766 resultados para Child Abuse Sexual


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Esta pesquisa qualitativa de orientação fenomenológica existencial gestáltica, procura desvelar alguns significados atribuídos ao fenômeno do abuso sexual intrafamiliar, por meio de um estudo de caso em que a informante, dos 9 aos 11 anos, foi vitimizada pelo pai e ainda hoje, no seu campo existencial, é influenciada pela vivência dessa experiência. A violência contra a criança, em suas diversas modalidades, é um problema de saúde pública e de relações interpessoais entre família ou cuidador e a criança. Em se tratando do abuso sexual, em que o agressor é o responsável pelos cuidados primários, geralmente, há negação pela vítima, agressor e a família, e quase sempre, ocorre, envolvendo mais de uma modalidade de violência. Mesmo não havendo um consenso entre os autores, a maioria destaca os efeitos nocivos desses acontecimentos sobre a saúde psíquica, ocupacional, física e desenvolvimental das vítimas. Os dados foram coletados na ONG República de Emaús abrangendo leitura de documentos, relatos informais, observação participante e entrevista com a adolescente, sendo esta última, a principal fonte de apreciação. A análise da entrevista conjugou, na medida do possível, a teoria da interpretação de Ricoeur, alguns conceitos da gestalt-terapia como o de contato, figura-fundo, e nutrição psicológica; e da Terapia Ocupacional, como áreas, componentes e os contextos de desempenho. Da entrevista foram criadas unidades de significação que nortearam as reflexões acerca dos significados do discurso da adolescente. Alguns resultados são: apresentação do peso da vivência do abuso sexual ora como figura ora como fundo; repercussões disfuncionais de auto-contato e contato com o outro; na auto-imagem, auto-estima e em algumas áreas de desempenho: aprendizagem e socialização. O ajustamento criativo pode ser identificado na abertura em revelar a experiência, o que sugere expansão de suas fronteiras de contato. Uma conclusão que o estudo apontou foi sobre a relação da adolescente com o pai que, ainda, destaca-se enquanto uma gestalt aberta.


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The sexual abuse suffered in childhood and adolescence, in addition to damage to physical and psychological health of the victim, is considered as an important risk factor for alcohol and drugs addiction, development of psychopathology and psychosocial damage in adulthood. In addition to the pain and humiliation that are submitted by the abuse, children and adolescents also experience shame and guilt which require them to adopt coping strategies to endure those feelings. The use of psychoactive substances is a recognized way of dealing with the pains of living. This work, which is of narrative style, analyses and discusses, through five case reports, chemical dependency as a result of sexual abuse suffered in childhood and/or adolescence. The eight subjects in this study are male and have suffered sexual violence in this age period of life. Their ages range from 23 years to 39 years, and all are admitted to a therapeutic community in a city in the interior of Sao Paulo state, in Brazil, for treatment of chemical dependency, being met by the Department of Psychology. The reasons for the choice of the participants for treatment modality for patients are: difficult to stop using drugs, even unwilling to take it, they have easy access to it; the feeling of losing control over their lives; by successive losses as a result of drug use, and for fear that their lives had a tragic ending. With the exception of two participants, the others do not classify that as a child suffered sexual violence. However, all attribute that facilitated their entry into the world of drugs. Seven participants experienced such violence in childhood (between 7 years and 9 years) and adolescence (age 14). The attackers were people closed to the victims—in the case of two victims, their families, with the exception of one participant who was raped by a stranger. Six participants declared themselves as homosexual. Another participant does not claim to be homosexual, but presents difficulties in terms of sexuality. Two participants are HIV positive. The start of psychoactive substances use occurred during adolescence (12 years to 17 years). The participants see drugs as an anesthetic to the pain of the soul, a way to get pleasure, but they get charged expensively, as it increases the feeling of emptiness, guilt, helplessness, worthlessness and hopelessness. Although participants have sought help to deal with addiction, it is noted that throughout the life course the issue of sexual violence was not treated. It was noted that the patients have a double stigma in society: the issue of drugs addiction and the orientation of sexual desire, because the majority of participants are homosexual. The results reinforce the need for effective action geared to accommodate the victims of sexual violence and effective preventive measures to prevent children and adolescents from being abused.


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This paper will discuss some aspects of the problem of child sexual abuse, specifically incest, drawing on psychoanalysis and in particular the psychoanalytic proposed by Françoise Dolto allowing their concepts of castration simboligênica, symbolic function, image and body language unconsciously take incest as the object of study to propose a psychoanalytic clinic devoted to listening to the subject, going beyond the legal concerns of policies on reporting and complaints, but not meddle in them, reflecting on the role of the psychologist and psychoanalyst in the clinic for children of sexual abuse.


