987 resultados para Cell block


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Le récepteur DcR3 (Decoy receptor 3) est un membre de la famille des récepteurs aux facteurs de nécrose tumorale (TNF). Il est fortement exprimé dans les tissus humains normaux ainsi que les tumeurs malignes. DcR3 est un récepteur pour trois ligands de la famille du TNF tels que FasL, LIGHT et TL1A. Étant une protéine soluble donc dépourvue de la portion transmembranaire et intracytoplasmique, le récepteur DcR3 est incapable d’effectuer une transduction de signal intracellulaire à la suite de son interaction avec ses ligands. De ce fait, DcR3 joue un rôle de compétiteur pour ces derniers, afin d’inhiber la signalisation via leurs récepteurs fonctionnels tels que Fas, HVEM/LTbetaR et DR3. Lors de nos précédentes études, nous avons pu démontrer, que DcR3 pouvaist moduler la fonction des cellules immunitaires, et aussi protéger la viabilité des îlots de Langerhans. À la suite de ces résultats, nous avons généré des souris DcR3 transgéniques (Tg) en utilisant le promoteur du gène β-actine humaine afin d’étudier plus amplement la fonction de ce récepteur. Les souris Tg DcR3 ont finalement développé le syndrome lupus-like (SLE) seulement après l’âge de 6 mois. Ces souris présentent une variété d'auto-anticorps comprenant des anticorps anti-noyaux et anti-ADN. Elles ont également manifesté des lésions rénales, cutanées, hépatiques et hématopoïétiques. Contrairement aux modèles de lupus murin lpr et gld, les souris DcR3 sont plus proche du SLE humain en terme de réponse immunitaire de type Th2 et de production d'anticorps d'anti-Sm. En péus, nous avons constaté que les cellules hématopoïétiques produisant DcR3 sont suffisantes pour causer ces pathologies. DcR3 peut agir en perturbant l’homéostasie des cellules T pour interférer avec la tolérance périphérique, et ainsi induire l'autoimmunité. Chez l'humain, nous avons détecté dans le sérum de patients SLE des niveaux élevés de la protéine DcR3. Chez certains patients, comme chez la souris, ces niveaux sont liés directement aux titres élevés d’IgE. Par conséquent, DcR3 peut représenter un facteur pathogénique important du SLE humain. L’étude des souris Tg DcR3, nous a permis aussi d’élucider le mécanisme de protection des îlots de Langerhans. Le blocage de la signalisation des ligands LIGHT et TL1A par DcR3 est impliqué dans une telle protection. D'ailleurs, nous avons identifié par ARN microarray quelques molécules en aval de cette interaction, qui peuvent jouer un rôle dans le mécanisme d’action. Nous avons par la suite confirmé que Adcyap1 et Bank1 joue un rôle critique dans la protection des îlots de Langerhans médiée par DcR3. Notre étude a ainsi élucidé le lien qui existe entre la signalisation apoptotique médiée par Fas/FasL et la pathogénèse du SLE humain. Donc, malgré l’absence de mutations génétiques sur Fas et FasL dans le cas de cette pathologie, DcR3 est capable de beoquer cette signalisation et provoquer le SLE chez l’humain. Ainsi, DcR3 peut simultanément interférer avec la signalisation des ligands LIGHT et TL1A et causer un phénotype plus complexe que les phénotypes résultant de la mutation de Fas ou de FasL chez certains patients. DcR3 peut également être utilisé comme paramètre diagnostique potentiel pour le SLE. Les découvertes du mécanisme de protection des îlots de Langerhans par DcR3 ouvrent la porte vers de nouveaux horizons afin d'explorer de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques pour protéger la greffe d'îlots.


