897 resultados para Cognitive Impairments


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Based on clues from epidemiology, low prenatal vitamin D has been proposed as a candidate risk factor for schizophrenia. Recent animal experiments have demonstrated that transient prenatal vitamin D deficiency is associated with persistent alterations in brain morphology and neurotrophin expression. In order to explore the utility of the vitamin D animal model of schizophrenia, we examined different types of learning and memory in adult rats exposed to transient prenatal vitamin D deficiency. Compared to control animals, the prenatally deplete animals had a significant impairment of latent inhibition, a feature often associated with schizophrenia. In addition, the deplete group was (a) significantly impaired on hole board habituation and (b) significantly better at maintaining previously learnt rules of brightness discrimination in a Y-chamber. In contrast, the prenatally deplete animals showed no impairment on the spatial learning task in the radial maze, nor on two-way active avoidance learning in the shuttle-box. The results indicate that transient prenatal vitamin D depletion in the rat is associated with subtle and discrete alterations in learning and memory. The behavioural phenotype associated with this animal model may provide insights into the neurobiological correlates of the cognitive impairments of schizophrenia. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Primary objective: To test whether people with cognitive-linguistic impairments following traumatic brain injury could learn to use the Internet using specialized training materials. Research design: Pre-post test design. Methods and procedures: Seven participants were each matched with a volunteer tutor. Basic Internet skills were taught over six lessons using a tutor's manual and a student manual. Instructions used simple text and graphics based on Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5. Students underwent Internet skills assessments and interviews pre- and post-training. Tutors completed a post-training questionnaire. Main outcomes and results: Six of seven participants reached moderate-to-high degrees of independence. Literacy impairment was an expected training barrier; however, cognitive impairments affecting concentration, memory and motivation were more significant. Conclusions: Findings suggest that people with cognitive-linguistic impairments can learn Internet skills using specialized training materials. Participants and their carers also reported positive outcomes beyond the acquisition of Internet skills.


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Research has suggested that semantic processing deficits in Parkinson's disease (PD) are related to striatal dopamine deficiency. As an investigation of the influence of dopamine on semantic activation in PD, 7 participants with PD performed a lexical-decision task when on and off levodopa medication. Seven healthy controls matched to the participants with PD in terms of sex, age, and education also participated in the study. By use of a multipriming paradigm, whereby 2 prime words were presented prior to the target word, semantic priming effects were measured across stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs) of 250 Ins and 1,200 Ins. The results revealed a similar pattern of priming across SOAs for the control group and the PD participants on medication. In contrast, within-group comparisons revealed that automatic semantic activation was compromised in PD participants when off medication. The implications of these results for the neuromodulatory influence of dopamine on semantic processing in PD are discussed.


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Emerging evidence of the high variability in the cognitive skills and deficits associated with reading achievement and dysfunction promotes both a more dimensional view of the risk factors involved, and the importance of discriminating between trajectories of impairment. Here we examined reading and component orthographic and phonological skills alongside measures of cognitive ability and auditory and visual sensory processing in a large group of primary school children between the ages of 7 and 12 years. We identified clusters of children with pseudoword or exception word reading scores at the 10th percentile or below relative to their age group, and a group with poor skills on both tasks. Compared to age-matched and reading-level controls, groups of children with more impaired exception word reading were best described by a trajectory of developmental delay, whereas readers with more impaired pseudoword reading or combined deficits corresponded more with a pattern of atypical development. Sensory processing deficits clustered within both of the groups with putative atypical development: auditory discrimination deficits with poor phonological awareness skills; impairments of visual motion processing in readers with broader and more severe patterns of reading and cognitive impairments. Sensory deficits have been variably associated with developmental impairments of literacy and language; these results suggest that such deficits are also likely to cluster in children with particular patterns of reading difficulty. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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The ability to hear a target signal over background noise is an important aspect of efficient hearing in everyday situations. This mechanism depends on binaural hearing whenever there are differences in the inter-aural timing of inputs from the noise and the signal. Impairments in binaural hearing may underlie some auditory processing disorders, for example temporal-lobe epilepsies. The binaural masking level difference (BMLD) measures the advantage in detecting a tone whose inter-aural phase differs from that of the masking noise. BMLD’s are typically estimated psychophysically, but this is challenging in children or those with cognitive impairments. The aim of this doctorate is to design a passive measure of BMLD using magnetoencephalography (MEG) and test this in adults, children and patients with different types of epilepsy. The stimulus consists of Gaussian background noise with 500-Hz tones presented binaurally either in-phase or 180° out-of-phase between the ears. Source modelling provides the N1m amplitude for the in-phase and out-of-phase tones, representing the extent of signal perception over background noise. The passive BMLD stimulus is successfully used as a measure of binaural hearing capabilities in participants who would otherwise be unable to undertake a psychophysical task.


