994 resultados para Cashew nuts chain


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Background & aims: - Excess adiposity (overweight) is one of numerous risk factors for cardiometabolic disease. Most risk reduction strategies for overweight rely on weight loss through dietary energy restriction. However, since the evidence base for long-term successful weight loss interventions is scant, it is important to identify strategies for risk reduction independent of weight loss. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of isoenergetic substitution of dietary saturated fat (SFA) with monounsaturated fat (MUFA) via macadamia nuts on coronary risk compared to usual diet in overweight adults. Methods: - A randomised controlled trial design, maintaining usual energy intake, but manipulating dietary lipid profile in a group of 64 (54 female, 10 male) overweight (BMI > 25), otherwise healthy, subjects. For the intervention group, energy intakes of usual (baseline) diets were calculated from multiple 3 day diet diaries, and SFA was replaced with MUFA (target: 50%E from fat as MUFA) by altering dietary SFA sources and adding macadamia nuts to the diet. Both control and intervention groups received advice on national guidelines for physical activity and adhered to the same protocol for diet diary record keeping and trial consultations. Anthropometric and clinical measures were taken at baseline and at 10 weeks. Results: A significant increase in brachial artery flow-mediated dilation (p < 0.05) was seen in the monounsaturated diet group at week 10 compared to baseline. This corresponded to significant decreases in waist circumference, total cholesterol (p < 0.05), plasma leptin and ICAM-1 (p < 0.01). Conclusions: - In patient subgroups where adherence to dietary energy-reduction is poor, isoenergetic interventions may improve endothelial function and other coronary risk factors without changes in body weight. This trial was registered with the Australia New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry (ACTRN12607000106437).


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Increasing global competition, rapid technological changes, advances in manufacturing and information technology and discerning customers are forcing supply chains to adopt improvement practices that enable them to deliver high quality products at a lower cost and in a shorter period of time. A lean initiative is one of the most effective approaches toward achieving this goal. In the lean improvement process, it is critical to measure current and desired performance level in order to clearly evaluate the lean implementation efforts. Many attempts have tried to measure supply chain performance incorporating both quantitative and qualitative measures but failed to provide an effective method of measuring improvements in performances for dynamic lean supply chain situations. Therefore, the necessity of appropriate measurement of lean supply chain performance has become imperative. There are many lean tools available for supply chains; however, effectiveness of a lean tool depends on the type of the product and supply chain. One tool may be highly effective for a supply chain involved in high volume products but may not be effective for low volume products. There is currently no systematic methodology available for selecting appropriate lean strategies based on the type of supply chain and market strategy This thesis develops an effective method to measure the performance of supply chain consisting of both quantitative and qualitative metrics and investigates the effects of product types and lean tool selection on the supply chain performance Supply chain performance matrices and the effects of various lean tools over performance metrics mentioned in the SCOR framework have been investigated. A lean supply chain model based on the SCOR metric framework is then developed where non- lean and lean as well as quantitative and qualitative metrics are incorporated in appropriate metrics. The values of appropriate metrics are converted into triangular fuzzy numbers using similarity rules and heuristic methods. Data have been collected from an apparel manufacturing company for multiple supply chain products and then a fuzzy based method is applied to measure the performance improvements in supply chains. Using the fuzzy TOPSIS method, which chooses an optimum alternative to maximise similarities with positive ideal solutions and to minimise similarities with negative ideal solutions, the performances of lean and non- lean supply chain situations for three different apparel products have been evaluated. To address the research questions related to effective performance evaluation method and the effects of lean tools over different types of supply chains; a conceptual framework and two hypotheses are investigated. Empirical results show that implementation of lean tools have significant effects over performance improvements in terms of time, quality and flexibility. Fuzzy TOPSIS based method developed is able to integrate multiple supply chain matrices onto a single performance measure while lean supply chain model incorporates qualitative and quantitative metrics. It can therefore effectively measure the improvements for supply chain after implementing lean tools. It is demonstrated that product types involved in the supply chain and ability to select right lean tools have significant effect on lean supply chain performance. Future study can conduct multiple case studies in different contexts.


