157 resultados para Coatlicue (Aztec deity)
The ancient civilizations were dependent upon sophisticated systems of water management. The hydraulic engineering works found in ancient Angkor (ninth to thirteenth century AD), the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan (thirteenth to fifteenth century AD), Byzantine Constantinople (fourth to sixth century AD) and Nabatean Petra (sixth century BC to AD 106) are particularly striking because each of these is in localities of the world that are once again facing a water crisis. Without water management, such ancient cities would never have emerged, nor would the urban communities and towns from which they developed. Indeed, the ‘domestication’ of water marked a key turning point in the cultural trajectory of each region of the world where state societies developed. This is illustrated by examining the prehistory of water management in the Jordan Valley, identifying the later Neolithic (approx. 8300–6500 years ago) as a key period when significant investment in water management occurred, laying the foundation for the development of the first urban communities of the Early Bronze Age.
In the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, chronic economic uncertainty has seen social relations stretched to breaking point. Informants speak of a 'war between men and women'. While grinding poverty, death in the shape of the 'axe' (HIV/AIDS) and suspicion stalk the land, and the project of building the umzi (homestead) falters, hope for the future and with it, trust between people, leaches away. One response to such uncertainty is a turn to ritual. Through a nearly relentless schedule of ritual activity which invokes the ancestors and the Christian deity in various forms, Xhosa people attempt to dam up trust, secure ongoing investment in the rural homestead and sustain ties of reciprocity both among rural people and between them and their urban kin. It is also through the staging of these rituals that women, acting together and in support of each other, are increasingly assertive – often in the face of a violent, rearguard opposition from men - in their efforts to exercise agency over the differentiated, fragmented and fragile social and economic relationships within their homesteads and across their villages.
This article traces three major strands in the reception of the address to Italy at the end of Virgil’s laudes Italiae in Book II of the Georgics. The first is the adoption of phrasing from these lines as the basis for expressions of devotion to the writer’s country (and for panegyric of contemporary rulers), or in inverted form to lament the present state of the author’s homeland; the second is the appropriation of Virgil’s hymnic apostrophe to his patria in poems on religious themes, where language from this passage is harnessed to invoke the supreme deity or the Virgin Mary, another magna parens; and the third is the use of Virgilian terminology to celebrate Virgil himself as the mighty parent of poetry and poets, whose words (including those of the lines under discussion) have inspired the literary endeavours of his successors across Europe and beyond throughout subsequent centuries.
The present work is an exercise of analysis from the cultural exercises related to movie high one of its raised status more with the deity, the human being surrenders it Religion leaving puzzleds the prophets of its end. The purpose of this work is to show that the religious phenomenon is one of the essential components of the socialization human being. The religious dimension, although to have been kept out of society in modernity - it was cybernetics, is an indispensable compassing to guide the human being in the discovery of its true existencial direction. For this, to attenuate the legacy without appropriate title, overwhelming and despairing of the producing and consumer goods society, it is indispensable to add as basic part to the practical one of the religion. And this practice is specify at the acquirement as of commodities objects , than it is to they are consecrate, exercising um magical power under the assistants from the religion. The fair religious Expo Religious, like the Expo Crest (fair as of commodities and service of the Evangelist) and the one Expo Catholic (fair as of commodities and service of the Catholics), appears at the I initiate from the century 21 at the association Brazilian about to cater the litigation of the market religious at every their segments. The and objective of this research is bring forward those two fairs in the format as of Expo and your contribution at the dynamic from the religion crest at the association he acts
