952 resultados para Clinical case


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Pathophysiology is a complex, though essential, component of all undergraduate nursing courses and there is an identified need for a text tailored specifically for the Australian and New Zealand student. The entrenched bio-medical terminology can often be difficult to relate to nursing practice. To overcome this, the authors have presented pathophysiology in an accessible manner appropriate to undergraduate students, providing a balance between science, clinical case material and pharmacology. This adaptation prioritises the diseases relevant to nursing students and presents them according to their prevalence and rate of incidence in Australia and New Zealand. This focused approach prepares students for the presentations they will experience in a clinical setting. Each body system is explored first by structure and function, then by alteration.This establishes the physiology prior to addressing the diseases relative to the system and allows the student to analyse and compare the normal versus altered state. A lifespan approach is incorporated in the Alterations chapters, as each chapter addresses childhood diseases through to the aged with respect to each body system. A new section on Contemporary Health Issues examines the effects of an aging population and lifestyle choices on the overall health of our society. These are explored through specific chapters on Stress; Genes and the Environment; Obesity and Diabetes; Cancer; Mental Illness and Indigenous health issues. Concept maps are used to assist students to understand the basic concepts of each chapter and are used as a foundation for more complex discussions. Clinical case studies are also included in each chapter to bring pathophysiology into practice. Each patient case study will highlight relevant symptoms of a given disease within a clinical setting. This is analysed with respect to the relevancy of each given symptom, their respective affect on body systems and the best course of pharmacological treatment. This forthcoming textbook is an adaptation of Understanding Pathophysiology 4e by Huether & McCance. It builds on the strengths of the US edition while tailoring it to the specific needs of Australia and New Zealand undergraduate nursing students. As such it is an invaluable text which will compliment your suite of Elsevier nursing titles.


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Background Sub-microscopic (SM) Plasmodium infections represent transmission reservoirs that could jeopardise malaria elimination goals. A better understanding of the epidemiology of these infections and factors contributing to their occurrence will inform effective elimination strategies. While the epidemiology of SM P. falciparum infections has been documented, that of SM P. vivax infections has not been summarised. The objective of this study is to address this deficiency. Methodology/Principal Findings A systematic search of PubMed was conducted, and results of both light microscopy (LM) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based diagnostic tests for P. vivax from 44 cross-sectional surveys or screening studies of clinical malaria suspects were analysed. Analysis revealed that SM P. vivax is prevalent across different geographic areas with varying transmission intensities. On average, the prevalence of SM P. vivax in cross-sectional surveys was 10.9%, constituting 67.0% of all P. vivax infections detected by PCR. The relative proportion of SM P. vivax is significantly higher than that of the sympatric P. falciparum in these settings. A positive relationship exists between PCR and LM P. vivax prevalence, while there is a negative relationship between the proportion of SM P. vivax and the LM prevalence for P. vivax. Amongst clinical malaria suspects, however, SM P. vivax was not identified. Conclusions/Significance SM P. vivax is prevalent across different geographic areas, particularly areas with relatively low transmission intensity. Diagnostic tools with sensitivity greater than that of LM are required for detecting these infection reservoirs. In contrast, SM P. vivax is not prevalent in clinical malaria suspects, supporting the recommended use of quality LM and rapid diagnostic tests in clinical case management. These findings enable malaria control and elimination programs to estimate the prevalence and proportion of SM P. vivax infections in their settings, and develop appropriate elimination strategies to tackle SM P. vivax to interrupt transmission.


