206 resultados para Castellani


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Using data on 5509 foreign subsidiaries established in 50 regions of 8 EU countries over the period 1991–1999, we estimate a mixed logit model of the location choice of multinational firms in Europe. In particular, we focus on the role of EU Cohesion Policy in attracting foreign investors from both within and outside Europe. We find that, after controlling for the role of agglomeration economies as well as a number of other regional and country characteristics and allowing for a very flexible correlation pattern among choices, Structural and Cohesion funds allocated by the EU to laggard regions have indeed contributed to attracting multinationals. These policies as well as other determinants play a different role in the case of European investors as opposed to non-European ones.


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This paper investigates the impact of outward foreign direct investment (FDI) by Italian multinationals on their total employment and skill composition. Specifically, by comparing data on 108 Italian manufacturing firms that became multinational (for the first time) in the period 1998–2004 with a counterfactual group of 2500 national firms that remained national in the same period, we provide descriptive and econometric evidence that the internationalisation of production activities did not reduce domestic employment in the parent companies neither for investments in developed or developing countries. As far as the skill composition is concerned, results reveal that only firms investing in Central and Eastern European countries experience some skill upgrading relative to firms that remained national.


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This paper addresses the issue of intra-industry heterogeneity and internationalisation. We show that, after controlling for sector, location, firm age and size, Italian manufacturing companies exhibit different economic and innovative performance according to their involvement in foreign activities. In particular, exporters show intermediate innovative performance between non-internationalised firms and those carrying out foreign production. Multinationals with a lower commitment to foreign markets, i.e. with non-manufacturing activities abroad only, exhibit a higher productivity than exporters but they do not appear to innovate more than the latter. Heterogeneity in productivity is robust to controlling for innovation inputs and outputs, suggesting that the difference in economic performance cannot be entirely attributed to different innovative activities, and that the involvement in international operations can be a distinct channel of knowledge accumulation.


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Recent empirical works on the within-sector impact of inward investments on domestic firms’ productivity have found rather robust evidence of no (or even negative) effects. We suggest that, among other reasons, a specification error might explain some of these results. A more general specification, which includes the usual one as a special case, is proposed. Using data on Italian manufacturing firms in 1992–2000, we find positive externalities only once we allow for the more flexible specification.


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This paper examines how different aspects of multinational experience affect the choice of international linkage strategy. Integrating transaction cost and dynamic efficiency considerations, we empirically test the determinants of the choice between acquisitions, joint ventures (JV), and strategic alliances (SA) for the world’s largest electronics corporations in 1993–1997. We show that “country specific experience” increases the probability of commitment intensive linkage modes (such as acquisitions and joint ventures), while a positive effect on strategic alliances is caused by “variety experience”, deriving from the heterogeneity of international contexts, and by “internationalisation experience” reflecting overall involvement in international markets.


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A aproximação na Bacia do Prata é um dos poucos caminhos que os países do contexto regional têm à sua disposição perante os problemas comuns. Entretanto, apesar desta convicção, durante anos as tentativas de convergência foram sobrestadas pela rivalidade brasileiro- argentina, cujas origens remontam à secular disputa geopolítica mantida na região desde a época da dominação luso-espanhola. E, a partir de meados do século passado, conflitos advindos da exploração do potencial fluvial daquela com finalidades hidrelétricas somaram-se aos antagonismos históricos. O presente trabalho analisa o contencioso binacional que decorre da decisão brasileira de construir a Hidrelétrica de Itaipu à revelia dos projetos argentinos para aproveitamento dos recursos propiciados pelo Rio Paraná. A conseqüente crise perdura por mais de uma década, durante a qual a hipótese de confronto armado está sempre presente e as políticas dos países são baseadas na correlação de forças a nível regional; esta, na época, é claramente favorável ao Brasil. Finalmente, como resultado de um longo processo de negociações, é assinado o Acordo Tripartite Itaipu-Corpus, que equaciona o problema da utilização dos recursos hídricos e permite que Brasil e Argentina iniciem uma nova etapa nas suas relações recíprocas, caracterizada pela superação das antigas tensões. Deste modo, as notas diplomáticas trocadas pelos signatários em 19 de outubro de 1979 representam um marco simbólico, ponto de inflexão entre a disputa geopolítica e a política de cooperação, o qual é alcançado apesar dos países envolvidos serem governados por regimes militares de exceção.


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O objetivo do trabalho foi caracterizar a morfologia do fruto e da semente de três espécies florestais nativas do Brasil, Solanum granuloso-leprosum Dunal, S. lycocarpum A.St.-Hil. e S. pseudoquina A.St.-Hil., recomendadas para plantações destinadas à recuperação de áreas degradadas. Os frutos são indeiscentes, carnosos, do tipo baga, globosos, polispérmicos e constituídos por dois ou mais lóculos. As sementes são estenospérmicas, campilótropas, elipsóides, comprimidas, apresentando seção longitudinal largo-ovalada ou achatado-ovalada e seção transversal elíptica. Hilo mediano-marginal localizado em uma depressão e micrópila arredondada. Sementes albuminosas, com endosperma abundante, periférico, carnoso-firme, semitransparente e de coloração esbranquiçada. Embrião axial, linear, contínuo e curvado. em Solanum lycocarpum e S. pseudoquina o embrião é circinado e em S. granuloso-leprosum é espiralado.