222 resultados para Chrome
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Muito embora já haja um sólido conhecimento sobre as deficiências minerais e suas conseqüências para a saúde e a produtividade dos bovinos no Brasil, paradoxalmente, essas informações, na maioria das vezes, não vêm sendo empregadas pelos profissionais das ciências agrárias, que persistem em estimular o uso generalizado das misturas minerais ditas completas. A deficiência de diversos minerais incluídos nestes suplementos, como ferro, cromo, enxofre, entre outros, não ocorre sob condições naturais ou só existe em raras situações muito particulares. O presente tópico aborda os equívocos e problemas relacionados com a suplementação mineral tradicionalmente feita e discute os principais aspectos da denominada suplementação mineral seletiva, que é fundamentada no fornecimento exclusivo do(s) mineral(is) deficiente(s) e na(s) quantidade(s) necessária(s). Essa alternativa pode permitir uma economia expressiva (por vezes, de até 700%) em relação à suplementação mineral comercial normalmente utilizada. De acordo com diversas estimativas, a suplementação mineral pode constituir de 20 a 30 % dos custos totais de produção de gado de corte criados em pastagens, daí a importância de diminuir esses gastos. Um ensaio de reversão, no qual um grupo de animais recebe a mistura mineral comercial rotineiramente utilizada na propriedade e outro grupo, o suplemento seletivo, é a melhor opção para discriminar os efeitos (positivos ou negativos) entre dois esquemas de suplementação mineral para uma específica fazenda. Por esse ensaio, investigam-se, racionalmente e por um longo período, os efeitos das duas opções de suplementação mineral em teste, com mínimo risco de perdas econômicas.
O sucesso dos implantes osseointegrados é comprovado cientificamente e com isso, veio outras preocupações como a de se solucionar esteticamente e funcionalmente o tratamento restaurador, tendo como escolha na maioria das vezes a confecção de coroas metalocerâmicas ou metaloplásticas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo comparar a resistência à fratura por compressão axial e avaliar o tipo de fratura de 30 coroas unitárias sobre implante do primeiro pré-molar superior, confeccionadas com diferentes infraestruturas metálicas (infra-estruturas enceradas e fundidas em níquel-cromo sobre pilares UCLA calcináveis e infra-estruturas representadas por pilares UCLA provisórios pré-fabricados em titânio), ambos restaurados com resina composta laboratorial, sendo que, as restaurações totais em resina compostas laboratoriais confeccionadas sobre o pilar UCLA pré-fabricado em titânio foram reforçadas internamente com fibras de vidro. Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre as médias tanto de resistência à fratura quanto da deformação máxima de rompimento entre os grupos (p= 0.5812 e p= 0.1743 respectivamente). As fraturas apresentadas pelos espécimes com infra-estruturas fundidas em níquel-cromo com e sem retenção apresentaram em sua totalidade fraturas parciais adesivas enquanto que no grupo com infra-estruturas com fibras-de-vidro o tipo de fratura foi a parcial coesiva. A resina composta laboratorial suporta forças acima das encontradas na mastigação indiferente do tipo de reforço utilizado, podendo ser indicada para confecção de próteses unitárias sobre implante.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
The work of biochemists and molecular biologists often is dependent or extremely favored by a preliminary computer analysis. Thus, the development of an efficient and friendly computational tool is very important. In this work, we developed a package of programs in Javascript language which can be used online or locally. The programs depend exclusively of Web browsers and are compatible with Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. With the EBiAn package it is can perform the main analysis and manipulation of DNA, RNA, proteins and peptides sequences. The programs can be freely accessed and adapted or modified to generate new programs.
