919 resultados para Cell-based therapy
Par la sécrétion d’adipokines, le tissu adipeux blanc viscéral présent chez des patients souffrant d’obésité promeut l’installation d’altérations métaboliques telles que l’intolérance au glucose, la résistance à l’insuline et le diabète de type 2. Les complications cardiovasculaires, en particulier l’athérosclérose, sont les principales causes de mortalité chez les patients atteints de diabète de type 2. Il a été démontré que la fraction vasculaire stromale du tissu adipeux est composée de cellules régénératives dérivées du tissu adipeux (CRTA) et que ces cellules possèdent des caractéristiques des cellules progénitrices stromales (CPS). L’impact de l’intolérance au glucose et du diabète de type 2 sur les adipocytes sont assez bien documentés. Par contre, les conséquences de ces pathologies sur le comportement des CRTA n’ont pas été mesurées d’une façon approfondie. Plus particulièrement, l’impact de ces altérations métaboliques sur le potentiel de différenciation des CRTA en adipocytes et en cellules endothéliales n’a pas été étudié. Ce projet a pour but d’évaluer, dans un modèle murin, l’effet de ces altérations métaboliques sur l’équilibre de la différenciation in vitro des CRTA en adipocytes ou en cellules endothéliales. L’intolérance au glucose et le diabète de type 2 ont été induit chez les souris par la prise de deux diètes riches en acides gras de provenance végétale (DV) ou animale (DA). L’impact de l’origine des acides gras sur la différenciation des CRTA a également été étudié. Pour ce faire, une mise au point de la culture cellulaire des CRTA s’est avérée nécessaire et compte pour une partie de ces travaux de maîtrise. Nos travaux ont démontré en premier lieu, que le DMSO est un agent qui conserve la viabilité et les propriétés progénitrices des CRTA suite à leur congélation. De plus, parmi les matrices testées, le collagène s’est avéré être celle qui conserve le mieux les caractéristiques des progéniteurs et même, qui enrichie la population cellulaire ensemencée en cellules progénitrices. La densité cellulaire des cellules non-adipeuses du tissu adipeux s’avère être significativement plus élevée chez les souris du groupe de la DV comparativement aux souris contrôles. De plus, l’évaluation in vitro de la différenciation adipogénique démontre un potentiel de différenciation plus important pour les CRTA provenant des souris de la DV par rapport au groupe contrôle et à la DA. Cependant, la différenciation en cellules endothéliales est inhibée chez les CRTA de la DV, comparativement à un retard de ce processus pour la DA. Nos travaux suggèrent que le potentiel de différenciation adipogénique et endothéliale des CRTA est affecté par le statut métabolique des souris ainsi que par la nature de la diète. Ces résultats mettent en lumière pour la première fois l’importance d’évaluer le comportement des CRTA en fonction du statut métabolique du donneur, un paramètre pouvant avoir un impact majeur dans l’utilisation des CRTA autologues en thérapie cellulaire pour la réparation de tissus vasculaires chez des patients diabétiques.
Parkinson's disease is a chronic progressive neurodegenerative movement disorder characterized by a profound and selective loss of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons. Our findings demonstrated that glutamatergic system is impaired during PD. The evaluations of these damages have important implications in understanding the molecular mechanism underlying motor, cognitive and memory deficits in PD. Our results showed a significant increase of glutamate content in the brain regions of 6- OHDA infused rat compared to control. This increased glutamate content caused an increase in glutamatergic and NMDA receptors function. Glutamate receptor subtypes- NMDAR1, NMDA2B and mGluR5 have differential regulatory role in different brain regions during PD. The second messenger studies confirmed that the changes in the receptor levels alter the IP3, cAMP and cGMP content. The alteration in the second messengers level increased the expression of pro-apoptotic factors - Bax and TNF-α, intercellular protein - α-synuclein and reduced the expression of transcription factor - CREB. These neurofunctional variations are the key contributors to motor and cognitive abnormalities associated with PD. Nestin and GFAP expression study confirmed that 5-HT and GABA induced the differentiation and proliferation of the BMC to neurons and glial cells in the SNpc of rats. We also observed that activated astrocytes are playing a crucial role in the proliferation of transplanted BMC which makes them significant for stem cell-based therapy. Our molecular and behavioural results showed that 5-HT and GABA along with BMC potentiates a restorative effect by reversing the alterations in glutamate receptor binding, gene expression and behaviour abnormality that occur during PD. The therapeutic significance in Parkinson’s disease is of prominence.
