887 resultados para Caregivers
Objectives: To identify the reasons why the informal caregivers to take care of the elderly; to identify enjoyed support and the problems/needs senses. Methods: A descriptive, exploratory and cross study. The sample was 366 informal caregivers of the elderly residents in the District of Évora (Alentejo). Applied a questionnaire, which identified the reasons that led to cohabitation, the difficulties experienced by caregivers, experienced changes in their health and support they receive. Results: Most caregivers are women, with a mean age of 54 years. The main reason of care was elderly disease. These caregivers have changed in relaxation and leisure activities, on the organization of day-to-day and on economic aspects. They receive support from health institutions, social security and firemen’s. Conclusions: Family is the support in the disease, despite the difficulties, particularly in relaxation and leisure activities, organization of day-to-day and economic matters. They requested support in healthcare, transportation and economic aid.
Aphasia is a chronic acquired communication disorder that may change people with aphasia (PWA) and their caregivers’ lives for ever. Social and emotional changes are frequently reported by both, although the impact of these changes in quality of life (QOL) needs further research. This study identifies predictors and variables that influence PWA’s and their caregivers’ QOL and social relationships (SR). A cross-sectional descriptive, correlational and comparative study was undertaken with 255 individuals from Portuguese general population (mean age 43 years, range 25-84 years; 148 females, 107 males), 25 PWA (mean age 54 years, range 20-71; 12 females and 13 males), and 25 caregivers (mean age 51 years, range 26-73; 17 females and 8 males). All the participants completed the World Health Quality of Life Bref instrument, the SR domain of the World Health Organization Quality of Life – 100 scale, and the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Participants with aphasia completed the Lisbon Aphasia Assessment Battery, Barthel Index, Frenchay Activities Index, Communication Disability Profile and the Modified Mini-Mental State which evaluated language disability, aphasia coefficient, activities, participation and cognition. In addition, caregivers completed the Carers’ Assessment of Managing Index to assess coping strategies. PWA and their caregivers are less satisfied with their QOL and SR than Portuguese general population; whereas PWA have the worse QOL and SR. Thus, aphasia seems to impact negatively in their QOL and SR. Emotional status has great importance for QOL and SR among the three groups. PWA’s activities and participation have great impact in both PWA’s and caregivers’ QOL and SR. Additionally, emotional status and participation are the best predictors of PWA’s QOL. Along with these two variables, activities of the PWA are the best predictors of caregivers’ QOL. Participation is the best predictor of PWA’s SR; emotional status and number of cohabitants are best predictors for caregivers’ SR. Aphasia assessment and intervention should take into account all the factors that influence PWA’s and caregivers’ QOL and SR so the central goal of enhancing it can be achieved. These results are important for identifying and planning support needs and are useful in the orientation of the activities carried out by the service providers allowing the adjustment of health programs and policies based on people’s real life needs.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2014
This research is qualitative in nature and has explored, by means of interviews, the '^^ experiences of 10 men in their roles in caring for their spouses with Alzheimer Disease (see glossary) in their homes. Additional data were collected by attending 3 formal support group meetings and one informal meeting of a group of men who brought their wives to a support group meeting for their wives with AD. The data retrieved supported the assumption that education about the disease, utilization of formal community support services, and attendance at caregiver support groups or programs can assist healthy male caregivers in caring for their wives with AD in their homes.
Introduction: Canada’s aging population is diverse and this diversity will continue to grow for the next two decades (Government of Canada, 2002; Katz, 2005; Statistics Canada, 2010). Objective: to examine the relationship between dementia family caregivers’ traditionally-based beliefs about caregiving, their caregiving experience, and their well-being. Method: exploratory secondary data analysis of cross-sectional survey data from 76 community caregivers of persons with dementia in Ontario. Results: traditional values for caregiving was independently associated with coping resources and health status but not depression symptoms. Caregiver self-efficacy and social support both partially mediated the relationship between beliefs about caregiving and caregiver health status. Discussion: Findings from this exploratory study are consistent with stress process models of culture and caregiving. The finding that self-efficacy was associated with traditional values and that it mediated the relationship between traditional values and caregiver well-being is new to the literature.
