130 resultados para Chubut


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Comienza presentando una breve s??ntesis de la evoluci??n de la educaci??n en Argentina que abarca los antecedentes hist??ricos y la actualidad docente, el marco legal actual y el entorno institucional. La segunda parte est?? constituida por el plan propiamente dicho que se enmarca dentro de dos l??neas te??ricas bien definidas: por una parte el modelo de directores transformacionales en contraposici??n al transaccional y cuyas principales caracter??sticas son el carisma, la inspiraci??n, la consideraci??n individual y la estimulaci??n individual; y por otra se considera la premisa fundamental de la supervisi??n como proceso de desarrollo lo que supone ver la educaci??n como un proceso de crecimiento en lugar de como un proceso que lleva a productos terminales. Se definen los siguientes t??rminos: plan, formaci??n, directivo, profesional, supervisor y director escolar. Del estudio de la supervisi??n se derivan una serie de funciones parejas a la misma: la de control dirigida a observar el grado de cumplimiento de las disposiciones legales tanto en los centros escolares p??blicos como privados; la de evaluaci??n que valora el funcionamiento del los centros en sus aspectos funcionales, personales y materiales; la de asesoramiento, encaminada a la mejora del sistema educativo; la de arbitraje, orientada a las actuaciones en posibles conflictos entre los diversos sectores y miembros de las comunidades educativas. Por ??ltimo y dada la importancia de la profesionalizaci??n de los cargos de supervisor y director escolar se apuesta por algunos cambios en el sistema educativo de la provincia de Chubut (Argentina). Dichos cambios afectar??n a una estructura organizativa r??gida, basada en una divisi??n sistem??tica de las tareas entre los distintos profesionales y a la dispersi??n de recursos que a veces se solapan en sus fines e impiden la prestaci??n de un buen servicio a la comunidad..


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One hundred and fifty-one Welsh Patagonians migrated to Australia between 1910 and 1916. A similar number of Welsh had sailed away to Patagonia in 1865 to start their own self-sufficient colony along the Chubut River in southern Argentina, free to speak and teach in Welsh, worship as they pleased, and to govern themselves. A magnet to a better life in Australia was the prospect of legal title to their own land. Migrating as groups, they separately formed two ‘Welsh settlements’ along the Murrumbidgee River of New South Wales and around Moora-Miling in Western Australia. Two large families who went to Darwin never took up their promised land. Drought, depression and poor quality land eventually dispersed these immigrants to all parts of Australia. This book traces the unique experiences of an almost complete group of immigrants, whose extensive kinship and affiliations kept alive their stories long enough for them to be related in this book. Rich personal testimonies gleaned from oral histories with sixty-three descendants, together with genealogical information spanning generations, are blended here with library and archival research from four countries. The result is a fascinating story of the connections of these Welsh Patagonians to Australia. Australian immigration encouragement policies are seen through the experiences of the Welsh Patagonians, casting new light on the application of Australian immigration policies and settlement schemes in the early twentieth century.

Michele Langfield and Peta Roberts tell the epic story of the double migration of the hundreds of Welsh colonists who settled in southern Argentina and Chile after 1865, and who came on to Australia early last century.

Traces the family groups and tells their stories through interviews with the participants.


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This paper focuses on a unique group of British emigrants in their double migration experience from Wales to Patagonia in the second half of the nineteenth century and thence to Canada or Australia in the early twentieth. The history of the Welsh Patagonian settlements in the Chubut Valley of Argentina and the Andes foothills has been extensively documented. Less is known about the two subsequent migrations from Patagonia to Canada in 1902, and from Patagonia to Australia between 1910 and 1915. What distinguishes these movements is that, in each case, the settlers migrated as a group and placed a high priority on taking up adjoining land. In their three adopted countries they established discrete Welsh communities, some more enduring than others.

There is a general consensus that the initial move from Wales to Patagonia in 1865 was for nationalistic, cultural and linguistic reasons but for those who followed later, economic motives were more common. By the time of the migration from Patagonia to Canada in 1902, there was no illusion that Welsh nationalism could be preserved intact or autonomy guaranteed. Historians dispute the primary motivation for this particular move, some arguing that socio-economic and political factors in Patagonia were paramount, others that it resulted from inducements and political manoeuvrings from Canada and Great Britain. What is clear is the desire of the settlers to return to a country 'under a British flag'.

This paper addresses these issues relating to the Welsh Patagonian migration to Canada in the context of a comparison with the migration to Australia some years later. Such a comparative analysis has not previously been undertaken. Notions of identity and an erstwhile ‘Britishness’ are explored, in terms of the migrant’s sense of self and the political implications of citizenship, military service, reception and assimilation in the
host societies.


