997 resultados para Central Pacific Basin


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Cainozoic deep-sea ostracod assemblages from the summits of Mid-Pacific guyots point to high levels of endemism possibly as a result of their bathymetric separation from the surrounding sea floor. However, the interpretation of these fossil assemblages is hampered by the paucity of comparative material from surrounding non-guyot sites. Fifteen ostracod assemblages from DSDP Site 463 (Late Cretaceous-Pleistocene) were studied to compare with those from nearby guyots. Three distinct faunal assemblages are recognised at Site 463: Assemblage A (Maastrichtian-Eocene), Assemblage B (Oligocene-Upper Miocene) and Assemblage C (Upper Miocene-Pleistocene) although the palaeoenvironmental significance of these units is unclear. Sixty-two ostracod species are identified, the thirteen most abundant are discussed in the taxonomic section, five of which are described as new. Between 30 and 100% of the species encountered in each sample are considered as endemic to Site 463, while some of the remaining species were previously thought to be endemic to individual guyots. Similarly high levels of endemism on nearby guyots probably reflect an incomplete knowledge of deep-sea ostracod faunas rather than the establishment of geographically or bathymetrically restricted populations. The presence of globally pandemic and geographically widespread taxa on sites such as the Mid-Pacific Mountains, surrounded by abyssal depths which lie below the CCD, indicates that some faunal exchange or migration of ostracods does take place. This must be achieved within the intermediate waters and probably occurs passively.


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The late Eocene through earliest Oligocene (40-32 Ma) spans a major transition from greenhouse to icehouse climate, with net cooling and expansion of Antarctic glaciation shortly after the Eocene/Oligocene (E/O) boundary. We investigated the response of the oceanic biosphere to these changes by reconstructing barite and CaCO3 accumulation rates in sediments from the equatorial and North Pacific Ocean. These data allow us to evaluate temporal and geographical variability in export production and CaCO3 preservation. Barite accumulation rates were on average higher in the warmer late Eocene than in the colder early Oligocene, but cool periods within the Eocene were characterized by peaks in both barite and CaCO3 accumulation in the equatorial region. We infer that climatic changes not only affected deep ocean ventilation and chemistry, but also had profound effects on surface water characteristics influencing export productivity. The ratio of CaCO3 to barite accumulation rates, representing the ratio of particulate inorganic C accumulation to Corg export, increased dramatically at the E/O boundary. This suggests that long-term drawdown of atmospheric CO2 due to organic carbon deposition to the seafloor decreased, potentially offsetting decreasing pCO2 levels and associated cooling. The relatively larger increase in CaCO3 accumulation compared to export production at the E/O suggests that the permanent deepening of the calcite compensation depth (CCD) at that time stems primarily from changes in deep water chemistry and not from increased carbonate production.


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The shoaling and final closure of the Central American Seaway (CAS) resulted in a major change of the global ocean circulation and has been suggested as an essential driver for strengthening of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). The exact timing of CAS closure is key to interpreting its importance. Here we present a reconstruction of deep and intermediate water Nd and Pb isotope compositions obtained from fossil fish teeth and the authigenic coatings of planktonic foraminifera in the eastern equatorial Pacific (Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1241) and the Caribbean (ODP Sites 998, 999, and 1000) covering the final stages of CAS closure between 5.6 and 2.2 Ma. The data for the Pacific site indicate no significant Atlantic/Caribbean influence over this entire period. The Caribbean sites show a continuous trend to less radiogenic Nd isotope compositions during the Pliocene, consistent with an enhancement of Upper North Atlantic Deep Water (UNADW) inflow and a strengthening of the AMOC. Superimposed onto this long-term trend, shorter-term changes of intermediate Caribbean Nd isotope signatures approached more UNADW-like values during intervals when published reconstructions of seawater salinity suggested complete closure of the CAS. The data imply that significant deep water exchange with the Pacific essentially stopped by 7 Ma and that shallow exchange, which still occurred at least periodically until approximately 2.5 Ma, may have been linked to the strength of the AMOC but did not have any direct effect on the intermediate and deep Caribbean Nd isotope signatures through mixing with Pacific waters.


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A key constraint in attempts to reconstruct the patterns and rates of the ocean's thermohaline circulation during the last glacial period is the difference between the 14C to C ratio in surface and deep water. While imperfect, it is our best index of past deep-sea ventilation rates. In this paper we review published ventilation rate estimates based on the measured radiocarbon age difference between coexisting benthic and planktic foraminifera from glacial-age Pacific sediments. We also present new results from a series of eastern equatorial Pacific sediment cores. The conclusion is that the scatter in these results is so large that the apparent 14C age of glacial deep Pacific water could lie anywhere between double and half today's. Further, it is not clear what is responsible for the wide scatter in the radiocarbon results.


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Shipping list no.: 92-244-P.


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The olive ridley is the most abundant seaturtle species in the world but little is known of the demography of this species. We used skeletochronological data on humerus diameter growth changes to estimate the age of North Pacific olive ridley seaturtles caught incidentally by pelagic longline fisheries operating near Hawaii and from dead turtles washed ashore on the main Hawaiian Islands. Two age estimation methods [ranking, correction factor (CF)] were used and yielded age estimates ranging from 5 to 38 and 7 to 24 years, respectively. Rank age-estimates are highly correlated (r = 0.93) with straight carapace length (SCL), CF age estimates are not (r = 0.62). We consider the CF age-estimates as biologically more plausible because of the disassociation of age and size. Using the CF age-estimates, we then estimate the median age at sexual maturity to be around 13 years old (mean carapace size c. 60 cm SCL) and found that somatic growth was negligible by 15 years of age. The expected age-specific growth rate function derived using numerical differentiation suggests at least one juvenile growth spurt at about 10–12 years of age when maximum age-specific growth rates, c. 5 cm SCL year−1, are apparent.