987 resultados para Citrus seedlings


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`Swingle` citrumelo [Citrus paradisi MacFaden x Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.] has been extensively used as a rootstock in several citrus growing regions of the World, including Southern Brazil where `Rangpur` lime (Citrus limonia Osbeck) is still the predominant variety despite being affected by several important pathogens. in this case, `Swingle` citrumelo is used to produce nursery trees to establish new orchards or to be inarched in adult and healthy groves in order to change the rootstock. We report herein a system to produce trees on `Swingle` citrumelo more rapidly by budding onto non-rooted cuttings, as well as assessing potential to rapidly multiply `Swingle` through rooting of non-budded cuttings. Therefore, two potential products are described: budded trees and rooted rootstock cuttings. `Valencia` sweet orange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] was budded at different heights on cuttings derived from eight-month old rootstocks. Grafted and additional non-budded cuttings were then treated with indole-3-butyric acid (500 mg L(-1)) or left untreated before rooting. Three types of cuttings were evaluated: softwood, semi-hardwood and hardwood. The use of nursery trees derived from pre-budded hardwood cuttings of `Swingle` citrumelo is an alternative grafting method on this cultivar. Softwood cuttings with one leaf pair were considered the most adequate material for rapid multiplication of `Swingle` citrumelo by cutting. This could be particularly useful for inarching production or conventional budding after transplant of cutting-derived rootstocks. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Somatic hybridization is a biotechnology tool that can be used in citrus breeding programs to produce somatic hybrids with the complete genetic combination of both parents. The goal of this work was to test the reaction of citrus somatic hybrids that may be useful as rootstocks to trunk and root infections caused by Phytophthora nicotianae van Breda de Haan (P parasitica Dastur) and to citrus tristeza virus (CTV). The somatic hybrids evaluated were `Caipira` sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) + `Rangpur` lime (C. limonia Osbeck), `Caipira` sweet orange + `Cleopatra` mandarin (C. reshni hort. ex Tanaka), `Caipira` sweet orange + `Volkamer` lemon (C. volkameriana V Ten. & Pasq.), `Caipira` sweet orange + rough lemon (C. jambhiri Lush.), `Cleopatra` mandarin + `Volkamer` lemon, `Cleopatra` mandarin + sour orange (C. aurantium L.), `Rangpur` lime + `Sunki` mandarin (C. sunki (Hayata) hort. ex Tanaka), `Ruby Blood` sweet orange (C. sinensis L. Osbeck) + `Volkamer` lemon, `Rohde Red` sweet orange (C. sinensis L. Osbeck) + `Volkamer` lemon, and `Valencia` sweet orange + Fortunella obovata hort. ex Tanaka. For P. nicotianae trunk and root infection assays, plants of the somatic hybrids, obtained from 9-month semi-hardwood cuttings, were evaluated and compared with diploid citrus rootstock cultivars after mycelia inoculation in the trunk or spore infestation in the substrate, respectively. `Cleopatra` mandarin + sour orange, `Rangpur` lime + `Sunki` mandarin, `Cleopatra` mandarin + `Volkamer` lemon, `Ruby Blood` sweet orange + `Volkamer` lemon, `Rohde Red` sweet orange + `Volkamer` lemon, and `Caipira` sweet orange + `Volkamer` lemon had less trunk rot occurrence, whereas the somatic hybrids `Cleopatra` mandarin + `Volkamer` lemon, `Cleopatra` mandarin + sour orange, `Caipira` sweet orange + `Volkamer` lemon, and `Caipira` sweet orange + `Rangpur` lime were tolerant to root rot. For CTV assays, plants of the somatic hybrids along with tolerant and intolerant rootstocks were budded with a mild strain CTV-infected or healthy `Valencia` sweet orange budwood. Differences in average scion shoot length indicated that the hybrids `Cleopatra` mandarin + sour orange and `Valencia` sweet orange + Fortunella obovata were intolerant to CTV (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Boron (B) deficiency is widespread in Brazilian citrus orchards and has been considered an important soil constraint to citrus yield. The aim of this work was to study B uptake and its mobility in young citrus trees, under different B statuses, in two rootstocks. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, with `Valencia` sweet orange trees budded on Rangpur lime or Swingle citrumelo. The plants were grown in pots containing nutrient solutions under either adequate or deficient B supply. Plants with different B levels were transplanted into solution with adequate level of B, enriched in 10 B in different stages of development ( vegetative growth and fruiting). About 20 to 35% of B content in the new parts of orange tree came from plant reserves. Boron mobility within the plant was influenced by its nutritional status; that is, the longer the period was that the plants were grown under deficient supply, the smaller was the mobility. Boron concentration in the sweet orange trees on Swingle was higher than that on Rangpur, suggesting higher demand of swingle Citrumelo for B.


