987 resultados para Cetonic extracts


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Tese de Doutoramento em Biologia de Plantas MAP - Bioplant


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La inhibición en la actividad de ciertas enzimas esenciales puede generar disturbios en la fisiología de algunos organismos como insectos, plantas y microorganismos y en muchos casos puede conducir a su muerte. Por otro lado, la inhibición de estas proteínas logra modificar factores implicados en la manifestación de determinadas enfermedades. Entre las enzimas que muestran estas características podemos mencionar a tirosinasa, p-hidroxifenilpiruvato dioxigenasa (HPPD) y acetilcolinesterasa (AChE). Debido a la necesidad de nuevas drogas con acción inhibidora de las mencionadas enzimas,los investigadores están explorando el mundo vegetal con el fin de obtenerlas,ya que se ha comprobado que las plantas son capaces de sintetizar esta clase de moléculas. Plantas nativas de nuestra región presentan esta propiedad. Continuando con la búsqueda de compuestos bioactivos obtenidos de plantas, se propone en este proyecto obtener nuevos agentes naturales altamente efectivos en inhibir las nombradas enzimas a partir de 100 plantas nativas de la región central de Argentina. Los compuestos aislados pueden ser utilizados directamente o servir como modelo para la síntesis de análogos. En primer lugar se determinará la efectividad de los extractos obtenidos a partir de las plantas seleccionadas como inhibidores de HPPD (utilizando el método del enol-borato) con el fin de seleccionar el más potente. A partir de este extracto y de aquellos seleccionados como más potentes en inhibir tirosinasa y AChE se aislarán, mediante aislamiento bioguiado, e identificarán el/los compuesto/s responsables. Este proceso será llevado a cabo por técnicas cromatográficas y espectroscópicas y el seguimiento de actividad se realizará mediante el método de enol-borato, dopacromo y Ellman para HPPD, tirosinasa y AChE,respectivamente. Posterior a determinar el nivel de actividad (IC50) de cada compuesto aislado se estudiará el posible efecto sinergista que pudieran ejercer al combinarlos entre ellos (si más de un compuesto es aislado de una planta) y con compuestos comerciales. Si los resultados muestran que los extractos ensayados y los metabolitos activos presentes en ellos exhiben alta efectividad en inhibir las enzimas, ellos pueden surgir como agentes terapéuticos eficaces para el tratamiento de ciertas enfermedades que las involucran y de esta manera mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes afectados. Estos productos pueden dar lugar a las compañías farmaceúticas a producir drogas no convencionales como nuevas alternativas medicinales. Por otro lado estas sustancias pueden derivar en novedosos herbicidas, antimicrobianos o insecticidas.Dado que todas las plantas propuestas crecen fácilmente en Argentina, la producción de estos medicamentos significaría nuevas fuentes laborales para nuestro país. El hecho de poder obtener y posteriormente utilizar estos productos aumenta en forma sustancial el aprovechamiento que podemos darle a nuestra rica flora nativa.


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Workers of Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides (Lepeletier, 1836) develop their ovaries and lay eggs, therefore the production of vitellogenin is expected. In electrophoretic profiles only fat body extracts from nurse workers and ovary extracts from newly-emerged workers show protein with molecular mass similar to vitellogenin. However, an increase in the protein content was detected in forager fat body. This increase was attributed to storage of vitellogenin or other proteins in the previous phase and not discharged into the hemolymph or to an effect of the increased titre of juvenile hormone in this phase of worker life over the fat body functioning.


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Solubilization of Schistosoma mansoni antigens was obtained by agitation of adult worms in a 3M KCl solution. The protein contents of the KCl extrats varied from 0.35 to 0.96 mg/ml. Sera from 97 patients with hepatointestinal shistosomiasis and viable eggs in stools from a Brazilian endemic area were studied by immunoelectroomophoresis and Ouchterlony immunodiffusion methods with the KCl extract and with another antigen, obtained by homogenization of adult schistosomes in saline. The rate of positiveness of immunoprecipitation deterctions by immunoelectroomophoresis with the KCl extract was 53.5%. A correlation was verified between methods of detection and extration procedures, resulting in a better association of the extract obtained by agitation in 3M KCl and immunoelectroomophoresis.


