974 resultados para Caries dental.
Objective: This study evaluated the effectiveness of proximal contacts in Class II restorations using two types of matrix bands (steel and polyester) with two different restoration techniques (incremental and with prepolymerized particles). Method and materials: Eighty-eight Class II adjacent restorations using Prodigy resin composite were performed: 44 with the incremental technique (22 with steel matrix bands, 22 with polyester matrix bands) and 44 utilizing prepolymerized resin particles (22 steel matrix, 22 polyester matrix). The restorations were clinically evaluated at baseline and at 6, 12, and 18 months. Proximal contacts obtained immediately after restoration procedure in all restorations were satisfactory. Results: No statistically significant alterations were found in 18 months of evaluation. Conclusion: Regardless of the utilized resin composite, there were no differences in the amount of proximal contact variations with respect to tested techniques and matrices.
Caries of primary incisors is a common problem in paediatric dentistry in some countries. The restoration of primary incisors which have been severely damaged by early childhood caries or trauma is also a difficult challenge for clinicians. This case report describes an indirect technique for the restoration of primary anterior teeth using composite resin reinforced with a fibreglass post. Over a one-year period, the crowns have demonstrated good retention and aesthetic results. The restorations were provided in two short chair-side sections, with satisfactory patient cooperation. © 2005 BSPD and IAPD.
This paper reports on a 4-year-old male who had dyskeratosis congenita and who acquired severe aplastic anemia. The patient developed hyperpigmentation of the face, neck and chest region, arms, shoulders and legs. In addition, he had dry skin, deformed fingernails and toenails, sparse hair and eyebrows and hyperkeratosis of the dorsum of the hands and feet. Laboratory and histological analysis revealed severe pancytopenia and dyserythropoiesis of red blood cells, hypocellularity of white blood cells and decreased megakaryocytes with dysplasia. The intraoral examination identified bleeding gums; petechiae of the palate, tongue and cheek mucosa; and an atrophic, smooth and shining dorsal surface of the tongue. There were deep carious lesions in the deciduous mandibular molars and maxillary anterior teeth; as well as mobility of mandibular left canine, which had bone loss. The treatment for oral lesions included diet changes, improved oral hygiene, and extraction of the deciduous teeth destroyed by caries.
Objetives: The aim of this study was to verify the anticariogenic effect of acidulate solutions with low NaF concentration, using pH-cycling model and bovine enamel. Material and methods: Enamel blocks were submitted to the surface microhardness (SMH) test and randomly divided in 12 experimental and one placebo groups. The blocks were submitted to pH cycling for 7 days, with daily applications once/day of 0.05% NaF and 0.1% NaF and twice/day of 0.02% NaF solutions. Four different pH: 4.0. 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 were used. Next, SMH test was again used to determine the surface microhardness percentage change (%SMH). Data obtained for %SMH were homogeneous and passed through variance analyses and Tukey's test (5%) as far as fluoride concentrations and pH. Resulls:The results showed that pH influenced %SMH in 0.02% NaF and 0.05% NaF solutions with pH 4.0, which had less mineral loss compared to pH 7.0 (p̃0.05). The 0.02% NaF - pH 4.0, and 0.05% NaF- pH 7.0 groups showed similar results (p>0.05). A dose-response relationship was observed among the tested solutions, with better anticariogenic effect for the 0.1% NaF solution. Conclusion: The results suggest that the addition of citric acid to acidulate mouth rinses reduce mineral loss.
This study carried out an in vitro evaluation and comparison of the occurrence of marginal leakage in bonded restorations using mechanical or chemical-mechanical (Carisolv) removal of carious tissue. For that purpose, 40 extracted decayed human molars were divided into 4 groups: GI (burs + Prime & Bond NT + TPH), GII (Carisolv + Prime & Bond NT + TPH), GIII (burs + SBMP + Z100) and GIV (Carisolv + SBMP + Z100). After accomplishment of the restorations and thermal cycling, the teeth were exposed to dye, sectioned and qualitatively evaluated. The results demonstrated that the system of removal of carious tissue did not influence the results of microleakage at any of the cavity margins. At dentinal margins, use of the Prime & Bond NT + TPH restorative system allowed the occurrence of less microleakage than the SBMP + Z100 system.
This in vivo experimental study evaluated the efficacy of fluoride-releasing elastomers in the control of Streptococcus mutans levels in the oral cavity. Forty orthodontic patients were recruited and divided into two groups of 20. Fluoride-releasing elastomeric ligature ties (Fluor-I-Ties, Ortho Arch Co. Inc., USA) were used in the experimental group, and conventional elastomeric ligature ties (D. Morelli, Brazil), in the control group. Two initial samples of saliva were collected at a 14-day interval to determine the number of colony forming units (CFU) of Streptococcus mutans. Immediately after collecting the second sample, fluoride-releasing elastomeric ligature ties were placed in the patients of the experimental group, and conventional ligature ties, in the patients of the control group. Seven, 14 and 28 days after placement of the elastomeric ligature ties, saliva and plaque surrounding the orthodontic appliance were collected for microbiologic analysis. There were no significant differences in the number of Streptococcus mutans CFUs in saliva or plaque in the area surrounding the fluoride-releasing or conventional elastomeric ligature ties. Thus, fluoride-releasing elastomeric ligature ties should not be indicated to reduce the incidence of enamel decalcification in orthodontic patients. Since there was no significant reduction in S. mutans in saliva or plaque, other means of prevention against enamel decalcification should be indicated for these patients.
