996 resultados para Chimeric Proteins


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This paper was retracted by the Journal of Stem Cells and Development on February 15, 2013.


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In a randomized, double-blind study, 202 healthy adults were randomized to receive a live, attenuated Japanese encephalitis chimeric virus vaccine (JE-CV) and placebo 28 days apart in a cross-over design. A subgroup of 98 volunteers received a JE-CV booster at month 6. Safety, immunogenicity, and persistence of antibodies to month 60 were evaluated. There were no unexpected adverse events (AEs) and the incidence of AEs between JE-CV and placebo were similar. There were three serious adverse events (SAE) and no deaths. A moderately severe case of acute viral illness commencing 39 days after placebo administration was the only SAE considered possibly related to immunization. 99% of vaccine recipients achieved a seroprotective antibody titer ≥ 10 to JE-CV 28 days following the single dose of JE-CV, and 97% were seroprotected at month 6. Kaplan Meier analysis showed that after a single dose of JE-CV, 87% of the participants who were seroprotected at month 6 were still protected at month 60. This rate was 96% among those who received a booster immunization at month 6. 95% of subjects developed a neutralizing titer ≥ 10 against at least three of the four strains of a panel of wild-type Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) strains on day 28 after immunization. At month 60, that proportion was 65% for participants who received a single dose of JE-CV and 75% for the booster group. These results suggest that JE-CV is safe, well tolerated and that a single dose provides long-lasting immunity to wild-type strains


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A randomized, double-blind, study was conducted to evaluate the safety, tolerability and immunogenicity of a live attenuated Japanese encephalitis chimeric virus vaccine (JE-CV) co-administered with live attenuated yellow fever (YF) vaccine (YF-17D strain; Stamaril(®), Sanofi Pasteur) or administered successively. Participants (n = 108) were randomized to receive: YF followed by JE-CV 30 days later, JE followed by YF 30 days later, or the co-administration of JE and YF followed or preceded by placebo 30 days later or earlier. Placebo was used in a double-dummy fashion to ensure masking. Neutralizing antibody titers against JE-CV, YF-17D and selected wild-type JE virus strains was determined using a 50% serum-dilution plaque reduction neutralization test. Seroconversion was defined as the appearance of a neutralizing antibody titer above the assay cut-off post-immunization when not present pre-injection at day 0, or a least a four-fold rise in neutralizing antibody titer measured before the pre-injection day 0 and later post vaccination samples. There were no serious adverse events. Most adverse events (AEs) after JE vaccination were mild to moderate in intensity, and similar to those reported following YF vaccination. Seroconversion to JE-CV was 100% and 91% in the JE/YF and YF/JE sequential vaccination groups, respectively, compared with 96% in the co-administration group. All participants seroconverted to YF vaccine and retained neutralizing titers above the assay cut-off at month six. Neutralizing antibodies against JE vaccine were detected in 82-100% of participants at month six. These results suggest that both vaccines may be successfully co-administered simultaneously or 30 days apart.


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Damage to genetic material represents a persistent and ubiquitous threat to genomic stability. Once DNA damage is detected, a multifaceted signaling network is activated that halts the cell cycle, initiates repair, and in some instances induces apoptotic cell death. In this article, we will review DNA damage surveillance networks, which maintain the stability of our genome, and discuss the efforts underway to identify chemotherapeutic compounds targeting the core components of DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) response pathway. The majority of tumor cells have defects in maintaining genomic stability owing to the loss of an appropriate response to DNA damage. New anticancer agents are exploiting this vulnerability of cancer cells to enhance therapeutic indexes, with limited normal tissue toxicity. Recently inhibitors of the checkpoint kinases Chk1 and Chk2 have been shown to sensitize tumor cells to DNA damaging agents. In addition, the treatment of BRCA1- or BRCA2-deficient tumor cells with poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors also leads to specific tumor killing. Due to the numerous roles of p53 in genomic stability and its defects in many human cancers, therapeutic agents that restore p53 activity in tumors are the subject of multiple clinical trials. In this article we highlight the proteins mentioned above and catalog several additional players in the DNA damage response pathway, including ATM, DNA-PK, and the MRN complex, which might be amenable to pharmacological interventions and lead to new approaches to sensitize cancer cells to radio- and chemotherapy. The challenge is how to identify those patients most receptive to these treatments.


