965 resultados para Compressão nervosa


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There has been an increasing tendency on the use of selective image compression, since several applications make use of digital images and the loss of information in certain regions is not allowed in some cases. However, there are applications in which these images are captured and stored automatically making it impossible to the user to select the regions of interest to be compressed in a lossless manner. A possible solution for this matter would be the automatic selection of these regions, a very difficult problem to solve in general cases. Nevertheless, it is possible to use intelligent techniques to detect these regions in specific cases. This work proposes a selective color image compression method in which regions of interest, previously chosen, are compressed in a lossless manner. This method uses the wavelet transform to decorrelate the pixels of the image, competitive neural network to make a vectorial quantization, mathematical morphology, and Huffman adaptive coding. There are two options for automatic detection in addition to the manual one: a method of texture segmentation, in which the highest frequency texture is selected to be the region of interest, and a new face detection method where the region of the face will be lossless compressed. The results show that both can be successfully used with the compression method, giving the map of the region of interest as an input


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Structures capable of absorbing large amounts of energy are of great interest, particularly for the automotive and aviation industries, to reduce tbe impact on passengers in the case of a collision. The energy absorption properties of composite materials structures can be tailored, thus making these structures an appealing option a substitute of more traditional structures in applications where energy absorption is crucial. ln this research, the influence of some parameters, which affect the energy absorption capacity of composite material tubes, was investigated. The tubes were fabricated by hand lay-up, using orthophthalic polyester resin and a plain weave E-glass fabric Test specimens were prepared and tested under compression load. The ínfluence of the following parameters on the specific energy absorption capacity of the tubes was studied: fiber configuration (0/90º or ± 45°), tube cross-section (circular or square), and processing conditions (with or without vacuum). The results indicated that circular cross-section tubes with fibers oriented at 0/90º presented the highest level of specific energy absorbed. Further, specimens from tubes fabricated under vacuum displayed higher energy absorption capacity, when compared with specimens from tubes fabricated without vacuum. Thus, it can be concluded that the fabrication process with vacuum produce composite structures with better energy absorption capacity


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The use of waste heat of energy conversion equipment to produce a cooling effect, consists currently in a very interesting way of efficiency improvement of energy systems. The present research has as intention the theoretical and experimental study of a new intermittent refrigeration system ejector cycle characteristics, with use of waste heat. Initially, was doing a bibliographical survey about the vapor ejector refrigeration system technology. In the following stage was doing a simulation of the corresponding thermodynamic cycle, with preliminarily intention to evaluate the performance of the system for different refrigerants fluids. On the basis of the results of the simulation were selected the refrigerant fluid and developed an experimental group of benches of the refrigeration system considered, where pressure and temperature sensory had been inserted in strategical points of the refrigeration archetype and connected to a computerized data acquisition system for measure the refrigerant fluid properties in the thermodynamic cycle. The test results obtained show good agreement with the literature


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Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is a term used to characterize an ischemic or hemorrhagic vascular injury, which has got as main clinic manifestations, the motor and reflex function disturbance. In the first stage there is flaccidity and loss of voluntary movements that afterwards is substituted by mass patterns and spasticity. The spasticity brings with itself functional deficits and can generate negative impacts in various motor patterns. The aim of this research was to investigate the hyperreflexia and identify the immediate effects of transcutaneous nervous stimulation (TENS) and cryotherapy in the spasticity and electromyographic activity of hemiparetic subjects. The study is characterized as an almost experimental type, in which were selected, to compose the sample, 16 patients of both sex with CVA sequel. These individuals were evaluated by collecting the amplitude peak to peak and H reflex latency, Motor response (M response) in solear muscle and the electromyography (EMG) of the injured and healthy legs anterior tibial muscles. In the injured limb the evaluations occurred in different days for cryotherapy, TENS and control, in two moments, before and after the interventions. The healthy limb was evaluated one single time to serve as baseline, for comparison with the injured limb. It was used an statistic analysis, the t paired student test to identify the H reflex differences, latency and EMG of the injured and healthy limbs and to compare the results before and after the recourses application. The ANOVA for related samples was used to identify the differences among the recourses used. It was attributed for the statistic tests a significance level of 5%. The amplitude peak to peak of normalized maximum H reflex through the maximum motor response (Hmax/Mmax), showed itself significantly increased in the injured limb (p=0.0245). The H reflex latency was presented reduced in the injured limb (p=0, 0375). The electromyographic activity was showed decreased in the injured limb (p< 0.0001). After the TENS there was a Hmáx/Mmáx ratio decrease (0.60±0.16 versus 0.49.±0.18; P = 0.0006). Nonetheless, Just after the cryotherapy application there was an increase of Hmáx/Mmáx ratio (0.58 ± 0,15 to 0.77 ± 0.13, P=0,0007) and increase of signal latency (30.41 ± 1.87 versus 33.24 ± 2.19; P=0.0001). The electromyographic activity wasn t altered significantly by any resource. It was met statistic significant differences when the Hmáx/Mmáx P<0.0001) ratio and H reflex latency (P<0.0001) were compared between the post TENS, cryotherapy and control. One can conclude that the TENS can be used to spasticity immediate reduction, and that the cryotherapy can increase the hyperreflexia state in spastic patients. Nonetheless, the spasticity decrease or increase didn t provoke lectromyographic activity change in the muscle that is opponent to the spastic one


