244 resultados para Closeness


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Les élèves aux problèmes de comportements externalisés comme l'opposition éprouvent généralement de la difficulté à s’engager dans leurs apprentissages (Janosz, 2000). Or, un faible engagement scolaire peut générer des problèmes d’ordre académique et mener au décrochage. Toutefois, certains facteurs environnementaux tels que la relation maître-élève semblent influer sur l’investissement des élèves dans les activités scolaires. La présente étude vise à examiner le lien entre le degré d'opposition d'élèves du 2e cycle du primaire et leur engagement comportemental et affectif en français. Elle tente aussi de vérifier si la chaleur ou les conflits présents dans la relation maître-élève agissent comme facteurs de protection ou comme facteurs aggravants face à l’engagement scolaire des élèves oppositionnels. Finalement, cette étude s’intéresse à l’effet différentiel de la relation maître-élève sur l’engagement scolaire des garçons et des filles. Des régressions linéaires multiples hiérarchiques effectuées sur 385 élèves québécois ont permis d’atteindre ces objectifs. Les résultats obtenus révèlent que la chaleur n’agit pas à titre de facteur de protection en ce qui a trait à l’engagement comportemental des élèves oppositionnels, mais qu’elle est bénéfique pour l’engagement comportemental des filles. Les résultats confirment également l’effet aggravant des conflits sur l’engagement comportemental des élèves oppositionnels. Finalement, cette étude indique que les conflits élèves-enseignants sont nuisibles pour l’engagement affectif des garçons. Les implications de ces résultats pour la recherche et pour l’intervention en psychoéducation seront présentées.


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La présente étude a pour objectif de comprendre l’expérience d’itinérance des femmes inuit du Nunavik installées à Montréal dans les trois phases de leurs trajectoires, soit le prédéplacement, le déplacement et le postdéplacement. Le cadre d’analyse privilégié est celui de l’approche intersectionnelle, car il invite à reconnaître la pluralité des composantes identitaires qui s’entrecroisent de façon unique dans l’expérience personnelle et collective, et amènent les femmes à cumuler les sources de vulnérabilité. Cette approche privilégie l’étude du point de vue des femmes marginalisées en leur laissant la parole, ce qui a été fait grâce à la méthode des récits de vie. L’échantillon a été construit sur la base de deux groupes afin d’explorer l’expérience d’itinérance incluant la sortie : cinq participantes étaient itinérantes et six autres se disaient sorties de la rue au moment des entretiens. Cette recherche a été développée en collaboration avec une interprète culturelle et linguistique. Les données proviennent d’observations, d’une informatrice-clé et de vingt-et-une entrevues. Dix des onze participantes ont été rencontrées à deux reprises. Après une première entrevue non directive, le récit de vie de chacune a fait l’objet d’une analyse thématique et a été recomposé sous forme de trajectoire résumée graphiquement. La seconde entrevue démarrait par la présentation de cette trajectoire résumée pour inviter les femmes à participer à une validation des données en plus d’enrichir leur récit. Les résultats confirment certains résultats d’études tout en apportant des éléments nouveaux. Par exemple, le handicap, conjugué au genre, expose particulièrement les femmes inuit à la violence communautaire et interpersonnelle au Nunavik. Les commérages, perçus comme abusifs et oppressants par les femmes, font partie d’une intense violence communautaire au Nord et motivent le déplacement de celles-ci vers Montréal. Avec la récente sédentarisation, la vie en grande proximité exacerbe l’importance des commérages. Quant à la sortie de rue, elle est particulière aux femmes inuit : le copain détient un pouvoir d’inflexion de leurs trajectoires d’itinérance. Les femmes conçoivent le copain comme une clé culturelle leur donnant accès au système de logement puisqu’il connaît les rouages culturels et structurels de la vie à Montréal.