Limb-girdle muscular dystrophies are a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by progressive degeneration of skeletal muscle caused by the absence or deficiency of muscle proteins. The murine model of Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy 2B, the SJL mice, carries a deletion in the dysferlin gene. Functionally, this mouse model shows discrete muscle weakness, starting at the age of 4-6 weeks. The possibility to restore the expression of the defective protein and improve muscular performance by cell therapy is a promising approach for the future treatment of progressive muscular dystrophies (PMD). We and others have recently shown that human adipose multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (hASCs) can differentiate into skeletal muscle when in contact with dystrophic muscle cells in vitro and in vivo. Umbilical cord tissue and adipose tissue are known rich sources of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), widely used for cell-based therapy studies. The main objective of the present study is to evaluate if MSCs from these two different sources have the same potential to reach and differentiate in muscle cells in vivo or if this capability is influenced by the niche from where they were obtained. In order to address this question we injected human derived umbilical cord tissue MSCs (hUCT MSCs) into the caudal vein of SJL mice with the same protocol previously used for hASCs; we evaluated the ability of these cells to engraft into recipient dystrophic muscle after systemic delivery, to express human muscle proteins in the dystrophic host and their effect in functional performance. These results are of great interest for future therapeutic application.
Tumors as complex organs: are cancers manageable through the modification of their microenvironment?
FAPESP (Center for Cell-based Therapy Research), Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia- Redoxoma and UICC-Yamagiwa Yoshida Grant.
Cell-based therapy is a promising approach for many diseases, including ischemic heart disease. Cardiac mesoangioblasts are committed vessel-associated progenitors that can restore to a significant, although partial, extent, heart structure and function in a murine model of myocardial infarction. Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) is a noninvasive form of mechanical energy that can be delivered into biological tissues as acoustic pressure waves, and is widely used for clinical applications including bone fracture healing. We hypothesized that the positive effects of LIPUS on bone and soft tissue, such as increased cell differentiation and cytoskeleton reorganization, could be applied to increase the therapeutic potential of mesoangioblasts for heart repair. In this work, we show that LIPUS stimulation of cardiac mesoangioblasts isolated from mouse and human heart results in significant cellular modifications that provide beneficial effects to the cells, including increased malleability and improved motility. Additionally, LIPUS stimulation increased the number of binucleated cells and induced cardiac differentiation to an extent comparable with 5´-azacytidine treatment. Mechanistically, LIPUS stimulation activated the BMP-Smad signalling pathway and increased the expression of myosin light chain-2 together with upregulation of β1 integrin and RhoA, highlighting a potentially important role for cytoskeleton reorganization. Taken together, these results provide functional evidence that LIPUS might be a useful tool to explore in the field of heart cell therapy
Cell-based therapies have the potential to contribute to global healthcare, whereby the use of living cells and tissues can be used as medicinal therapies. Despite this potential, many challenges remain before the full value of this emerging field can be realized. The characterization of input material for cell-based therapy bioprocesses from multiple donors is necessary to identify and understand the potential implications of input variation on process development. In this work, we have characterized bone marrow derived human mesenchymal stem cells (BM-hMSCs) from multiple donors and discussed the implications of the measurable input variation on the development of autologous and allogeneic cell-based therapy manufacturing processes. The range of cumulative population doublings across the five BM-hMSC lines over 30 days of culture was 5.93, with an 18.2% range in colony forming efficiency at the end of the culture process and a 55.1% difference in the production of interleukin-6 between these cell lines. It has been demonstrated that this variation results in a range in the process time between these donor