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Digital image processing is a field that demands great processing capacity. As such it becomes relevant to implement software that is based on the distribution of the processing into several nodes divided by computers belonging to the same network. Specifically discussed in this work are distributed algorithms of compression and expansion of images using the discrete cosine transform. The results show that the savings in processing time obtained due to the parallel algorithms in comparison to its sequential equivalents is a function that depends on the resolution of the image and the complexity of the involved calculation; that is efficiency is greater the longer the processing period is in terms of the time involved for the communication between the network points.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate through radiographic and microscopic analysis the efficiency of the filling techniques by vertical hidraulic compression after the root canal mechanical instrumentation in vitro as well to evaluate the marginal apical leakage through macroscopic and microscopic analysis. Thirty human mandibular molars were used , they were divided on three groups, these were subdivided on six subgroups with five specimens each, come down to 106 root canals filled. Initially, the teeth were instrumented with Profile system series 29 and filled with two ways: single accessory cone or single cone associated with gutta-percha secundary cone, with Fill Canal sealer or Sealer 26. Completed the filling, the teeth were coated with araldit and finger -nail polish except for the apical 2 mm and dried for 3 hours, thep radiographs were taken of the teeth in orto and disto-radiai directions. Next, the coronal seal was carried out with composite resin photopolymerized and with their process of making impermeable. Teeth of positive controls were used without araldit and finger-nail polish whereas the negative controls were used with total coat of araldit and finger-nail polish. The specimens were placed in 2% Methylene Blue dye for 24 hours and thermocycled for 7 days. Afterwards, sections were made of each tooth at mesial and distal roat, after this the teeth were radiographed at buccolíngual direction for a macroscopic analysis and at buccolingual and mesiodistal directions for assessment of the marginal apical leakage. Cross sections were made 3 mm to 3mm since the tooth apice. The sections obtained for each group were observed with a stereomicroscope to evaluate the quality of the root canal filling and the marginal apical leakage. The results showed that: In the four techniques the marginal dye leakage was present in the apical third; in all groups the quality of the root canal filling in the radiography was better at mesial root canal and the single cone technique showed inefficient when only a single distal root canal was present. In the radiographic evaluation the best quality of the root canal filling was observed in the 1A group (single accessory cone + FiIl Canal), as in the mesial root as in the distal root wich Shcwed twe root canals: when the distaI root had only one canal. the best result was showed by 28 group (single accessory cone associated with secundary cone + Fill Canal) In the macroscopic analysis of longitudinal !eaKage (outside surface). less leakage was showed as In the mesial root as in the distal root in the negative control group (3) followed 2A group (single accessory cone + Sealer 26). When the microscopic analysis of tranversal leakage of both roots (inside surface) was carried out. the groups that showed less dye leakage were the negative control (38) followed the 28 group (single acessory cone associated with secundary cone + Sealer 26). The homogeneity o filling was best noted in the 1 A group (.single accessoty cone + Fill Canal). The groups that showed less dye penetration in the tranversal leakage (total area) were negative control (3B) and 2B


