961 resultados para City planning.


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Discusses the formation of urban apparatus that have characterized promote interaction, connection, inclusion and learning within the new paradigm of knowledge, which corresponds to the process of involvement/ knowledge propagation between space and urban space, caused by various combinations. Rescues the importance of physical space in the contemporary city before the increasing spread of cyberspace as one that many theorists seem to be the future of humanity. It also discusses the importance of knowledge in various fields such as Philosophy, Sociology, Education, and especially the Architecture and Urbanism, highlighting the need to think about the city according to this status of knowledge. Shows how the apparatus are found in urban public policy agenda. In this context, used as a model the polygonal 1 of the city of Vitória, consisting of eight communities that call themselves Território do Bem, focusing on how ownership and endogenous production of spaces contribute to the formation of urban apparatus. Also shows the performance of the city of Vitória through the Multiyear Plan 2010/2013, pointing out the actions and the programs that contribute to the formation of urban apparatus. The results show that the apparatus are tools of participatory urban management and city planning, contributing to the process of autonomy and social emancipation


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of town planning, infrastructure, sanitation and rainfall on the bacteriological quality of domestic water supplies. METHODS: Water samples obtained from deep and shallow wells, boreholes and public taps were cultured to determine the most probable number of Escherichia coli and total coliform using the multiple tube technique. Presence of enteric pathogens was detected using selective and differential media. Samples were collected during both periods of heavy and low rainfall and from municipalities that are unique with respect to infrastructure planning, town planning and sanitation. RESULTS: Contamination of treated and pipe distributed water was related with distance of the collection point from a utility station. Faults in pipelines increased the rate of contamination (p<0.5) and this occurred mostly in densely populated areas with dilapidated infrastructure. Wastewater from drains was the main source of contamination of pipe-borne water. Shallow wells were more contaminated than deep wells and boreholes and contamination was higher during period of heavy rainfall (p<0.05). E. coli and enteric pathogens were isolated from contaminated supplies. CONCLUSIONS: Poor town planning, dilapidated infrastructure and indiscriminate siting of wells and boreholes contributed to the low bacteriological quality of domestic water supplies. Rainfall accentuated the impact.


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Discussing urban planning requires rethinking sustainability in cities and building healthy environments. Historically, some aspects of advancing the urban way of life have not been considered important in city planning. This is particularly the case where technological advances have led to conflicting land use, as with the installation of power poles and building electrical substations near residential areas. This research aims to discuss and rethink sustainability in cities, focusing on the environmental impact of low-frequency noise and electromagnetic radiation on human health. It presents data from a case study in an urban space in northern Portugal, and focuses on four guiding questions: Can power poles and power lines cause noise? Do power poles and power lines cause discomfort? Do power poles and power lines cause discomfort due to noise? Can power poles and power lines affect human health? To answer these questions, we undertook research between 2014 and 2015 that was comprised of two approaches. The first approach consisted of evaluating the noise of nine points divided into two groups â near the sourceâ (e.g., up to 50 m from power poles) and â away from the sourceâ (e.g., more than 250 m away from the source). In the second approach, noise levels were measured for 72 h in houses located up to 20 m from the source. The groups consist of residents living within the distance range specified for each group. The measurement values were compared with the proposed criteria for assessing low-frequency noise using the DEFRA Guidance (University of Salford). In the first approach, the noise caused discomfort, regardless of the group. In the second approach, the noise had fluctuating characteristics, which led us to conclude that the noise caused discomfort.


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Accessibility is nowadays an important issue for the development of cities. It is seen as a priority in order toguarantee equal access to fundamental rights, to improve the quality of life of citizens and to ensure that everyone, regardless of age, mobility or ability, have equal access to all the resources and benefits cities have to offer. Consequently, factors closely related to the accessibility have gained a higher relevance for identifying and assessing the location of urban facilities. The main goal of the paper is to present an accessibility evaluation model applied in Santarém, in Brazil, a city located midway between the larger cities of Belem and Manaus. The research instruments, sampling method and data analysis proposed for mapping urban accessibility are described. Daily activities were used to identify and group key destinations. The model was implemented within a geographic information system and integrates the individualâ s perspective through the definition of each key destination weight, reflecting their significance for daily activities in the urban area. Accessibility to key destinations was mapped over 24 districts of the city of Santarém. The results of this model application can support city administration decision-making for new investments in order to improve urban quality of life.


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Article que té com objectiu l'elaboració d'un Pla de Desenvolupament Integral per el municipi de Quilalí, situat al nord de Nicaragua, fent frontera amb Hondures. Primers'exposen les fases per a l'elaboració del Pla i en segon terme es destaquen, a partir de la propia experiència dels autors, les fases del Pla que els autors creuen méssignificatives, i s'exposen alguns dels resultats obtinguts


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This article is an essay aiming at the definition of the urban district of Girona, having as a base the analysis of the intensities and directional tendencies of labour mobility fluxes in it. Several cathegories will be signaled inside this area which wil enable us to differenciate a number of crowns of municipalities according to their respective links with Girona town. A reflection set forth by Francesco Indovina on the concept of diffused town will be the first step in the attempt to typify this area. Thus, the existence of a diffused city core of which would be Girona town will be argued, an issue this one which is to be analysed in future studies


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This article analyses the spatial organization of Montebelluna's industrial district (Italy) as an exemple of the dinamics of urbanization phenomenon in small urban areas. The study is divided in two parts: in the first one I present the social organisation's model of production named «industrial district» and its relation with the space, which is characterizeded by the rising of diffused urbanization settlements; in the second part I try to verify some explanatory factors pointed out by different autors in this specific area with an historical analysis of processes point of view. The diffused organisation of economic and housing activity show a change in the urban morphology


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Descripció del creixement urbà dels municipis que s’inclouen dins la zona del Parc Natural de la Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa i de com aquest influeix en el parc. Esment del Campus europeu de medi ambient que es celebrà a Olot al 1991


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L'article és bàsicament un treball de planificació. Es fonamenta en una problemàtica territorial concreta i té com a finalitat plantejar propostes d'actuació específiques. L'objectiu és l’anàlisi del dilema entre creixement urbà i protecció del medi al Parc Natural de la Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa i la comprovació de tres alternatives possibles per resoldre el problema. En l'article es plantegen les hipòtesis de treball i les conclusions de la memòria de recerca que sota el mateix títol va presentar l'autora a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona el setembre de 1991


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L’article parteix de la hipòtesi de l’existència d'un nou concepte de ciutat. Aquesta ha passat de ser d'una naturalesa nodal o focal a ser-ho de funcionament, de concepte i percepció difusos. L'objectiu principal és determinar l’amplitud d'aquesta ciutat, utilitzant com a paràmetre principal la mobilitat laboral obligada. Es parla de ciutat real, d’àrees de cohesió a Catalunya, i de ciutats reals estructuradores del territori català


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L’objectiu principal del treball és analitzar les polítiques i plans turístics irlandesos nacionals, regionals i locals, i determinar com aquestos influeixen en el turisme urbà a Dublín. L’objectiu secundari és investigar el concepte de turisme urbà i examinar les tendències turístiques actuals i la seva repercussió en la formulació de polítiques


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Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud


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Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud


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Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud


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Anàlisi de les pautes de creixement que han seguit els municipis turístics de la Costa Brava a fi i efecte de proposar un nou model de desenvolupament per la demanda creixent de sòl i allotjament. Tenint en compte la incertesa del sector turístic, es pretén repensar el model actual de tendència a l’especialització en segona residència mitjançant un cas pràctic de planejament urbanístic de caràcter mixt (residencial, comercial i hoteler), transformable i evolutiu