981 resultados para Catalan language -- Book reviews


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Comentari del llibre Francesc Fontanella: una obra, una vida, un temps. Es tracta d’una obra miscel•lània en la que es recullen, partits en dos àmbits temàtics, un històric i un literari, 14 assaigs sobre temes que van des dels fets centrals de la Guerra dels Segadors fins a una proposta per a la realització d’una obra teatral fontanelliana


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Ressenya de la versió en llengua sarda de la novel·la 'La Plaça del Diamant' de Mercè Rodoreda, traduïda per Giagu Ledda i publicada per l'editorial Papiros l' any 2008


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Ressenya de l' edició de Ramon Díaz i Villalonga sobre l' obra literària de l'escriptor mallorquí Albert Burguny i Castellò (1707-1770)


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Comentari al llibre de Susann Fischer, 'The Catalan Clitic System: A Diachronic Perspective on its Syntax and Phonology', que segons les autores de la ressenya constitueix una bona introducció a un tema de gran interès per als estudis històrics: la posició dels pronoms àtons en català i en altres llengües romàniques


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Comentari al llibre de Susann Fischer, 'The Catalan Clitic System: A Diachronic Perspective on its Syntax and Phonology', que segons les autores de la ressenya constitueix una bona introducció a un tema de gran interès per als estudis històrics: la posició dels pronoms àtons en català i en altres llengües romàniques


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This book analyses the structure, form and language of a selected number of international and national legal instruments and reviews how an illustrative range of international and national judicial institutions have responded to the issues before them and the processes of legal reasoning engaged by them in reaching their decisions. This involves a very detailed discussion of these primary sources of international and national environmental law with a view to determining their jurisprudential architecture and the processes of reasoning expected of those responsible for implementing these architectural arrangements. This book is concerned not with the effectiveness or the quality of an environmental legal system but only with its jurisprudential characteristics and their associated processes of legal reasoning.


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Book reviews of: [1] Nicholas Crane, Mercator: The Man Who Mapped the Planet, London: Weidenfield and Nicolson, 2002, £20, ISBN: 0297646656. [2] Stephen Inwood: The Man Who Knew Too Much: The Strange and Inventive Life of Robert Hooke (1635-1703), London: Macmillan, 2002, £18.99, ISBN: 0333782860.


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Comentari del llibre Política lingüística de l’Església catalana (segles XVI-XVII). Es tracta del 4t volum de la col·lecció Història de la llengua i inclou textos ordenats cronològica i temàticament en 6 apartats


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"Glossary of Anglo-Norman and Gascon words": p. [145]-197; "Glossary of Catalan words": p. [199]-238; "Glossary of Low-German words": p. [239]-262.


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How social class factors into linguistic practices and use, language change and loss has been a major theme in postwar sociolinguistics and ethnography of communication, language planning and sociology of language. Key foci of linguistic and sociological research include the study of social class in everyday language use, media and institutional texts. A further concern is to understand the relationship between social class stratification, intergenerational social reproduction, and language variation. Bourdieu’s model of linguistic habitus and cultural capital offers a broad theoretical template for examining these relations, even as they are complicated by forces of economic and cultural globalization, new media and identity formations.


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Advances in digital technology have caused a radical shift in moving image culture. This has occurred in both modes of production and sites of exhibition, resulting in a blurring of boundaries that previously defined a range of creative disciplines. Re-Imagining Animation: The Changing Face of the Moving Image, by Paul Wells and Johnny Hardstaff, argues that as a result of these blurred disciplinary boundaries, the term “animation” has become a “catch all” for describing any form of manipulated moving image practice. Understanding animation predicates the need to (re)define the medium within contemporary moving image culture. Via a series of case studies, the book engages with a range of moving image works, interrogating “how the many and varied approaches to making film, graphics, visual artefacts, multimedia and other intimations of motion pictures can now be delineated and understood” (p. 7). The structure and clarity of content make this book ideally suited to any serious study of contemporary animation which accepts animation as a truly interdisciplinary medium.


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The editor, Gerard de Valence, points out in the preface, this book is neither a textbook nor a guide to what is done by construction managers and construction economists – read quantity surveyors and the like. Rather, de Valence notes it comprises a collection of chapters each of which focus on matters at the industry level and, in doing so, illustrates that a substantially improved understanding of the building and construction industry can be gained beyond the economics of delivering projects. Before giving some thought to how far each of the chapters achieve this, it’s worth reflecting on the virtues of developing construction economics as its own discipline or sub-discipline in general economics and the bold manner by which de Valence is proposing we do this. That is, de Valence proposes partitioning industry and project economics - as explained in the preface and in Chapter 1. de Valence’s view that “the time seems right” for these developments is also worthy of some consideration.


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Having wrung the most from workforce and workplace productivity initiaitves, innovation has come to the fore as a key goal and directive for public sector organisations to become more efficient. This clarion call for innovation can be heard all around the world, with public services everywhere taking up the message to develop better, smarter, novel, more innovative processes, programs and policies. In the current push for innovation, networks are considered to be a superior vehicle through which collective knowledge can be shared and leveraged; replacing or at least supplementing the role function previously provided by inventive leaders...


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