166 resultados para Coevolution


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Antagonistic interactions between host plants and mistletoes often form complex networks of interacting species. Adequate characterization of network organization requires a combination of qualitative and quantitative data. Therefore, we assessed the distribution of interactions between mistletoes and hosts in the Brazilian Pantanal and characterized the network structure in relation to nestedness and modularity. Interactions were highly asymmetric, with mistletoes presenting low host specificity (i.e., weak dependence) and with hosts being highly susceptible to mistletoe-specific infections. We found a non-nested and modular pattern of interactions, wherein each mistletoe species interacted with a particular set of host species. Psittacanthus spp. infected more species and individuals and also caused a high number of infections per individual, whereas the other mistletoes showed a more specialized pattern of infection. For this reason, Psittacanthus spp. were regarded as module hubs while the other mistletoe species showed a peripheral role. We hypothesize that this pattern is primarily the result of different seed dispersal systems. Although all mistletoe species in our study are bird dispersed, the frugivorous assemblage of Psittacanthus spp. is composed of a larger suite of birds, whereas Phoradendron are mainly dispersed by Euphonia species. The larger assemblage of bird species dispersing Psittacanthus seeds may also increase the number of hosts colonized and, consequently, its dominance in the study area. Nevertheless, other restrictions on the interactions among species, such as the differential capacity of mistletoe infections, defense strategies of hosts and habitat types, can also generate or enhance the observed pattern.


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Genes involved in host-pathogen interactions are often strongly affected by positive natural selection. The Duffy antigen, coded by the Duffy antigen receptor for chemokines (DARC) gene, serves as a receptor for Plasmodium vivax in humans and for Plasmodium knowlesi in some nonhuman primates. In the majority of sub-Saharan Africans, a nucleic acid variant in GATA-1 of the gene promoter is responsible for the nonexpression of the Duffy antigen on red blood cells and consequently resistance to invasion by P. vivax. The Duffy antigen also acts as a receptor for chemokines and is expressed in red blood cells and many other tissues of the body. Because of this dual role, we sequenced a 3,000-bp region encompassing the entire DARC gene as well as part of its 5' and 3' flanking regions in a phylogenetic sample of primates and used statistical methods to evaluate the nature of selection pressures acting on the gene during its evolution. We analyzed both coding and regulatory regions of the DARC gene. The regulatory analysis showed accelerated rates of substitution at several sites near known motifs. Our tests of positive selection in the coding region using maximum likelihood by branch sites and maximum likelihood by codon sites did not yield statistically significant evidence for the action of positive selection. However, the maximum likelihood test in which the gene was subdivided into different structural regions showed that the known binding region for P. vivax/P. knowlesi is under very different selective pressures than the remainder of the gene. In fact, most of the gene appears to be under strong purifying selection, but this is not evident in the binding region. We suggest that the binding region is under the influence of two opposing selective pressures, positive selection possibly exerted by the parasite and purifying selection exerted by chemokines.


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In the present study, the presence of tick-associated bacteria and protozoa in Ornithodoros rostratus ticks (adults, nymphs, and eggs) from the Pantanal region of Brazil were determined by molecular detection. In these ticks, DNA from protozoa in the genera Babesia and Hepatozoon, and bacteria from the genera Rickettsia, Borrelia, Anaplasma, and Ehrlichia were not detected. Conversely, all tested ticks (100%) yielded PCR products for 3 Coxiella genes (16S rRNA, pyrG, cap). PCR and phylogenetic analysis of 3 amplified genes (16S rRNA, pyrG, cap) demonstrated that the agent infecting O. rostratus ticks was a member of the genus Coxiella. This organism grouped with Coxiella symbionts of other soft tick species (Argasidae), having different isolates of C. burnetii as a sister group, and these 2 groups formed a clade that grouped with another clade containing Coxiella symbionts of hard tick species (Ixodidae). Analysis of tick mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene database composed mostly of tick species previously shown to harbor Coxiella symbionts suggests a phylogenetic congruence of ticks and their Coxiella symbionts. Furthermore, these results suggest a very long period of coevolution between ticks and Coxiella symbionts and indicates that the original infection may have occurred in an ancestor common to the 2 main tick families, Argasidae (soft ticks) and Ixodidae (hard ticks). However, this evolutionary relationship must be confirmed by more extensive testing of additional tick species and expanded populations. (c) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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It is thought that speciation in phytophagous insects is often due to colonization of novel host plants, because radiations of plant and insect lineages are typically asynchronous. Recent phylogenetic comparisons have supported this model of diversification for both insect herbivores and specialized pollinators. An exceptional case where contemporaneous plant-insect diversification might be expected is the obligate mutualism between fig trees (Ficus species, Moraceae) and their pollinating wasps (Agaonidae, Hymenoptera). The ubiquity and ecological significance of this mutualism in tropical and subtropical ecosystems has long intrigued biologists, but the systematic challenge posed by >750 interacting species pairs has hindered progress toward understanding its evolutionary history. In particular, taxon sampling and analytical tools have been insufficient for large-scale cophylogenetic analyses. Here, we sampled nearly 200 interacting pairs of fig and wasp species from across the globe. Two supermatrices were assembled: on an average, wasps had sequences from 77% of 6 genes (5.6 kb), figs had sequences from 60% of 5 genes (5.5 kb), and overall 850 new DNA sequences were generated for this study. We also developed a new analytical tool, Jane 2, for event-based phylogenetic reconciliation analysis of very large data sets. Separate Bayesian phylogenetic analyses for figs and fig wasps under relaxed molecular clock assumptions indicate Cretaceous diversification of crown groups and contemporaneous divergence for nearly half of all fig and pollinator lineages. Event-based cophylogenetic analyses further support the codiversification hypothesis. Biogeographic analyses indicate that the present-day distribution of fig and pollinator lineages is consistent with a Eurasian origin and subsequent dispersal, rather than with Gondwanan vicariance. Overall, our findings indicate that the fig-pollinator mutualism represents an extreme case among plant-insect interactions of coordinated dispersal and long-term codiversification.