This in situ study investigated, using scanning electron microscopy, the effect of stimulated saliva on the enamel surface of bovine and human substrates submitted to erosion followed by brushing abrasion immediately or after one hour. During 2 experimental 7-day crossover phases, 9 previously selected volunteers wore intraoral palatal devices, with 12 enamel specimens (6 human and 6 bovine). In the first phase, the volunteers immersed the device for 5 minutes in 150 ml of a cola drink, 4 times a day (8h00, 12h00, 16h00 and 20h00). Immediately after the immersions, no treatment was performed in 4 specimens (ERO), 4 other specimens were immediately brushed (0 min) using a fluoride dentifrice and the device was replaced into the mouth. After 60 min, the other 4 specimens were brushed. In the second phase, the procedures were repeated but, after the immersions, the volunteers stimulated the salivary flow rate by chewing a sugar-free gum for 30 min. Enamel superficial alterations of all specimens were then evaluated using a scanning electron microscope. Enamel prism core dissolution was seen on the surfaces submitted to erosion, while on those submitted to erosion and to abrasion (both at 0 and 60 min) a more homogeneous enamel surface was observed, probably due to the removal of the altered superficial prism layer. For all the other variables - enamel substrate and salivary stimulation the microscopic pattern of the enamel specimens was similar.
This study aims to the understanding of adolescents regarding oral health, using the Focus Group technique. The study was conducted at three public schools in the city of Araçatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil, with ten students in each. In order to conduct the focus groups, the following words, which featured high error levels, were addressed in survey questions on oral health: oral health; plaque, permanent teeth; fluoride; gum bleeds?; dental floss; transmission of cavities. During the discussions in the focus groups, it was observed that many teenagers were surprised at the situation to which they were submitted and at the topic they were discussing. The word 'oral health' was associated with the condition of cleanliness of the oral cavity, not identifying oral health as part of general health. The term 'transmission of cavities' did not have a sufficient understanding. The term 'permanent tooth' was well understood and was associated with a type of tooth that would not be replaced. The word 'fluoride' had more association with the task of cleaning than protection of the teeth. It is concluded that the use of the focus group technique is of great importance in the interpretation of the knowledge of adolescents on oral health and the appropriateness of the terminology of questionnaires on the same subject.
This randomized clinical trial sought to evaluate the performance of two packable composites over a period of 36 months. A total of 39 Class I and II restorations were placed in the permanent teeth of 20 patients. Using United States Public Health Services criteria, two investigators evaluated the restorations immediately after placement and again after 12 and 36 months, examining color match, marginal discoloration, marginal integrity, recurrent caries, proximal contact, anatomical shape, surface texture, and postoperative sensitivity. It was concluded that the packable composites evaluated showed satisfactory clinical performance after three years.
This study proposes a pH-cycling model for verifying the dose-response relationship in fluoride-releasing materials on remineralization in vitro. Sixty bovine enamel blocks were selected for the surface microhardness test (SMH 1). Artificial caries lesions were induced and surface microhardness test (SMH 2) was performed. Forty-eight specimens were prepared with Z 100, Fluroshield, Vitremer and Vitremer 1/4 diluted - powder/liquid, and subjected to a pH-cycling model to promote remineralization. After pH-cycling, final surface microhardness (SMH 3) was assessed to calculate percent recovery of surface microhardness (%SMH R). Fluoride present in enamel (μg F/mm 3) and in the pH-cycling solutions (μg F) was measured. Cross-sectional microhardness was used to calculate mineral content (ΔZ). There was no significant difference between Z 100 and control groups on analysis performed on - %SMH R, ΔZ, μ F and μ F/mm 3 (p>0.05). Results showed a positive correlation between %SMH R and μg F/mm 3 (r=0.9770; p=0.004), %SMH R and μg F (r=0.9939; p=0.0000001), DZ and μg F/mm 3 (r=0.9853; p=0.0002), ΔZ and μg F (r=0.9975; p=0.0000001) and between μg F/mm 3 and μg F (r=0.9819; p=0.001). The pH-cycling model proposed was able to verify in vitro dose-response relationship of fluoride-releasing materials on remineralization.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of maintenance therapy with or without the use of 0.12% chlorhexidine in the periodontal tissues of patients with diabetes mellitus who had carious lesions restored with composed resin. Twenty patients were selected, all of whom had diabetes mellitus in addition to carious cervical lesions in previously treated teeth. After 90 days, improvement in plaque and gingival indices and probing depth were noticed among patients in the group that received 0.12% chlorhexidine.
With the arrival of self-etch adhesives systems, there has been a rise in interest among clinicians, making it imperative for health professionals to have knowledge of the properties, characteristics, the association as well as the dental structures of these materials, in order to select them and use them correctly. The self-etch adhesive systems show good values of bond strength, microleakage and performance, and have therefore become an option in direct adhesive restorations. In the regard, this case study aims to describe the technique involving the use of selfetch adhesives system for direct restoration of anterior teeth.
Ewing sarcoma is a common primary bone malignancy occurring in childhood and adolescence. This case report describes a 4-year-old female patient who had Ewing sarcoma in the left clavicular region. The patient underwent total excision of the left clavicle and subsequently developed periodontitis and multiple carious lesions after chemotherapy. Caries risk and salivary flow rate tests were performed, followed by periodontal treatment, topical fluoride application, restoration of caries, and oral hygiene instruction. The care of this patient demonstrates that an interdisciplinary approach is essential to eliminate all foci of infection, minimize morbidity, and improve the patient's general health before, during, and after oncological treatment. © 2012 Special Care Dentistry Association and Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)