Prevalence rates for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have increased dramatically, to the current estimation of 1 in 68 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2014). The overall intention of this project is to develop a workshop for families, and caregivers, which will enhance awareness, the importance of evidence-based practice for individuals with ASD and provide local resources that are available. This project involves a literature review of ASDs, evidence-based practice (EBP) and how it affects both families and caregivers. The literature review attempted to answer the question, what are the most popular evidence-based practices and what are the benefits in parents understanding EBP for children with ASD that are currently being utilized today. The purpose of this project is to assist families and caregivers in making well-informed decisions involving the choice of treatments that will have the most positive impact on their children with ASD.
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Objectif. L’objectif est de comprendre comment les intervenants en relation d’aide et les agents des forces de l’ordre composent avec la violence au travail et le stress lié à l’imputabilité. Un cadre théorique basé sur l’identité professionnelle est proposé afin de comprendre la modulation de la santé psychologique au travail et testé via le Professional Quality of Life des intervenants en protection de la jeunesse. Les facteurs de prédiction de la banalisation de la violence au travail et des impacts psychologiques de cette banalisation sont également étudiés. Méthodologie. Un sondage mené auprès d’un échantillon représentatif constitué de 301 intervenants en protection de la jeunesse a permis d’examiner le Professional Quality of Life. Les effets de l’exposition à la violence en milieu de travail, à l’exposition au matériel traumatique et du stress lié à l’imputabilité sur la fatigue de compassion ont été analysés à l’aide d’équation structurelle. Les effets indirects attribuables au genre, au soutien organisationnel perçu, à l’adhésion à l’identité professionnelle, aux stratégies d’adaptation et à la confiance en ses moyens pour gérer un client agressif ont été mesurés. Pour l’examen des facteurs de prédiction de la banalisation de la violence au travail, les résultats d’un sondage mené auprès de 1141 intervenants en relation d’aide et des forces de l’ordre ont été analysés à l’aide de régression linéaire. L’analyse des réponses des 376 intervenants de cet échantillon ayant rapporté avoir été perturbé par un acte de violence au travail a permis de mesurer l’impact de la banalisation sur les conséquences psychologiques suite à une victimisation au travail. Les effets indirects attribuables à la banalisation de la violence ont été mesurés. Des analyses différenciées en fonction du sexe ont également été menées. Résultats. L’exposition à la violence, le sentiment d’imputabilité et l’évitement amplifiaient la fatigue de compassion chez les intervenants en protection de la jeunesse sondés. Les attitudes masculines, l’adhésion à l’identité professionnelle, la confiance en ses moyens pour gérer les clients agressifs l’atténuaient. Quant aux facteurs de prédiction de la banalisation de la violence au travail, les participants masculins étaient plus enclins que les femmes à la normaliser. Les agents des forces de l’ordre percevaient davantage la violence comme tabou que les intervenants en relation d’aide. Les facteurs organisationnels avaient tous un effet négatif sur le tabou entourant la violence au travail. Finalement, l’âge, les victimisations antérieures, les blessures graves et percevoir la violence au travail comme un tabou augmentaient le nombre de conséquences psychologiques suite à une victimisation. Les analyses différenciées en fonction du sexe ont identifié des facteurs de prédiction spécifiques aux hommes et aux femmes. Implications. Lors de déploiement de stratégies organisationnelles afin d’aider les employés à gérer avec les stress liés au travail, les organisations doivent considérer l’identité professionnelle de leur travailleur ainsi que des différences en fonction du sexe et du genre.
Desde hace aproximadamente dos décadas, en la mayoría de los países occidentales, los acogimientos en familia extensa han entrado a formar parte de los sistemas de protección infantil, siguiendo una evolución creciente en cuanto a número y peso especifico como recurso de acogimiento. Las investigaciones sobre este fenómeno son aún recientes y escasas como también lo son los programas dirigidos a esta población. En el presente artículo presentamos los resultados de un estudio descriptivo sobre los acogimientos en familia extensa en la ciudad de Barcelona, donde se recogen datos de los principales agentes implicados en este fenómeno. Desde la perspectiva de los estudios de la calidad de vida se analizan las percepciones, evaluaciones, y satisfacción expresada, por parte de los acogedores, los niños/as acogidos y los profesionales de los Equipos de Atención a la Infancia y Adolescencia (EAIA) que se encargan del estudio y seguimiento de estos acogimientos. La investigación presenta unos resultados acordes con los estudios que actualmente se realizan en este ámbito y sienta las bases para el despliegue futuro de programas dirigidos a los acogimientos en familia extensa