The aim of the present dissertation constitutes to analyse the way in how light assumes the meaning of universal bond in the cosmovision of Marsilio Ficino, especially from his works Quid sit lumen, De Sole, De Amore and De Vita. The influence of Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499) in the history of occidental thought is impressive. Besides having translated to Latin the important texts of the neoplatonic tradition, Ficino presided over the Academy of Careggi, congregating important humanists in the top of the Renaissance. His treatises on love, beauty, light, magic and immortality of the soul have influenced strongly the production of other thinkers. The subject of light is of fundamental importance among his works since it is deeply related with all the other aspects of his philosophy. For him, light is spiritual emanation that perpasses everything without staining itself. Originated how the divine goodness, the light blows up in beauty in multiplicity, setting fire on the soul that truily contemplates it and that identifies whith it. The starting point of this loving relation between man and deity is, therefore, the physical world, that occults in itself the metaphysical light.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Duas formas de peregrinação, em duas regiões distintas do Brasil. Em São Paulo, no sudeste brasileiro, em direção à cidade-santuário de Bom Jesus de Pirapora, um "sacerdote particular" imita Cristo ao carregar enorme cruz que afirma pesar mais de cem quilos, em um trajeto de cerca de sessenta quilômetros. Isso é feito também, todos os anos, por muitos outros, homens e mulheres, durante a Semana Santa, partindo de várias cidades da região, embora carreguem cruzes bem menos pesadas. Em Belém do Pará, na Amazônia, muitas imagens de Nossa Senhora de Nazaré peregrinam pelas ruas da cidade, durante a festa do Círio de Nazaré, que culmina com enorme procissão, anualmente, no mês de outubro. Essas duas formas de peregrinação são especiais, porque, nelas, quem caminha não são propriamente os romeiros, mas o Filho de Deus e sua Santa Mãe, que o fazem simbolicamente, sendo "corporificados" ou tendo suas imagens conduzidas pelos peregrinos humanos, de ambos os sexos. Este artigo pretende explorar analiticamente aspectos simbólicos desses eventos, à luz da teoria antropológica, a partir de pesquisa de campo (com observação direta) e da bibliografia disponível sobre o tema. Um dos objetivos é mostrar que, na "ética da peregrinação" (Victor Turner), as formas inventivas do imaginário permitem uma troca de papéis entre a divindade e o fiel que é perfeitamente adequada a essa possível gramática do sagrado.
In Heracles Mainomenos, by Euripides, the hero is submited to the ultimate test: win himself, accepting stay alive after committing an irremediable error. The dramatic action has dual motivation, human and divine. The human conflict requires resilience of families and friends of Heracles and the opposition of Lico is a key element to the action. In the subsequent clash between Heracles and the goddess Hera, victory lies with the deity, motivating the disaster, but confirms the heroics of Heracles, that resists the urge to annihilation after the murder of children. His friend, King Theseus, provides him the support needed to dissuade him from his purpose of annihilation and strengthens him for endurance. The valuation of philia is an important element in shaping the sense of this euripidean text.
[ES] Se da a conocer una inscripción inédita procedente de San Román de Bembibre (León), que se conserva reutilizada en la Iglesia de San Román Mártir. El texto es muy breve, pero incluye un epíteto inédito, Propitius, en las inscripciones hispánicas dedicadas a esta divinidad.
This paper studies the “eye” as a religious phenomenon from the multiple traditions of ancient Egypt compared with rabbinic Judaism in late antiquity using a semiotic approach based upon the theories of Umberto Eco. This method was chosen because the eye is a graphic as well as a linguistic sign which both express religious concepts. Generally, the eye represented an all-seeing and omnipresent divinity. In other words, the god was reduced to an eye, whereby the form of the symbol suggests a meaning to the viewer or religious practitioner. In this manner the eye represented the whole body of a deity in Egyptian and the power of a discerning God in rabbinic texts. By focusing upon the semantic aspect of the eye metaphor in both Egyptian and rabbinic texts two religious traditions of the visually perceivable are analyzed from a semiotic perspective.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Bt corn and soil insecticides, either alone or in combination, for the control of corn rootworm. Evaluation of Bt hybrids included SmartStax, SmartStax with refuge in a bag, and Herculex XTRA. Soil insecticides evaluated were SmartChoice-SB, Counter-SB, Aztec, and Force.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Bt corn and soil insecticides, either alone or in combination, for the control of corn rootworm. Evaluation of Bt hybrids included SmartStax, SmartStax with a blended refuge (refuge in the bag), and Herculex XTRA. Soil insecticides evaluated were SmartChoice-SB, Counter-SB, Aztec, and Force.