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Les lymphocytes B et T sont issus de cellules progénitrices lymphoïdes de la moelle osseuse qui se différencient grâce à l’action de facteurs de transcription, cytokines et voies de signalisation, dont l’interleukine-7 (IL-7)/IL-7 récepteur (IL-7R). Le facteur de transcription c-Myc est exprimé par les cellules lymphoïdes et contrôle leur croissance et leur différenciation. Cette régulation transcriptionnelle peut être coordonnée par le complexe c-Myc/Myc-Interacting Zinc finger protein-1 (Miz-1). Le but de ce projet était de comprendre les mécanismes qui impliquent Miz-1 et le complexe c-Myc/Miz-1 dans le développement des lymphocytes B et T. Pour réaliser ce projet, des souris déficientes pour le domaine de transactivation de Miz-1 (Miz-1POZ) et des souris à allèles mutantes pour c-MycV394D, mutation qui empêche l’interaction avec Miz-1, ont été générées. La caractérisation des souris Miz 1POZ a démontré que l’inactivation de Miz-1 perturbe le développement des lymphocytes B et T aux stades précoces de leur différenciation qui dépend de l’IL-7. L’analyse de la cascade de signalisation IL-7/IL-7R a montré que ces cellules surexpriment la protéine inhibitrice SOCS1 qui empêche la phosphorylation de STAT5 et perturbe la régulation à la hausse de la protéine de survie Bcl-2. De plus, Miz-1 se lie directement au promoteur de SOCS1 et contrôle son activité. En plus de contrôler l’axe IL-7/IL-7R/STAT5/Bcl-2 spécifiquement aux stades précoces du développement afin d’assurer la survie des progéniteurs B et T, Miz-1 régule l’axe EBF/Pax-5/Rag-1/2 dans les cellules B afin de coordonner les signaux nécessaires pour la différenciation des cellules immatures. La caractérisation des souris c-MycV394D a montré, quant à elle, que les fonctions de Miz-1 dans les cellules B et T semblent indépendantes de c-Myc. Les cellules T des souris Miz-1POZ ont un défaut de différenciation additionnel au niveau de la -sélection, étape où les signaux initiés par le TCR remplacent ceux induits par IL-7 pour assurer la prolifération et la différenciation des thymocytes en stades plus matures. À cette étape du développement, une forme fonctionnelle de Miz-1 semble être requise pour contrôler le niveau d’activation de la voie p53, induite lors du processus de réarrangement V(D)J du TCR. L’expression de gènes pro-apoptotiques PUMA, NOXA, Bax et du régulateur de cycle cellulaire p21CIP1 est régulée à la hausse dans les cellules des souris Miz-1POZ. Ceci provoque un débalancement pro-apoptotique qui empêche la progression du cycle cellulaire des cellules TCR-positives. La survie des cellules peut être rétablie à ce stade de différenciation en assurant une coordination adéquate entre les signaux initiés par l’introduction d’un TCR transgénique et d’un transgène codant pour la protéine Bcl-2. En conclusion, ces études ont montré que Miz-1 intervient à deux niveaux du développement lymphoïde: l’un précoce en contrôlant la signalisation induite par l’IL-7 dans les cellules B et T, en plus de l’axe EBF/Pax-5/Rag-1/2 dans les cellules B; et l’autre tardif, en coordonnant les signaux de survie issus par le TCR et p53 dans les cellules T. Étant donné que les thymocytes et lymphocytes B immatures sont sujets à plusieurs rondes de prolifération, ces études serviront à mieux comprendre l’implication des régulateurs du cycle cellulaire comme c-Myc et Miz-1 dans la génération des signaux nécessaires à la différenciation non aberrante et à la survie des ces cellules. Enfin, les modèles expérimentaux, souris déficientes ou à allèles mutantes, utilisés pour ce travail permettront de mieux définir les bases moléculaires de la transformation maligne des lymphocytes B et T et de révéler les mécanismes conduisant au lymphome.