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DNA exists predominantly in a duplex form that is preserved via specific base pairing. This base pairing affords a considerable degree of protection against chemical or physical damage and preserves coding potential. However, there are many situations, e.g. during DNA damage and programmed cellular processes such as DNA replication and transcription, in which the DNA duplex is separated into two singlestranded DNA (ssDNA) strands. This ssDNA is vulnerable to attack by nucleases, binding by inappropriate proteins and chemical attack. It is very important to control the generation of ssDNA and protect it when it forms, and for this reason all cellular organisms and many viruses encode a ssDNA binding protein (SSB). All known SSBs use an oligosaccharide/oligonucleotide binding (OB)-fold domain for DNA binding. SSBs have multiple roles in binding and sequestering ssDNA, detecting DNA damage, stimulating strand-exchange proteins and helicases, and mediation of protein–protein interactions. Recently two additional human SSBs have been identified that are more closely related to bacterial and archaeal SSBs. Prior to this it was believed that replication protein A, RPA, was the only human equivalent of bacterial SSB. RPA is thought to be required for most aspects of DNA metabolism including DNA replication, recombination and repair. This review will discuss in further detail the biological pathways in which human SSBs function.


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Hydrogels, which are three-dimensional crosslinked hydrophilic polymers, have been used and studied widely as vehicles for drug delivery due to their good biocompatibility. Traditional methods to load therapeutic proteins into hydrogels have some disadvantages. Biological activity of drugs or proteins can be compromised during polymerization process or the process of loading protein can be really timeconsuming. Therefore, different loading methods have been investigated. Based on the theory of electrophoresis, an electrochemical gradient can be used to transport proteins into hydrogels. Therefore, an electrophoretic method was used to load protein in this study. Chemically and radiation crosslinked polyacrylamide was used to set up the model to load protein electrophoretically into hydrogels. Different methods to prepare the polymers have been studied and have shown the effect of the crosslinker (bisacrylamide) concentration on the protein loading and release behaviour. The mechanism of protein release from the hydrogels was anomalous diffusion (i.e. the process was non-Fickian). The UV-Vis spectra of proteins before and after reduction show that the bioactivities of proteins after release from hydrogel were maintained. Due to the concern of cytotoxicity of residual monomer in polyacrylamide, poly(2-hydroxyethyl- methacrylate) (pHEMA) was used as the second tested material. In order to control the pore size, a polyethylene glycol (PEG) porogen was introduced to the pHEMA. The hydrogel disintegrated after immersion in water indicating that the swelling forces exceeded the strength of the material. In order to understand the cause of the disintegration, several different conditions of crosslinker concentration and preparation method were studied. However, the disintegration of the hydrogel still occurred after immersion in water principally due to osmotic forces. A hydrogel suitable for drug delivery needs to be biocompatible and also robust. Therefore, an approach to improving the mechanical properties of the porogen-containing pHEMA hydrogel by introduction of an inter-penetrating network (IPN) into the hydrogel system has been researched. A double network was formed by the introduction of further HEMA solution into the system by both electrophoresis and slow diffusion. Raman spectroscopy was used to observe the diffusion of HEMA into the hydrogel prior to further crosslinking by ã-irradiation. The protein loading and release behaviour from the hydrogel showing enhanced mechanical property was also studied. Biocompatibility is a very important factor for the biomedical application of hydrogels. Different hydrogels have been studied on both a three-dimensional HSE model and a HSE wound model for their biocompatibilities. They did not show any detrimental effect to the keratinocyte cells. From the results reported above, these hydrogels show good biocompatibility in both models. Due to the advantage of the hydrogels such as the ability to absorb and deliver protein or drugs, they have potential to be used as topical materials for wound healing or other biomedical applications.


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In humans, more than 30,000 chimeric transcripts originating from 23,686 genes have been identified. The mechanisms and association of chimeric transcripts arising from chromosomal rearrangements with cancer are well established, but much remains unknown regarding the biogenesis and importance of other chimeric transcripts that arise from nongenomic alterations. Recently, a SLC45A3–ELK4 chimera has been shown to be androgen-regulated, and is overexpressed in metastatic or high-grade prostate tumors relative to local prostate cancers. Here, we characterize the expression of a KLK4 cis sense–antisense chimeric transcript, and show other examples in prostate cancer. Using non-protein-coding microarray analyses, we initially identified an androgen-regulated antisense transcript within the 3′ untranslated region of the KLK4 gene in LNCaP cells. The KLK4 cis-NAT was validated by strand-specific linker-mediated RT-PCR and Northern blotting. Characterization of the KLK4 cis-NAT by 5′ and 3′ rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) revealed that this transcript forms multiple fusions with the KLK4 sense transcript. Lack of KLK4 antisense promoter activity using reporter assays suggests that these transcripts are unlikely to arise from a trans-splicing mechanism. 5′ RACE and analyses of deep sequencing data from LNCaP cells treated ±androgens revealed six high-confidence sense–antisense chimeras of which three were supported by the cDNA databases. In this study, we have shown complex gene expression at the KLK4 locus that might be a hallmark of cis sense–antisense chimeric transcription.