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The absorptive capacity of organisations is one of the key drivers of innovation performance in any industry. This research seeks to refine our understanding of the relationship between absorptive capacity and innovation performance, with a focus on characterising the absorptive capacity of the different participant groups within the Australian road industry supply chain. One of the largest and most comprehensive surveys ever undertaken of innovation in road construction was completed in 2011 by the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), based on the Australian road industry. The survey of over 200 construction industry participants covered four sectors, comprising suppliers (manufacturers and distributors), consultants (engineering consultants), contractors (head and subcontractors) and clients (state government road agencies). The survey measured the absorptive capacity and innovation activity exhibited by organisations within each of these participant groups, using the perceived importance of addressing innovation obstacles as a proxy for innovation activity. One of the key findings of the survey is about the impact of participant competency on product innovation activity. The survey found that the absorptive capacity of industry participants had a significant and positive relationship with innovation activity. Regarding the distribution of absorptive capacity, the results indicate that suppliers are more likely to have high levels of absorptive capacity than the other participant groups, with 32% of suppliers showing high absorptive capacity, ahead of contractors (18%), consultants (11%), and clients (7%). These results support the findings of previous studies in the literature and suggest the importance of policies to enhance organisational learning, particularly in relation to openness to new product ideas.


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Franchising has become a way to minimise the risks of small business management. There has been little research into the factors that promote franchise relationship success. This study attempts to empirically examine the important elements (relationship quality, customer loyalty and cooperation), which might promote a successful long-term franchising relationship between franchisors and franchisees within the context of convenience stores in Taiwan. A model of these relationships was developed and tested. A total of 500 surveys were mailed to a random sample of convenience stores’ franchisee owners among the four main franchisors in Taiwan. The results show that relationship quality positively influences the cooperation between franchisors and franchisees and is positively correlated with franchisee loyalty. Additionally, the cooperative behaviour between franchisees and franchisors is significantly associated with franchisees’ loyalty.


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Learning and memory depend on signaling mole- cules that affect synaptic efficacy. The cytoskeleton has been implicated in regulating synaptic transmission but its role in learning and memory is poorly understood. Fear learning depends on plasticity in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala. We therefore examined whether the cytoskeletal-regulatory protein, myosin light chain kinase, might contribute to fear learning in the rat lateral amygdala. Microinjection of ML-7, a specific inhibitor of myosin light chain kinase, into the lateral nucleus of the amygdala before fear conditioning, but not immediately afterward, enhanced both short-term memory and long-term memory, suggesting that myosin light chain kinase is involved specifically in memory acquisition rather than in posttraining consolidation of memory. Myosin light chain kinase inhibitor had no effect on memory retrieval. Furthermore, ML-7 had no effect on behavior when the train- ing stimuli were presented in a non-associative manner. An- atomical studies showed that myosin light chain kinase is present in cells throughout lateral nucleus of the amygdala and is localized to dendritic shafts and spines that are postsynaptic to the projections from the auditory thalamus to lateral nucleus of the amygdala, a pathway specifically impli- cated in fear learning. Inhibition of myosin light chain kinase enhanced long-term potentiation, a physiological model of learning, in the auditory thalamic pathway to the lateral nu- cleus of the amygdala. When ML-7 was applied without as- sociative tetanic stimulation it had no effect on synaptic responses in lateral nucleus of the amygdala. Thus, myosin light chain kinase activity in lateral nucleus of the amygdala appears to normally suppress synaptic plasticity in the cir- cuits underlying fear learning, suggesting that myosin light chain kinase may help prevent the acquisition of irrelevant fears. Impairment of this mechanism could contribute to pathological fear learning.


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This article investigates the extent to which the purported greening of food retailing and consumption in Australia is consistent with the development of a corporate-environmental food regime. Recent developments in food regime theory, particularly the concept of an emerging third food regime (the so-called ‘corporate-environmental food regime’), provide a useful organizing framework for understanding recent agri-restructuring trends. We find that, while a globally based, third food regime is becoming more apparent, the attributes that relate to corporate retail-driven greening of the supply chain are less evident within Australia’s domestic market than in its EU counterparts. However, there is some evidence that Australia’s export market is subject to some degree of ‘greening at a distance’ due to private regulations imposed by supermarkets overseas. We argue that while broader agri-restructuring trends may be evident at an international level, elements of greening specific to national contexts are important for determining the trajectory of any third food regime.


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Standard Monte Carlo (sMC) simulation models have been widely used in AEC industry research to address system uncertainties. Although the benefits of probabilistic simulation analyses over deterministic methods are well documented, the sMC simulation technique is quite sensitive to the probability distributions of the input variables. This phenomenon becomes highly pronounced when the region of interest within the joint probability distribution (a function of the input variables) is small. In such cases, the standard Monte Carlo approach is often impractical from a computational standpoint. In this paper, a comparative analysis of standard Monte Carlo simulation to Markov Chain Monte Carlo with subset simulation (MCMC/ss) is presented. The MCMC/ss technique constitutes a more complex simulation method (relative to sMC), wherein a structured sampling algorithm is employed in place of completely randomized sampling. Consequently, gains in computational efficiency can be made. The two simulation methods are compared via theoretical case studies.