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Studies suggest a complex relationship between Cerebral Palsy sub-types, severity of impairment, and risk factors such as gestational age. To investigate these relationships, we conducted analyses on over 1,100 children included in the Northern Ireland Cerebral Palsy Register (NICPR) whose clinical CP subtype was Bilateral Spastic or Spastic Hemiplegia, and for whom information was available on the relevant variables.
We tested for the association between Bilateral and Hemiplegia subtypes, severe intellectual impairment, and gestational age (term; moderately preterm; very or extremely preterm) while controlling for gender, socio-economic deprivation, year of birth, and birth weight (using a standardized birth-weight score based on deviance from the birth weight average within each gestational age band). Severity of intellectual impairment was dichotomised (severe intellectual delay vs. moderate or no delay).
Logistic regressions indicated a good fit of the model, and the predictors included explained approximately 19% of variability in the outcome. The results indicated a strong association between the Bilateral subtype and severe intellectual impairment: compared to children with the Hemiplegia subtype, those with Bilateral Spastic CP displayed a 10-fold increase in the odds of severe intellectual impairment. The results revealed a significant interaction between CP subtype and gestational age: for the Bilateral CP subtype, being born at term was associated with increased probability of severe intellectual impairment.
Results are consistent with other studies (Hemming et al., 2008) in indicating that the likelihood of cognitive impairments increases with increasing gestational age at delivery of Bilateral Spastic CP children. The results are discussed in light of hypotheses that suggest the brain might be able to reorganise and compensate the effects of lesions and injuries when it is still less developed.