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Les modifications post-transcriptionnelles de l’ARN messager (ARNm), comme l’épissage alternatif, jouent un rôle important dans la régulation du développement embryonnaire, de la fonction cellulaire et de l’immunité. De nouvelles évidences révèlent que l’épissage alternatif serait également impliqué dans la régulation de la maturation et de l’activation des cellules du système hématopoïétique. Le facteur hnRNP L a été identifié comme étant le principal régulateur de l’épissage alternatif du gène codant pour le récepteur CD45 in vitro. Le récepteur CD45 est une tyrosine phosphatase exprimée par toutes les cellules du système hématopoïétique qui contrôle le développement et l’activation des lymphocytes T. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié la fonction du facteur hnRNP L dans le développement des lymphocytes T et dans l’épissage de l’ARNm de CD45 in vivo en utilisant des souris dont le gène de hnRNP L a été supprimé spécifiquement dans les cellules T. La délétion de hnRNP L dans les thymocytes résulte en une expression aberrante des différents isoformes de CD45 avec une prédominance de l'isoforme CD45RA qui est généralement absent dans le thymus. Une conséquence de la délétion de hnRNP L est une diminution de la cellularité du thymus causée par un blocage partiel du développement des cellules pré-T au stade DN4. Cette réduction du nombre de cellules dans le thymus n’est pas liée à une hausse de la mort cellulaire. Les thymocytes déficients pour hnRNP L démontrent plutôt une prolifération augmentée comparée aux thymocytes sauvages due à une hyper-activation des kinases Lck, Erk1/2 et Akt. De plus, la délétion de hnRNP L dans le thymus cause une perte des cellules T en périphérie. Les résultats des expériences in vitro suggèrent que cette perte est principalement due à un défaut de migration des thymocytes déficients pour hnRNP L du thymus vers la périphérie en réponse aux chimiokines. L’épissage alternatif de CD45 ne peut expliquer ce phénotype mais l’identification de cibles par RNA-Seq a révélé un rôle de hnRNP L dans la régulation de l’épissage alternatif de facteurs impliqués dans la polymérisation de l’actine. Dans un second temps, nous avons étudié le rôle de hnRNP L dans l’hématopoïèse en utilisant des souris dont la délétion de hnRNP L était spécifique aux cellules hématopoïétiques dans les foies fœtaux et la moelle osseuse. L’ablation de hnRNP L réduit le nombre de cellules progénitrices incluant les cellules progénitrices lymphocytaires (CLPs), myéloïdes (CMPs, GMPs) et mégakaryocytes-érythrocytaires (MEPs) et une perte des cellules hématopoïétiques matures. À l’opposé des cellules progénitrices multipotentes (MPPs) qui sont affectées en absence de hnRNP L, la population de cellules souches hématopoïétiques (HSCs) n’est pas réduite et prolifère plus que les cellules contrôles. Cependant, les HSCs n’exprimant pas hnRNP L sont positives pour l'Annexin V et expriment CD95 ce qui suggère une mort cellulaire prononcée. Comme pour les thymocytes, une analyse par RNA-Seq des foies fœtaux a révélé différents gènes cibles de hnRNP L appartenant aux catégories reliées à la mort cellulaire, la réponse aux dommages à l’ADN et à l’adhésion cellulaire qui peuvent tous expliquer le phénotype des cellules n’exprimant pas le gène hnRNP L. Ces résultats suggèrent que hnRNP L et l’épissage alternatif sont essentiels pour maintenir le potentiel de différenciation des cellules souches hématopoïétiques et leur intégrité fonctionnelle. HnRNP L est aussi crucial pour le développement des cellules T par la régulation de l’épissage de CD45 ainsi que pour leur migration.


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Alternative meshes of the sphere and adaptive mesh refinement could be immensely beneficial for weather and climate forecasts, but it is not clear how mesh refinement should be achieved. A finite-volume model that solves the shallow-water equations on any mesh of the surface of the sphere is presented. The accuracy and cost effectiveness of four quasi-uniform meshes of the sphere are compared: a cubed sphere, reduced latitude–longitude, hexagonal–icosahedral, and triangular–icosahedral. On some standard shallow-water tests, the hexagonal–icosahedral mesh performs best and the reduced latitude–longitude mesh performs well only when the flow is aligned with the mesh. The inclusion of a refined mesh over a disc-shaped region is achieved using either gradual Delaunay, gradual Voronoi, or abrupt 2:1 block-structured refinement. These refined regions can actually degrade global accuracy, presumably because of changes in wave dispersion where the mesh is highly nonuniform. However, using gradual refinement to resolve a mountain in an otherwise coarse mesh can improve accuracy for the same cost. The model prognostic variables are height and momentum collocated at cell centers, and (to remove grid-scale oscillations of the A grid) the mass flux between cells is advanced from the old momentum using the momentum equation. Quadratic and upwind biased cubic differencing methods are used as explicit corrections to a fast implicit solution that uses linear differencing.


