995 resultados para Cole, Mary Martha Scott, 1871-
Mode of access: Internet.
v.1-48. Waverley novels. 1865-1868.--v.49-60. Poetical works. 1868.--v.61-90. Miscellaneous works. 1870-1871.-v.91-100. Memoirs of Sir Walter Scott, by J. G. Lockhart. 1869.
Preface signed: F.B.M. (i.e. Frederick B. Miles)
John Scott, architect. There is a discrepancy in building date. Sources cite both 1902 and 1896. "Among the gifts [for the women's gymnasium] was a transfer of $711 from the Mary J. Porter Fund, one of the first alumnae contributions to the university." (source: University of Michigan: an Encyclopedic Survey) Barbour Gymnasium (for women) was attached to the north side of the Waterman Gymnasium.
York and Sawyer, architect. The Martha Cook Building was erected as a residence for women in 1915, a gift of William Wilson Cook ('80) in honor of his mother, Martha Walford Cook. Garden replanted in 1921 by Samuel Parsons of New York City. Grounds from the southeast.
Top Row: Kris Aasvved, Phyllis Askew, Stephanie Babboni, Carolyn Backus, Carol Bockeloo, Veronica Banks, Patte Barland, Sally Barling, Rowena Beebe, Ginger Behr, Bobbi Bergmooser, Clary Bestor, Terry A. Bilinski, Debbie Blauer, Kathleen Bly, Lois K. Boer, Aurelia boyer, Polly Bradley, Sue Brenkert, Sherry Brezina
Row 2: Andrea Brown, Phyllis Buchholz, Michele Bujak, Barbara Burcham, Carol Burg, Mary Ann Campbell, Nancy Cartwright, Sally Chin, Kathleen Christmas, Barbara Clark, Marlene Clarkson, Alma Cole, Judy Coltson, Donna Craig, Janet L. Davies, Catherine Davidson, Sandra Detrisac, Toni Doherty, Kathleen Dumas, Deretha Eddings
Row 3: Marcia Ferrand, Karen Finger, Carol Fischer, Susan Fischer, Suzanne M. Fleszar, Barbara Fritz, Lola Garland, Susan Goldstein, Pam Goltz, Diane Gorman, Debby Goudreau, Diane Greenfield, Debbie Gross, Joan Hamman, Cheryl Hauch, Michelle Hays, Betty Henderson, Christena Henson, Constance Hill, Linda Hill
Row 4: Pamela Hill, Marilyn Holland, Patricia Horvath, Lois Huissen, Nance J. Huston, Phyllis Isackson, Angela Janik, Kim Johnson, Marjorie Kelsey, Wanda Kent, Eugenie Kimura, Lesley Kinnard, Kathleen Klute, Peggy Koskela, Linda Ksiazkiewicaz, Barbara Lang, Karen C. Carson, Kathryn Linder, Kathleen Lipinski, Janie Locke
Row 5: Nancy Luth, Denise Lyons, Susan Malkewitz, Diane Mannino, Nancy Marsh, Denise M. McCann, Carol McVannel, Vicky Melancon, Darlene Mikolajczak, Jane Monroe, Pam Morris, Cari Mulholland, Sandra Muller, Jacqueline Murphy, Terri Murtland, Colleen Nash, Debbie Nichols, Nancy Nowacek, Denise D. O'Brien, Sue Olejniczak
Row 6: Susan Panozzo, Marty Parmelee, Nancy Parr, Alexandra Paul, Pam Pennington, Patricia Phelps, Helen Piggush, Jan Pinkham, Molly Power, Janet Primeau, Ilona Proskie, Gretel Quitmeyer, Vicki Jo Ray, Josephine Reed, Ruth Riley, Norine Rowe, Beata Rudnik, Pat Rutowski, Linda Sanders, Patricia Saran
Row 7: Judy Sayles, Janis Schlicker, Janice Schmidt, Janiece Selecky, Deborah Silverman, Susan K. Smith, Theresa Sobanski, Marcia Sosnowski, Joyce Stein, Cathie Stepien, Pam Stoeffler, Sharon Swann, Susan Truchan, Susan Turke, Susan Valentine, Delores Vander Wal, Mary Jane VanLoon, Pamela A. Van Riper, Jeanne M. Wade, Karen Warner
Row 8: Deborah White, Rebecca E. Wildgen, Karen Williams, Sharon Williams, Debra Wilson, KEn Wilson, Nancy Wiltz, Maribeth Wooldridge, Martha Zawacki, JoAnn Zlotnick
Row 9: Julie Sochalski, Norma Shumaker, Kristin Brawner, Susan Archambault, Lauralee Hess, Rita M. Gibes, Barbara Terrien, Laurie Cushman, Mary Markey