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Le couple est le commencement de la famille, la cellule fondamentale de la société et un des principaux lieux de solidarité pour les individus. Or, depuis quelques années l’irruption d’internet a permis l’instauration de rapports sociaux nouveaux que l’on peut identifier dans les façons de rencontrer quelqu’un ou de tomber amoureux. L’apparition des sites de rencontre a notamment permis à des individus de pouvoir faire la rencontre amoureuse de l’autre sur un site dédié et à convenance. Cette étude vise à une meilleure compréhension du phénomène social qu’est la construction de la conjugalité à partir de la rencontre sur des sites dédiés sur internet et partant des représentations des participants interrogés. Notre but était également de démontrer comme l’a souligné Marie-Chantal Doucet (2009) que l’action de l’individu sur les sites de rencontre en ligne n’est pas le fait de déterminations mais qu’il bénéficie plutôt d’une marge de jeu, lui permettant d’interpréter les codes et de donner un sens à ses actions et aux actions des autres car l’individu sur les sites de rencontre en ligne joue un personnage. Pour mener à bien cette étude, nous avons adopté un cadre théorique qui s’inscrit dans la perspective de l’interactionnisme symbolique en nous appuyant sur une approche par théorisation ancrée. Il ressort entre autre de l’enquête qualitative que nous avons menée que la construction conjugale est surtout le fruit de la rencontre en face à face car la rencontre en ligne proprement dite est marquée par le stigma et la marchandisation des corps que proposent les sites de rencontre ne sont pas propice au sentiment d’intimité favorable au développement du lien conjugal.


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In the present study diversity of E. coli in the water samples of Cochin estuary were studied for a period of 3 years ranging from January 2010- December 2012. The stations were selected based on the closeness to satellite townships and waste input. Two of the stations (Chitoor and Thevara) were fixed upstream, two in the central part of the estuary namely Bolgatty and Off Marine Science Jetty, and one at the Barmouth. Diversity was assessed in terms of serotypes, phylogenetic groups and genotypes. Two groups of seafood samples such as fish and shellfish collected from the Cochin estuary were used for isolation of E. coli. One hundred clinical E. coli isolates were collected from one public health centre, one hospital and five medical labs in and around Cochin City, Kerala. From our results it was clear that pathogen cycling is occurring through food, water and clinical sources. Pathogen cycling through food is very common and fish and shellfish that harbour these strains might pose potential health risk to consumer. Estuarine environment is a melting pot for various kinds of wastes, both organic and inorganic. Mixing up of waste water from various sources such as domestic, industries, hospitals and sewage released into these water bodies resulting in the co-existence of E. coli from various sources thus offering a conducive environment for horizontal gene transfer. Opportunistic pathogens might acquire genes for drug resistance and virulence turning them to potential pathogens. Prevalence of ExPEC in the Cochin estuary, pose threat to people who use this water for fishing and recreation. Food chain also plays an important role in the transit of virulence genes from the environments to the human. Antibiotic resistant E. coli are widespread in estuarine water, seafood and clinical samples, for reasons well known such as indiscriminate use of antibiotics in animal production systems, aquaculture and human medicine. Since the waste water from these sources entering the estuary provides selection pressure to drug resistant mutants in the environment. It is high time that the authorities concerned should put systems in place for monitoring and enforcement to curb such activities. Microbial contamination can limit people’s enjoyment of coastal waters for contact recreation or shellfish-gathering. E. coli can make people sick if they are present in high levels in water used for contact recreation or shellfish gathering. When feeding, shellfish can filter large volumes of seawater, so any microorganisms present in the water become accumulated and concentrated in the shellfish flesh. If E. coli contaminated shellfish are consumed the impact to human health includes gastroenteritis, urinary tract infections (UTIs), and bacteraemia. In conclusion, the high prevalence of various pathogenic serotypes and phylogenetic groups, multidrug-resistance, and virulence factor genes detected among E. coli isolates from stations close to Cochin city is a matter of concern, since there is a large reservoir of antibiotic resistance genes and virulence traits within the community, and that the resistance genes and plasmid-encoded genes for virulence were easily transferable to other strains. Given the severity of the clinical manifestations of the disease in humans and the inability and/or the potential risks of antibiotic administration for treatment, it appears that the most direct and effective measure towards prevention of STEC and ExPEC infections in humans and ensuring public health may be considered as a priority.


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In connection with the (revived) demand for considering applications in the teaching of mathematics, various schemata or lists of criteria have been developed since the end of the sixties, which set up requirements about closeness to the real world or about the type of mathematics being used, and which have made it possible to analyze the available applications in their light. After having stated the problem (in section 1), we present (in section 2) a sketch of some of the best known of these and of some earlier schemata, although we are not aiming for a complete picture. Then (in section 3) we distinguish among different dimensions.in the analysis of applications. With this as a basis, we develop (in section 4) our own suggestion for categorizing types of applications and conceptions for an application-oriented mathematics instruction. Then (in section 5) we illustrate our schemata by some examples of performed evaluations. Finally (in section 6), we present some preliminary first results of the analysis of teaching conceptions.