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In eukaryotic cells, cell growth and division occur in a stepwise, orderly fashion described by a process known as the cell cycle. The relationship between positive-strand RNA viruses and the cell cycle and the concomitant effects on virus replication are not clearly understood. We have shown that infection of asynchronously replicating and synchronized replicating cells with the avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), a positive-strand RNA virus, resulted in the accumulation of infected cells in the G(2)/M phase of the cell cycle. Analysis of various cell cycle-regulatory proteins and cellular morphology indicated that there was a down-regulation of cyclins D1 and D2 (G(2) regulatory cyclins) and that a proportion of virus-infected cells underwent aberrant cytokinesis, in which the cells underwent nuclear, but not cytoplasmic, division. We assessed the impact of the perturbations on the cell cycle for virus-infected cells and found that IBV-infected G(2)/M-phase-synchronized cells exhibited increased viral protein production when released from the block when compared to cells synchronized in the Go phase or asynchronously replicating cells. Our data suggested that IBV induces a G(2)/M phase arrest in infected cells to promote favorable conditions for viral replication.


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Abnormal vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation plays an important role in the pathogenesis of both atherosclerosis and restenosis. Recent studies suggest that high-dose salicylates, in addition to inhibiting cyclooxygenase activity, exert an antiproliferative effect on VSMC growth both in-vitro and in-vivo. However, whether all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) exert similar anti proliferative effects on VSMCs, and do so via a common mechanism of action, remains to be shown. In this study, we demonstrate that the NSAIDs aspirin, sodium salicylate, diclofenac, ibuprofen, indometacin and sulindac induce a dose-dependent inhibition of proliferation in rat A10 VSMCs in the absence of significant cytotoxicity. Flow cytometric analyses showed that exposure of A10 cells to diclofenac, indometacin, ibuprofen and sulindac, in the presence of the mitotic inhibitor, nocodazole, led to a significant G0/G1 arrest. In contrast, the salicylates failed to induce a significant G1 arrest since flow cytometry profiles were not significantly different from control cells. Cyclin A levels were elevated, and hyperphosphorylated p107 was present at significant levels, in salicylate-treated A10 cells, consistent with a post-G1/S block, whereas cyclin A levels were low, and hypophosphorylated p107 was the dominant form, in cells treated with other NSAIDs consistent with a G1 arrest. The ubiquitously expressed cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitors, p21 and p27, were increased in all NSAID-treated cells. Our results suggest that diclofenac, indometacin, ibuprofen and sulindac inhibit VSMC proliferation by arresting the cell cycle in the G1 phase, whereas the growth inhibitory effect of salicylates probably affects the late S and/or G2/M phases. Irrespective of mechanism, our results suggest that NSAIDs might be of benefit in the treatment of certain vasculoproliferative disorders.