hMSC lines for a hypothetical product of over 13 days, creating potential batch timing issues when manufacturing products from multiple patients. All BM-hMSC donor lines demonstrated conformity to the ISCT criteria but showed a difference in cell morphology. Metabolite analysis showed that hMSCs from the different donors have a range in glucose consumption of 26.98 pmol cell−1 day−1, Lactate production of 29.45 pmol cell−1 day−1 and ammonium production of 1.35 pmol cell−1 day−1, demonstrating the extent of donor variability throughout the expansion process. Measuring informative product attributes during process development will facilitate progress towards consistent manufacturing processes, a critical step in the translation cell-based therapies.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-07
Strategies aimed at improving spinal cord regeneration after trauma are still challenging neurologists and neuroscientists throughout the world. Many cell-based therapies have been tested, with limited success in terms of functional outcome. In this study, we investigated the effects of human dental pulp cells (HDPCs) in a mouse model of compressive spinal cord injury (SCI). These cells present some advantages, such as the ease of the extraction process, and expression of trophic factors and embryonic markers from both ecto-mesenchymal and mesenchymal components. Young adult female C57/BL6 mice were subjected to laminectomy at T9 and compression of the spinal cord with a vascular clip for 1 min. The cells were transplanted 7 days or 28 days after the lesion, in order to compare the recovery when treatment is applied in a subacute or chronic phase. We performed quantitative analyses of white-matter preservation, trophic-factor expression and quantification, and ultrastructural and functional analysis. Our results for the HDPC-transplanted animals showed better white-matter preservation than the DMEM groups, higher levels of trophic-factor expression in the tissue, better tissue organization, and the presence of many axons being myelinated by either Schwann cells or oligodendrocytes, in addition to the presence of some healthy-appearing intact neurons with synapse contacts on their cell bodies. We also demonstrated that HDPCs were able to express some glial markers such as GFAP and S-100. The functional analysis also showed locomotor improvement in these animals. Based on these findings, we propose that HDPCs may be feasible candidates for therapeutic intervention after SCI and central nervous system disorders in humans.
Dissertation to obtain Master Degree in Biotechnology
Different cell sources for bone tissue engineering are reviewed. In particular, adult cell source strategies have been based on the implantation of unfractionated fresh bone marrow; purified, culture expanded mesenchymal stem cells, differentiated osteoblasts, or cells that have been modified genetically to express rhBMP. Several limiting factors are mentioned for these strategies such as low number of available cells or possible immunological reaction of the host. Foetal bone cells are presented as an alternative solution and review of actual treatments using these cells is presented. Finally, foetal cells used specifically for bone tissue engineering are characterised and potentially interesting therapeutic options are proposed.
An emerging therapeutic approach for Duchenne muscular dystrophy is the transplantation of autologous myogenic progenitor cells genetically modified to express dystrophin. The use of this approach is challenged by the difficulty in maintaining these cells ex vivo while keeping their myogenic potential, and ensuring sufficient transgene expression following their transplantation and myogenic differentiation in vivo. We investigated the use of the piggyBac transposon system to achieve stable gene expression when transferred to cultured mesoangioblasts and into murine muscles. Without selection, up to 8% of the mesoangioblasts expressed the transgene from 1 to 2 genomic copies of the piggyBac vector. Integration occurred mostly in intergenic genomic DNA and transgene expression was stable in vitro. Intramuscular transplantation of mouse Tibialis anterior muscles with mesoangioblasts containing the transposon led to sustained myofiber GFP expression in vivo. In contrast, the direct electroporation of the transposon-donor plasmids in the mouse Tibialis muscles in vivo did not lead to sustained transgene expression despite molecular evidence of piggyBac transposition in vivo. Together these findings provide a proof-of-principle that piggyBac transposon may be considered for mesoangioblast cell-based therapies of muscular dystrophies.
