995 resultados para Chemistry reactivity


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A new ruthenium pincer complex RuHCl(CO)(PNP)] (PNP = PhCH2N(CH2CH2PPh2)(2)) (1) was synthesized and characterized. The reactivity of complex 1 with electrophilic reagents XOTf (X = H, CH3, and Me3Si; OTf = CF3SO3) was studied by variable temperature NMR spectroscopy with an aim to observe and characterize sigma complexes of type Ru(eta(2)-HX)Cl(CO)(PNP)]OTf] (X = H (2), CH3 (3), Me3Si (4)). Reaction of complex 1 with HOTf resulted in the formation of the dihydrogen complex, Ru(eta(2)-H-2)Cl(CO)(PNP)OTf] (2). On the other hand, the reaction between complex 1 and MeOTf and Me3SiOTf resulted in the direct elimination of MeCl and Me3SiCl via a S(N)2 type of reaction without the intermediacy of the respective sigma complexes 3 and 4. This contrasting reactivity behaviour has been rationalized taking into consideration the approach of the relatively bulky electrophites CH3+ and Me3Si+ onto the hydride moiety of the ruthenium fragment, which is sterically hindered.


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CONSPECTUS: Transition metals help to stabilize highly strained organic fragments. Metallacycles, especially unsaturated ones, provide much variety in this area. We had a sustained interest in understanding new C-C bond formation reactions affected by binuclear transition metal fragments Cp2M. One such study led to the exploration of the bimetallic C-C cleavage and coupled complexes, where the acetylide ligands bridge two metal atoms. The underlying M-C interaction in these complexes inspired the synthesis of a five-membered cyclocumulene complex, which opened a new phase in organometallic chemistry. The metallacyclocumulene produces a variety of C-C cleavage and coupled products including a radialene complex. Group 4 metallocenes have thus unlocked a fascinating chemistry by stabilizing strained unsaturated C4 organic fragments in the form of five-membered metallacyclocumulenes, metallacyclopentynes, and metallacycloallenes. Over the years, we have carried out a comprehensive theoretical study to understand the unusual stability and reactivity of these metallacycles. The unique (M-C-beta) interaction of the internal carbon atoms with the metal atom is the reason for unusual stability of the metallacycles. We have also shown that there is a definite dependence of the C-C coupling and cleavage reactions on the metal of metallacyclocumulenes. It demonstrates unexpected reaction pathways for these reactions. Based on this understanding, we have predicted and unraveled the stabilization factors of an unusual four-membered metallacycloallene complex. Indeed, our prediction about a four-membered heterometallacycle has led to an interesting bonding situation, which is experimentally realized. This type of M-C bonding is intriguing from a fundamental perspective and has great relevance in synthesizing unusual structures with interesting properties. In this Account, we first give a short prologue of what led to the present study and describe the salient features of the structure and bonding of the metallacyclocumulenes. The unusual reaction pathway of this metallacycle is explored next. Similar features of the metallacyclopentynes and metallacycloallenes are briefly mentioned. Then, we discuss the exploitation of the unique M-C bonding to design some exotic molecules such as a four-membered metallacycloallene complex. Our efforts to build a conceptual framework to understand these metallacycles and to exploit their chemistry continue.


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The interaction of a Lewis acid with a Lewis base results in the formation of a Lewis acid base adduct. Understanding Lewis acids and bases is central to conceptualizing chemical interactions and constitutes a major portion of metal ligand chemistry. Sterically encumbered/constrained Lewis pairs cannot form acid-base adducts, but such `Frustrated Lewis Pairs' (FLPs), with their unquenched electronic demands can be elegantly used to simultaneously react with a third species, resulting in unusual reactivity of small molecules. Such unusual reactions, explored only in the last few years, have found several applications, e.g., heterolytic splitting of H-2, activation of small molecules (CO2, N2O, etc.). FLPs have opened new opportunities in synthetic chemistry, covering organic, main group as well as transition metal chemistry. The design strategies adopted for FLP systems and their unique reactivity are discussed here.