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The effects of irrigation with reclaimed wastewater (RWW) were compared with well water (WW) on citrus (Citrus paradisi Macfad. X Citrus aurantium L) nutrition. The deviation from the optimum percentage (DOP) index of macro- and micro-nutrients were used to evaluate the nutritional status: optimal (DOP = 0), deficiency (DOP < 0) or excess (DOP > 0). After 11 years of RWW irrigation the influence on nutrient concentration in plants decreased in the order: B > Zn > Mn = Ca > Cu > Mg > P > K. Reclaimed wastewater irritation positively affected citrus nutrition as it rendered the concentration of macronutrients, i.e. P, Ca, and K. closer to their optimum levels (Sigma DOP(macro) = 7). However micro-nutrients tended to be excessive in plants (EDOP(micro) = 753) due to imbalanced supply of these elements in the RWW, particularly, for B and Cu. Citrus groves with long-term RWW irrigation may exercised caution in monitoring concentrations of B and Cu to avoid plant toxicity and soil quality degradation. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The diversity and beneficial characteristics of endophytic microorganisms have been studied in several host plants. However, information regal-ding naturally, occurring seed-associated endophytes and vertical transmission among different life-history stages of hosts is limited. Endophytic bacteria were isolated from seeds and seedlings of 10 Eucalyptus species and two hybrids. The results showed that endophytic bacteria, Such as Bacillus, Enterococcus, Paenibacillus and Methylobacterium, are vertically transferred from seeds to seedlings. In addition, the endophytic bacterium Pantoea agglomerans was tagged with the gfp gene, inoculated into seeds and further reisolated from seedlings. These results suggested it novel approach to change the profile of the plants, where the bacterium is a delivery vehicle for desired traits. This is the first report of an endophytic bacterial community residing in Eucalyptus seeds and the transmission of these bacteria from seeds to seedlings. The bacterial species reported ill this work have been described as providing benefits to host plants. Therefore, we Suggest that endophytic bacteria can be transmitted vertically from seeds to seedlings, assuring the support of the bacterial community in the host plant.


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Citrus sudden death (CSD) transmission was studied by graft-inoculation and under natural conditions. Young sweet orange trees on Rangpur rootstock were used as indicator plants. They were examined regularly for one or two characteristic markers of CSD: (i) presence of a yellow-stained layer of thickened bark on the Rangpur rootstock, and (ii) infection with the CSD-associated marafivirus. Based on these two markers, transmission of CSD was obtained, not only when budwood for graft-inoculation was taken from symptomatic, sweet orange trees on Rangpur, but also when the budwood sources were asymptomatic sweet orange trees on Cleopatra mandarin, indicating that the latter trees are symptomless carriers of the CSD agent. For natural transmission, 80 young indicator plants were planted within a citrus plot severely affected by CSD. Individual insect-proof cages were built around 40 indicator plants, and the other 40 indicator plants remained uncaged. Only two of the 40 caged indicator plants were affected by CSD, whereas 17 uncaged indicator plants showed CSD symptoms and were infected with the marafivirus. An additional 12 uncaged indicator plants became severely affected with citrus variegated chlorosis and were removed. These results strongly suggest that under natural conditions, CSD is transmitted by an aerial vector, such as an insect, and that the cages protected the trees against infection by the vector.


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In February 2007, sweet orange trees with characteristic symptoms of huanglongbing (HLB) were encountered in a region of Sao Paulo state (SPs) hitherto free of HLB. These trees tested negative for the three liberibacter species associated with HLB. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) product from symptomatic fruit columella DNA amplifications with universal primers fDI/rPI was cloned and sequenced. The corresponding agent was found to have highest 16S rDNA sequence identity (99%) with the Pigeon pea witches`-broom phytoplasma of group 16Sr IX. Sequences of PCR products obtained with phytoplasma 16S rDNA primer pairs fU5/rU3, fU5/P7 confirm these result.,;. With two primers D7f2/D7r2 designed based oil the 16S rDNA Sequence of the cloned DNA fragment, positive amplifications were obtained from more than one hundred samples including symptomatic fruits and blotchy mottle leaves. Samples positive for phytoplasmas were negative for liberibacters, except for four samples, which were positive for both the phytoplasma and `Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus`. The phytoplasma was detected by electron microscopy in the sieve tubes of midribs from symptomatic leaves. These results Show that a phytoplasma of group IX is associated with citrus HLB symptoms ill northern, central, and Southern SPs. This phytoplasma has very probably been transmitted to citrus from an external Source of inoculum, but the Putative insect vector is not yet known.