Top Row: Jane Alcala, Katherine Atkin, sandra Shea Baer, Dee Baker, barbara Barnes, Rhonda Baruch, Adrien Beregsasy, Sally Bidol, Kathleen Birchmeier, Maureen Bishop, Julia Blanchard, Theresa Boyd, Janice Brown, Deborah Budde, Genevieve Burns, Mary Kaye Busch, Laurie Carroll
Row 2: Bonnie Cesak, Mary christensen, Julie Colegrove, Susan coleman, Cheryl coney, William cophenhaver, Wendy Culbertson, Angela Dade, Renee Damm, Lynn Darin, Michele DeMaria, Julie DeFouw, Martha Deming, Mary Dent, Michelle Diepenhorst, Janice Dietrich, Catherine Dilworth
Row 3: Barbara Dusseau, Fancine Eagle, Carolyn Eames, Janeen Ellis, Lisa Fandell, Melissa Fear, Michelle Revis, Barbara Ross, Thomas Bissonnette, Michele Henderson, Susan barnes, Catherine Foley, Marica Fosnaugh, Leana Fox, Carol Frens, Debra Furlette, Denise Garden
Row 4: Mary Lois Gardner, Jeanetter Giroux, Stephanie Glanton, Beverly Goodman, Debra Giffin, Laurie Guyton, Bobbie Hafford, Linda Haggerty, Cindy Hammelef, Kim Hand, Patricia Hartman, Susan Hepker
Row 5: Jayne Hetzner, Diana Hill, Sandra Hirsch, Margaret Howard, Carol Huebel, Beverly Jackson, Christine Jacobson, Dennis Johnson, SerVonia Jones, Kathleen Kadlec, Pamela Katz, Kim Kittle, Mary Jo Klepser, Cheryl Kole
Row 6: Julie Konkle, Mary Anne Kosek, Mary Kowalski, Kathryn Krawec, Cynthia Krc, Kathryn Leinberger, Linda Lewandowski, Deborah Lobert, Karen Lyon, Mary Beth McGowan, Deborah Mclnerney, Douglas McLellan, Mary McDonald, Donna Macksood
Row 7: Bruce macnee, Pamela Mandelkorn, Debra Mast, Constance Maynard, Carol Meach, Karen Meyer, Linda Moore, Robert Morgan, Lynn Murray, Cindy Nestell, Carol O'Dell, Christine Ostrowski, Jeanne Palmer, Frances Palms, Diane Parrish, Jennifer Patton, Cathy Plachetka
Row 8: Dawn Rhoades, Carolyn Riegling, Jill Rodammer, Michael Romej, Ann Rondi, Cindy Salesin, Cynthia Sapsford, Russsell Savage, Angela Schaefer, Lee Anne Schaefer, Debra Schafer, Paula Schelp, Sandra Schlump, Cindy Schneider, Brenda Schroeder, Laurie Schultz, Wanda Scott
Row 9: Michael sseator, Kimberley Sherman, Vicki Singer, Ingrid Smith, Mary Alice Smith, Kathy Snyder, Karen Staudt, Kathy Steinke, Sue Stevens, Kimberly Stone, Sheri Sutherland, Ann Marie Swiderski, Jane Sydlowski, Debra Thelen, Deborah Thompson, Phyllis Toney, Jill Triick
Row 10: Tara Trinrud, Kay Tupala, Rosemary Turckes, Richard Urbanski, Lynn VanDenBerg, Brenda VanDervoort, Catherine VanWagnen, Ellen Victor, Mary Anne Vitalis, Celia Wald, Anne Weber, Jurlean White, Martha White, Judith Wilcewski, Lynda Wood, Susan Wroblewski, Victoria Zielinski
Top Row: Barbara A. Fleckenstein, Anne M. Phelan, Julie-Ann Gersin, Laura E. Kemper, Mary Ann McCulloch, Meryl I. Faber, Karen E. Morton, Jennifer S. Miller, Catherine A. Chichester, Dana R. Piper, Harold K. Lohwasser, Michelle A. Lyons, Julia C. Kelly, Deborah L. Rossman, Amy L. Keskey, John F. Nama, Linda Borucki, Michelle M. Bradley, Caroline M. Fischer, Lisa A. Kuhnlein
Row 2: Karen M. Pardo, Laura L. Price, Mollie A. McDonald, Jan M. Grable, Janna S. Nichols, Laura A. Quain, Patricia M. Battel, Claudia J. Koch, Maureen G. D'hondt, Trudy J. Tervo, Linda A. Walz, Cheryl K. Ebling, Patricia A. Merte, Lauri R. Klock, Maria A. Lomibao, Mary E. Eisenhauer, Ellen B. Malvern, Josephine A. Polesnak