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Uveal melanoma (UM) is the most common primary ocular malignancy in adults. In Finland, approximately 50 new cases are diagnosed yearly. Up to 50% of UM metastasize, mostly to the liver, although other organs are also affected. Despite improvements in the management of the primary tumour, the survival rates of patients with metastatic UM are poor. Until the 1970s, UMs were treated by enucleation i.e. removal of the eye. Currently, UM is usually treated by brachytherapy, which is known to influence tumour cells and blood vessels. UMs enucleated both primarily and secondarily after brachytherapy contain tumour-infiltrating macrophages, and a high number of macrophages in primary UM is associated with a shorter survival and a higher microvascular density (MVD) within the tumour tissue. The latter is independently associated with a shorter time to metastatic death. Macrophages have several diverse roles depending on their response to variable signals from the surrounding microenvironment. They function as scavengers, as producers of angiogenic and growth factors as well as proteases, which modulate extracellular matrix. Thus, tumour invasiveness and the risk for metastasis increase with increasing macrophage density. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of regression and progression of UM on macrophage numbers and microcirculation factors. Tumour regression is induced by primary brachytherapy, and tumour progression is evidenced by the development of metastases. Understanding the biological behaviour of UMs in the both states may help us in finding new treatment modalities against this disease. To achieve these aims case-control analyses of irradiated UMs and primarily-enucleated eyes (34 matched pairs) were performed. UMs were stained immunohistochemically to detect macrophages, extravascular matrix (EVM) loops and networks, and MVD. Following brachytherapy, a lower MVD was observed. The average number of macrophages remained unchanged. Considering that irradiated melanomas may still contain proliferating tumour cells, a clinically-relevant consequence of my study would be the reassurance that the risk for metastasis is likely to be reduced, given that the low MVD in untreated UMs indicates a favourable prognosis. The effect of progression on macrophages was studied in a paired analysis of primarily-enucleated UM and their corresponding hepatic metastases (48 pairs). A cross-sectional histopathological analysis of these pairs was carried out by staining both specimens in a similar way to the first study. MVD was greater in hepatic metastases than in corresponding primary tumours, and the survival of the patient tended to be shorter if hepatic metastases had a higher MVD. Hepatic metastases had also more dendritic macrophages than the primary UMs. Thus, the progression to metastasis seems to alter the inflammatory status within the tumour. Furthermore, determining MVD of biopsied hepatic metastases may serve as a supplementary tool in estimating the prognosis of patients with metastatic uveal melanoma. After irradiation, the majority of treated eyes have been clinically observed to have pigmented episcleral deposits. A noncomparative clinical case series of 211 irradiated UM eyes were studied by recording the number and location of pigmented episcleral deposits during follow-up visits after brachytherapy. For the first time, the study described pigmented episcleral deposits, which are found in the most UM eyes after brachytherapy, and proved them to consist of macrophages full with engulfed melanin particles. This knowledge may save patients from unnecessary enucleation, because episcleral pigmented deposits might be mistaken for extrascleral tumour growth. The presence of pigmented macrophage-related episcleral deposits was associated with plaque size and isotope rather than with tumour size, suggesting that, in addition to tumour regression, radiation atrophy of retinal pigment epithelium and choroid contributes to the formation of the deposits. In the paired (the same 34 pairs as in the first study) cross-sectional study of irradiated and non-irradiated UMs, clinically-visible episcleral deposits and migrating macrophages in other extratumoral tissues were studied histopathologically. Resident macrophages were present in extratumoral tissues in eyes with both irradiated and non-irradiated UM. Irradiation increased both the number of CD68+ macrophages in the sclera beneath the tumour and the number of clinically-observed episcleral macrophages aggregates. Brachytherapy seemed to alter the route of migration of macrophages: after irradiation, macrophages migrated preferentially through the sclera while in non-irradiated UMs they seemed to migrate more along the choroid. In order to understand the influence of these routes on tumour progression and regression in the future, labelling and tracking of activated macrophages in vivo is required.


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Este estudo visa potencializar a discussão sobre metodologias avaliativas delineadas para os serviços de saúde mental. A questão que orienta a pesquisa é como avaliar um serviço de saúde do tipo Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS). Realizamos pesquisa avaliativa, em formato de estudo de caso, de um CAPS localizado na Zona Oeste do município do Rio de Janeiro. Apresentamos dados quantitativos e qualitativos sobre a assistência prestada no serviço, referentes a pacientes matriculados e encaminhados em um período de seis meses. O estudo contou com a observação participante do pesquisador, coleta de dados em prontuários e registros oficiais da unidade e discussão de casos clínicos em reunião com a equipe multiprofissional. Procedemos a considerações avaliativas sobre o serviço estudado, privilegiando os eixos de análise: acesso, acolhimento e acompanhamento.