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The productid brachiopod genus Jakutoproductus, dominant in the Early Permian marine faunas of northeastern Siberia, is described for the first time from the southern hemisphere. Jakutoproductus australis sp. nov. is described from the Rio Genoa Formation, Chubut Province (Patagonia), Argentina. The age of the Patagonian species is considered to be Sakmarian (Early Permian), possibly Sterlitamakian.


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A small brachiopod–gastropod fauna from a core close to the base of the Calytrix Formation within the Grant Group includes the brachiopods Altiplecus decipiens (Hosking), Myodelthyrium dickinsi (Thomas), Brachythyrinella narsarhensis (Reed), Neochonetes (Sommeriella) obrieni Archbold, Tivertonia barbwirensis sp. nov. and the gastropod Peruvispira canningensis sp. nov. The fauna has affinities with that of the late Sakmarian‒early Artinskian Nura Nura Member directly overlying the Grant Group in other parts of the basin but, as with all lower Cisuralian (and Pennsylvanian) glacial strata in Western Australia, its precise age remains poorly constrained, especially in terms of correlation to international stages. Although the Calytrix fauna lies within the Pseudoreticulatispora confluens Palynozone, the only real constraint on its age (and that of the associated glacially influenced strata) is from Sakmarian (Sterlitamakian) and stratigraphically younger faunas. A brief review of radiometric ages from correlative strata elsewhere in Gondwana shows that those ages need to be updated. The presence of Asselian strata and the position of the Carboniferous‒Permian boundary remain unclear in Western Australia.Arturo César Taboada [ataboada@unpata.edu.ar], CONICET-Laboratorio de Investigaciones en Evolución y Biodiversidad (LIEB), Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Sede Esquel, Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia ‘San Juan Bosco’, Edificio de Aulas, Ruta Nacional 259, km. 16,5, Esquel U9200, Chubut, Argentina; Arthur Mory [arthur.mory@dmp.wa.gov.au], Geological Survey of Western Australia, 100 Plain Street, East Perth, WA 6004, School of Earth and Environment, The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia; Guang R. Shi [grshi@deakin.edu.au], School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Deakin University, Melbourne Burwood Campus, 221 Burwood Highway, Burwood, Victoria 3125, Australia; David W. Haig [david.haig@uwa.edu.au], School of Earth and Environment (M004), The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia; María Karina Pinilla [mkpinilla@fcnym.unlp.edu.ar], División Paleozoología Invertebrados, Museo de Ciencias Naturales de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque s/n, 1900 La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Convenio Marco de Cooperación Técnica entre la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe e YPF S.A., Acta Complementaria de Cooperación Técnica Nº 1


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Convenio de Cooperación Técnica entre la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe e YPF S.A., Acta Complementaria de Cooperación Técnica Nº 1


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Recent studies predict that several lineages of tropical animals are at particular risk given current estimates of global climate change. Yet, much uncertainty exists on the effects of climate shifts in ectothermic species from cool temperate regions such as Patagonia. In this study, we focus on the impact of environmental temperature on growth, age at sexual maturity, and life-span of the Patagonian gecko Homonota darwini. Skeletochronological methods were used to assess the bone growth rates Of individuals from three populations at different geographic and temporal scales: two populations from Chubut (warm site; 1941 and 2010) and one population from Rio Negro (cold site; 1997-1998). Populations displayed similar bone arrangement and the growth patterns fit a von Bertalanffy curve. Three populations attained reproductive size at a minimum age of 3 yr, but at the cold site two specimens were shown to mature in 4 yr. We found no differences in juvenile growth rates in body size or bone zone width between juveniles of 1 to 3 yr of age from the 1941 warm site and the 2010 warm site. However, these traits appeared to be higher at these two warm sites than at the cold site, which is consistent with the climatic differences among the three localities. Our results suggest that higher temperatures positively affect growth, denoting that global warming might benefit H. darwini, especially the southern populations.


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Procesos de auto reconocimiento étnico en poblaciones que hasta hace pocos años se definían por una identidad “nacional”, ya no son novedad como fenómeno social. Sin embargo dichos procesos siguen generando acaloradas discusiones, en las cuales el ámbito académico es convocado, en no pocas ocasiones y de maneras diversas, a analizar o pronunciarse al respecto. El presente trabajo pretende, a partir de un caso concreto estudiado etnográficamente, en Lago Puelo, NO del Chubut, aportar a la discusión acerca de las posibilidades que el enfoque antropológico de análisis de las narrativas “nativas”, puede brindar tanto a la comprensión de estos procesos, como a la formulación de nuevas y mejores preguntas que no se conformen con respuestas académicas “normativas” a los mismos.