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Heraclides brasiliensis (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) larvae feed preferably on Piperaceae, foraging successfully on leaf tissues even though species of this contain high levels of secondary metabolites such as amides and lignans, associated with diverse biological activities including insecticidal properties. Studies examining the metabolism of chemical constituents in Piperaceae by insects are rare. In this study, we characterized the metabolites of 4-nerolidylcatechol (4-NC), the major constituent of Piper umbellata (Piperaceae), and E-2,3-dihydro-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)farnesoic acid, compounds from fecal material of H. brasiliensis larvae fed a diet containing only P. umbellata leaves. The biotransformed product was also detected in larval and pupal tissues. Moreover, we observed deactivation of the toxicity of P. umbellata leaves against brine shrimp after their metabolism in H. brasiliensis larvae from a LC50 of 523.3 to 3,460.7 mu g/mL. This deactivation is closely associated with the biotransformation of 4-NC to E-2,3-dihydro-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)farnesoic acid, which showed LC50 of 8.0 and >1,000 mu g/mL, respectively.


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Recent studies on the obligate interaction between fig trees and their pollinating agaonid wasps have focused on population aspects and wasp-seed exploitation at the level of the inflorescence. Detailed studies on larval and gall development are required to more fully understand how resources are exploited and adaptations fine-tuned by each partner in nursery pollination mutualisms. We studied the larval development of the active pollinating fig wasp, Pegoscapus sp., and the galling process of individual flowers within the figs of its monoecious host, Ficus citrifolia, in Brazil. The pollinator development is strongly dependent on flower pollination. Figs entered by pollen-free wasps were in general more likely to abort. Retained, unpollinated figs had both higher larval mortality and a lower number of wasps. Pegoscapus sp. larvae are adapted to plant development, with two contrasting larval feeding strategies proceeding alongside gall development. The first two larval stages behave as ovary parasites. Later larval stages feed on hypertrophied endosperm. This indicates that a successful galling process relies on endosperm, and also reveals why pollination would be a prerequisite for the production of high-quality galls for this Pegoscapus species.


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Despite the general belief that the interaction between extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) and ants is mutualistic, the defensive function of EFNs has been poorly documented in South American savannas. In this article, we evaluate the potential impact of EFNs (benefits and costs) on two species of plants from the dry areas of Central Brazil, Anemopaegma album and Anemopaegma scabriusculum (Bignoniaceae). In particular, we characterize the composition of substances secreted by the EFNs, test whether EFNs attract ants, and whether ants actually present a defensive role, leading to reduced herbivory and increased plant fitness. Histochemical analyses indicated that EFNs from both species of Anemopaegma secrete an exudate that is composed of sugars, and potentially lipids and proteins. Furthermore, EFNs from both species were shown to present a significant role in ant attraction. However, contrary to common expectations, ants were not found to protect plants against herbivore attack. No effect was found between ant visitation and flower or fruit production in A. album, while the presence of ants led to a significant decrease in flower production in A. scabriusculum. These results suggest that EFNs might present a similar cost and benefit in A. album, and a higher cost than benefit in A. scabriusculum. Since the ancestor of Anemopaegma occupied humid forests and already presented EFNs that were maintained in subsequent lineages that occupied savannas, we suggest that phylogenetic inertia might explain the presence of EFNs in the species of Anemopaegma in which EFNs lack a defensive function.


