119 resultados para Ceremonial


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Landscape planning in many countries is predicated upon on fulfilling the functions for human living objectives. Many land use practices have been plotted for living, busines~, trading, industrial, farming as well as providing places for dead people primarily through cemeteries. Research in Palm Beach County, FL, has demonstrated the need to plan for 30 years of demand of land use functions to service death (Coutts, Basmaj ian et al. 20 I I). Coutts et al assert that planners are required and responsible for the planning of funeral necessities. Therefore, the protection of landscapes of death is an important consideration in the planning of landscapes. Bali is popular with its beautiful landscape, hospitality, and traditional architecture as demonstrating the integrity between human, environment and God, as expressed in the Balinese Tri Hita Karana concept. Balinese commemorate life from birth to death through their traditional ceremonies which informs their traditional cultural landscape. One of the most important landscapes, which cannot be separated fi·om Balinese life are graveyards which are used for deceased ceremonies. This landscape is an integral part of traditional village patterns across Bali. Culturally, Balinese people have their own traditional cremation ceremony which is call the Ngaben Ceremony. The Ceremony takes place in graveyards and thereupon ashes are placed in the sea waters surrounding Bali. An interesting point of planning in Bali is how to enable eco-friendly interment extensions to villages. This is occurring because of the increasing number of corpses that require cremation thus necessitating no accretions in land provision of graveyards. This research investigates the landscape of death in Bali expressed in its traditional values in the area of planning which implicate sustainable environments and land conservation topics. Other functions of graveyards, as noted by Strangstad ( 1988), include ceremonial and their role as educational tools for history lessons, art, sociology, geology, English lessons, as well as for scavenger hunts.


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Island archipelagos of the tropical coast of central Queensland include the most distant offshore islands used by Aboriginal Australians. Excavations on Collins, Otterbourne and High Peak Islands, located up to 40 km from the mainland, reveal evidence of offshore voyaging and marine specialisation in the Shoalwater Bay region for at least 5200 years. A time lag of up to 3000 years between island formation and systematic island use may reflect delayed development of key marine resources. Expansion of island use commencing around 3000–3500 years ago is linked to population increases sustained by synchronous increases in marine resources. Occupational hiatuses variously between 1000 and 3000 years ago are associated with increased ENSO activity. Intensified island use within the past 1000 years is primarily a social phenomenon associated with continuing demographic pressures and the development of more coastally and marine-focused mainland groups, with settlement patterns increasingly encompassing adjacent islands. The viability of risky offshore canoe voyaging was underwritten by two key high-return subsistence pursuits – hunting green turtles and collecting turtle eggs. In addition to subsistence and quartz quarrying, a key motivation for island visitation may have been socially restricted (e.g. ceremonial) practices.


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For Rhythmicity (2012) I was drawn to GW Bot’s use of the glyph as I make my own explorations into the symbolic aspects of traditional Fijian masi and its ceremonial importance at various stages of the life cycle. Through the repetitive use of Fijian military silhouettes, this work is about bearing witness and cotranscendence.


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© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. Empirical examinations of the links between corporate governance and intellectual capital are underresearched, particularly from the context of emerging economies where corporate governance mechanisms tend to be largely ceremonial due to family dominance. This study aims to address this gap in the intellectual capital disclosure (ICD) literature by undertaking an empirical examination of the relationship between corporate governance and the extent of ICD of Bangladeshi companies. Inter alia, the key findings of this study suggest that there is a non-linear relationship between family ownership and the extent of ICD. This research also found that foreign ownership, board independence, and the presence of audit committees are positively associated with the extent of ICD. Conversely, family duality (i.e., where the positions of CEO and chairperson are occupied by two individuals from the same family) is negatively associated with the extent of ICD.


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Esta pesquisa analisa a difusão das certificações ISO-9000 no Brasil sob o prisma da teoria neo-institucional e de referências sobre modismos gerenciais nas organizações. A premissa é de que muitas dessas decisões de certificação - que se tornou muito popular nas empresas brasileiras desde 1990 - só podem ser entendidas plenamente à luz de sua natureza modal e institucionalizada, e que muitas desses processos podem refletir adoções cerimoniais (isto é "para inglês ver"). Através de questionários aplicados em empresas que buscaram a certificação ISO no Brasil, o estudo procura entender melhor fatores ligados à tomada de decisão sobre a adoção, à estratégia de implantação, aos resultados percebidos e aos mecanismos de justificação dos programas.