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A psicose ordinária se insere em um programa de investigação do Campo freudiano que relê a transmissão de Lacan a partir das ferramentas teóricas de seu último ensino. Ela se apoia na constatação de casuísticas onde não acontece o desencadeamento clássico e ruidoso, tal como o da psicose extraordinária. Ao contrário, a sintomatologia é discreta e exige do psicanalista uma atenção redobrada em relação à referência estrutural de uma psicose clássica. Partimos da investigação desta clínica estruturalista das psicoses, do primeiro ensino de Lacan, e avaliamos se o significante Nome-do-Pai persiste como operador único no diagnóstico diferencial. Ou se, desde as modificações introduzidas por Lacan a partir da pluralização do Nome-do-Pai, da inserção dos conceitos de lalíngua e falasser, e da valorização do gozo na clínica mais fluída, borromeana, o operador em questão pode ser substituído pelo sinthoma. A categoria de psicose ordinária reconsidera de uma forma diferenciada a foraclusão deste significante a partir do objeto de gozo, e esclarece a pluralidade de significantes-mestres, que falam do sujeito fora do discurso estabelecido pelo Nome-do-Pai. Em seguida, estudamos dois aforismos lacanianos. O primeiro, todo mundo é louco, isto é, delirante, convoca uma clínica ordenada pela foraclusão generalizada, na qual se inscreve algo da ordem de um não orientado. O segundo, o aforismo a relação sexual não existe, causa impasse em todos os sujeitos. Ambos requerem a resposta do falasser face ao indizível e a construção de uma saída singular, que não passa de um delírio apreendido em uma positividade. Afinal, se a psicanálise de orientação lacaniana institui que todos os discursos são defesas contra o real, e todas as construções da realidade são delirantes, é necessário que cada um invente um modo de saber-fazer com o real.


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Esta pesquisa apresenta o tema da transmissão da política analítica do sintoma e sua relevância no atual cenário das pesquisas e métodos clínicos que se aplicam ao campo da saúde mental. O tema é discutido com base na aplicação do método da Construção do Caso Clínico explorado como um instrumento de avaliação da condução clínica de uma equipe que inclui a singularidade do sintoma na leitura coletiva dos casos. A construção do caso é apresentada como um método de pesquisa clínica em psicanálise que permite acompanhar e avaliar um processo de tratamento a partir da formalização de elementos extraídos das narrativas e dos registros de casos acompanhados nos serviços de saúde mental. A discussão diagnóstica, a expressão singular dos sintomas, a relação transferencial, as demandas e os diversos momentos de um tratamento são elementos metodológicos da construção do caso que orientam o trabalho em equipe. A partir desses elementos é possível extrair uma lógica singular do sintoma em cada caso, sendo este um modo de contribuição da psicanálise na prática coletiva. Nessa perspectiva, o método da Construção do Caso Clínico favorece a transmissão da política da psicanálise e seus princípios clínicos ao campo da saúde mental.


