964 resultados para Cardiac autonomic control


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The objective of exercise training is to initiate desirable physiological adaptations that ultimately enhance physical work capacity. Optimal training prescription requires an individualized approach, with an appropriate balance of training stimulus and recovery and optimal periodization. Recovery from exercise involves integrated physiological responses. The cardiovascular system plays a fundamental role in facilitating many of these responses, including thermoregulation and delivery/removal of nutrients and waste products. As a marker of cardiovascular recovery, cardiac parasympathetic reactivation following a training session is highly individualized. It appears to parallel the acute/intermediate recovery of the thermoregulatory and vascular systems, as described by the supercompensation theory. The physiological mechanisms underlying cardiac parasympathetic reactivation are not completely understood. However, changes in cardiac autonomic activity may provide a proxy measure of the changes in autonomic input into organs and (by default) the blood flow requirements to restore homeostasis. Metaboreflex stimulation (e.g. muscle and blood acidosis) is likely a key determinant of parasympathetic reactivation in the short term (0–90 min post-exercise), whereas baroreflex stimulation (e.g. exercise-induced changes in plasma volume) probably mediates parasympathetic reactivation in the intermediate term (1–48 h post-exercise). Cardiac parasympathetic reactivation does not appear to coincide with the recovery of all physiological systems (e.g. energy stores or the neuromuscular system). However, this may reflect the limited data currently available on parasympathetic reactivation following strength/resistance-based exercise of variable intensity. In this review, we quantitatively analyse post-exercise cardiac parasympathetic reactivation in athletes and healthy individuals following aerobic exercise, with respect to exercise intensity and duration, and fitness/training status. Our results demonstrate that the time required for complete cardiac autonomic recovery after a single aerobic-based training session is up to 24 h following low-intensity exercise, 24–48 h following threshold-intensity exercise and at least 48 h following high-intensity exercise. Based on limited data, exercise duration is unlikely to be the greatest determinant of cardiac parasympathetic reactivation. Cardiac autonomic recovery occurs more rapidly in individuals with greater aerobic fitness. Our data lend support to the concept that in conjunction with daily training logs, data on cardiac parasympathetic activity are useful for individualizing training programmes. In the final sections of this review, we provide recommendations for structuring training microcycles with reference to cardiac parasympathetic recovery kinetics. Ultimately, coaches should structure training programmes tailored to the unique recovery kinetics of each individual.


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Cardiac autonomic neuropathy is known to occur in alcoholics but the extent of its subclinical form is not usually recognized, Heart Rate Variability (HRV) analysis can detect subclinical autonomic neuropathy. In this study the HRV parameters were compared in 20 neurologically asymptomatic alcoholics, 20 age-matched normals and 16 depressives. All were males, ECG was recorded in a quiet room for four minutes in supine position. Time and Frequency domain parameters of HRV were computed by a researcher blind to clinical details. Alcoholics had significantly smaller Coefficient of Variation of R-R intervals (CVR-R) on time domain analysis and smaller HF band (0.15-0.5 Hz) power on spectral analysis. The decreased Heart Rate Variability indicates cardiac autonomic dysfunction.


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Autonomic management can be used to improve the QoS provided by parallel/distributed applications. We discuss behavioural skeletons introduced in earlier work: rather than relying on programmer ability to design “from scratch” efficient autonomic policies, we encapsulate general autonomic controller features into algorithmic skeletons. Then we leave to the programmer the duty of specifying the parameters needed to specialise the skeletons to the needs of the particular application at hand. This results in the programmer having the ability to fast prototype and tune distributed/parallel applications with non-trivial autonomic management capabilities. We discuss how behavioural skeletons have been implemented in the framework of GCM(the Grid ComponentModel developed within the CoreGRID NoE and currently being implemented within the GridCOMP STREP project). We present results evaluating the overhead introduced by autonomic management activities as well as the overall behaviour of the skeletons. We also present results achieved with a long running application subject to autonomic management and dynamically adapting to changing features of the target architecture.
Overall the results demonstrate both the feasibility of implementing autonomic control via behavioural skeletons and the effectiveness of our sample behavioural skeletons in managing the “functional replication” pattern(s).