While incretins are of great interest for the therapy of diabetes 2, the focus has recently been brought to the thyroid, since rodents treated with glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogs were found to occasionally develop medullary thyroid carcinomas. Incretin receptors for GLP-1 and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) were therefore measured in various rodent and human thyroid conditions. In vitro GLP-1 and GIP receptor autoradiography were performed in normal thyroids, C-cell hyperplasia and medullary thyroid carcinomas in rodents. Receptor incidence and density were assessed and compared with the receptor expression in human thyroids, medullary thyroid carcinomas, and TT cells. GLP-1 receptors are expressed in C cells of normal rat and mice thyroids. Their density is markedly increased in rat C-cell hyperplasia and medullary thyroid carcinomas, where their incidence amounts to 100%. GIP receptors are neither detected in normal rodent thyroids nor in C-cell hyperplasia, but are present in all rat medullary thyroid carcinomas. No GLP-1 or GIP receptors are detected in normal human thyroids. Whereas only 27% of all human medullary thyroid carcinomas express GLP-1 receptors, up to 89% express GIP receptors in a high density. TT cells lack GLP-1 receptors but express GIP receptors. GLP-1 receptors are frequently expressed in non-neoplastic and neoplastic C cells in rodents while they are rarely detected in human C-cell neoplasia, suggesting species differences. Conversely, GIP receptors appear to be massively overexpressed in neoplastic C cells in both species. The presence of incretin receptors in thyroid C cell lesions suggests that this organ should be monitored before and during incretin-based therapy of diabetes.
Peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) is a manifestation of systemic atherosclerosis strongly associated with a high risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. In a considerable proportion of patients with PAOD, revascularization either by endovascular means or by open surgery combined with best possible risk factor modification does not achieve limb salvage or relief of ischaemic rest pain. As a consequence, novel therapeutic strategies have been developed over the last two decades aiming to promote neovascularization and remodelling of collaterals. Gene and stem cell therapy are the main directions for clinical investigation concepts. For both, preclinical studies have shown promising results using a wide variety of genes encoding for growth factors and populations of adult stem cells, respectively. As a consequence, clinical trials have been performed applying gene and stem cell-based concepts. However, it has become apparent that a straightforward translation into humans is not possible. While several trials reported relief of symptoms and functional improvement, other trials did not confirm this early promise of efficacy. Ongoing clinical trials with an improved study design are needed to confirm the potential that gene and cell therapy may have and to prevent the gaps in our scientific knowledge that will jeopardize the establishment of angiogenic therapy as an additional medical treatment of PAOD. This review summarizes the experimental background and presents the current status of clinical applications and future perspectives of the therapeutic use of gene and cell therapy strategies for PAOD.
OBJECT: Cell therapy has shown preclinical promise in the treatment of many diseases, and its application is being translated to the clinical arena. Intravenous mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy has been shown to improve functional recovery after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Herein, the authors report on their attempts to reproduce such observations, including detailed characterizations of the MSC population, non-bromodeoxyuridine-based cell labeling, macroscopic and microscopic cell tracking, quantification of cells traversing the pulmonary microvasculature, and well-validated measurement of motor and cognitive function recovery. METHODS: Rat MSCs were isolated, expanded in vitro, immunophenotyped, and labeled. Four million MSCs were intravenously infused into Sprague-Dawley rats 24 hours after receiving a moderate, unilateral controlled cortical impact TBI. Infrared macroscopic cell tracking was used to identify cell distribution. Immunohistochemical analysis of brain and lung tissues 48 hours and 2 weeks postinfusion revealed transplanted cells in these locations, and these cells were quantified. Intraarterial blood sampling and flow cytometry were used to quantify the number of transplanted cells reaching the arterial circulation. Motor and cognitive behavioral testing was performed to evaluate functional recovery. RESULTS: At 48 hours post-MSC infusion, the majority of cells were localized to the lungs. Between 1.5 and 3.7% of the infused cells were estimated to traverse the lungs and reach the arterial circulation, 0.295% reached the carotid artery, and a very small percentage reached the cerebral parenchyma (0.0005%) and remained there. Almost no cells were identified in the brain tissue at 2 weeks postinfusion. No motor or cognitive functional improvements in recovery were identified. CONCLUSIONS: The intravenous infusion of MSCs appeared neither to result in significant acute or prolonged cerebral engraftment of cells nor to modify the recovery of motor or cognitive function. Less than 4% of the infused cells were likely to traverse the pulmonary microvasculature and reach the arterial circulation, a phenomenon termed the "pulmonary first-pass effect," which may limit the efficacy of this therapeutic approach. The data in this study contradict the findings of previous reports and highlight the potential shortcomings of acute, single-dose, intravenous MSC therapy for TBI.