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a padronização dos valores de referência de velocidade de condução nervosa motora dos nervos radial e ulnar em cães clinicamente sadios. Para tanto, foram utilizados 30 cães, 11 machos e 19 fêmeas, sem raça definida, com idade entre dois e seis anos. Os valores médios das medidas do potencial muscular produzidos por meio de estimulação proximal e distal do nervo radial foram, respectivamente: latência inicial, 2,46+0,72ms e 1,58+0,62ms, amplitude de pico a pico, 8,79+2,26mV e 9,52+2,42mV e duração, 2,85+0,76ms e 2,71+0,75ms. Os respectivos valores do nervo ulnar foram: latência inicial, 4,17+0,53ms e 2,67+0,38ms; amplitude de pico a pico, 10,72+2,60mV e 11,72+2,81mV e duração, 2,23+0,38ms e 2,04+0,35ms. Os valores médios das medidas de velocidade de condução nervosa motora dos nervos radial e ulnar foram, respectivamente, 66,18+7,26m/s e 60,50+7,86m/s.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a padronização dos valores de referência de velocidade de condução nervosa sensitiva dos nervos tibial e peroneal em cães clinicamente sadios, pela utilização de eletrodos de superfície. em todos os sítios de estimulação, captação, referência e terra foram utilizados eletrodos do tipo jacaré, exceto na captação do estímulo no nervo peroneal, próximo à articulação fêmur-tibial, onde o registro só foi possível com a utilização de eletrodo de agulha. Foram utilizados 30 cães, 11 machos e 19 fêmeas, sem raça definida, com idade entre dois e seis anos. Os valores médios das medidas dos potenciais evocados pela estimulação sensitiva dos nervos tibial e peroneal foram: latência inicial, 1,82±0,30ms (1,30 a 2,55ms) e 1,57±0,29ms (1,01 a 2,16ms), amplitude de pico a pico, 96,48±45,78miV (41,6 a 214miV) e 121,25±57,49miV (54,8 a 299miV) e duração, 1,97±0,69ms (1,01 a 3,56ms) e 2,37±0,85ms (1,11 a 3,94ms), respectivamente. Os valores médios das medidas de velocidade de condução nervosa sensitiva dos nervos tibial e peroneal foram, respectivamente, 62,14+7,71ms (50,0 a 77,2ms) e 65,18+6,42ms (53,8 a 79,2ms), respectivamente.


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Em 81 cães com sinais clínicos, lesões histológicas e corpúsculos de inclusão no sistema nervoso central característicos de cinomose nervosa foi constatada ocorrência freqüente de: alteração das reações posturais (87,65%), diminuição da secreção lacrimal (83,95%), presença de mioclonias (75,30%), paresias (69,12%), conjuntivite (56,79%), corioretinite/ hiperqueratose naso-digital (51,85%), linfopenia (51,85%), anemia (48,05%), principalmente microcítica hipocrômica, e discretas alterações liquóricas caracterizadas por aumento de proteínas totais (77,33%) e pleocitose linfocítica (50,72%). A presença de corpúsculos de Lenz em tecidos extraneurais oscilou entre 30 e 45 %, com maior freqüência em linfonodos. Enquanto outras anormalidades clínicas, neurológicas e laboratoriais não tiveram freqüência expressiva para dar apoio ao diagnóstico, o incorreto programa de vacinação foi uma constante.


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The authors studied the possible inductive effect of exogenous gangliosides administrated intra-peritoneal and intra-muscular, in 33 rats, after compression and sutures of sciatic nerve. In the animals suffering compression of the sciatic nerve only, the myelin sheath was preserved with good regeneration of the nerve. There was no statistics difference between the two groups with or without the administration of gangliosides. In the group of rats where section of the sciatic nerve and suture were performed, neuroma of amputation as well as dense cicatricial tissue with inflammatory reaction of foreign body type was noted around the sutures. In conclusion, the formation of neuroma of amputation associated with severe inflammatory reaction had an important role in determining the regeneration of the nerve.


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The merit of the Karhunen-Loève transform is well known. Since its basis is the eigenvector set of the covariance matrix, a statistical, not functional, representation of the variance in pattern ensembles is generated. By using the Karhunen-Loève transform coefficients as a natural feature representation of a character image, the eigenvector set can be regarded as an feature extractor for a classifier.