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Child maltreatment has been linked to a myriad of long-term difficulties, including trauma symptomatology. However, not all victims experience long-term distress. Thus, a burgeoning area of research focuses on factors that may impede or facilitate resiliency to the psychological correlates of child maltreatment. Specifically, the severity of the abusive acts may be associated with greater long-term difficulties. To date, however, with the exception of child sexual abuse, few studies have examined the severity of maltreatment as a risk factor in the development of trauma symptoms. In contrast, social support has been theorized to contribute to resiliency following abuse. However, to date, the majority of studies examining positive social support as a protective factor have relied on self-report measures of perceived social support, rather than observational measures of received social support. Moreover, no study to date has examined the role that negative social support (i.e, blaming, criticizing) may play in potentiating trauma symptoms among victims of child maltreatment. Because child maltreatment involves serious boundary violations by a trusted person, a marital relationship is an important domain in which to examine these constructs. That is, it may serve as an arena for the manifestation of psychological disturbances related to maltreatment. Thus, the present study examined whether observationally measured positive and negative spousal social support moderated the relationship between child maltreatment severity (i.e., sexual, physical, psychological abuse; neglect) and trauma symptomatology in women and men. Results indicated that the severity of each type of child maltreatment significantly predicted increased adult trauma symptomatology. Contrary to hypothesized outcomes, positive spousal social support did not predict decreased trauma symptomatology. However, negative spousal social support generally did predict increased trauma symptomatology. There were no consistent patterns of interactions between child maltreatment severity and either type of social support. Future directions for research will be discussed and clinical implications with regard to the intrapersonal and interpersonal functioning of child maltreatment victims will be highlighted.


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It was verified to what extent cognitive and affective/emotional variables could distinguish caregivers accused of committing physical abuse (G1) from those without physical abuse records (G2). The Child Abuse Potential Inventory (CAP), which is an instrument designed to assess psychological risk factors in caregivers, was used. A questionnaire on socio-demographic characterization and another on economic classification were also employed to equate the groups. G1 presented a greater potential risk than G2, higher levels of Distress, Rigidity, Problems with the Child and with Themselves, Problems with Others, and a lower level of Ego Strength. These variables contribute with the composition of physical abuse risk, since, in agreement with the Social Information Processing Model, they would be related to cognitive and affective basic processes which are veiled to the perceptions and evaluation/interpretations, associated to abusive parental behavior.


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Each issue in 2 v.: Vol. 1, Physical abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect; v. 2, Sexual abuse.


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Item 718-A-7


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Objetivos Determinar si existe asociación entre la exposición a violencia, experimentada a nivel individual o municipal, y el embarazo adolescente en mujeres Colombianas entre 13 y 19 años de edad que contestaron la Encuesta de Demografía y Salud en el año 2010. Métodos Estudio de corte transversal, nacional y multinivel. Se tomaron datos de dos niveles jerárquicos: Nivel- 1: Datos individuales de una muestra representativa de 13.313 mujeres entre 13 y 19 años de edad provenientes de La Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud del año 2010 y Nivel- 2: Datos municipales de 258 municipios provenientes de las estadísticas vitales del DANE. Resultados La prevalencia del embarazo adolescente fue del 16.8% IC 95% [16.2-17.4]. El análisis mostró que la asociación entre embarazo adolescente y violencia tanto individual, representada como violencia sexual [OR= 6.99 IC99% 4.80-10.10] y violencia física [OR= 1.74 IC99% 1.47-2.05] así como la violencia municipal medida con tasas de homicidios altas [OR= 1.99 IC99% 1.29-3.07] y muy altas [OR= 2.10 IC99% 1.21-3.61] se mantuvo estadísticamente significativa después de ajustar por las variables: Edad [OR= 1.81 IC99% 1.71-1.91], ocupación [OR= 1.62 IC99% 1.37-1.93], educación primaria o sin educación [OR= 2.20 IC99% 1.47-3.30], educación secundaria [OR= 1.70 IC99% 1.24-2.32], asistir al colegio [OR= 0.18 IC99% 0.15-0.21], conocimiento en la fisiología reproductiva [OR= 1.28 IC99% 1.06-1.54], el índice de riqueza Q1, Q2, Q3 [OR= 2.18 IC99% 1.42-3.34], [OR= 2.00 IC99% 1.39-2.28], [OR= 1.82 IC99% 1.92-2.25] y alto porcentaje de Necesidades básicas insatisfechas a nivel municipal [OR= 2.34 IC99% 1.55-3.52]. Conclusiones Este estudio mostró una relación significativamente estadística entre la violencia sexual y física con el inicio de relaciones sexuales y embarazo adolescente después de controlar por factores sociodemográficos y conocimientos en reproducción sexual en mujeres colombianas de 13 a 19 años en el año 2010. Esta asociación debe continuar siendo estudiada para lograr optimizar las estrategias de prevención y disminuir la tasa actual de embarazos adolescentes en el país y sus consecuencias.