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In this article, we have presented ultrafast charge transfer dynamics through halogen bonds following vertical ionization of representative halogen bonded clusters. Subsequent hole directed reactivity of the radical cations of halogen bonded clusters is also discussed. Furthermore, we have examined effect of the halogen bond strength on the electron-electron correlation-and relaxation-driven charge migration in halogen bonded complexes. For this study, we have selected A-Cl (A represents F, OH, CN, NH2, CF3, and COOH substituents) molecules paired with NH3 (referred as ACl:NH3 complex): these complexes exhibit halogen bonds. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on purely electron correlation-and relaxation-driven ultrafast (attosecond) charge migration dynamics through halogen bonds. Both density functional theory and complete active space self-consistent field theory with 6-31+G(d, p) basis set are employed for this work. Upon vertical ionization of NCCl center dot center dot center dot NH3 complex, the hole is predicted to migrate from the NH3-end to the ClCN-end of the NCCl center dot center dot center dot NH3 complex in approximately 0.5 fs on the D-0 cationic surface. This hole migration leads to structural rearrangement of the halogen bonded complex, yielding hydrogen bonding interaction stronger than the halogen bonding interaction on the same cationic surface. Other halogen bonded complexes, such as H2NCl:NH3, F3CCl:NH3, and HOOCCl:NH3, exhibit similar charge migration following vertical ionization. On the contrary, FCl:NH3 and HOCl:NH3 complexes do not exhibit any charge migration following vertical ionization to the D-0 cation state, pointing to interesting halogen bond strength-dependent charge migration. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The reaction of Ru(eta(6)-cymene)Cl-2](2) and PPh2Cl in the ratio 1:2 gives a stable Ru(h(6)-cymene) Cl-2(PPh2Cl)] complex. Attempts to make the cationic Ru(eta(6)-cymene)Cl(PPh2Cl)(2)]Cl with excess PPh2Cl and higher temperatures led to adventitious hydrolysis and formation of Ru(eta(6)-cymene)Cl-2(PPh2OH)]. Attempts to make a phosphinite complex by reacting Ru(eta(6)-cymene)Cl-2](2) with PPh2Cl in the presence of an alcohol results in the reduction of PPh2Cl to give Ru(eta(6)-cymene)Cl-2(PPh2H)] and the expected phosphinite. The yield of the hydride complex is highest when the alcohol is 1-phenyl-ethane-1,2-diol. All three half-sandwich complexes are characterized by X-ray crystallography. Surprisingly, the conversion of chlorodiphenylphosphine to diphenylphosphine is mediated by 1-phenyl-ethane-1,2-diol even in the absence of the ruthenium half-sandwich precursor.


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The preparation and direct observation of triplet 2,4-dimethylene-1,3- cyclobutanediyl (1), the non-Kekule isomer of benzene, is described. The biradical was generated by photolysis of 5,6-dimethylene-2,3- diazabicyclo[2.1.1]hex-2-ene (2) (which was synthesized in several steps from benzvalene) under cryogenic, matrix-isolation conditions. Biradical 1 was characterized by EPR spectroscopy (‌‌‌‌‌│D/hc│ =0.0204 cm^(-1), │E/hc│ =0.0028 cm^(-1)) and found to have a triplet ground state. The Δm_s= 2 transition displays hyperfine splitting attributed to a 7.3-G coupling to the ring methine and a 5.9-G coupling to the exocyclic methylene protons. Several experiments, including application of the magnetophotoselection (mps) technique in the generation of biradical 1, have allowed a determination of the zero-field triplet sublevels as x = -0.0040, y = +0.0136, and z = -0.0096 cm^(-1), where x and y are respectively the long and short in-plane axes and z the out-of-plane axis of 1.