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Our purpose in this article is to define a network structure which is based on two egos instead of the egocentered (one ego) or the complete network (n egos). We describe the characteristics and properties for this kind of network which we call “nosduocentered network”, comparing it with complete and egocentered networks. The key point for this kind of network is that relations exist between the two main egos and all alters, but relations among others are not observed. After that, we use new social network measures adapted to the nosduocentered network, some of which are based on measures for complete networks such as degree, betweenness, closeness centrality or density, while some others are tailormade for nosduocentered networks. We specify three regression models to predict research performance of PhD students based on these social network measures for different networks such as advice, collaboration, emotional support and trust. Data used are from Slovenian PhD students and their s


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En la Subregión andina ha sido difícil la construcción de un escenario de cooperación duradero, lo cual se encuentra asociado a que los gobiernos colombiano, venezolano y ecuatoriano han hecho una identificación disímil de amenazas asociadas principalmente a su vecino. Estas amenazas giran alrededor de tres temas principales: la lucha contra el narcotráfico, contra el terrorismo y la influencia del los Estados Unidos en la subregión haciendo que la agenda de seguridad predomine en las relaciones entre estos países. Sin embargo, existe una alternativa a esta visión realista, que es la visión liberal-funcionalista la cual permite tener en cuenta otros elementos importantes para consolidar dicho escenario como instancias y foros de discusión que podrían invocarse a pesar de su desinstitucionalización, además de proyectos de infraestructura que podrían redundar en un mayor acercamiento geopolítico y geoeconómico.


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Las tecnologías de la información han empezado a ser un factor importante a tener en cuenta en cada uno de los procesos que se llevan a cabo en la cadena de suministro. Su implementación y correcto uso otorgan a las empresas ventajas que favorecen el desempeño operacional a lo largo de la cadena. El desarrollo y aplicación de software han contribuido a la integración de los diferentes miembros de la cadena, de tal forma que desde los proveedores hasta el cliente final, perciben beneficios en las variables de desempeño operacional y nivel de satisfacción respectivamente. Por otra parte es importante considerar que su implementación no siempre presenta resultados positivos, por el contrario dicho proceso de implementación puede verse afectado seriamente por barreras que impiden maximizar los beneficios que otorgan las TIC.


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En el presente trabajo se aborda la definición de una de las variables dentro de lo que se denomina Capital psicológico positivo, la Resiliencia, sus principales características y algunas de las variables socio demográficas que en el estudio pretenden ver el nivel de relación existente entre cada una de ellas (indirecta o directamente) en el proceso resiliente de una persona para posteriores discusiones y su implicación dentro de la gestión empresarial y sus direcciones futuras.


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Uno de los libros más leídos por los hispanoamericanos desde mediados del siglo XIX, es el Manuel de urbanidad, de Manuel Antonio Carreño. Hasta hace pocas décadas, fue texto de lectura obligatoria en la mayoría de las escuelas hispanohablantes de Latinoamérica. La familiaridad con el libro y con su autor, alimentó la creencia de que Carreño era nativo de la patria de origen de cada uno de esos receptores. El impacto que produjeron los consejos para orientar el desempeño de sus receptores en el espacio público, marcó la oferta de este letrado decimonónico desde el instante que apareció la obra. Sin lugar a dudas, el manual está señalado como un fenómeno editorial del continente, imposible de ignorar en nuestros días.


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It is well known that conversationalists often imitate their own body language as a sign of closeness and empathy. This study shows that in spontaneous, unplanned conversation, speakers go as far as emulating each other's grammar. The use of a family of focusing constructions (namely, the cleft), such as it was my mother who rang the other day, or what I meant to say was that he should go Thursday, was investigated in a corpus of conversation excerpts in New Zealand English. Findings show that clefting is contagious. In other words, if one speaker uses a cleft, others will be likely to do so too.


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Phytophthora ramorum is a damaging invasive plant pathogen and was first discovered in the UK in 2002. Spatial point analyses were applied to the occurrence of this disease in England and Wales during the period of 2003-2006 in order to assess its spatio-temporal spread. Out of the 4301 garden centres and nurseries (GCN) surveyed, there were 164, 105, 123 and 41 sites with P. ramorum in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006, respectively. Spatial analysis of the observed point patterns of GCN outbreaks suggested that these sites were significantly clumped within a radius of ca 60 km in 2003, but not in later years. Further analyses were conducted to determine the relationship of GCN outbreak sites over two consecutive years and thus to infer possible disease spread over time. This analysis suggested that disease spread among GCN sites was most likely to have occurred within a distance of 60 km for 2003-2004, but not for the later years. There were 35, 63, 81 and 58 sites with P. ramorum in the semi-natural environment (SNE). Analyses were carried out to assess whether infected GCN sites could act as an inoculum source of infected SNE plants or vice versa. In all years, there was a significant spatial closeness among GCN and SNE outbreak sites within a distance of 1 km. But a significant relationship over a longer distance (within 60 km) was only observed between cases in 2003 and 2004. These analyses suggest that statutory actions taken so far appear to have reduced the extent of long-distance spread of P. ramorum among garden centres and nurseries, but not the disease spread at a shorter distance between GCN and SNE sites.