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Abnormal vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation is known to play an important role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, restenosis and instent stenosis. Recent studies suggest that salicylates, in addition to inhibiting cyclooxygenase activity, exert an antiproliferative effect on VSMC growth both in vitro and in vivo. However, whether all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) exert similar antiproliferative effects on VSMCs, and do so via a common mechanism of action, remains unknown. In the present study, we demonstrated that the NSAIDs, aspirin, ibuprofen and sulindac induced a dose-dependent inhibition of proliferation in rat A10 VSMCs (IC50 = 1666 mumol/L, 937 mumol/L and 520 mumol/L, respectively). These drugs did not show significant cytotoxic effects as determined by LDH release assay, even at the highest concentrations tested (aspirin, 5000 mumol/L; ibuprofen, 2500 mumol/L; and sulindac, 1000 mumol/L). Flow cytometric analyses showed that a 48 h exposure of A10 VSMCs to ibuprofen (1000 mumol/L) and sulindac (750 mumol/L) led to a significant G1 arrest (from 68.7 +/- 2.0% of cells in G1 to 76.6 +/- 2.2% and 75.8 +/- 2.2%, respectively, p < 0.05). In contrast, aspirin (2500 mumol/L) failed to induce a significant G1 arrest (68.1 +/- 5.2%). Clearer evidence of a G1 block was obtained by treatment of cells with the mitotic inhibitor, nocodazole (40 ng/ml), for the final 24 h of the experiment. Under these conditions, aspirin still failed to induce a G1 arrest (from 25.9 +/- 10.9% of cells in G1 to 19.6 +/- 2.3%) whereas ibuprofen and sulindac led to a significant accumulation of cells in G1(51.8% +/- 17.2% and 54.1% +/- 10.6%, respectively, p < 0.05). These results indicate that ibuprofen and sulindac inhibit VSMC proliferation by arresting the cell cycle in the G1 phase whereas the effect of aspirin appears to be independent of any special phase of the cell cycle. Irrespective of mechanism, our results suggest that NSAIDs might be of benefit to the treatment of vascular proliferative disorders.


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We study the effects of hydrostatic pressure (P) on aqueous solutions and gels of the block copolymer B20E610 (E, oxyethylene; B, oxybutylene; subscripts, number of repeats), by performing simultaneous small angle neutron scattering/pressure experiments. Micellar cubic gels were studied for 9.5 and 4.5 wt% B20E610 at T = 20-80 and 35-55 degrees C, respectively, while micellar isotropic solutions where Studied for 4.5 wt% B20E610 at T > 55 degrees C. We observed that the interplanar distance d(110) (cubic unit cell parameter a = root 2d(110)) decreases while the correlation length of the Cubic order (delta) increases, upon increasing P at a fixed T for 9.5 wt% B20E610. The construction of master Curves for d(110) and delta corresponding to 9.5 wt% B20E610 proved the correlation between changes in T and P. Neither d(110) and delta nor the cubic-isotropic phase transition temperature was affected by the applied pressure for 4.5 wt% B20E610. The dramatic contrast between the pressure-induced behavior observed for 9.5 and 4.5 wt% B20E610 suggests that pressure induced effects might be more effectively transmitted through samples that present wider domains of cubic structure order (9.5 wt% compared to 4.5 wt% B20E610).


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Sequential crystallization of poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) followed by poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) in double crystalline PLLA-b-PCL diblock copolymers is studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), polarized optical microscopy (POM), wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Three samples with different compositions are studied. The sample with the shortest PLLA block (32 wt.-% PLLA) crystallizes from a homogeneous melt, the other two (with 44 and 60% PLLA) from microphase separated structures. The microphase structure of the melt is changed as PLLA crystallizes at 122 degrees C (a temperature at which the PCL block is molten) forming spherulites regardless of composition, even with 32% PLLA. SAXS indicates that a lamellar structure with a different periodicity than that obtained in the melt forms (for melt segregated samples). Where PCL is the majority block, PCL crystallization at 42 degrees C following PLLA crystallization leads to rearrangement of the lamellar structure, as observed by SAXS, possibly due to local melting at the interphases between domains. POM results showed that PCL crystallizes within previously formed PLLA spherulites. WAXS data indicate that the PLLA unit cell is modified by crystallization of PCL, at least for the two majority PCL samples. The PCL minority sample did not crystallize at 42 degrees C (well below the PCL homopolymer crystallization temperature), pointing to the influence of pre-crystallization of PLLA on PCL crystallization, although it did crystallize at lower temperature. Crystallization kinetics were examined by DSC and WAXS, with good agreement in general. The crystallization rate of PLLA decreased with increase in PCL content in the copolymers. The crystallization rate of PCL decreased with increasing PLLA content. The Avrami exponents were in general depressed for both components in the block copolymers compared to the parent homopolymers. Polarized optical micrographs during isothermal crystalli zation of (a) homo-PLLA, (b) homo-PCL, (c) and (d) block copolymer after 30 min at 122 degrees C and after 15 min at 42 degrees C.