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Background Although significant associations of childhood adversities with adult mental disorders are widely documented, most studies focus on single childhood adversities predicting single disorders. Aims To examine joint associations of 12 childhood adversities with first onset of 20 DSM-IV disorders in World Mental Health (WMH) Surveys in 21 countries. Method Nationally or regionally representative surveys of 51 945 adults assessed childhood adversities and lifetime DSM-IV disorders with the WHO Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). Results Childhood adversities were highly prevalent and interrelated. Childhood adversities associated with maladaptive family functioning (e.g. parental mental illness, child abuse, neglect) were the strongest predictors of disorders. Co-occurring childhood adversities associated with maladaptive family functioning had significant subadditive predictive associations and little specificity across disorders. Childhood adversities account for 29.8% of all disorders across countries. Conclusions Childhood adversities have strong associations with all classes of disorders at all life-course stages in all groups of WMH countries. Long-term associations imply the existence of as-yet undetermined mediators.


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James Parkinson (1755-1824) of Parkinson's disease, is well recognized as a pioneer of clinical neurology; and is even more famous as a founder of modem palaeontology. We have reviewed from primary sources his extensive contributions to clinical child care and his pioneering advocacy for child welfare, protection and safety. His writings, outreach and advocacy for children's health characterizes him as one whose influence was an important springboard from which evolved the modern specialty of paediatrics. Parkinson was one of the first to write on child-rearing practices and in this context antedated Benjamin Spock by 150 years. Parkinson was a pioneer of child safety and the prevention of childhood trauma. He wrote of the resuscitation of near-drowned children and of first aid for injured children. This critical analysis reviews his pioneering description of child abuse and the development of post-abuse hydrocephalus. He wrote the datum description (in English) of the pathophysiology and pathology of appendicitis in children, of fatal rabies in children and highlighted the risk of death even when the biting dog was not clinically rabid. His advocacy for social reform for children's welfare was courageous and pioneering. James Parkinson, hitherto unacknowledged, was a significant founder of the evolving discipline of paediatrics and child health.


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"Published online before print November 20, 2015"


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Objective: To test the potential mediation effect of psychosomatic symptoms on the relationship between parents' history of childhood physical victimization and current risk for child physical maltreatment. Methods: Data from the Portuguese National Representative Study of Psychosocial Context of Child Abuse and Neglect were used. Nine-hundred and twenty-four parents completed the Childhood History Questionnaire, the Psychosomatic Scale of the Brief Symptom Inventory, and the Child Abuse Potential Inventory. Results: Mediation analysis revealed that the total effect of the childhood physical victimization on child maltreatment risk was significant. The results showed that the direct effect from the parents' history of childhood physical victimization to their current maltreatment risk was still significant once parents' psychosomatic symptoms were added to the model, indicating that the increase in psychosomatic symptomatology mediated in part the increase of parents' current child maltreatment risk. Discussion: The mediation analysis showed parents' psychosomatic symptomatology as a causal pathway through which parents' childhood history of physical victimization exerts its effect on increased of child maltreatment risk. Somatization-related alterations in stress and emotional regulation are discussed as potential theoretical explanation of our findings. A cumulative risk perspective is also discussed in order to elucidate about the mechanisms that contribute for the intergenerational continuity of child physical maltreatment.


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Este artigo é dedicado ao enquadramento histórico e conceptual do estudo dos maus tratos e negligência à criança. Diversas situações de maus tratos e negligência à criança são avaliadas e descritas, ao longo da história e na actualidade. Faz-se igualmente uma reflexão a propósito da definição de meus tratos, bem como da definição dos diferentes tipos de maus tratos sucessivamente considerados: maus tratos físicos, abuso sexual, negligência, maus tratos psicológicos e/ou emocionais.