951 resultados para Cattle -- Feeding and feeds


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To evaluate the effects of distinct management of the matrix in which forest fragments are found upon plant populations thriving in forest remnants in south Brazil, we assessed the conservation status of populations of four woody species (Campomanesia rhombea, Diospyros incontans, Myrciaria cuspidata and Sebastiania commersoniana) through analyses of size structure. Analyzes were carried out at two scales. At a local scale, we consider populations in fragments surrounded by pastures or eucalypts forest plantations, and at a regional scale we also consider larger forest tracts taken as reference areas (Rio Grande do Sul Forest Inventory databank). Population size structures were summarized using the symmetry of height distributions. Small individual size classes prevailed at the local scale in fragments surrounded by eucalypts plantations, whereas in areas exposed to cattle ranching, populations of the same species consistently lack small individuals. At the regional scale, populations in fragments surrounded by pastures presented greater skewness (prevalence of small plants) than populations in reference areas, while populations surrounded by eucalypts plantations presented intermediate skewness. These results reinforce the notion that plantations have a higher conservation value for forest ecosystems than other commercial land uses, like cattle ranching. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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No presente estudo foram realizados experimentos sobre alimentação, com a espécie de camarão de água doce Macrobrachium equidens. Foram, testados o tipo de alimento e a densidade de alimento adequada para o desenvolvimento das larvas. Para o experimento sobre o tipo de alimento, 8 tratamentos foram realizados: (I) inanição, (AL) microalgas, (RO) rotíferos, (NA) náuplios de Artemia, (RO + NA) rotíferos + Artemia, (AL + RO) microalgas + rotíferos, (AL + NA) microalgas + Artemia, (AL + RO + NA) microalgas + rotíferos + Artemia. Para o experimento sobre a densidade de alimento, foi utilizado o tipo de alimento que resultou em uma elevada taxa de sobrevivência no experimento anterior. Três tratamentos foram realizados: 4, 8 e 16 náuplios de Artemia/mL. A taxa de alimentação durante o desenvolvimento das larvas foi observada. A sobrevivência, o peso e o percentual de juvenis de cada experimento de alimentação foram determinados. Foi identificado que as larvas de M. equidens são carnívoras, no entanto, houve uma seletividade do tipo de alimento, pois as larvas concluíram o seu ciclo de zoea para a fase de juvenil somente quando os náuplios de Artemia foram disponibilizados. Verificouse também que as larvas se alimentam preferencialmente durante o período diurno, e são oportunistas em relação à densidade do alimento ofertado.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Rickettsia rickettsii is an obligate intracellular tick-borne bacterium that causes Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF), the most lethal spotted fever rickettsiosis. When an infected starving tick begins blood feeding from a vertebrate host, R. rickettsii is exposed to a temperature elevation and to components in the blood meal. These two environmental stimuli have been previously associated with the reactivation of rickettsial virulence in ticks, but the factors responsible for this phenotype conversion have not been completely elucidated. Using customized oligonucleotide microarrays and high-throughput microfluidic qRT-PCR, we analyzed the effects of a 10 degrees C temperature elevation and of a blood meal on the transcriptional profile of R. rickettsii infecting the tick Amblyomma aureolatum. This is the first study of the transcriptome of a bacterium in the genus Rickettsia infecting a natural tick vector. Although both stimuli significantly increased bacterial load, blood feeding had a greater effect, modulating five-fold more genes than the temperature upshift. Certain components of the Type IV Secretion System (T4SS) were up-regulated by blood feeding. This suggests that this important bacterial transport system may be utilized to secrete effectors during the tick vector's blood meal. Blood feeding also up-regulated the expression of antioxidant enzymes, which might correspond to an attempt by R. rickettsii to protect itself against the deleterious effects of free radicals produced by fed ticks. The modulated genes identified in this study, including those encoding hypothetical proteins, require further functional analysis and may have potential as future targets for vaccine development.