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The cellular actions of genistein are believed to mediate the decreased risk of breast cancer associated with high soy consumption. We have investigated the intracellular metabolism of genistein in T47D tumorigenic and MCF-10A nontumorigenic cells and assessed the cellular actions of resultant metabolites. Genistein selectively induced growth arrest and G2-M phase cell cycle block in T47D but not MCF10A breast epithelial cells. These antiproliferative effects were paralleled by significant differences in the association of genistein to cells and in particular its intracellular metabolism. Genistein was selectively taken up into T47D cells and was subject to metabolism by CYP450 enzymes leading to the formation of both 5,7,3',4'-tetrahydroxyisoflavone (THIF) and two glutathionyl conjugates of THIF THIF inhibited cdc2 activation via the phosphorylation of p38 MAP kinase, suggesting that this species may mediate genistein's cellular actions. THIF exposure activated p38 and caused subsequent inhibition of cyclin B1 (Ser 147) and cdc2 (Thr 161) phosphorylation, two events critical for the correct functioning of the cdc2-cyclin B1 complex. We suggest that the formation of THIF may mediate the cellular actions of genistein in tumorigenic breast epithelial cells via the activation of signaling through p38. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This review discusses liquid crystal phase formation by biopolymers in solution. Lyotropic mesophases have been observed for several classes of biopolymer including DNA, peptides, polymer/peptide conjugates, glycopolymers and proteoglycans. Nematic or chiral nematic (cholesteric) phases are the most commonly observed mesophases, in which the rod-like fibrils have only orientational order. Hexagonal columnar phases are observed for several systems (DNA, PBLG, polymer/peptide hybrids) at higher concentration. Lamellar (smectic) phases are reported less often, although there are examples such as the layer arrangement of amylopectin side chains in starch. Possible explanations for the observed structures are discussed. The biological role of liquid crystal phases for several of these systems is outlined. Commonly, they may serve as a template to align fibrils for defined structural roles when the biopolymer is extruded and dried, for instance in the production of silk by spiders or silkworms, or of chitin in arthropod shells. In other cases, liquid crystal phase formation may occur in vivo simply as a consequence of high concentration, for instance the high packing density of DNA within cell nuclei.


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NO/prostanoid independent, EDHF-mediated hyperpolarization and dilation in rat middle cerebral arteries is mediated solely by endothelial cell IK(Ca). However, when the NO-pathway is also active, both SK(Ca) and IK(Ca) contribute to EDHF responses. As the SK(Ca) component can be inhibited by stimulation of thromboxane A(2) (TxA(2)) TP receptors and NO has the potential ability to inhibit thromboxane synthesis, we investigated whether TxA(2) might explain loss of functional input from SK(Ca) during NOS inhibition in cerebral arteries. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: Rat middle cerebral arteries were mounted in a wire myograph. Endothelium-dependent responses to the PAR2 agonist, SLIGRL were assessed as simultaneous changes in smooth muscle membrane potential and tension. KEY RESULTS: Responses were obtained in the presence of L-NAME as appropriate. Inhibition of TP receptors with either ICI 192,605 or SQ 29,548, did not affect EDHF mediated hyperpolarization and relaxation, but in their presence neither TRAM-34 nor apamin (to block IK(Ca) and SK(Ca) respectively) individually affected the EDHF response. However, in combination they virtually abolished it. Similar effects were obtained in the presence of the thromboxane synthase inhibitor, furegrelate, which additionally revealed an iberiotoxin-sensitive residual EDHF hyperpolarization and relaxation in the combined presence of TRAM-34 and apamin. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: In the rat middle cerebral artery, inhibition of NOS leads to a loss of the SK(Ca) component of EDHF responses. Either antagonism of TP receptors or block of thromboxane synthase restores an input through SK(Ca). These data indicate that NO normally enables SK(Ca) activity in rat middle cerebral arteries.