En la pieza Heracles Furioso, de Eurípides, el héroe se somete a la prueba definitiva: vencerse a sí mismo, aceptar seguir con vida después de cometer un error irremediable. La acción dramática tiene doble motivación, humana y divina. El conflicto humano requiere capacidad de resistencia de la familia y amigos de Heracles y la oposición de Lico es un elemento clave para la acción. En el enfrentamiento posterior entre Heracles y la diosa Hera, la victoria corresponde a la deidad, motivando a la catástrofe, pero se confirma la heroicidad de Heracles, que se resiste a la tentación de aniquilación tras el asesinato de sus niños. Su amigo, el rey Teseo, le proporciona el apoyo necesario para disuadirle de su propósito de aniquilamiento y fortalece al héroe decaído para la resistencia. La valoración de philia es un elemento importante en la constitución de la significación del texto de Eurípides
En este trabajo nos proponemos analizar descripciones que se hacen del personaje Peter Pan, como recreación eduardiana del arquetipo del dios griego Pan, para ver de qué manera dialogan esas construcciones con los diferentes sentidos que esta deidad fue connotando en contextos diversos en los que ocurrió su figura (desde obras de la literatura clásica, atravesadas por las lecturas, re-lecturas y re-escrituras de la tradición literaria británica). Veremos que Peter Pan, en los textos que el escritor escocés James M. Barrie escribió sobre él en un lapso de alrededor de treinta años, oficia "como Pan", en una dimensión alegórica, de nexo/puente entre dos conceptos que se presentan como opuestos: la Naturaleza y la Civilización. La primera aparece como el lugar donde se encuentran los dominios del dios/niño eterno, a los que solo pueden ingresar algunos pocos elegidos, y es símbolo de una nostalgia por una esencia perdida que, a su vez, se asocia con el concepto de infancia. La segunda representa negativamente el modelo de sociedad capitalista moderna que impone reglas que se contraponen a ese yo «natural». En este sentido, esa Arcadia se conecta con la literatura para niños, ya que son ellos "junto con los poetas" quienes tienen todavía permitido el acceso a ese lugar, y la capacidad de oír el «llamado» que Peter hace con la música de su flauta, del mismo modo en que son ellos quienes pueden disfrutar de esas lecturas y a quienes estas están dirigidas. Esta oposición de Naturaleza vs. Civilización conforma la «estructura del sentir» de la cultura de principios del siglo XX en Gran Bretaña, de la cual la literatura para niños es parte fundamental
En este trabajo nos proponemos analizar descripciones que se hacen del personaje Peter Pan, como recreación eduardiana del arquetipo del dios griego Pan, para ver de qué manera dialogan esas construcciones con los diferentes sentidos que esta deidad fue connotando en contextos diversos en los que ocurrió su figura (desde obras de la literatura clásica, atravesadas por las lecturas, re-lecturas y re-escrituras de la tradición literaria británica). Veremos que Peter Pan, en los textos que el escritor escocés James M. Barrie escribió sobre él en un lapso de alrededor de treinta años, oficia "como Pan", en una dimensión alegórica, de nexo/puente entre dos conceptos que se presentan como opuestos: la Naturaleza y la Civilización. La primera aparece como el lugar donde se encuentran los dominios del dios/niño eterno, a los que solo pueden ingresar algunos pocos elegidos, y es símbolo de una nostalgia por una esencia perdida que, a su vez, se asocia con el concepto de infancia. La segunda representa negativamente el modelo de sociedad capitalista moderna que impone reglas que se contraponen a ese yo «natural». En este sentido, esa Arcadia se conecta con la literatura para niños, ya que son ellos "junto con los poetas" quienes tienen todavía permitido el acceso a ese lugar, y la capacidad de oír el «llamado» que Peter hace con la música de su flauta, del mismo modo en que son ellos quienes pueden disfrutar de esas lecturas y a quienes estas están dirigidas. Esta oposición de Naturaleza vs. Civilización conforma la «estructura del sentir» de la cultura de principios del siglo XX en Gran Bretaña, de la cual la literatura para niños es parte fundamental