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OBJECTIVESTo determine whether skin-intrinsic fluorescence (SIF) is associated with long-term complications of type 1 diabetes (T1D) and, if so, whether it is independent of chronic glycemic exposure and previous intensive therapy.RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODSWe studied 1,185 (92%) of 1,289 active Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT)/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) participants from 2010 to 2011. SIF was determined using a fluorescence spectrometer and related cross-sectionally to recently determined measures of retinopathy (stereo fundus photography), cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN; R-R interval), confirmed clinical neuropathy, nephropathy (albumin excretion rate [AER]), and coronary artery calcification (CAC).RESULTSOverall, moderately strong associations were seen with all complications, before adjustment for mean HbA1c over time, which rendered these associations nonsignificant with the exception of sustained AER >30 mg/24 h and CAC, which were largely unaffected by adjustment. However, when examined within the former DCCT treatment group, associations were generally weaker in the intensive group and nonsignificant after adjustment, while in the conventional group, associations remained significant for CAN, sustained AER >30 mg/24 h, and CAC even after mean HbA1c adjustment.CONCLUSIONSSIF is associated with T1D complications in DCCT\EDIC. Much of this association appears to be related to historical glycemic exposure, particularly in the previously intensively treated participants, in whom adjustment for HbA1c eliminates statistical significance.


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Les somnambules présentent des caractéristiques qui suggèrent un dysfonctionnement dans la régulation du sommeil lent profond (SLP). La fonction autonome est étroitement liée à la régulation des stades de sommeil et reflète l’intensité du SLP. Notre objectif est d’étudier la fonction autonome pendant le SLP des somnambules et des sujets témoins avant et après une privation de sommeil. Quatorze somnambules adultes (9 femmes et 5 hommes ; 28,1 ± 5,8 ans) et 14 sujets témoins appariés pour l’âge et le sexe (27,8 ± 6,0 ans) ont été évalués par vidéo - polysomnographie pour une nuit de base et pendant le sommeil de récupération après 25 heures de privation de sommeil. La fréquence cardiaque (FC) et les composantes spectrales de la variabilité de la FC ont été évaluées. Les composantes de basses (LF) et de hautes fréquences (HF) en valeur absolue et en unités normalisées (LFn et HFn) ainsi que le ratio LF/HF ont été analysés à partir de segments de 5 minutes d’électrocardiogramme sélectionnés lors du SLP des deux premiers cycles de sommeil. Au cours du premier cycle de sommeil, les somnambules, mais pas les sujets témoins, ont montré une diminution des LFn et du ratio LF/HF ainsi qu’une augmentation des HFn lors du sommeil de récupération par rapport au sommeil normal. Au cours du deuxième cycle, les somnambules ont montré une FC plus élevée en sommeil de récupération par rapport au sommeil de base et l’inverse a été trouvé chez les sujets témoins. Les somnambules ont montré une augmentation de l’activité parasympathique ainsi qu’une diminution de l’activité sympathique au cours du premier cycle du sommeil de récupération par rapport à la valeur initiale. Puisque cette fenêtre de temps est fortement associée à la survenue d'épisodes de somnambulisme chez les sujets prédisposés, cette hyperactivité parasympathique pourrait être impliquée dans la physiopathologie de somnambulisme.


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Background: Epidemiological data suggest inverse associations between citrus flavanone intake and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. However, insufficient randomized controlled trial (RCT) data limit our understanding of mechanisms by which flavanones and their metabolites potentially reduce cardiovascular (CV) risk factors. Objective: We examined the effects of orange juice or a dose-matched hesperidin supplement on plasma concentrations of established and novel flavanone metabolites and their effects on CV risk biomarkers in men at moderate CVD risk. Methods: In an acute, randomized, placebo-controlled crossover trial, 16 fasted participants (aged 51-69 y) received orange juice or a hesperidin supplement (both providing 320 mg hesperidin) or control (all matched for sugar and vitamin C content). At baseline and 5 h post-intake, endothelial function (primary outcome), further CV risk biomarkers (i.e. blood pressure, arterial stiffness, cardiac autonomic function, platelet activation and NADPH oxidase gene expression) and plasma flavanone metabolites were assessed. Prior to each intervention, a diet low in flavonoids, nitrate/nitrite, alcohol and caffeine was followed and a standardized low-flavonoid evening meal was consumed. Results: Orange juice intake significantly elevated mean (± SEM) plasma concentrations of 8 flavanone (1.75 ± 0.35 µmol/L, P < 0.0001) and 15 phenolic metabolites (13.27 ± 2.22 µmol/L, P < 0.0001) compared with control at 5 h post-consumption. Despite increased plasma flavanone and phenolic metabolite concentrations, CV risk biomarkers were unaltered. Following hesperidin supplement intake, flavanone metabolites were not different to control, suggesting altered absorption/metabolism compared with the orange juice matrix. Conclusions: Following single-dose flavanone intake within orange juice, we detected circulating flavanone and phenolic metabolites collectively reaching a concentration of 15.20 ± 2.15 µmol/L but observed no effect on CV risk biomarkers. Longer-duration RCTs are required to further examine the previous associations between higher flavanone intakes and improved cardiovascular health and to ascertain the relative importance of food matrix and flavanone-derived phenolic metabolites.