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Colostrum feeding and glucocorticoid administration affect glucose metabolism and insulin release in calves. We have tested the hypothesis that dexamethasone as well as colostrum feeding influence insulin-dependent glucose metabolism in neonatal calves using the euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp technique. Newborn calves were fed either colostrum or a milk-based formula (n=14 per group) and in each feeding group, half of the calves were treated with dexamethasone (30 microg/[kg body weight per day]). Preprandial blood samples were taken on days 1, 2, and 4. On day 5, insulin was infused for 3h and plasma glucose concentrations were kept at 5 mmol/L+/-10%. Clamps were combined with [(13)C]-bicarbonate and [6,6-(2)H]-glucose infusions for 5.5h (i.e., from -150 to 180 min, relative to insulin infusion) to determine glucose turnover, glucose appearance rate (Ra), endogenous glucose production (eGP), and gluconeogenesis before and at the end of the clamp. After the clamp liver biopsies were taken to measure mRNA levels of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) and pyruvate carboxylase (PC). Dexamethasone increased plasma glucose, insulin, and glucagon concentrations in the pre-clamp period thus necessitating a reduction in the rate of glucose infusion to maintain euglycemia during the clamp. Glucose turnover and Ra increased during the clamp and were lower at the end of the clamp in dexamethasone-treated calves. Dexamethasone treatment did not affect basal gluconeogenesis or eGP. At the end of the clamp, dexamethasone reduced eGP and PC mRNA levels, whereas mitochondrial PEPCK mRNA levels increased. In conclusion, insulin increased glucose turnover and dexamethasone impaired insulin-dependent glucose metabolism, and this was independent of different feeding.


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Futures did reduce price risk. Hedging produced a higher minimum return and higher return at the 25th percentile (75% of the returns are better than this figure) than did the cash market. The 50th percentile, or median return, was higher for yearlings in the cash market than hedged cattle, and the calves had mixed results. Although the differences are not great, there have been months when the option strategies performed better than cash or futures, (i.e., January–April and September–October), and there are months when they did not fare well (i.e., June–August).


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The parasitic protists in the genus Tritrichomonas cause significant disease in domestic cattle and cats. To assess the genetic diversity of feline and bovine isolates of Tritrichomonas foetus (Riedmüller, 1928) Wenrich and Emmerson, 1933, we used 10 different genetic regions, namely the protein coding genes of cysteine proteases 1, 2 and 4-9 (CP1, 2, 4-9) involved in the pathogenesis of the disease caused by the parasite. The cytosolic malate dehydrogenase 1 (MDH1) and internal transcribed spacer region 2 of the rDNA unit (ITS2) were included as additional markers. The gene sequences were compared with those of Tritrichomonas suis (Davaine, 1875) Morgan and Hawkins, 1948 and Tritrichomonas mobilensisCulberson et al., 1986. The study revealed 100% identity for all 10 genes among all feline isolates (=T. foetus cat genotype), 100% identity among all bovine isolates (=T. foetus cattle genotype) and a genetic distinctness of 1% between the cat and cattle genotypes of T. foetus. The cattle genotype of T. foetus was 100% identical to T. suis at nine loci (CP1, 2, 4-8, ITS2, MDH1). At CP9, three out of four T. suis isolates were identical to the T. foetus cattle genotype, while the T. suis isolate SUI-H3B sequence contained a single unique nucleotide substitution. Tritrichomonas mobilensis was 0.4% and 0.7% distinct from the cat and cattle genotypes of T. foetus, respectively. The genetic differences resulted in amino acid changes in the CP genes, most pronouncedly in CP2, potentially providing a platform for elucidation of genotype-specific host-pathogen interactions of T. foetus. On the basis of this data we judge T. suis and T. foetus to be subjective synonyms. For the first time, on objective nomenclatural grounds, the authority of T. suis is given to Davaine, 1875, rather than the commonly cited Gruby and Delafond, 1843. To maintain prevailing usage of T. foetus, we are suppressing the senior synomym T. suisDavaine, 1875 according to Article 23.9, because it has never been used as a valid name after 1899 and T. foetus is widely discussed as the cause of bovine trichomonosis. Thus bovine, feline and porcine isolates should all be given the name T. foetus. This promotes the stability of T. foetus for the veterinary and economically significant venereal parasite causing bovine trichomonosis.