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
During clinical routine, the orthodontist uses several materials, which include metallic alloys in the form of metallic wires. However, it is necessary that the professional has some knowledge of the properties of those wires. Different types of wires are commercially available: stainless steel wires, chrome-cobalt wires, nickel-titanium wires and beta-titanium wires. Among the nickel-titanium wires, there are three subdivisions: a conventional alloy and two superelastic alloys. The superelasticity, associated to the effect of form memory, is a property used in orthodontics to initiate the dental movement in the first phase of the orthodontic treatment. This property is considered to be biologically compatible with the effective dental movement. These wires are available at the market in different transformation temperatures, and they offer the best adaptation in the groove of the bracket, simplicity and a faster treatment. However, they present little formability, and they don’t accept solder. They are also more onerous than other wires. Moreover, the low rigidity of these wires doesn’t allow them to be used for the retraction of the anterior teeth or closing of spaces. Therefore, the coherent use of superelastic orthodontic wires is recommended, accompanied by a detailed diagnosis and planning, so the result will be an efficient orthodontic correction, accomplished in a shorter period of time.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pack chromising treatment is an environmentally friendly alternative to hard chromium to form wear and corrosion resistant surface layers. In this work, samples of AISI 1060 steel were pack chromised for 6 and 9 h at 1000 and 1050 degrees C using different activator concentrations. Wear tests were performed in dry conditions and corrosion tests in natural sea water for the pack chromised samples and hard chromium. Pack chromising yielded the formation of layers with high chromium concentrations, high hardness and wear resistance. Increasing activator concentration causes no significant change on the morphology and thickness of the layers. The layers produced at 1050 degrees C yielded only a (Cr,Fe)(2)N1-x phase, and those obtained at 1000 degrees C are composed of a carbide mixture with (Cr,Fe)(2)N1-x. The sample treated at 1050 degrees C for 9 h resulted in an optimum condition by means of better wear resistance and corrosion properties, which were close to that exhibited by the hard chrome, indicating that pack chromising is a promising alternative.
Diamant ist das härteste Mineral – und dazu ein Edelstein -, das unter höchstem Druck und hohen Temperaturen in tiefen kontinentalen Regionen der Erde kristallisiert. Die Mineraleinschlüsse in Diamanten werden durch die physikalische Stabilität und chemische Beständigkeit der umgebenden – eigentlich metastabilen -Diamant-Phase geschützt. Aufgrund der koexistierenden Phasenkombination ermöglichen sie, die Mineral-Entwicklung zu studieren, während deren der Einschlüssen und die Diamanten kristallisierten. rnDie Phasenkombinationen von Diamant und Chrom-Pyrop, Chrom-Diopsid, Chromit, Olivin, Graphit und Enstatit nebeneinander (teilweise in Berührungsexistenz) mit Chrom-Pyrop Einschlüssen wurden von neunundzwanzig Diamant-Proben von sechs Standorten in Südafrika (Premier, Koffiefontein, De Beers Pool, Finsch, Venetia und Koingnaas Minen) und Udachnaya (Sibirien/Russland) identifiziert und charakterisiert. Die Mineraleinschlüsse weisen z.T. kubo-oktaedrische Form auf, die unabhängig von ihren eigenen Kristallsystemen ausgebildet werden können. Das bedeutet, dass sie syngenetische Einschlüsse sind, die durch die sehr hohe Formenergie des umgebenden Diamanten morphologisch unter Zwang stehen. Aus zweidiemnsionalen Messungen der ersten Ordnung von charakteristischen Raman-Banden lassen sich relative Restdrucke in Diamanten zwischen Diamant und Einschlussmineral gewinnen; sie haben charakteristische Werte von ca. 0,4 bis 0,9 GPa um Chrom-Pyrop-Einschlüsse, 0,6 bis 2,0 GPa um Chrom-Diopsid-Einschlüsse, 