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This research is associated with the goal of the horticultural sector of the Colombian southwest, which is to obtain climatic information, specifically, to predict the monthly average temperature in sites where it has not been measured. The data correspond to monthly average temperature, and were recorded in meteorological stations at Valle del Cauca, Colombia, South America. Two components are identified in the data of this research: (1) a component due to the temporal aspects, determined by characteristics of the time series, distribution of the monthly average temperature through the months and the temporal phenomena, which increased (El Nino) and decreased (La Nina) the temperature values, and (2) a component due to the sites, which is determined for the clear differentiation of two populations, the valley and the mountains, which are associated with the pattern of monthly average temperature and with the altitude. Finally, due to the closeness between meteorological stations it is possible to find spatial correlation between data from nearby sites. In the first instance a random coefficient model without spatial covariance structure in the errors is obtained by month and geographical location (mountains and valley, respectively). Models for wet periods in mountains show a normal distribution in the errors; models for the valley and dry periods in mountains do not exhibit a normal pattern in the errors. In models of mountains and wet periods, omni-directional weighted variograms for residuals show spatial continuity. The random coefficient model without spatial covariance structure in the errors and the random coefficient model with spatial covariance structure in the errors are capturing the influence of the El Nino and La Nina phenomena, which indicates that the inclusion of the random part in the model is appropriate. The altitude variable contributes significantly in the models for mountains. In general, the cross-validation process indicates that the random coefficient model with spatial spherical and the random coefficient model with spatial Gaussian are the best models for the wet periods in mountains, and the worst model is the model used by the Colombian Institute for Meteorology, Hydrology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM) to predict temperature.


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Genetic algorithms (GAs) have been introduced into site layout planning as reported in a number of studies. In these studies, the objective functions were defined so as to employ the GAs in searching for the optimal site layout. However, few studies have been carried out to investigate the actual closeness of relationships between site facilities; it is these relationships that ultimately govern the site layout. This study has determined that the underlying factors of site layout planning for medium-size projects include work flow, personnel flow, safety and environment, and personal preferences. By finding the weightings on these factors and the corresponding closeness indices between each facility, a closeness relationship has been deduced. Two contemporary mathematical approaches - fuzzy logic theory and an entropy measure - were adopted in finding these results in order to minimize the uncertainty and vagueness of the collected data and improve the quality of the information. GAs were then applied to searching for the optimal site layout in a medium-size government project using the GeneHunter software. The objective function involved minimizing the total travel distance. An optimal layout was obtained within a short time. This reveals that the application of GA to site layout planning is highly promising and efficient.


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Carsberg (2002) suggested that the periodic valuation accuracy studies undertaken by, amongst others, IPD/Drivers Jonas (2003) should be undertaken every year and be sponsored by the RICS, which acts as the self-regulating body for valuations in the UK. This paper does not address the wider issues concerning the nature of properties which are sold and whether the sale prices are influenced by prior valuations, but considers solely the technical issues concerning the timing of the valuation and sales data. This study uses valuations and sales data from the Investment Property Databank UK Monthly Index to attempt to identify the date that sale data is divulged to valuers. This information will inform accuracy studies that use a cut-off date as to the closeness of valuations to sales completion date as a yardstick for excluding data from the analysis. It will also, assuming valuers are informed quickly of any agreed sales, help to determine the actual sale agreed date rather than the completion date, which includes a period of due diligence between when the sale is agreed and its completion. Valuations should be updated to this date, rather than the formal completion date, if a reliable measure of valuation accuracy is to be determined. An accuracy study is then undertaken using a variety of updating periods and the differences between the results are examined. The paper concludes that the sale only becomes known to valuers in the month prior to the sale taking place and that this assumes either that sales due diligence procedures are shortening or valuers are not told quickly of agreed sale prices. Studies that adopt a four-month cut-off date for any valuations compared to sales completion dates are over cautious, and this could be reduced to two months without compromising the data.