Triplet 1 is yellow-orange and displays highly structured absorption (λ_(max)= 506 nm) and fluorescence (λ_(max) = 510 nm) spectra, with vibronic spacings of 1520 and 620 cm^(-1) for absorption and 1570 and 620 cm^(-1) for emission. The spectra were unequivocally assigned to triplet 1 by the use of a novel technique that takes advantage of the biradical's photolability. The absorption є = 7200 M^(-1) cm^(-1) and f = 0.022, establishing that the transition is spin-allowed. Further use of the mps technique has demonstrated that the transition is x-polarized, and the excited state 1s therefore of B_(1g) symmetry, in accord with theoretical predictions.

Thermolysis or direct photolysis of diazene 2 in fluid solution produces 2,4- dimethylenebicyclo[l.l.0]butane (3), whose ^(l)H NMR spectrum (-80°C, CD_(2)Cl_(2)) consists of singlets at δ 4.22 and 3.18 in a 2:1 ratio. Compound 3 is thermally unstable and dimerizes with second-order kinetics between -80 and -25°C (∆H^(‡) = 6.8 kcal mol^(-1), (∆s^(‡) = -28 eu) by a mechanism involving direct combination of two molecules of 3 in the rate-determining step. This singlet-manifold reaction ultimately produces a mixture of two dimers, 3,8,9- trimethylenetricyclo[^(2,5)]non-4-ene (75) and trans-3,10-dimethylenetricyclo[^(2,5)]deca-4,8-diene (76t), with the former predominating. In contrast, triplet-sensitized photolysis of 2, which leads to triplet 1, provides, in addition to 75 and 76t, a substantial amount of trans-5,10- dimethylenetricyclo[^(3,6)]deca-3,8-diene (77t) and small amounts of two unidentified dimers.

In addition, triplet biradical 1 ring-closes to 3 in rigid media both thermally (77-140 K) and photochemically. In solution 3 forms triplet 1 upon energy transfer from sensitizers having relatively low triplet energies. The implications of the thermal chemistry for the energy surfaces of the system are discussed.


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A variety of olefin hydride complexes of niobium and tantalum has been prepared in order to study their reactivity and to gain insight into organometallic reaction mechanisms. Examination of a series of ethylene and propylene complexes of niobocene (CP_2Nb; Cp = η^5-C_5H_5), permethylniobocene (Cp*_2Nb; Cp* = η^5-C_5(CH_3)_5), tantalocene, and permethyltantalocene has indicated that there are both large electronic and steric effects deriving from the metal (and its ancillary ligands) in the olefin insertion (β-migratory insertion) process. Furthermore, a thermodynamic and kinetic analysis has been completed for a series of substituted styrene complexes of niobocene in order to better understand the important electronic properties of the olefin. The results are in accord with a concerted four-center process with only moderate charge development.

The special case of β-migratory insertion of a hydride ligand into coordinated benzyne has also been studied for the permethyltantalocene system. The coordinatively unsaturated (sixteen electron) phenyl tautomer, which is made accessible by the facile benzyne hydride insertion reaction, readily reacts with a variety of ligands, L, to afford Cp*_2 Ta(C_6H_5)L complexes (L = CO, O_2, NC≡R, :CH_2, H_2, etc.). This family of compounds exhibits interesting reactivity (a-migratory insertion, O_2 activation, and reductive elimination) which is discussed in some detail.

Finally a series of paramagnetic seventeen electron Cp*_2 TaX_2 (X = halide, alkyl, hydride) complexes, and the corresponding cationic and anionic species, have been prepared and studied. The odd electron neutral complexes exhibit surprising thermal stability and undergo very little reactivity. While the chemistry of the anionic compounds is almost completely dominated by their potent reducing power, that of the cations is quite diverse and amenable for study. Therefore the syntheses and reactivity (1 ,2-eliminations, ligand insertions, and deprotonation reactions) of these coordinatively unsaturated sixteen electron species are presented.


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Physical and chemical properties of low-valent platinum dimers, namely [Pt_2(P_2O_5H_2)4]^(4-) and Pt_2(µ-dppm)_2Cl_2, have been investigated using a variety of structural and spectroscopic techniques.