0,3 bis 1,2 GPa um Olivin-Einschlüsse, 0,2 bis 1,0 GPa um Chromit-Einschlüsse, beziehungsweise 0,5 GPa um Graphit Einschlüsse.rnDie kristallstrukturellen Beziehung von Diamanten und ihren monomineralischen Einschlüssen wurden mit Hilfe der Quantifizierung der Winkelkorrelationen zwischen der [111] Richtung von Diamanten und spezifisch ausgewählten Richtungen ihrer mineralischen Einschlüsse untersucht. Die Winkelkorrelationen zwischen Diamant [111] und Chrom-Pyrop [111] oder Chromit [111] zeigen die kleinsten Verzerrungen von 2,2 bis zu 3,4. Die Chrom-Diopsid- und Olivin-Einschlüsse zeigen die Missorientierungswerte mit Diamant [111] bis zu 10,2 und 12,9 von Chrom-Diopsid [010] beziehungsweise Olivin [100].rnDie chemische Zusammensetzung von neun herausgearbeiteten (orientiertes Anschleifen) Einschlüssen (drei Chrom-Pyrop-Einschlüsse von Koffiefontein-, Finsch- und Venetia-Mine (zwei von drei koexistieren nebeneinander mit Enstatit), ein Chromit von Udachnaya (Sibirien/Russland), drei Chrom-Diopside von Koffiefontein, Koingnaas und Udachnaya (Sibirien/Russland) und zwei Olivin Einschlüsse von De Beers Pool und Koingnaas) wurden mit Hilfe EPMA und LA-ICP-MS analysiert. Auf der Grundlage der chemischen Zusammensetzung können die Mineraleinschlüsse in Diamanten in dieser Arbeit der peridotitischen Suite zugeordnet werden.rnDie Geothermobarometrie-Untersuchungen waren aufgrund der berührenden Koexistenz von Chrom-Pyrop- und Enstatit in einzelnen Diamanten möglich. Durchschnittliche Temperaturen und Drücke der Bildung sind mit ca. 1087 (± 15) C, 5,2 (± 0,1) GPa für Diamant DHK6.2 von der Koffiefontein Mine beziehungsweise ca. 1041 (± 5) C, 5,0 (± 0,1) GPa für Diamant DHF10.2 von der Finsch Mine zu interpretieren.rn
Background In the present study, 4 different metallic implant materials, either partly coated or polished, were tested for their osseointegration and biocompatibility in a pelvic implantation model in sheep. Methods Materials to be evaluated were: Cobalt-Chrome (CC), Cobalt-Chrome/Titanium coating (CCTC), Cobalt-Chrome/Zirconium/Titanium coating (CCZTC), Pure Titanium Standard (PTST), Steel, TAN Standard (TANST) and TAN new finish (TANNEW). Surgery was performed on 7 sheep, with 18 implants per sheep, for a total of 63 implants. After 8 weeks, the specimens were harvested and evaluated macroscopically, radiologically, biomechanically (removal torque), histomorphometrically and histologically. Results Cobalt-Chrome screws showed significantly (p = 0.031) lower removal torque values than pure titanium screws and also a tendency towards lower values compared to the other materials, except for steel. Steel screws showed no significant differences, in comparison to cobalt-chrome and TANST, however also a trend towards lower torque values than the remaining materials. The results of the fluorescence sections agreed with those of the biomechanical test. Histomorphometrically, there were no significant differences of bone area between the groups. The BIC (bone-to-implant-contact), used for the assessment of the osseointegration, was significantly lower for cobalt-chrome, compared to steel (p = 0.001). Steel again showed a lower ratio (p = 0.0001) compared to the other materials. Conclusion This study demonstrated that cobalt-chrome and steel show less osseointegration than the other metals and metal-alloys. However, osseointegration of cobalt-chrome was improved by zirconium and/or titanium based coatings (CCTC, TANST, TAN, TANNEW) being similar as pure titanium in their osseointegrative behavior.
The Red Lodge and Silver Star chromite deposits of Montana have stimulated much interest during periods of war. The Red Lodge deposit is 25 miles southwest of Red Lodge which is also the nearest railroad point. Several workings are scattered throughout the area, exposing lense-like ore bodies averaging 33% chrome oxide. Silver Star is a much smaller deposit 5 miles west of Silver Star, Montana, which is its nearest railroad point. Lenses of chromite are exposed by pits and trenches, which average approximately 36% chromic oxide.