981 resultados para Cloning of cDNA encoding Large isoform of rubisco activase


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Plants need to avoid or dissipate excess light energy to protect photosystem II (PSII) from photoinhibitory damage. Higher plants have a conserved system that dissipates excess energy as heat in the light-harvesting complexes of PSII that depends on the transthylakoid delta pH and violaxanthin de-epoxidase (VDE) activity. To our knowledge, we report the first cloning of a cDNA encoding VDE and expression of functional enzyme in Escherichia coli. VDE is nuclear encoded and has a transit peptide with characteristic features of other lumen-localized proteins. The cDNA encodes a putative polypeptide of 473 aa with a calculated molecular mass of 54,447 Da. Cleavage of the transit peptide results in a mature putative polypeptide of 348 aa with a calculated molecular mass of 39,929 Da, close to the apparent mass of the purified enzyme (43 kDa). The protein has three interesting domains including (i) a cysteine-rich region, (ii) a lipocalin signature, and (iii) a highly charged region. The E. coli expressed enzyme de-epoxidizes violaxanthin sequentially to antheraxanthin and zeaxanthin, and is inhibited by dithiothreitol, similar to VDE purified from chloroplasts. This confirms that the cDNA encodes an authentic VDE of a higher plant and is unequivocal evidence that the same enzyme catalyzes the two-step mono de-epoxidation reaction. The cloning of VDE opens new opportunities for examining the function and evolution of the xanthophyll cycle, and possibly enhancing light-stress tolerance of plants.


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A novel human cDNA encoding a cytosolic 62-kDa protein (p62) that binds to the Src homology 2 (SH2) domain of p56lck in a phosphotyrosine-independent manner has been cloned. The cDNA is composed of 2074 nucleotides with an open reading frame encoding 440 amino acids. Northern analysis suggests that p62 is expressed ubiquitously in all tissues examined. p62 is not homologous to any known protein in the data base. However, it contains a cysteine-rich region resembling a zinc finger motif, a potential G-protein-binding region, a PEST motif, and several potential phosphorylation sites. Using T7-epitope tagged p62 expression in HeLa cells, the expressed protein was shown to bind to the lck SH2 domain. Deletion of the N-terminal 50 amino acids abolished binding, but mutagenesis of the single tyrosine residue in this region had no effect on binding. Thus, the cloned cDNA indeed encodes the p62 protein, which is a phosphotyrosine-independent ligand for the lck SH2 domain. Its binding mechanism is unique with respect to binding modes of other known ligands for SH2 domains.


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Monoclonal antibody MAb K1 recognizes a 40-kDa glycoprotein present on the surface of mesothelial cells, mesotheliomas, and ovarian cancers. We have used MAb K1 to isolate a 2138-bp cDNA that encodes this antigen. The cDNA has an 1884-bp open reading frame encoding a 69-kDa protein. When the cDNA was transfected into COS and NIH 3T3 cells, the antigen was found on the cell surface and could be released by treatment with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C. The 69-kDa precursor is processed to the 40-kDa form. The protein has been named mesothelin because it is made by mesothelial cells. Mesothelin may play a role in cellular adhesion.


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Clones encoding pro-phenol oxidase [pro-PO; zymogen of phenol oxidase (monophenol, L-dopa:oxygen oxidoreductase, EC] A1 were isolated from a lambda gt10 library that originated from Drosophila melanogaster strain Oregon-R male adults. The 2294 bp of the cDNA included a 13-bp 5'-noncoding region, a 2070-bp encoding open reading frame of 690 amino acids, and a 211-bp 3'-noncoding region. A hydrophobic NH2-terminal sequence for a signal peptide is absent in the protein. Furthermore, there are six potential N-glycosylation sites in the sequence, but no amino sugar was detected in the purified protein by amino acid analysis, indicating the lack of an N-linked sugar chain. The potential copper-binding sites, amino acids 200-248 and 359-414, are highly homologous to the corresponding sites of hemocyanin of the tarantula Eurypelma californicum, the horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus, and the spiny lobster Panulirus interruptus. On the basis of the phylogenetic tree constructed by the neighbor-joining method, vertebrate tyrosinases and molluscan hemocyanins constitute one family, whereas pro-POs and arthropod hemocyanins group with another family. It seems, therefore, likely that pro-PO originates from a common ancestor with arthropod hemocyanins, independently to the vertebrate and microbial tyrosinases.