Row 3: Yvonne D. Krisel, Rosemary T. Coyne, Janey A. Porterfield, Deborah A. Mulawa, Janet E. Lovelace, Susan P. O'brien, Margaret T. Perrone, Brenda K. Luckhardt, Terry A. Layher, Sharon A. Potonac, Susan K. Watson, Janet A. Servatowski
Row 4: Vivian A. Reeves, Tracey A. Weeks, Marilyn K. Morgan, Terrilynn Phillips, Susan S. Kirk, Robert J. Ziola, Fred Roberts, Karen S. Myron, Pamela M. Przybylski, Mary Jo F. Lafata, Janet A. Scapini, Mary J. Swails
Row 5: Julie E. Reitz, Julie A. Symons, Ave M. Reagor, Catherine A. Regan, Marsha A. Glass, Susan M. Derubeis, Judy L. Goode, Jennifer P. Wylie, Janet L. Nowak, Karen M. Ulfig, Cynthia E. West, Carol A. Czarnecki, Gloria J. Verdi, Lisa D. Singleton
Row 6: Cynthia Wiggins, Monica L. Babyak, Gail M. Ray, Karen S. Desloover, Ladonna L. Christian-Combs, Deborah J. Dunnaback, Deborah A. Cecchini, Nancy A. Neville, Julia H. Grove, Wendy A. Weinfurtner, Susan M. Twigg, Jolynne Vanotteren, Lori A. Clark, Susan T. Savidge
Row 7: Marianne Ojeda, Ann M. Tucker, Lisa A. Valiquette, Sharon J. Bergmann, Elizabeth A. Rice, Marjorie R. Hovis, Laura I. Berry, Janice B. Lindberg, Rhetaugh G. Dumas, Susan B. Steckel, Helen L. Erickson, Kathleen M. Oshea, Tricia A. Richardson, Cheryl L. Sanders, Ann L. Shcoene, Anita M. Bargardi, Constance S. Siler, Anne L. Scott
Row 8: Gassenie Thomas, Victoria L. cadagin, Sheryl A. Strace, Joyce I. Sourbeck, Mary S. Donald, Cindy Tollis, Miriam L. Allis, Julie J. Watson, Patricia A. Shefferly, Nina M. Squire, Carol J. Debrodt, Jennifer A. Dreps, Cynthia B. Stone, Martha A. House, Elizabeth A. Hull, Laurie J. Bommarito, Erin A. Swain, Lisa D. Davis
Row 9: Lisa W. Barak, Charlotte L. Allport, Karen J. Baker, Julie M. Sweet, Pamela R. Armfield, Kathleen A. Hornick, Marcianna M. Davis, Joann L. Holdridge, Barbara A. Black, Scott L. Baker, Lawrene S. Gardipee, Julie A. Hemsteger, Mary Ann Barz, Carla L. Arnett, Danielle L. Bonam, Janice S. Brady, Karen L. Eischer, Amy A. Hing, Marcia L. Hassig, Heidi G. Henn
The exponential growth of studies on the biological response to ocean acidification over the last few decades has generated a large amount of data. To facilitate data comparison, a data compilation hosted at the data publisher PANGAEA was initiated in 2008 and is updated on a regular basis (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.149999). By January 2015, a total of 581 data sets (over 4 000 000 data points) from 539 papers had been archived. Here we present the developments of this data compilation five years since its first description by Nisumaa et al. (2010). Most of study sites from which data archived are still in the Northern Hemisphere and the number of archived data from studies from the Southern Hemisphere and polar oceans are still relatively low. Data from 60 studies that investigated the response of a mix of organisms or natural communities were all added after 2010, indicating a welcomed shift from the study of individual organisms to communities and ecosystems. The initial imbalance of considerably more data archived on calcification and primary production than on other processes has improved. There is also a clear tendency towards more data archived from multifactorial studies after 2010. For easier and more effective access to ocean acidification data, the ocean acidification community is strongly encouraged to contribute to the data archiving effort, and help develop standard vocabularies describing the variables and define best practices for archiving ocean acidification data.