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Investiga-se, nesta tese, o corpo, a partir da trilogia freudiana: inibição, sintoma e angústia. De forma particular, interessam à pesquisa o corpo ideal, propagado pela cultura, e seus efeitos. Para tanto, desenvolvemos os elementos teóricos de Freud e Lacan, a partir dos quais se dividiu a tese em três partes. Na primeira parte, considerou-se o conceito de inibição ao lado do da imagem, privilegiando-se o corpo, seu caráter de imagem e a anorexia. O estudo se baseou na teoria freudiana do narcisismo, incluindo-se seus derivados, as noções de Eu ideal, Ideal do Eu e o Estádio do Espelho lacaniano. Na intenção de ilustrar a busca imperativa por um corpo ideal, apresentou-se um caso clínico. Demarquei a segunda parte desta tese elucidando o sintoma no corpo. Para verificar sua incidência, revisitou-se a História, desde Hipócrates até o início da psicanálise, quando a histeria aparece na clínica; ressaltando-se alguns casos clínicos da clínica freudiana. Verifiquei que o corpo tem ressonância com alguns conceitos essenciais da psicanálise, tal como a pulsão e o inconsciente, além de ilustrarem sua relação com o narcisismo, o sintoma e a angústia. Na terceira parte, privilegiei o estudo da angústia relacionada ao corpo em Freud e Lacan, e o referencial usado para essa etapa foi a clínica da fobia. Procurou-se, ainda, exemplificar as diversas figuras do corpo tal como modificado na atualidade. Como resultado desta pesquisa, verificou-se que ser dono do próprio corpo não significa ficar reduzido a ele, mas apropriar-se de sua imagem. Embora o corpo fale através de seus sintomas, ele pode também ganhar nova moldura, através dos significantes constituídos pela linguagem. Foi possível constatar, como as diferentes dimensões do corpo é ligada aos três registros propostos por Lacan: imaginário, simbólico e real, percebendo-se, por fim, o lugar que o corpo ganha na topologia borromeana, na última etapa do ensino de Lacan.


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Proveniente de uma prática, a presente dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo explorar a função do Acompanhamento Terapêutico (AT) na internação psiquiátrica, apontando a importância da clínica psicanalítica para seu desenvolvimento. Seu ponto de partida é explicitado pela localização da práxis do AT no contexto da reforma psiquiátrica, no intuito de caracterizá-la como uma importante alternativa ao modelo manicomial, uma vez que procura oferecer ao sujeito psicótico uma aproximação com o laço social. Em seguida, procura discutir, através da apresentação de um caso clínico, as práticas de tratamento voltadas para a clínica da psicose, circunscrevendo à clínica da convivência o setting de atuação do AT. No que tange especialmente à psicose, apresenta como fundamentação teórica a leitura freudiana e as elaborações de J. Lacan, procurando estudar não somente sobre o que incide na estrutura psicótica, como também busca entender o vinculo transferencial que emerge entre paciente e AT. Seus principais objetivos geram a torno da indicação clínica da escuta do delírio e da posição que concerne ao Acompanhante Terapêutico de se apresentar como secretário do alienado, creditando a ele a estratégia encontrada pela função do AT para o tratamento possível da psicose.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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UNLABELLED: Burkholderia pseudomallei causes the potentially fatal disease melioidosis. It is generally accepted that B. pseudomallei is a noncommensal bacterium and that any culture-positive clinical specimen denotes disease requiring treatment. Over a 23-year study of melioidosis cases in Darwin, Australia, just one patient from 707 survivors has developed persistent asymptomatic B. pseudomallei carriage. To better understand the mechanisms behind this unique scenario, we performed whole-genome analysis of two strains isolated 139 months apart. During this period, B. pseudomallei underwent several adaptive changes. Of 23 point mutations, 78% were nonsynonymous and 43% were predicted to be deleterious to gene function, demonstrating a strong propensity for positive selection. Notably, a nonsense mutation inactivated the universal stress response sigma factor RpoS, with pleiotropic implications. The genome underwent substantial reduction, with four deletions in chromosome 2 resulting in the loss of 221 genes. The deleted loci included genes involved in secondary metabolism, environmental survival, and pathogenesis. Of 14 indels, 11 occurred in coding regions and 9 resulted in frameshift mutations that dramatically affected predicted gene products. Disproportionately, four indels affected lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis and modification. Finally, we identified a frameshift mutation in both P314 isolates within wcbR, an important component of the capsular polysaccharide I locus, suggesting virulence attenuation early in infection. Our study illustrates a unique clinical case that contrasts a high-consequence infectious agent with a long-term commensal infection and provides further insights into bacterial evolution within the human host.