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Many human malignant cells lack methylthioadenosine phosphorylase (MTAP) enzyme activity. The gene (MTAP) encoding this enzyme was previously mapped to the short arm of chromosome 9, band p21-22, a region that is frequently deleted in multiple tumor types. To clone candidate tumor suppressor genes from the deleted region on 9p21-22, we have constructed a long-range physical map of 2.8 megabases for 9p21 by using overlapping yeast artificial chromosome and cosmid clones. This map includes the type IIFN gene cluster, the recently identified candidate tumor suppressor genes CDKN2 (p16INK4A) and CDKN2B (p15INK4B), and several CpG islands. In addition, we have identified other transcription units within the yeast artificial chromosome contig. Sequence analysis of a 2.5-kb cDNA clone isolated from a CpG island that maps between the IFN genes and CDKN2 reveals a predicted open reading frame of 283 amino acids followed by 1302 nucleotides of 3' untranslated sequence. This gene is evolutionarily conserved and shows significant amino acid homologies to mouse and human purine nucleoside phosphorylases and to a hypothetical 25.8-kDa protein in the pet gene (coding for cytochrome bc1 complex) region of Rhodospirillum rubrum. The location, expression pattern, and nucleotide sequence of this gene suggest that it codes for the MTAP enzyme.


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Nonhomologous integration vectors have been used to demonstrate the feasibility of insertional mutagenesis in haploid tachyzoites of the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Mutant clones resistant to 5-fluorouracil were identified at a frequency of approximately 10(-6) (approximately 2 x 10(-5) of the stable transformants). Four independent mutants were isolated, all of which were shown to lack uracil phosphoribosyl-transferase (UPRT) activity and harbor transgenes integrated at closely linked loci, suggesting inactivation of the UPRT-encoding gene. Genomic DNA flanking the insertion point (along with the integrated vector) was readily recovered by bacterial transformation with restriction-digested, self-ligated total genomic DNA. Screening of genomic libraries with the recovered fragment identified sequences exhibiting high homology to known UPRT-encoding genes from other species, and cDNA clones were isolated that contain a single open reading frame predicted to encode the 244-amino acid enzyme. Homologous recombination vectors were exploited to create genetic knock-outs at the UPRT locus, which are deficient in enzyme activity but can be complemented by transient transformation with wild-type sequences--formally confirming identification of the functional UPRT gene. Mapping of transgene insertion points indicates that multiple independent mutants arose from integration at distinct sites within the UPRT gene, suggesting that nonhomologous integration is sufficiently random to permit tagging of the entire parasite genome in a single transformation.


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Holocarboxylase synthetase (HCS) catalyzes the biotinylation of the four biotin-dependent carboxylases in human cells. Patients with HCS deficiency lack activity of all four carboxylases, indicating that a single HCS is targeted to the mitochondria and cytoplasm. We isolated 21 human HCS cDNA clones, in four size classes of 2.0-4.0 kb, by complementation of an Escherichia coli birA mutant defective in biotin ligase. Expression of the cDNA clones promoted biotinylation of the bacterial biotinyl carboxyl carrier protein as well as a carboxyl-terminal fragment of the alpha subunit of human propionyl-CoA carboxylase expressed from a plasmid. The open reading frame encodes a predicted protein of 726 aa and M(r) 80,759. Northern blot analysis revealed the presence of a 5.8-kb major species and 4.0-, 4.5-, and 8.5-kb minor species of poly(A)+ RNA in human tissues. Human HCS shows specific regions of homology with the BirA protein of E. coli and the presumptive biotin ligase of Paracoccus denitrificans. Several forms of HCS mRNA are generated by alternative splicing, and as a result, two mRNA molecules bear different putative translation initiation sites. A sequence upstream of the first translation initiation site encodes a peptide structurally similar to mitochondrial presequences, but it lacks an in-frame ATG codon to direct its translation. We anticipate that alternative splicing most likely mediates the mitochondrial versus cytoplasmic expression, although the elements required for directing the enzyme to the mitochondria remain to be confirmed.