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Ce texte analyse le cérémonial royal de la monarchie constitutionnelle brésilienne: le sacre et le couronnement de l'Empereur D. Pedro I. Notre examen de ce cérémonial a comme point de départ son caractère liturgique, pour comprendre pourquoi cet aspect a été considéré essentiel alors pour affirmer l'autonomie du nouveau royaume et, en même temps, a contribué pour définir le pouvoir politique de l'Empire du Brésil.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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This paper analyzes the dance, considered the oldest of the Arts, inserted in Art and Education. When you talk about dance as art, sought to articulate dance, body movement and music, because all these aspects are crucial when it comes to education in dance. Thus, this paper, by analyzing the meaning of dance over time, also made a parallel with the evolution of the concept of body that, throughout history, became the focus of sin, to currently be seen in optical freedom and autonomy, looking up from childhood, the formation of body awareness and embodiment, as a basis for identity and the formation of a positive self-image. In describing the evolution of dance, between different societies, it was shown that the tool is the dancer's own body and that for its use, it is necessary to look at its interior, human vitality, musicality and sensitivity. Proved that dance since the beginning, has been seen as a medium body, as well as desires and deepest sorrows of humanity, linked to religion, ritual or ceremonial, reaching today the freest expression of body, in modern dance. Given these considerations, based on theoretical frameworks, emphasized the importance of dance in middle school, focusing on their educational role and liberating, showing that it must be used as a tool for teaching and learning, and the development of children , given its interdisciplinary character, this Crosscutting Themes in elementary school and early childhood education curriculum benchmark. The paper concludes that, despite legislation and official documents require training for dance in the school curriculum, very little is done in this direction, which shows that there is still a choice of schools, the immobility of the pupils


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OBJETIVO: Este estudo buscou identificar e descrever mitos e rituais no preparo do paciente para a inserção do cateter urinário. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo observacional, exploratório e descritivo, realizado em nove hospitais de um município do interior paulista. Seguidos os preceitos éticos, os dados foram coletados por entrevista, junto ao enfermeiro designado pela instituição, utilizando-se um instrumento semiestruturado. Dentre as 13 instituições do município, nove participaram do estudo. RESULTADOS: Todos os hospitais possuíam o procedimento de cateterismo urinário padronizado e implantado. Durante o preparo do paciente, 5 (55,5%) não fizeram referência à orientação, privacidade e humanização. Todas adotam procedimentos divergentes para higiene e antissepsia do meato uretral, com presença de mitos e rituais que se sobressaem às evidências científicas e destacam o modelo funcionalista nos procedimentos realizados pela equipe de enfermagem. CONCLUSÃO: Há necessidade de reavaliar a intervenção de cateterismo urinário, com discussões interdisciplinares, dando ênfase à utilização de princípios científicos.


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Questa tesi di carattere antropologico in ambito dottorale riguarda i rituali comunitari nelle comunità indigene messicane. Il principale oggetto della ricerca è il rituale della pioggia o di Petición de Lluvia, caratterizzato sia dal sacrificio animale che da una specifica relazione di causa-effetto con l’ambiente circostante. La ricerca etnografica è cominciata dall’ipotesi di voler verificare la persistenza nel tempo, e dunque nell’attualità, di procedure cerimoniali non appartenenti, almeno nella loro forma più lineare, alla religione cattolico-cristiana. Il luogo nel quale è avvenuta tale ricerca è la regione La Montaña di Guerrero, situata nel Messico sud-occidentale, e più precisamente la zona in cui vivono le comunità di etnia Nahua di San Pedro Petlacala, Acuilpa, e Xalpatláhuac che si trovano nelle vicinanze della cittadina di Tlapa de Comonfort. In un contesto ambientale profondamente rurale come quello della Montaña di Guerrero, la persistenza dei rituali evidenzia come le risorse naturali e gli agenti atmosferici - pioggia, vento, nubi - continuino a rappresentare gli elementi centrali che condizionano le variabili economiche di sussistenza e della riproduzione sociale. Il rituale di Petición de Lluvia rappresenta il momento di congiunzione tra la stagione secca e quella piovosa, tra la semina ed il raccolto del mais. Definito come una pratica religiosa nella quale il gruppo si identifica e partecipa con varie donazioni (ofrenda o deposito rituale), suddivisibili in alimenti/oggetti/preghiere ed azioni rituali, la cerimonia esprime l’auspicio di piogge abbondanti, con le quali irrigare i campi e continuare le attività umane. Il destinatario dell’offerta è la stessa divinità della pioggia, Tlaloc per le antiche civiltà mesoamericane, invocato sotto le mentite spoglie del santo patrono del 25 aprile, San Marcos. Il rituale è contraddistinto per tutta la sua durata dalla presenza del principale specialista religioso, sacerdote in lingua spagnola oppure «Tlahmáquetl» in lingua náhuatl.