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Harpacticoid Microsetella norvegica was fed with 5 concentrations of aggregates, collected from the station 1 (experiment 1) or from station 2 (experiment 2). The aggregates at station 1 were of phytoplankton origin and consisted mainly of Phaeocystis sp. and radiolarians; aggregates at station 2 were detritus collected from deep Mocness tows. M. norvegica was starved in filtered sea water for > 12 h, after which it was incubated together with aggregates for 8 h. After the incubation, pellets were counted and Microsetella and remaining aggregates were counted and measured. Pellet production of M. norvegica reflects feeding so that when pellet production is plotted against aggregate concentration, a functional response can be obtained.


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Recently, it has been suggested that there are conditions under which some coral species appear to be resistant to the effects of ocean acidification. To test if such resistance can be explained by environmental factors such as light and food availability, the present study investigated the effect of 3 feeding regimes crossed with 2 light levels on the response of the coral Porites rus to 2 levels of pCO2 at 28 °C. After 1, 2, and 3 weeks of incubation under experimental conditions, none of the factors-including pCO2-significantly affected area-normalized calcification and biomass-normalized calcification. Biomass also was unaffected during the first 2 weeks, but after 3 weeks, corals that were fed had more biomass per unit area than starved corals. These results suggest that P. rus is resistant to short-term exposure to high pCO2, regardless of food availability and light intensity. P. rus might therefore represent a model system for exploring the genetic basis of tolerance to OA.


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The metabolic rate of organisms may either be viewed as a basic property from which other vital rates and many ecological patterns emerge and that follows a universal allometric mass scaling law; or it may be considered a property of the organism that emerges as a result of the organism's adaptation to the environment, with consequently less universal mass scaling properties. Data on body mass, maximum ingestion and clearance rates, respiration rates and maximum growth rates of animals living in the ocean epipelagic were compiled from the literature, mainly from original papers but also from previous compilations by other authors. Data were read from tables or digitized from graphs. Only measurements made on individuals of know size, or groups of individuals of similar and known size were included. We show that clearance and respiration rates have life-form-dependent allometries that have similar scaling but different elevations, such that the mass-specific rates converge on a rather narrow size-independent range. In contrast, ingestion and growth rates follow a near-universal taxa-independent ~3/4 mass scaling power law. We argue that the declining mass-specific clearance rates with size within taxa is related to the inherent decrease in feeding efficiency of any particular feeding mode. The transitions between feeding mode and simultaneous transitions in clearance and respiration rates may then represent adaptations to the food environment and be the result of the optimization of tradeoffs that allow sufficient feeding and growth rates to balance mortality.


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Ocean acidification has a wide-ranging potential for impacting the physiology and metabolism of zooplankton. Sufficiently elevated CO2 concentrations can alter internal acid-base balance, compromising homeostatic regulation and disrupting internal systems ranging from oxygen transport to ion balance. We assessed feeding and nutrient excretion rates in natural populations of the keystone species Euphausia superba (Antarctic krill) by conducting a CO2 perturbation experiment at ambient and elevated atmospheric CO2 levels in January 2011 along the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP). Under elevated CO2 conditions (~672 ppm), ingestion rates of krill averaged 78 µg C/individual/d and were 3.5 times higher than krill ingestion rates at ambient, present day CO2 concentrations. Additionally, rates of ammonium, phosphate, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) excretion by krill were 1.5, 1.5, and 3.0 times higher, respectively, in the high CO2 treatment than at ambient CO2 concentrations. Excretion of urea, however, was ~17% lower in the high CO2 treatment, suggesting differences in catabolic processes of krill between treatments. Activities of key metabolic enzymes, malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), were consistently higher in the high CO2 treatment. The observed shifts in metabolism are consistent with increased physiological costs associated with regulating internal acid-base equilibria. This represents an additional stress that may hamper growth and reproduction, which would negatively impact an already declining krill population along the WAP.