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The human general transcription factor TFIIA is one of several factors involved in specific transcription by RNA polymerase II, possibly by regulating the activity of the TATA-binding subunit (TBP) of TFIID. TFIIA purified from HeLa extracts consists of 35-, 19-, and 12-kDa subunits. Here we describe the isolation of a cDNA clone (hTFIIA gamma) encoding the 12-kDa subunit. Using expression constructs derived from hTFIIA gamma and TFIIA alpha/beta (which encodes a 55-kDa precursor to the alpha and beta subunits of natural TFIIA), we have constructed a synthetic TFIIA with a polypeptide composition similar to that of natural TFIIA. The recombinant complex supports the formation of a DNA-TBP-TFIIA complex and mediates both basal and Gal4-VP16-activated transcription by RNA polymerase II in TFIIA-depleted nuclear extracts. In contrast, TFIIA has no effect on tRNA and 5S RNA transcription by RNA polymerase III in this system. We also present evidence that both the p55 and p12 recombinant subunits interact with TBP and that the basic region of TBP is critical for the TFIIA-dependent function of TBP in nuclear extracts.


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The intestinal spirochaete Brachyspira pilosicoli causes colitis in a wide variety of host species. Little is known about the structure or protein constituents of the B. pilosicoli outer membrane (OM). To identify surface-exposed proteins in this species, membrane vesicles were isolated from B. pilosicoli strain 95-1000 cells by osmotic lysis in dH(2)O followed by isopycnic centrifugation in sucrose density gradients. The membrane vesicles were separated into a high-density fraction (HDMV; p = 1.18 g CM-3) and a low-density fraction (LDMV; rho=1.12 g cm(-3)). Both fractions were free of flagella and soluble protein contamination. LDMV contained predominantly OM markers (lipo-oligosaccharide and a 29 kDa B. pilosicoli OM protein) and was used as a source of antigens to produce mAbs. Five B. pilosicoli-specific mAbs reacting with proteins with molecular masses of 23, 24, 35, 61 and 79 kDa were characterized. The 23 kDa protein was only partially soluble in Triton X-114, whereas the 24 and 35 kDa proteins were enriched in the detergent phase, implying that they were integral membrane proteins or lipoproteins. All three proteins were localized to the B. pilosicoli OM by immunogold labelling using specific mAbs. The gene encoding the abundant, surface-exposed 23 kDa protein was identified by screening a B. pilosicoli 95-1000 genome library with the mAb and was expressed in Escherichia coli. Sequence analysis showed that it encoded a unique lipoprotein, designated BmpC. Recombinant BmpC partitioned predominantly in the OM fraction of E. coli strain SOLR. The mAb to BmpC was used to screen a collection of 13 genetically heterogeneous strains of B. pilosicoli isolated from five different host species. Interestingly, only strain 95-1000 was reactive with the mAb, indicating that either the surface-exposed epitope on BmpC is variable between strains or that the protein is restricted in its distribution within B. pilosicoli.


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Ghrelin is a multifunctional hormone, with roles in stimulating appetite and regulating energy balance, insulin secretion and glucose homeostasis. The ghrelin gene locus (GHRL) is highly complex and gives rise to a range of novel transcripts derived from alternative first exons and internally spliced exons. The wild-type transcript encodes a 117 amino acid preprohormone that is processed to yield the 28 amino acid peptide ghrelin. Here, we identified insulin-responsive transcription corresponding to cryptic exons in intron 2 of the human ghrelin gene. A transcript, termed in2c-ghrelin (intron 2-cryptic), was cloned from the testis and the LNCaP prostate cancer cell line. This transcript may encode an 83 AA preproghrelin isoform that codes for the ghrelin, but not obestatin. It is expressed in a limited number of normal tissues and in tumours of the prostate, testis, breast and ovary. Finally, we confirmed that in2c-ghrelin transcript expression, as well as the recently described in1-ghrelin transcript, is significantly upregulated by insulin in cultured prostate cancer cells. Metabolic syndrome and hyperinsulinaemia has been associated with prostate cancer risk and progression. This may be particularly significant after androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer, which induces hyperinsulinaemia, and this could contribute to castrate resistant prostate cancer growth. We have previously demonstrated that ghrelin stimulates prostate cancer cell line proliferation in vitro. This study is the first description of insulin regulation of a ghrelin transcript in cancer, and should provide further impetus for studies into the expression, regulation and function of ghrelin gene products.