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La maladie de Parkinson (MP) est une maladie neurodégénérative qui se caractérise principalement par la présence de symptômes moteurs. Cependant, d’autres symptômes, dits non moteurs, sont fréquents dans la MP et assombrissent le pronostic; ceux ci incluent notamment les désordres du sommeil et les troubles cognitifs. De fait, sur une période de plus de 10 ans, jusqu’à 90 % des patients avec la MP développeraient une démence. L’identification de marqueurs de la démence dans la MP est donc primordiale pour permettre le diagnostic précoce et favoriser le développement d’approches thérapeutiques préventives. Plusieurs études ont mis en évidence la contribution du sommeil dans les processus de plasticité cérébrale, d’apprentissage et de consolidation mnésique, notamment l’importance des ondes lentes (OL) et des fuseaux de sommeil (FS). Très peu de travaux se sont intéressés aux liens entre les modifications de la microarchitecture du sommeil et le déclin cognitif dans la MP. L’objectif de cette thèse est de déterminer, sur le plan longitudinal, si certains marqueurs électroencéphalographiques (EEG) en sommeil peuvent prédire la progression vers la démence chez des patients atteints de la MP. La première étude a évalué les caractéristiques des OL et des FS durant le sommeil lent chez les patients avec la MP selon qu’ils ont développé ou non une démence (MP démence vs MP sans démence) lors du suivi longitudinal, ainsi que chez des sujets contrôles en santé. Comparativement aux patients MP sans démence et aux sujets contrôles, les patients MP démence présentaient au temps de base une diminution de la densité, de l’amplitude et de la fréquence des FS. La diminution de l’amplitude des FS dans les régions postérieures était associée à de moins bonnes performances aux tâches visuospatiales chez les patients MP démence. Bien que l’amplitude des OL soit diminuée chez les deux groupes de patients avec la MP, celle ci n’était pas associée au statut cognitif lors du suivi. La deuxième étude a évalué les marqueurs spectraux du développement de la démence dans la MP à l’aide de l’analyse quantifiée de l’EEG en sommeil lent, en sommeil paradoxal et à l’éveil. Les patients MP démence présentaient une diminution de la puissance spectrale sigma durant le sommeil lent dans les régions pariétales comparativement aux patients MP sans démence et aux contrôles. Durant le sommeil paradoxal, l’augmentation de la puissance spectrale en delta et en thêta, de même qu’un plus grand ratio de ralentissement de l’EEG, caractérisé par un rapport plus élevé des basses fréquences sur les hautes fréquences, était associée au développement de la démence chez les patients avec la MP. D’ailleurs, dans la cohorte de patients, un plus grand ralentissement de l’EEG en sommeil paradoxal dans les régions temporo occipitales était associé à des performances cognitives moindres aux épreuves visuospatiales. Enfin, durant l’éveil, les patients MP démence présentaient au temps de base une augmentation de la puissance spectrale delta, un plus grand ratio de ralentissement de l’EEG ainsi qu’une diminution de la fréquence dominante occipitale alpha comparativement aux patients MP sans démence et aux contrôles. Cette thèse suggère que des anomalies EEG spécifiques durant le sommeil et l’éveil peuvent identifier les patients avec la MP qui vont développer une démence quelques années plus tard. L’activité des FS, ainsi que le ralentissement de l’EEG en sommeil paradoxal et à l’éveil, pourraient donc servir de marqueurs potentiels du développement de la démence dans la MP.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Objetivo geral da pesquisa foi identificar os fatores associados e preditivos de quedas em idosos domiciliados em uma cidade do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, considerando as características sociodemográficas e epidemiológicas e utilizando-se de fatores ambientais da Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF). Objetivos específicos: identificar as características sociodemográficas e epidemiológicas de idosos domiciliados em uma cidade do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil; descrever os fatores sociodemográficos e epidemiológicos que influenciam nas quedas em idosos domiciliados; Relacionar os fatores ambientais da Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde em idosos domiciliados com riscos de quedas. Pesquisa epidemiológica transversal, ocorrida de junho a julho de 2013, com 167 idosos das áreas de abrangência de uma unidade básica de saúde. Critérios de inclusão na pesquisa: ambos os sexos, cadastrados e com residência fixa nas áreas de abrangência de uma unidade básica de saúde. Critérios de exclusão: idosos com alterações cognitivas. Utilizou-se entrevista estruturada com três etapas: levantamento das características dos idosos investigados; questões relacionadas às quedas; informações sobre os fatores ambientais da Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde. Os dados foram agrupados para tratamento estatístico/descritivo. A média das idades 71 anos, com desvio padrão de 7,1. A maioria dos idosos era do sexo feminino, casados, com escolaridade de quatro e oito anos, residindo com filhos e companheiro, aposentados e com renda de um salário mínimo. As doenças mais prevalentes foram circulatórias, osteomusculares, e endócrinas e os idosos apresentaram pelo menos uma comorbidade. Dos 167 idosos, 65 caíram nos últimos doze meses, no ambiente domiciliar, com prevalência em: banheiro, cozinha e na rua, sendo as calçadas as mais destacadas. A maior proporção de permanência no chão foi de dez minutos, e a maioria dos idosos, após as quedas, não procuraram os serviços de saúde. Como tratamento para as quedas, obteve-se o não cirúrgico. Quanto à Classificação Internacional da Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde, houve destaque para o uso de medicações como fator influente nas quedas dos idosos domiciliados. Percebe-se a importância de avaliação constante por parte dos profissionais de saúde sobre os idosos caidores e não-caidores, no sentido de identificar os fatores de riscos intrínsecos e extrínsecos para implementar estratégias de prevenção que compreendam reabilitação da força muscular, equilíbrio e capacidade funcional, redução da polifarmácia, educação para o autocuidado e um olhar do enfermeiro voltado para os períodos e locais de maior incidência de quedas, melhorando desta forma a qualidade de vida dos idosos residentes em diferentes contextos. A pesquisa traz como contribuição social um re-olhar acerca do redimensionamento do cuidado à pessoa idosa que teve queda no próprio ambiente, a partir da Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde.