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The present article gives an overview of the reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) process. RAFT is one of the most versatile living radical polymerization systems and yields polymers of predictable chain length and narrow molecular weight distribution. RAFT relies on the rapid exchange of thiocarbonyl thio groups between growing polymeric chains. The key strengths of the RAFT process for polymer design are its high tolerance of monomer functionality and reaction conditions, the wide range of well-controlled polymeric architectures achievable, and its (in-principle) non-rate-retarding nature. This article introduces the mechanism of polymerization, the range of polymer molecular weights achievable, the range of monomers in which polymerization is controlled by RAFT, the various polymeric architectures that can be obtained, the type of end-group functionalities available to RAFT-made polymers, and the process of RAFT polymerization.


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Aim To establish the suitability of multiplex tandem polymerase chain reaction (MT-PCR) for rapid identification of oestrogen receptor (ER) and Her-2 status using a single, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) breast tumour section. Methods Tissue sections from 29 breast tumours were analysed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). RNA extracted from 10μm FFPE breast tumour sections from 24 of 29 tumours (14 ER positive and 5 Her-2 positive) was analysed by MT-PCR. After establishing a correlation between IHC and/or FISH and MT-PCR results, the ER/Her-2 status of a further 32 randomly selected, archival breast tumour specimens was established by MT-PCR in a blinded fashion, and compared to IHC/FISH results. Results MT-PCR levels of ER and Her-2 showed good concordance with IHC and FISH results. Furthermore, among the ER positive tumours, MT-PCR provided a quantitative score with a high dynamic range. Threshold values obtained from this data set applied to 32 archival tumour specimens showed that tumours strongly positive for ER and/or Her-2 expression were easily identified by MT-PCR. Conclusion MT-PCR can provide rapid, sensitive and cost-effective analysis of FFPE material and may prove useful as triage to identify patients suited to endocrine or trastuzumab (Herceptin) treatment.


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The preventive maintenance of traction equipment for Very High Speed Trains (VHST) nowadays is becoming very expensive owing to the high complexity and quality of these components that require high reliability. An efficient maintenance approach like the Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) should be implemented to reduce the costs. For this purpose, an experimental full-scale test rig for the CBM of VHST traction equipment has been designed to investigate in detail failures in the main mechanical components of system, i.e. motor, bearings and gearbox. The paper describes the main characteristics of this unique test rig, able to reproduce accurately the train operating conditions, including the relative movements of the motor, the gearbox and the wheel axle. Gearbox, bearing seats and motor are equipped by accelerometers, thermocouples, torque meter and other sensors in different positions. The testing results give important information about the most suitable sensor position and type to be installed for each component and show the effectiveness of the techniques used for the signal analysis in order to identify faults of the gearbox and motor bearings.


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This thesis examined the delay causes of Malaysian public sector projects. Using a systematic approach, the researcher identified the main delay factors and categorised them into pathogens. The pathogens were matched with beneficial Supply Chain Management (SCM) tools and developed into a holistic SCM framework to facilitate improvements in Malaysian public sector projects. The researcher concluded that SCM is the potential saviour for the delay dilemma and that it is necessary for the Malaysian government to initiate the revolutionary practice.


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Pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4(2H,5H)-dione or diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) is a useful electron-withdrawing fused aromatic moiety for the preparation of donor-acceptor polymers as active semiconductors for organic electronics. This study uses a DPP-furan-containing building block, 3,6-di(furan-2-yl)pyrrolo[3,4- c]pyrrole-1,4(2H,5H)-dione (DBF), to couple with a 2,2′-bithiophene unit, forming a new donor-acceptor copolymer, PDBFBT. Compared to its structural analogue, 3,6-di(thiophen-2-yl)pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4(2H,5H)-dione (DBT), DBF is found to cause blue shifts of the absorption spectra both in solution and in thin films and a slight reduction of the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) energy level of the resulting PDBFBT. Despite the fact that its thin films are less crystalline and have a rather disordered chain orientation in the crystalline domains, PDBFBT shows very high hole mobility up to 1.54 cm 2 V-1 s-1 in bottom-gate, top-contact organic thin film transistors.