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Ponds are ubiquitous in the Maithil region of Nepal, and they figure prominently in folk narratives and ceremonial paintings produced by women there. I argue that in Maithil women's folktales, as in their paintings, the trope of ponds shifts the imaginative register toward women's perspectives and the importance of women's knowledge and influence in shaping Maithil society, even as this register shift occurs within plots featuring male protagonists. I argue further that in the absence of a habit of exegesis in their expressive arts, and given the cross-referential, dialogic nature of expressive practices, a methodology that draws into interpretive conversation the multitude of expressive forms exercised by Maithil women enhances analytical access to Maithil women's collective perspectives on their social and cosmological worlds.


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This paper examines accounting and financial reporting as ceremonial rituals. Its specific focus is upon changes in annual reporting rituals of financial services firms during periods of market crisis. Our preliminary findings suggest that several of the firms in our study may have made changes in their reporting rituals to construct alternative realities in an attempt to mask conflict, preserve stability, foster unity, and reinforce new social norms, core values, and corporate identities.


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The Hungarian way of decoration has certain characteristics which are rooted in the deep symbolism of ancient Hungarian mythical thinking. The ancient heritage of the Hungarians' former homeland somewhere in the Urals included eastern elements. During their migrations, the Hungarian tribes met other eastern peoples and their culture of decoration became mixed with elements drawn from these new contacts. These diverse influences mean that the Hungarian way of thinking, building and ornamentation show a certain dualism of Puritanism and rationalism in the creation of space and manufacturing, and rich fantasy in decoration and ornamentation. The Hungarians use coloured ornamentation to emphasise the symbolic importance of details. The colouring system of the built environment shows the same dualism: the main colour of the facades and inner walls is white, while the furniture, textiles, gates and windows, and sometimes the gable and fireplace are richly decorated. In Hungarian symbolism, the house and settlement are a model of the universe, so their different parts also have a transcendent meaning. The traditional meanings of the different colours reflect this transcendence. Each colour has ambivalent meanings: RED - the colour of blood - means violence and love. YELLOW - means sickness, death and ripeness (golden yellow). BLUE - means innocence, eternity (light blue) and old age, death (dark blue). BLACK - can be both ceremonial and mourning. WHILE - can have sacred meaning (bright white), while yellowish white fabric is the most common garb of both men and women in village society. GREEN - the only colour without a dual meaning, symbolises the beginning of life. Until the late 18th and early 19th centuries Hungarian folk art used one or two-coloured decoration (red, black, blue, red-blue or red-black), and from the early 19th century it moved to multi-coloured decoration. Colours are characteristically used in complementary contrast, with bright colours on a plain ground and an avoidance of subtle shadings.


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El artículo analiza las relaciones entre Aquiles y sus camaradas en la primera parte del canto XXIII (vv. 1-256), sobre la base de una mirada lingüístico-poética y un enfoque ético-pedagógico. Aquiles tiene dos comportamientos diferentes: como amigo y como caudillo. A Patroclo le dedica sus mejores manifestaciones de ternura y afecto. Como jefe, se dirige primero a sus camaradas más próximos, los mirmidones, y luego, según avanza el canto, a Agamenón, los nobles, las tropas, la comitiva más circunscripta de deudos y, finalmente, a los panaqueos en tanto cuerpo militar completo. Para una mayor comprensión de estas vinculaciones, se examina la autoridad y sus grados, a partir del grupo sémico correspondiente


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El artículo analiza las relaciones entre Aquiles y sus camaradas en la primera parte del canto XXIII (vv. 1-256), sobre la base de una mirada lingüístico-poética y un enfoque ético-pedagógico. Aquiles tiene dos comportamientos diferentes: como amigo y como caudillo. A Patroclo le dedica sus mejores manifestaciones de ternura y afecto. Como jefe, se dirige primero a sus camaradas más próximos, los mirmidones, y luego, según avanza el canto, a Agamenón, los nobles, las tropas, la comitiva más circunscripta de deudos y, finalmente, a los panaqueos en tanto cuerpo militar completo. Para una mayor comprensión de estas vinculaciones, se examina la autoridad y sus grados, a partir del grupo sémico correspondiente