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Zu den Immunevasionsmechanismen des murinen Cytomegalovirus, die sich im Laufe der Koevolution von Virus und Wirt entwickelt haben, gehört die Interferenz von drei viralen Regulatoren mit der Antigenpräsentation über MHC-Klasse-I-Moleküle, wodurch die Aktivierung von zytotoxischen CD8 T-Zellen beeinflusst wird: Während m152/gp40 peptidbeladene MHC-Klasse-I-Komplexe im cis-Golgi-Kompartiment akkumuliert, führt m06/gp48 diese Komplexe der lysosomalen Degradation zu. Im Gegensatz dazu vermittelt m04/gp34 deren Transport an die Zelloberfläche, wurde in der Literatur bisher aber trotzdem als Inhibitor der CD8 T-Zellaktivierung beschrieben. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, den Einfluss dieser viralen Proteine auf die Peptidpräsentation bzw. die T-Zellaktivierung zu untersuchen. Dazu wurde ein Set von Viren verwendet, das neben mCMV-WT aus mCMV-Deletionsmutanten besteht, die jedes der regulatorischen Proteine einzeln bzw. in allen möglichen Kombinationen exprimieren, einschließlich einer Mutante, die keines der Proteine besitzt. Entgegen der bisher gültigen Annahme konnte in der vorliegenden Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass m04/gp34 die Antigenpräsentation nicht inhibiert. Wird es allein exprimiert, bleibt die T-Zellaktivierung unbeeinflusst. Wird es zusammen mit m152/gp40 exprimiert, stellt es die T-Zellaktivierung wieder her, indem es den herunter regulierenden Effekt von m152/gp40 antagonisiert. Dieser positiv regulierende Effekt von m04/gp34 wird wiederum durch m06/gp48 aufgehoben. Es konnte ebenfalls gezeigt werden, wie die verschiedenen Effekte dieser Virusproteine in vivo das Überleben im infizierten Wirt steuern. So wird im adoptiven Transfermodell die Infektion mit der Deletionsmutante, die m152/gp40 alleine exprimiert, schlechter kontrolliert als die Infektion mit der m152/gp40 und m04/gp34 exprimierenden Mutante. Dieser die CD8 T-Zellkontrolle verbessernde Effekt von m04/gp34 wird durch m06/gp48 wieder aufgehoben. Dass ein viraler Erreger nicht nur negative Regulatoren der Antigenpräsentation exprimiert, sondern auch einen positiven Regulator, der den Effekt eines negativen Regulators wieder aufhebt, ist in der Literatur beispiellos. Durch differentielle Expression dieser Regulatoren eröffnet sich damit dem Virus die Möglichkeit, die Antigenpräsentation gezielt zu modulieren.


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In meiner Dissertation beschäftigte ich mich mit unterschiedlichen Verteidungsstrategien, derenrnEffektivität und Evolution, der Ameisenart Temnothorax longispinosus (“Sklaven”), gegenüberrneinem sozialen Parasiten - der nahverwandten, sklavenhaltenden Art Protomognathusrnamericanus (“Sklavenhalter”). Wir entdeckten eine neue Kategorie der Verteidigungsstrategie,rnwelche es dem Wirten ermöglicht, flexibel auf die nicht vorhersagbaren Angriffe des Parasitenrnzu reagieren. Darüber hinaus erforschten wir, wie die Wirte ihre kollektive Verteidigung an einernVielzahl unterschiedlicher Angreifer anpassen können. Wir konnten feststellen, dass Wirte in derrnLage sind ihre kollektive Verteidigung dem Grad der Bedrohung anzupassen. Dies weist daraufrnhin, dass Selektion die Verteidigung gegen unterschiedliche Typen von Angreifern voneinanderrnunabhängig beeinflussen könnte. In einer dritten Studie belegten wir experimentell, dass diernParasiten die Evolution der Kolonieaggressivität der Wirtsart direkt beeinflussen. Die letztenrnbeiden Publikationen beschäftigten sich mit Sklavenrebellion, einer rätselhaftenrnVerteidigungsstrategie, da noch unklar ist, wie eine Eigenschaft von nicht reproduzierendenrnIndividuen vererbt werden kann. In einer Metaanalyse konnten wir die weite Verbreitung undrnhohe Variabilität dieser Eigenschaft dokumentieren, und fanden Hinweise, dassrnVerwandtenselektion eine mögliche Erklärung für die Evolution dieses Merkmals darstellenrnkönnte.