Platinum(II) d^8-d^8 dimers have been shown to exhibit much thermal and photochemical reactivity. Chapter 2 describes studies aimed at elucidating the excited state reduction potenetial of [Pt_2(P_2O_5H_2)4]^(4-), Pt_2, in organic media. By conducting excited state electron transfer studies using derivatized pyridiniums and benzophenones, the excited state reduction potential has been estimated to be ~2 V. The Pt_2 complex undergoes partial oxidation to form Pt(II,III) linear chains. Chapter 3 describes the structural and spectroscopic techniques used to determine the translational symmetries of these [Pt_2(P_2O_5H_2)4]^(4-) (X = Cl, Br), Pt_2X, chains. Pt_2Br has been found to be intermediate between (AAB)_n and (AABCCB)_n, while, Pt_2Cl is of (AABCCB)_n translational symmetry. Investigations into the electronic transitions of Pt_2Cl and Pt_2Br were conducted using high pressure techniques and are presented in Chapter 4. The Pt_2X electronic spectrum exhibits bands attributable to the reduced Pt2 complex and the oxidized Pt_2X_2 complex [Pt_2(P_2O_5H_2)4]^(4-) along with an intervalence charge-tranfer band characteristic of a mixed-valence solid.

Photophysical investigations of a new luminescent chromophore, Pt_2(µ-dppm)_2Cl_2, a d^9-d^9 dimer, and its analogs are described in Chapter 5. The absorption band directly responsible for the observed emission is believed to be very weak and, as of yet, unobserved. Attempts to determine the spin multiplicty and approximate energy of this unobserved transition are described in Chapter 6. Excited-state energy transfer studies indicate that this absorption band is a triplet transition at -13,000 cm^(-1). Although, the Pt_2(µ-dppm)_2Cl_2 excited state is non-luminescent in fluid solution, it has been shown to undergo thermal electron transfer to tetracyanoethylene and photoinduced electron transfer to methylviologen. These experiments are presented in Chapter 7. Preliminary studies, described in Chapter 8, of non-bridged d^9-d^9 platinum(I) dimers have shown that [Pt_2(CNCH_3)_6]^(2+) serves as a versatile precursor in the synthesis of new d^8-d^8 A-frame complexes.


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Several new ligand platforms designed to support iron dinitrogen chemistry have been developed. First, we report Fe complexes of a tris(phosphino)alkyl (CPiPr3) ligand featuring an axial carbon donor intended to conceptually model the interstitial carbide atom of the nitrogenase iron-molybdenum cofactor (FeMoco). It is established that in this scaffold, the iron center binds dinitrogen trans to the Calkyl anchor in three structurally characterized oxidation states. Fe-Calkyl lengthening is observed upon reduction, reflective of significant ionic character in the Fe-Calkyl interaction. The anionic (CPiPr3)FeN2- species can be functionalized by a silyl electrophile to generate (CPiPr3)Fe-N2SiR3. This species also functions as a modest catalyst for the reduction of N2 to NH3. Next, we introduce a new binucleating ligand scaffold that supports an Fe(μ-SAr)Fe diiron subunit that coordinates dinitrogen (N2-Fe(μ-SAr)Fe-N2) across at least three oxidation states (FeIIFeII, FeIIFeI, and FeIFeI). Despite the sulfur-rich coordination environment of iron in FeMoco, synthetic examples of transition metal model complexes that bind N2 and also feature sulfur donor ligands remain scarce; these complexes thus represent an unusual series of low-valent diiron complexes featuring thiolate and dinitrogen ligands. The (N2-Fe(μ-SAr)Fe-N2) system undergoes reduction of the bound N2 to produce NH3 (~50% yield) and can efficiently catalyze the disproportionation of N2H4 to NH3 and N2. The present scaffold also supports dinitrogen binding concomitant with hydride as a co-ligand. Next, inspired by the importance of secondary-sphere interactions in many metalloenzymes, we present complexes of iron in two new ligand scaffolds ([SiPNMe3] and [SiPiPr2PNMe]) that incorporate hydrogen-bond acceptors (tertiary amines) which engage in interactions with nitrogenous substrates bound to the iron center (NH3 and N2H4). Cation binding is also facilitated in anionic Fe(0)-N2 complexes. While Fe-N2 complexes of a related ligand ([SiPiPr3]) lacking hydrogen-bond acceptors produce a substantial amount of ammonia when treated with acid and reductant, the presence of the pendant amines instead facilitates the formation of metal hydride species.