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La maladie de Parkinson (MP) est une maladie neurodégénérative qui se caractérise principalement par la présence de symptômes moteurs. Cependant, d’autres symptômes, dits non moteurs, sont fréquents dans la MP et assombrissent le pronostic; ceux ci incluent notamment les désordres du sommeil et les troubles cognitifs. De fait, sur une période de plus de 10 ans, jusqu’à 90 % des patients avec la MP développeraient une démence. L’identification de marqueurs de la démence dans la MP est donc primordiale pour permettre le diagnostic précoce et favoriser le développement d’approches thérapeutiques préventives. Plusieurs études ont mis en évidence la contribution du sommeil dans les processus de plasticité cérébrale, d’apprentissage et de consolidation mnésique, notamment l’importance des ondes lentes (OL) et des fuseaux de sommeil (FS). Très peu de travaux se sont intéressés aux liens entre les modifications de la microarchitecture du sommeil et le déclin cognitif dans la MP. L’objectif de cette thèse est de déterminer, sur le plan longitudinal, si certains marqueurs électroencéphalographiques (EEG) en sommeil peuvent prédire la progression vers la démence chez des patients atteints de la MP. La première étude a évalué les caractéristiques des OL et des FS durant le sommeil lent chez les patients avec la MP selon qu’ils ont développé ou non une démence (MP démence vs MP sans démence) lors du suivi longitudinal, ainsi que chez des sujets contrôles en santé. Comparativement aux patients MP sans démence et aux sujets contrôles, les patients MP démence présentaient au temps de base une diminution de la densité, de l’amplitude et de la fréquence des FS. La diminution de l’amplitude des FS dans les régions postérieures était associée à de moins bonnes performances aux tâches visuospatiales chez les patients MP démence. Bien que l’amplitude des OL soit diminuée chez les deux groupes de patients avec la MP, celle ci n’était pas associée au statut cognitif lors du suivi. La deuxième étude a évalué les marqueurs spectraux du développement de la démence dans la MP à l’aide de l’analyse quantifiée de l’EEG en sommeil lent, en sommeil paradoxal et à l’éveil. Les patients MP démence présentaient une diminution de la puissance spectrale sigma durant le sommeil lent dans les régions pariétales comparativement aux patients MP sans démence et aux contrôles. Durant le sommeil paradoxal, l’augmentation de la puissance spectrale en delta et en thêta, de même qu’un plus grand ratio de ralentissement de l’EEG, caractérisé par un rapport plus élevé des basses fréquences sur les hautes fréquences, était associée au développement de la démence chez les patients avec la MP. D’ailleurs, dans la cohorte de patients, un plus grand ralentissement de l’EEG en sommeil paradoxal dans les régions temporo occipitales était associé à des performances cognitives moindres aux épreuves visuospatiales. Enfin, durant l’éveil, les patients MP démence présentaient au temps de base une augmentation de la puissance spectrale delta, un plus grand ratio de ralentissement de l’EEG ainsi qu’une diminution de la fréquence dominante occipitale alpha comparativement aux patients MP sans démence et aux contrôles. Cette thèse suggère que des anomalies EEG spécifiques durant le sommeil et l’éveil peuvent identifier les patients avec la MP qui vont développer une démence quelques années plus tard. L’activité des FS, ainsi que le ralentissement de l’EEG en sommeil paradoxal et à l’éveil, pourraient donc servir de marqueurs potentiels du développement de la démence dans la MP.


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With the number of elderly people increasing tremendously worldwide, comes the need for effective methods to maintain or improve older adults' cognitive performance. Using continuous neurofeedback, through the use of EEG techniques, people can learn how to train and alter their brain electrical activity. A software platform that puts together the proposed rehabilitation methodology has been developed: a digital game protocol that supports neurofeedback training of alpha and theta rhythms, by reading the EEG activity and presenting it back to the subject, interleaved with neurocognitive tasks such as n-Back and Corsi Block-Tapping. This tool will be used as a potential rehabilitative platform for age-related memory impairments.


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Mutations in the dystrophin gene have long been recognised as a cause of mental retardation. However, for reasons that are unclear, some boys with dystrophin mutations do not show general cognitive deficits. To investigate the relationship between dystrophin mutations and cognition, the general intellectual abilities of a group of 25 boys with genetically confirmed Duchenne muscular dystrophy were evaluated. Furthermore, a subgroup underwent additional detailed neuropsychological assessment. The results showed a mean full scale intelligence quotient (IQ) of 88 (standard deviation 24). Patients performed very poorly on various neuropsychological tests, including arithmetics, digit span tests and verbal fluency. No simple relationship between dystrophin mutations and cognitive functioning could be detected. However, our analysis revealed that patients who lack the dystrophin isoform Dp140 have significantly greater cognitive problems.


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This paper analyzes the impact of transceiver impairments on outage probability (OP) and throughput of decode-and-forward two-way cognitive relay (TWCR) networks, where the relay is self-powered by harvesting energy from the transmitted signals. We consider two bidirectional relaying protocols namely, multiple access broadcast (MABC) protocol and time division broadcast (TDBC) protocol, as well as, two power transfer policies namely, dual-source (DS) energy transfer and single-fixed-source (SFS) energy transfer. Closed-form expressions for OP and throughput of the network are derived in the context of delay-limited transmission. Numerical results corroborate our analysis, thereby we can quantify the degradation of OP and throughput of TWCR networks due to transceiver hardware impairments. Under the specific parameters, our results indicate that the MABC protocol achieves asymptotically a higher throughput by 0.65 [bits/s/Hz] than the TDBC protocol, while the DS energy transfer scheme offers better performance than the SFS policy for both relaying protocols.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Biomédicas, 28 de Junho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.