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Whole, ethanolic, hexanic, lyophilized extracts of several plants and anacardic acid tested in respect of their influence on the oviposition behavior of Aedes fluviatilis (Lutz) at 100, 10 and 1 ppm concentrations. Extracts of Allium stivum, Jatropha curcas, Mikania schenkii, Poinciana regia and Spatodea campanulata had a repulsive effect (α=0.05) on females at 100 ppm, those of Anacardium occidentale, Bidens segetum and Caesalpinia peltophoroides were also repelent at 10 ppm. Extracts of Coriandrum sativum (100, 10 and 1 ppm), Chara Zeylanica (10 ppm), Cupressus sempervirens (10 ppm), Foeniculum vulgare (10 ppm) and Spatodea campanulata (1 ppm) were attractive to the females; 13 (52.0%) of the extracts tested, did not influence the oviposition behavior.


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Haemolymph, heads, salivary glands, crops, midguts, hindguts, and Malpighian tubules from Rhodnius prolixus and Triatoma infestans were extracted in phosphate or Tris buffer saline with calcium, and tested for agglutination and lytic activities by microtitration against both vertebrateerythrocytes and cultured epimatigote forms of Trypanosoma rangeli. Haemagglutination activity against rabbit erythrocytes was found in the crop, midgut and hindgut extracts of T. infestans but only in the haemolymph of R. prolixus. Higher titres of parasite agglutinins were found in R. prolixus haemolymph than T. infestans, whilst the converse occurred for the tissue extracts. In addition, the extracts of T. infestans salivary glands, but not those of R. prolixus, showed a trypanolytic activity that was heat-inactivated and was not abolished by pre-incubation with any of the sugars or glycoproteins tested. T. infestans, which is refractory to infection by T. rangeli, thus appears to contain a much wider distribution of agglutinating and trypanolytic factors in its tissues than the more susceptible species, R. prolixus


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Aqueous extracts of seven species used in Brazilian popular medicine (Achyrocline satureoides, Iodina rhombifolia, Desmodium incanum, Baccharis anomala, Tibouchina asperior, Luehea divaricata, Maytenus ilicifolia) were screened to the presence of mutagenic activity in the Ames test (Salmonella/microsome). Positive results were obtained for A. satureoides, B anomala and L. divaricata with microsomal activation. As shown elsewhere (Vargas et al., 1990) the metabolites of A. satureoides extract also show the capacity to induce prophage and/or SOS response in microscreen phage induction assay and SOS spot chromotest.


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Ethanol extracts of 83 plants species belonging to the Asteraceae (Compositae) family, collected in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, were tested for larvicidal activity against the mosquito Aedes fluviatilis - Diptera: Culicidae). The extract from Tagetes minuta was the most active with a LC90 of 1.5 mg/l and LC50 of 1.0 mg/l. This plant has been the object of several studies by other groups and its active components have already been identified as thiophene derivatives, a class of compounds present in many Asteraceae species. The extract of Eclipta paniculata was also significantly active, with a LC90 of 17.2 mg/l and LC50 of 3.3 mg/l and no previous studies on its larvicidal activity or chemical composition could be found in the literature. Extracts of Achryrocline satureoides, Gnaphalium spicatum, Senecio brasiliensis, Trixis vauthieri, Tagetes patula and Vernonia ammophila were less active, killing more than 50% of the larvae only at the higher dose tested (100 mg/l).


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Extracts of nine species of plants traditionally used in Colombia for the treatment of a variety of diseases were tested in vitro for their potential antitumor (cytotoxicity) and antiherpetic activity. MTT (Tetrazolium blue) and Neutral Red colorimetric assays were used to evaluate the reduction of viability of cell cultures in presence and absence of the extracts. MTT was also used to evaluate the effects of the extracts on the lytic activity of herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). The 50% cytotoxic concentration (CC50) and the 50% inhibitory concentration of the viral effect (EC50) for each extract were calculated by linear regression analysis. Extracts from Annona muricata, A. cherimolia and Rollinia membranacea, known for their cytotoxicity were used as positive controls. Likewise, acyclovir and heparin were used as positive controls of antiherpetic activity. Methanolic extract from Annona sp. on HEp-2 cells presented a CC50 value at 72 hr of 49.6x103mg/ml. Neither of the other extracts examined showed a significant cytotoxicity. The aqueous extract from Beta vulgaris, the ethanol extract from Callisia grasilis and the methanol extract Annona sp. showed some antiherpetic activity with acceptable therapeutic indexes (the ratio of CC50 to EC50). These species are good candidates for further activity-monitored fractionation to identify active principles.