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The ecological and economic importance of oleoresin produced by Copaifera langsdorffii is well established. This study aims to investigate the ontogeny, anatomy and ultrastructure of the internal glands of C. langsdorffii during plant development. Samples were processed for light and electron microscopy and a specific technique was applied to impregnate endomembranes. Internal secretory glands were observed in the hypocotyl, epicotyl and eophylls of seedlings, and in the primary stem, pulvinus, petiole, rachis and leaf blade of adult plants. Canals and cavities show differential distribution. They arise from ground meristem cells, and the lumen is first formed by schizogenesis followed by later schizolysigenous development. The dense cytoplasm of epithelial cells shows mitochondria, plastids without thylakoids, polyribosomes and endoplasmic reticulum. A periplastidial reticulum was also observed. Secretion is released by eccrine, granulocrine and holocrine processes. Lipophilic and hydrophilic compounds were histochemically detected in both canals and cavities, whereas resin was detected only in canals. The presence of these substances has been associated with plants` defences against dehydration, as well as against attacks from herbivores and pathogens, from seedling stage onwards. (C) 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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(Morpho-anatomical studies of seeds and seedlings of wild indigo, ""anileira"", Indigofera-Leguminosae). The common name ""wild indigo"" specifies Indigofera will L., I. suffruticosa Mill. (legitimate name) and I. truxillensis Kunth (legitimate name) that are very similar due to their external morphology. This work analyzed diagnostic characteristics of seeds and seedlings of these species since such features are widely used in taxonomic approaches within Leguminosae. We studied surface features and morpho-anatomy of seeds and cotyledons with scanning electronic microscopy and light microscopy, and described seedling phases. Although seedlings are similar, seed characteristics (size, shape, surface ornamentation, shape of the hilum and embryo size) and cotyledon characteristics (shape, trichome ornamentation, organization of spongy parenchyma along central veins and metabolite distribution in the tissues) have diagnostic features for the species. I. anil differs from I. suffruticosa in its larger seeds and acuminate-margined cotyledons. I. truxillensis is recognized by its cylindrical seeds and kidney-shaped cotyledons with large oil drops. We assume that the characteristics examined, plus fruit morphology and foliar anatomy suggest that I. anil, I. suffruticosa and I. truxillensis should not be synonymized.


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This study investigated the organic and inorganic constituents of healthy leaves and Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas)-inoculated leaves of citrus plants. The bacteria CLas are one of the causal agents of citrus greening (or Huanglongbing) and its effect on citrus leaves was investigated using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) combined with chemometrics. The information obtained from the LIBS spectra profiles with chemometrics analysis was promising for the construction of predictive models to identify healthy and infected plants. The major, macro- and microconstituents were relevant for differentiation of the sample conditions. The models were then applied to different inoculation times (from 1 to 8 months). The models were effective in the classification of 82-97% of the diseased samples with a 95% significance level. The novelty of this method was in the fingerprinting of healthy and diseased plants based on their organic and inorganic contents. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Effects of soil water availability on seedling growth, dry matter production and allocation were determined for Gympie ( humid coastal) and Hungry Hills ( dry inland) provenances of Eucalyptus cloeziana F. Muell. and for E. argophloia Blakely ( dry inland) species. Seven-month-old seedlings were subjected to well-watered (100% field capacity, FC), moderate (70% FC) and severe (50% FC) soil water regimes in a glasshouse environment for 14 wk. There were significant differences in seedling growth, biomass production and allocation patterns between species. E. argophloia produced twice as much biomass at 100% FC, and more than three times as much at 70% and 50% FC than did either E. cloeziana provenance. Although the humid provenance of E. cloeziana had a greater leaf area at 100% FC conditions than did the dry provenance, total biomass production did not differ significantly. Both E. cloeziana provenances were highly sensitive to water deficits. E. argophloia allocated 10% more biomass to roots than did E. cloeziana. Allometric analyses indicated that relative biomass allocation patterns were significantly affected by genotype but not by soil water availability. These results have implications for taxon selection for cultivation in humid and subhumid regions.


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Although the co-ordination of promotive root-sourced cytokinin (CK) and inhibitory shoot apex-sourced auxin (IAA) is central to all current models on lateral bud dormancy release, control by those hormones alone has appeared inadequate in many studies. Thus it was hypothesized that the IAA : CK model is the central control but that it must be considered within the relevant timeframe leading to lateral bud release and against a backdrop of interactions with other hormone groups. Therefore, IAA and a wide survey of cytokinins (CKs), were examined along with abscisic acid (ABA) and polyamines (PAs) in released buds, tissue surrounding buds and xylem sap at 1 and 4 h after apex removal, when lateral buds of chickpea are known to break dormancy. Three potential lateral bud growth inhibitors, IAA, ABA and cis-zeatin 9-riboside (ZR), declined sharply in the released buds and xylem following decapitation. This is in contrast to potential dormancy breaking CKs like trans-ZR and trans-zeantin 9-riboside 5'phosphate (ZRMP), which represented the strongest correlative changes by increasing 3.5-fold in xylem sap and 22-fold in buds. PAs had not changed significantly in buds or other tissues after 4 h, so they were not directly involved in the breaking of bud dormancy. Results from the xylem and surrounding tissues indicated that bud CK increases resulted from a combination synthesis in the bud and selective loading of CK nucleotides into the xylem from the root.