Additionally, we present the development and mechanistic study of copper-mediated and copper-catalyzed photoinduced C-N bond forming reactions. Irradiation of a copper-amido complex, ((m-tol)3P)2Cu(carbazolide), in the presence of aryl halides furnishes N-phenylcarbazole under mild conditions. The mechanism likely proceeds via single-electron transfer from an excited state of the copper complex to the aryl halide, generating an aryl radical. An array of experimental data are consistent with a radical intermediate, including a cyclization/stereochemical investigation and a reactivity study, providing the first substantial experimental support for the viability of a radical pathway for Ullmann C-N bond formation. The copper complex can also be used as a precatalyst for Ullmann C-N couplings. We also disclose further study of catalytic Calkyl-N couplings using a CuI precatalyst, and discuss the likely role of [Cu(carbazolide)2]- and [Cu(carbazolide)3]- species as intermediates in these reactions.

Finally, we report a series of four-coordinate, pseudotetrahedral P3FeII-X complexes supported by tris(phosphine)borate ([PhBP3FeR]-) and phosphiniminato X-type ligands (-N=PR'3) that in combination tune the spin-crossover behavior of the system. Low-coordinate transition metal complexes such as these that undergo reversible spin-crossover remain rare, and the spin equilibria of these systems have been studied in detail by a suite of spectroscopic techniques.


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The synthesis and reactivity of a series of sodium and rare-earth metal complexes stabilized by a dianionic N-aryloxo-functionalized beta-ketoiminate ligand were presented. The reaction of acetylacetone with 1 equiv of 2-amino-4-methylphenol in absolute ethanol gave the compound 4-(2-hydroxy-5-methylphenyl)imino-2-pentanone (LH2, 1) in high yield.


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Anilido phosphinimino ancillary ligand H2L1 reacted with one equivalent of rare earth metal trialkyl [Ln{CH2Si(CH3)(3)}(3)(thf)(2)] (Ln = Y, Lu) to afford rare earth metal monoalkyl complexes [L(1)LnCH(2)Si(CH3)(3)(THF)] (1a: Ln = Y; 1b: Ln = Lu). In this process, deprotonation of H2L1 by one metal alkyl species was followed by intramolecular C-H activation of the phenyl group of the phosphine moiety to generate dianionic species L-1 with release of two equivalnts of tetramethylsilane. Ligand L-1 coordinates to Ln(3+) ions in a rare C,N,N tridentate mode. Complex 1a reacted readily with two equivalents of 2,6-diisopropylaniline to give the corresponding bis-amido complex [(HL1)LnY(NHC(6)H(3)iPr(2)-2,6)(2)] (2) selectively, that is, the C-H activation of the phenyl group is reversible. When 1a was exposed to moisture, the hydrolyzed dimeric complex [{(HL1)Y(OH)}(2)](OH)(2) (3) was isolated. Treatment of [Ln{CH2Si(CH3)(3)}(3)-(thf)(2)] with amino phosphine ligands HL2-R gave stable rare earth metal bisalkyl complexes [(L2-R)Ln{CH2Si(CH3)(3)}(2)(thf)] (4a: Ln=Y, R=Me; 4b: Ln=Lu, R=Me; 4c: Ln=Y, R=iPr; 4d: Ln=Y, R=iPr) in high yields. No proton abstraction from the ligand was observed. Amination of 4a and 4c with 2,6-diisopropylaniline afforded the bis-amido counterparts [(L2-R)Y(NHC(6)H(3)iPr(2)-2,6)(2)(thf)] (5a: R=Me; 5b: R=iPr).