrecy, but when the key is used repeatedly, both the plaintext and the key could be conditionally accessed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)