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Summary For the nutritional management of bone health and the prevention of osteoporosis it is important to identify nutrients that positively influence the bone remodeling process at the cellular level. Soy isoflavones show promising osteoprotective effects in animals and humans but their mechanism of action in bone cells is yet poorly understood. Firstly, soy tissue cultures were characterized as a new and optimized source of isoflavones. A large variability in the isoflavone content was observed and high-producing strains (46.3 mg/g dry wt isoflavones) were identified. In the Ishikawa cells bioassay, the estrogenicity of isoflavones was confirmed to be 1000 to 10000 less than 17Mestradiol and that of the malonyl forms was shown for the first time (EC50 of 350 nM and 1880 nM for malonylgenistin and malonyldaidzin, respectively). The estrogenic activity of soya tissue culture extracts correlated to their isoflavone content. Secondly, the effects of phytonutrients on BMP-2 gene expression and on the mevalonate synthesis pathway, as key mediators of bone formation, were investigated. Dietary achievable concentrations of genistein and daidzein (10vM), and statins (4xM) but not 17M estradiol (10nM), induced BMP-2 gene expression (by up to 3-fold) and inhibited the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway (by up to 50%) in the human osteoblastic cell line hP0B¬tert. In addition, several plant extracts (Cyperus rotundus, Lindera benzoin and Cnidium monnieri) induced BMP-2 gene expression but this induction was not restricted to the inhibition of the cholesterol synthesis pathway neither to the estrogenicity. Finally, the gene expression profiles during hP0B-tert differentiation induced by vitamin D and dexamethasone were analyzed with the Affymetrix human GeneChip. 1665 different genes and 98 ESTs were significantly regulated. The expression profiles of bone-related genes was largely in agreement with previously documented patterns, supporting the physiological relevance of the genomic results and the hP0B-tert cell line as a valid model of human osteoblast differentiation. The expression of alternative differentiation markers during the osteogenic treatment of hP0B-tert cells indicated that the adipocyte and myoblast differentiation pathways were repressed, confirming that these culture conditions allowed only osteoblast differentiation. The gene ontology analysis identified further sub-groups of genes that may be involved in the bone formation process. Aims of the thesis In order to define new strategies for the nutritional management of bone health and for the prevention of osteoporosis the major goal of the present work was to investigate the potential of phytonutrients to positively modulate the bone formation process at the cellular level and, in particular: 1.To select and optimise alternative plant sources containing high levels of isoflavones with estrogenic activity (Chapter 3). 2.To compare the effects of statins and phytonutrients on BMP-2 gene expression and on the mevalonate synthesis pathway and to select new plant extracts with a bone anabolic potential (Chapter 4). 3.To further characterize the new human periosteal cell line, hP0B-tert, as a bone- formation model, by elucidating its gene expression profile during differentiation induced by vitamin D and dexamethasone (Chapter 5).


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Forty-seven plant extracts of 10 species of the genus Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae) used by Colombian traditional healers for the treatment of ulcers, cancers, tumors, warts, and other diseases, were tested in vitro for their potential antitumour (antiproliferative and cytotoxic) and antiherpetic activity. To evaluate the capacity of the extracts to inhibit the lytic activity of herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) and the reduction of viability of infected or uninfected cell cultures, the end-point titration technique (EPTT) and the MTT [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide] colorimetric assay were used, respectively. The therapeutic index of the positive extracts for the antiviral activity was determined by calculating the ratio CC50 (50% cytotoxic concentration) over IC50 (50% inhibitory concentration of the viral effect). Five of the 47 extracts (11%) representing 3 out of 10 Euphorbia species (30%) exhibited antiherpetic action; the highest activity was found in the leaf/stem water-methanol extracts from E. cotinifolia and E. tirucalli. The therapeutic indexes of these two plant species were > 7.1; these extracts exhibited no cytotoxicity. Six extracts (13%) representing 4 plant species (40%) showed cytotoxic activity. The highest cytotoxicity was found in the dichloromethane extract obtained from E. cotinifolia leaves and the CC50 values for the most susceptible cell lines, HEp-2 and CHO, were 35.1 and 18.1 µg/ml, respectively.


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Three hundred and thirteen extracts from 136 Brazilian plant species belonging to 36 families were tested for their suppressive activity on phytohemaglutinin (PHA) stimulated proliferation of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). The proliferation was evaluated by the amount of [³H]-thymidine incorporated by the cells. Twenty extracts inhibited or strongly reduced the proliferation in a dose-dependent manner at doses between 10 and 100 µg/ml. Three of these extracts appeared to be non-toxic to lymphocytes, according to the trypan blue permeability assay and visual inspection using optical microscopy. Bioassay-guided fractionation of Alomia myriadenia extract showed that myriadenolide, a labdane diterpene known to occur in this species, could account for the observed activity of the crude extract. Using a similar protocol, an active fraction of the extract from Gaylussacia brasiliensis was obtained. Analysis of the ¹H and13C NMR spectra of this fraction indicates the presence of an acetylated triterpene whose characterization is underway. The extract of Himatanthus obovatus is currently under investigation.