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The coevolution of parental investment and offspring solicitation is driven by partly different evolutionary interests of genes expressed in parents and their offspring. In species with biparental care, the outcome of this conflict ma!: be influenced by the sexual conflict over parental investment, Models for the resolution of such family conflicts have made so far untested assumptions about genetic variation and covariation in the parental resource provisioning response and the level of offspring solicitation. Using a combination of cross-fostering and begging playback experiments, we show that, in the great tit (Parus major), (i) the begging call intensity of nestlings depends on their common origin, suggesting genetic variation for this begging display, (ii) only mothers respond to begging calls by increased food provisioning, and (iii! the size of the parental response is positively related to the begging call intensity of nestlings in the maternal but not paternal line. This study indicates that genetic covariation, its differential expression in the maternal and paternal lines and/or early environmental and parental effects need to be taken into account when predicting the phenotypic outcome of the conflict over investment between genes expressed in each parent and the offspring. [References: 36]


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Theoretical models of host-parasite coevolution assume a partially genetic basis to the variability in susceptibility to parasites among hosts, for instance as a result of genetic variation in immune function. However, few empirical data exist for free-living vertebrate hosts to support this presumption. In a cross-fostering experiment with nestling great tits, by comparing nestlings of the same origin we investigated (i) the variance in host resistance against an ectoparasite due to a common genetic origin, (ii) the effect of ectoparasite infestation on cell-mediated immunity and (iii) the variance in cell-mediated immunity due to a common genetic origin. Ectoparasitic hen fleas can impair the growth of nestling great tits and nestling growth was therefore taken as a measure of host susceptibility. A common origin did not account for a significant part of the variation in host susceptibility to fleas. There was no significant overall effect of fleas on nestling growth or cell-mediated immunity, as assessed by a cutaneous hypersensitivity response. A common rearing environment explained a significant part of the variation in cell-mediated immunity among nestlings, mainly through its effect on nestling body mass. The variation in cell-mediated immunity was also related to a common origin. However, the origin-related variation in body mass did not account for the origin-related differences in cell-mediated immunity. The results of the present study thus suggest heritable variation in cell-mediated immunity among nestling great tits. [References: 49]


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Anti-helminth immunity involves CD4+ T cells, yet the precise effector mechanisms responsible for parasite killing or expulsion remain elusive. We now report an essential role for antibodies in mediating immunity against the enteric helminth Heligmosomoides polygyrus (Hp), a natural murine parasite that establishes chronic infection. Polyclonal IgG antibodies, present in naive mice and produced following Hp infection, functioned to limit egg production by adult parasites. Comparatively, affinity-matured parasite-specific IgG and IgA antibodies that developed only after multiple infections were required to prevent adult worm development. These data reveal complementary roles for polyclonal and affinity-matured parasite-specific antibodies in preventing enteric helminth infection by limiting parasite fecundity and providing immune protection against reinfection, respectively. We propose that parasite-induced polyclonal antibodies play a dual role, whereby the parasite is allowed to establish chronicity, while parasite load and spread are limited, likely reflecting the long coevolution of helminth parasites with their hosts.


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Neutropenia is probably the strongest known predisposition to infection with otherwise harmless environmental or microbiota-derived species. Because initial swarming of neutrophils at the site of infection occurs within minutes, rather than the hours required to induce "emergency granulopoiesis," the relevance of having high numbers of these cells available at any one time is obvious. We observed that germ-free (GF) animals show delayed clearance of an apathogenic bacterium after systemic challenge. In this article, we show that the size of the bone marrow myeloid cell pool correlates strongly with the complexity of the intestinal microbiota. The effect of colonization can be recapitulated by transferring sterile heat-treated serum from colonized mice into GF wild-type mice. TLR signaling was essential for microbiota-driven myelopoiesis, as microbiota colonization or transferring serum from colonized animals had no effect in GF MyD88(-/-)TICAM1(-/-) mice. Amplification of myelopoiesis occurred in the absence of microbiota-specific IgG production. Thus, very low concentrations of microbial Ags and TLR ligands, well below the threshold required for induction of adaptive immunity, sets the bone marrow myeloid cell pool size. Coevolution of mammals with their microbiota has probably led to a reliance on microbiota-derived signals to provide tonic stimulation to the systemic innate immune system and to maintain vigilance to infection. This suggests that microbiota changes observed in dysbiosis, obesity, or antibiotic therapy may affect the cross talk between hematopoiesis and the microbiota, potentially exacerbating inflammatory or infectious states in the host.


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Pestiviruses cause economically important diseases among domestic ruminants and pigs, but they may also infect a wide spectrum of wild species of even-toed ungulates (Artiodactyla). Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and Border disease virus of sheep infect their hosts either transiently or persistently. Cellular and humoral immunotolerance to the infecting strain is a unique feature of persistent infection (PI) by ruminant pestiviruses. Persistence, caused by transplacental infection early in fetal development, depends on virally encoded interferon antagonists that inactivate the host's innate immune response to the virus without globally interfering with its function against other viruses. At epidemiological equilibrium, approximately 1-2% of animals are PI. Successful BVDV control programs show that removal of PI animals results in viral extinction in the host population. The nucleotide sequences of ruminant pestiviruses change little during persistent infection. Nevertheless, they display large heterogeneity, pointing to a long history of virus-host coevolution in which avirulent strains are more successful.