IMPORTANCE: Some bacterial pathogens establish long-term infections that are difficult or impossible to eradicate with current treatments. Rapid advances in genome sequencing technologies provide a powerful tool for understanding bacterial persistence within the human host. Burkholderia pseudomallei is considered a highly pathogenic bacterium because infection is commonly fatal. Here, we document within-host evolution of B. pseudomallei in a unique case of human infection with ongoing chronic carriage. Genomic comparison of isolates obtained 139 months (11.5 years) apart showed a strong signal of adaptation within the human host, including inactivation of virulence and immunogenic factors, and deletion of pathways involved in environmental survival. Two global regulatory genes were mutated in the 139-month isolate, indicating extensive regulatory changes favoring bacterial persistence. Our study provides insights into B. pseudomallei pathogenesis and, more broadly, identifies parallel evolutionary mechanisms that underlie chronic persistence of all bacterial pathogens.


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Objective: To report new prescriptions of psychotropic medications among adolescents presenting with new onset psychotic symptoms during a 5-year period.
Methods: The Northern Ireland Early Onset Psychosis Study is a naturalistic longitudinal observational study of patients with an early onset first psychotic episode. All patients aged <18 years presenting to specialist mental health services across Northern Ireland with new onset psychotic symptoms between 2001 and 2006 were recruited (n = 113). Clinical case notes were analysed retrospectively for details of subsequent treatment with psychotropic medications.
Results: A total of 100 patients (88.5%) were prescribed some form of psychotropic medication. Over three-quarters of patients received an antipsychotic as their first medication. Risperidone (45.8%), olanzapine (24.0%) and chlorpromazine (12.5%) were the most commonly prescribed first-line antipsychotic medications. Of a total of 160 antipsychotic prescriptions,81 (50.6%) were off-label. Prescriptions were most likely to have been deemed off-label owing to medications not being licensed in under-18s (71.6% of off-label prescriptions) but other reasons were medications being used outsidelicensed age ranges (23.5%) and outside licensed indications (4.9%).
Conclusions: This is the first study examining psychotropic prescribing patterns in a complete sample of all children and adolescents presenting with early onset psychotic episodes in a single geographical area. The observation of risperidoneas the most commonly prescribed antipsychotic was in keeping with previous studies in child and adolescent populations. Rates of off-label prescribing were lower than previously observed although our study was the first to investigateoff-label prescribing solely in children and adolescents presenting with psychotic symptoms.


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A metastização óssea para a cabeça e pescoço é rara. Em 20-35% dos casos, pode ser a primeira manifestação de uma neoplasia oculta. No caso específico do osso temporal, as metástases são originárias, mais frequentemente, da mama, pulmão, rim, próstata e estômago. Apresenta-se o caso clínico de uma doente, do sexo feminino, 71 anos, com Diagnóstico de Carcinoma Ductal tipo Cribiforme na mama esquerda, tendo sido submetida a mastectomia total, quimioterapia e radioterapia. À observação apresentava um quadro clínico de otalgia esquerda, associada a paralisia facial da hemiface ipsilateral, sem outros sintomas otológicos. Foi-lhe diagnosticada Otite Média Crónica agudizada, tendo sido medicada e pedida Tomografia Computorizada ao Ouvido Esquerdo, que demonstrou exuberante espessamento dos tecidos moles epicranianos temporo-parieto-occipitais à esquerda com extensão ao canal auditivo externo do mesmo lado. Por agravamento da sintomatologia, foi internada no Serviço de Otorrinolaringologia deste hospital para administração de terapêutica endovenosa, tendo-se admitido a hipótese diagnóstica de Otite Externa Maligna. Por manutenção do quadro, apesar de terapêutica optimizada, foi submetida a intervenção cirúrgica onde foi efectuada biopsia temporal, tendo sido diagnosticado lesão metastática por carcinoma invasivo da mama.


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Fungal invasive infections are rare in general population but are an emergent cause of infection in the immunocompromized population, especially in the solid organ transplant recipients. Herein the authors report a clinical case of a liver transplanted patient suffering a cutaneous co-existent infection with A. alternata as well as A. infectoria. To our knowledge this is the first case of cutaneous concomitant infection due to those two species reported not only in Portugal but also worldwide. The patient was treated with surgical excision of the lesions and oral itraconazol without relapse.