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Although cytokinins (CKs) are widely thought to have a role in promoting shoot branching, there is little data supporting a causative or even a correlative relationship between endogenous CKs and timing of bud outgrowth. We previously showed that lateral bud CK content increased rapidly following shoot decapitation. However, it is not known whether roots are the source of this CK. Here, we have used shoot decapitation to instantaneously induce lateral bud release in chickpea seedlings. This treatment rapidly alters rate and direction of solvent and solute (including CK) trafficking, which may be a passive signalling mechanism central to initiation of lateral bud release. To evaluate changes in xylem transport, intact and decapitated plants were infiltrated with [H-3]zeatin riboside ([H-3]ZR), a water-soluble blue dye or [H-3]H2O by injection into the hypocotyl. All three tracers were recovered in virtually all parts of the shoot within I h of injection. In intact plants, solute accumulation in the lateral bud at node 1 was significantly less than in the adjacent stipule and nodal tissue. In decapitated plants, accumulation of [H-3]ZR and of blue dye in the same bud position was increased 3- to 10-fold relative to intact plants, whereas content of [H-3]H2O was greatly reduced indicating an increased solvent throughput. The stipule and cut stem, predicted to have high evapotranspiration rates, also showed increased solute content accompanied by enhanced depletion of [H-3]H2O. To assess whether metabolism modifies quantities of active CK reaching the buds, we followed the metabolic fate of [H-3]ZR injected at physiological concentrations. Within 1 h, 80-95% of [H-3]ZR was converted to other active CKs (mainly zeatin riboside-5'phosphate (ZRMP) and zeatin (Z)), other significant, but unconfirmed metabolites some of which may be active (O-acetylZR, O-acetylZRMP and a compound correlated with sites of high CK-concentrations) and inactive catabolites (adenosine, adenine, 5'AMP and water). Despite rapid metabolic degradation, the total active label, which was indicative of CK concentration in buds, increased rapidly following decapitation. It can be inferred that xylem sap CKs represent one source of active CKs appearing in lateral buds after shoot decapitation.


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O bom calibre e a coloração adequada dos frutos cítricos para consumo in natura são importantes fatores de qualidade que elevam o seu consumo e melhoram os preços do produto. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de diferentes intensidades de raleio manual dos frutos e da poda sobre a produção e qualidade dos frutos da tangerina Montenegrina. O experimento foi realizado em pomar comercial no município de Dois Vizinhos, no Sudoeste do Paraná. O experimento bifatorial (raleio x poda) constituiu-se dos seguintes tratamentos. 1) sem raleio e sem poda (testemunha); 2) sem raleio, com poda; 3) 33% de raleio, sem poda; 4) 33% de raleio, com poda; 5) 66% de raleio, sem poda; e 6) 66% de raleio, com poda. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos completamente casualizados, com quatro repetições, sendo cada unidade experimental constituída por uma planta. Nas condições em que o experimento foi realizado, concluiu-se que o raleio nas intensidades de 33 e 66% promove aumento da massa fresca, melhora a cor da epiderme, aumenta o diâmetro e melhora a classificação comercial dos frutos da tangerina Montenegrina. A poda leve, de abertura e levantamento da base da copa, não contribui para a melhoria da qualidade dos frutos.


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In recent years, the application of silicon (Si) in crops, including coffee, has become a common practice. The objective of this study was to assess the silicon uptake by coffee seedlings and its effects on plant growth, water and macro and micronutrient uptake. The research was conducted using nutrient solution in a greenhouse at the Departamento de Fitotecnia da Universidade Federal de Viçosa, in a completely randomized design with two treatments (with and without silicon) and three replications. Each plot consisted of three plants grown in a 800 mL vessel containing the treatment solutions. At every three days, water consumption, the concentration of OH - and the depletion of Si and K were assessed in the nutrient solutions. After 33 days, the plants were assessed with regard to their fresh and dry weight of leaves, roots and stem, shoot height and total length of the plant (shoot and root). Number of leaves and internodes, and the content and accumulation of silicon, macro, and micronutrients were also determined. The consumption of water, the amount of potassium uptake and, biomass accumulation were greater in plants grown in solution without silicon addition. However, the concentration of OH- in the solution and the amount of silicon uptake were greater in plants grown in solution with added silicon. Silicon accumulation was greater in leaves than in stem and roots. Silicon decreased coffee plant accumulation of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, zinc, copper and iron.