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The cDNAs coding for the brain GnRHs (AY373449-51), pituitary GH, SL and PRL, and liver IGFs (AY427954-5) were isolated. Partial cDNA sequences of the brain (Cyp19b) and gonadal (Cyp19a) aromatases have also been obtained. These tools would be utilized to study the endocrine regulation of puberty in the grey mullet.


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Rapid multiplication of axillary meristems and direct shoot development occurred from nodal explants of mature Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. with 5.3 mgrM NAA, 1.1 mgrM IAA and 4.4 mgrM BA in Murashige-Skoog medium. Repeated subcultures of the second generation shoot cultures into low cytokinin-auxin containing media (0.44�0.88 mgrM BA+0.1 mgrM NAA) yielded axillary microshoots in large numbers. Half-strength MS liquid medium with 4.9 mgrM IBA, 5.5 mgrM IAA and 5.3 mgrM NAA for four days, half-strength semi-solid hormonefree MS medium with charcoal, and MS liquid medium without charcoal and hormones, in sequence, induced rooting of shoots in the dark. This system is suitable for the mass propagation of this difficult-to-root eucalypt.


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Amphibian skin contains rich neuropeptides. In the present study, a novel neuromedin U (NmU) analog was isolated from skin secretions of Chinese red belly Load Bombina maxima. Being 17-amino acids long, its primary structure was established as DSSGIVGRPFFLFRPRN-NH2, in which the C-terminal 8-residue segment (FFLFRPRN) is the same as that of rat NmU, while the N-terminal part DSSGIVGRP shows a great sequence variation compared with those of NmU peptides from different resources. The peptide, named Bm-NmU-17, was found to elicit concentration-dependent contractile effects on smooth muscle of rat uterus horns. The cDNA Structure of the peptide, as obtained by a 3'-RACE strategy and subsequently cloning from a skin cDNA library, was found to contain a coding region of 438 nucleotides. The encoded precursor is composed of 145 amino acids with a single copy of Bm-NmU-17 located towards the C-terminus. The sequence of the peptide is preceded by a dibasic site (Lys-Arg) and followed by the sequence of Gly-Arg-Lys, providing the sites of cleavage and releasing of the mature peptide. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) called jerdoxin, was isolated from Trimeresurus jerdonni snake venom and partially characterized. The protein was purified by three chromatographic steps. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence or absence of dithiothreitol showed that it had a molecular mass of 15 kDa. Jerdoxin had an enzymatic activity of 39.4 mumol/min/mg towards egg yolk phosphatidyl choline (PC). It induced edema in the footpads of mice. In addition, jerdoxin exhibited indirect hemolytic activity. About 97% hemolysis was observed when 2 mug/ml enzyme was incubated for 90 min in the presence of PC and Ca2+. No detectable hemolysis was noticed when PC was not added. Ca2+ was necessary for jerdoxin to exert its hemolytic activity, since only 52% hemolysis was seen when Ca2+ was absent in the reaction mixture. Furthermore, jerdoxin inhibited ADP induced rabbit platelet aggregation and the inhibition was dose dependent with an IC50 of 1.0 muM. The complete amino acid sequence of jerdoxin deduced from cDNA sequence shared high homology with other snake venom PLA(2)s, especially the D49 PLA(2)s. Also, the residues concerned to Ca2+ binding were conserved. This is the first report of cDNA sequence of T jerdonii venom PLA(2). (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.