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Intimin and EspA proteins are virulence factors expressed by attaching and effacing Escherichia coli (AEEC) such as enteropathogenic and enterohaemorrhagic E. coli. The EspA protein makes up a filament structure forming part of the type III secretion system (TTSS) that delivers effector proteins to the host epithelial cell. Bacterial surface displayed intimin interacts with translocated intimin receptor in the host cell membrane leading to intimate attachment of the bacterium and subsequent attaching and effacing lesions. Here, we have assessed the use of recombinant monoclonal antibodies against E. coli O157:147 EspA and intimin for the disruption of AEEC interaction with the host cell. Anti-gamma intimin antibodies did not reduce either adhesion of E. coli O157:H7 to host cell mono-layers or subsequent host cell actin rearrangement. Anti-EspA antibodies similarly had no effect on bacterial adhesion however they had a marked effect upon E. coli O157:H7-induced host cell actin rearrangement, where both monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies completely blocked cytoskeletal changes within the host cell. Furthermore, these anti-EspA antibodies were shown to reduce actin rearrangement induced by some but not all other AEEC serotypes tested. Both polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies could be used to label E. coli O157 EspA filaments and these immunoreagents did not inhibit the formation of such filaments. This is the first report of monoclonal antibodies to EspA capable of disrupting the TTSS function of E. coli O157:H7. (c) 2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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N-(2-Hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide (HPMA) copolymer–doxorubicin (Dox) has already shown clinical activity in breast cancer patients. Moreover, we have recently found that an HPMA conjugate containing a combination of both Dox and the aromatase inhibitor aminoglutethimide (AGM) shows significantly increased anti-tumour activity in vitro. To better understand the mechanism of action of HPMA copolymer–AGM conjugates several models were used here to investigate their effect on cell growth and aromatase inhibition. Cytotoxicity of HPMA copolymer conjugates containing AGM, Dox and also the combination AGM–Dox was determined by MTT assay in MCF-7 and MCF-7ca cells. Androstenedione (5 × 10− 8 M) stimulates the growth of MCF-7ca cells. Both free AGM and polymer-bound AGM (0.2–0.4 mg/ml) were shown to block this mitogenic activity. When MCF-7ca cells were incubated [3H]androstenedione both AGM and HPMA copolymer–GFLG–AGM (0.2 mg/ml AGM-equiv.) showed the ability to inhibit aromatase. Although, free AGM was able to inhibit isolated human placental microsomal aromatase in a concentration dependent manner, polymer-bound AGM was not, suggesting that drug release is essential for activity of the conjugate. HPMA copolymer conjugates containing aromatase inhibitors have potential for the treatment of hormone-dependant cancers, and it would be particularly interesting to explore further as potential therapies in post-menopausal women as components of combination therapy.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection results in the activation of numerous stress responses including oxidative stress, with the potential to induce an apoptotic state. Previously we have shown that HCV attenuates the stress-induced, p38MAPK-mediated up-regulation of the K+ channel Kv2.1, to maintain the survival of infected cells in the face of cellular stress. We demonstrated that this effect was mediated by HCV non-structural 5A (NS5A) protein, which impaired p38MAPK activity through a polyproline motif dependent interaction, resulting in reduction of phosphorylation activation of Kv2.1. In this study, we investigated the host cell proteins targeted by NS5A in order to mediate Kv2.1 inhibition. We screened a phage-display library expressing the entire complement of human SH3 domains for novel NS5A-host cell interactions. This analysis identified mixed lineage kinase 3 (MLK3) as a putative NS5A interacting partner. MLK3 is a serine/threonine protein kinase that is a member of the MAPK kinase kinase (MAP3K) family and activates p38MAPK. An NS5A-MLK3 interaction was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation and western blot analysis. We further demonstrate a novel role of MLK3 in the modulation of Kv2.1 activity, whereby MLK3 overexpression leads to the up-regulation of channel activity. Accordingly, coexpression of NS5A suppressed this stimulation. Additionally we demonstrate that overexpression of MLK3 induced apoptosis which was also counteracted by NS5A. We conclude that NS5A targets MLK3 with multiple downstream consequences for both apoptosis and K+ homeostasis.