This article considers the opportunities of civilians to peacefully resist violent conflicts or civil wars. The argument developed here is based on a field-based research on the peace community San José de Apartadó in Colombia. The analytical and theoretical framework, which delimits the use of the term ‘resistance’ in this article, builds on the conceptual considerations of Hollander and Einwohner (2004) and on the theoretical concept of ‘rightful resistance’ developed by O’Brien (1996). Beginning with a conflict-analytical classification of the case study, we will describe the long-term socio-historical processes and the organizational experiences of the civilian population, which favoured the emergence of this resistance initiative. The analytical approach to the dimensions and aims of the resistance of this peace community leads to the differentiation of O`Brian’s concept of ‘rightful resistance’.
Scott A. Shane is the 2009 winner of the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research. In this article we discuss and analyze Shane’s most important contributions to the field of entrepreneurship. His contribution is extraordinarily broad in scope, which makes it difficult to pinpoint one or a few specifics that we associate with Shane’s scholarship. Instead, they can be summarized in the following three points. First, he has influenced what we view as central aspects of entrepreneurship. Shane has been a leading figure in redirecting the focus on entrepreneurship research itself. Second, he has influenced how we view entrepreneurship. Shane’s research is arguably theory driven and it applies and develops theoretical lenses that greatly improve our understanding of entrepreneurship. Third, he has contributed to how we conduct entrepreneurship research. Shane has been a forerunner in examining relevant units of analysis that are difficult to sample; research designs and databases specifically designed for studying entrepreneurial processes; and sophisticated analytical methods. This has contributed to advancing the methodological rigor of the field. Summing them up, the contributions are very impressive indeed.
Currently, well-established clinical therapeutic approaches for bone reconstruction are restricted to the transplantation of autografts and allografts, and the implantation of metal devices or ceramic-based implants to assist bone regeneration. Bone grafts possess osteoconductive and osteoinductive properties, however they are limited in access and availability and associated with donor site morbidity, haemorrhage, risk of infection, insufficient transplant integration, graft devitalisation, and subsequent resorption resulting in decreased mechanical stability. As a result, recent research focuses on the development of alternative therapeutic concepts. The field of tissue engineering has emerged as an important approach to bone regeneration. However, bench to bedside translations are still infrequent as the process towards approval by regulatory bodies is protracted and costly, requiring both comprehensive in vitro and in vivo studies. The subsequent gap between research and clinical translation, hence commercialization, is referred to as the ‘Valley of Death’ and describes a large number of projects and/or ventures that are ceased due to a lack of funding during the transition from product/technology development to regulatory approval and subsequently commercialization. One of the greatest difficulties in bridging the Valley of Death is to develop good manufacturing processes (GMP) and scalable designs and to apply these in pre-clinical studies. In this article, we describe part of the rationale and road map of how our multidisciplinary research team has approached the first steps to translate orthopaedic bone engineering from bench to bedside byestablishing a pre-clinical ovine critical-sized tibial segmental bone defect model and discuss our preliminary data relating to this decisive step.