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The present study investigated the effects of exercise training on arterial pressure, baroreflex sensitivity, cardiovascular autonomic control and metabolic parameters on female LDL-receptor knockout ovariectomized mice. Mice were divided into two groups: sedentary and trained. Trained group was submitted to an exercise training protocol. Blood cholesterol was measured. Arterial pressure (AP) signals were directly recorded in conscious mice. Baroreflex sensitivity was evaluated by tachycardic and bradycardic responses to AP changes. Cardiovascular autonomic modulation was measured in frequency (FFT) and time domains. Maximal exercise capacity was increased in trained as compared to sedentary group. Blood cholesterol was diminished in trained mice (191 +/- 8 mg/dL) when compared to sedentary mice (250 +/- 9 mg/dL, p<0.05). Mean AP and HR were reduced in trained group (101 +/- 3 mmHg and 535 +/- 14 bpm, p<0.05) when compared with sedentary group (125 +/- 3 mmHg and 600 +/- 12 bpm). Exercise training induced improvement in bradycardic reflex response in trained animals (-4.24 +/- 0.62 bpm/mmHg) in relation to sedentary animals (-1.49 +/- 0.15 bpm/mmHg, p<0.01); tachycardic reflex responses were similar between studied groups. Exercise training increased the variance (34 +/- 8 vs. 6.6 +/- 1.5 ms(2) in sedentary, p<0.005) and the high-frequency band (HF) of the pulse interval (IP) (53 +/- 7% vs. 26 +/- 6% in sedentary, p<0.01). It is tempting to speculate that results of this experimental study might represent a rationale for this non-pharmacological intervention in the management of cardiovascular risk factors in dyslipidemic post-menopause women. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mandibular movements occur through the triggering of trigeminal motoneurons. Aberrant movements by orofacial muscles are characteristic of orofacial motor disorders, such as nocturnal bruxism (clenching or grinding of the dentition during sleep). Previous studies have suggested that autonomic changes occur during bruxism episodes. Although it is known that emotional responses increase jaw movement, the brain pathways linking forebrain limbic nuclei and the trigeminal motor nucleus remain unclear. Here we show that neurons in the lateral hypothalamic area, in the central nucleus of the amygdala, and in the parasubthalamic nucleus, project to the trigeminal motor nucleus or to reticular regions around the motor nucleus (Regio h) and in the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus. We observed orexin co-expression in neurons projecting from the lateral hypothalamic area to the trigeminal motor nucleus. In the central nucleus of the amygdala, neurons projecting to the trigeminal motor nucleus are innervated by corticotrophin-releasing factor immunoreactive fibers. We also observed that the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus receives dense innervation from orexin and corticotrophin-releasing factor immunoreactive fibers. Therefore, forebrain nuclei related to autonomic control and stress responses might influence the activity of trigeminal motor neurons and consequently play a role in the physiopathology of nocturnal bruxism.


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Oxytocinergic brainstem projections participate in the autonomic control of the circulation. We investigated the effects of hypertension and training on cardiovascular parameters after oxytocin (OT) receptor blockade within the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) and NTS OT and OT receptor expression. Male spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats were trained (55% of maximal exercise capacity) or kept sedentary for 3 months and chronically instrumented (NTS and arterial cannulae). Mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) were measured at rest and during an acute bout of exercise after NTS pretreatment with vehicle or OT antagonist (20 pmol of OT antagonist (200 nl of vehicle)-1). Oxytocin and OT receptor were quantified (35S-oligonucleotide probes, in situ hybridization) in other groups of rats. The SHR exhibited high MAP and HR (P < 0.05). Exercise training improved treadmill performance and reduced basal HR (on average -11%) in both groups, but did not change basal MAP. Blockade of NTS OT receptor increased exercise tachycardia only in trained groups, with a larger effect on trained WKY rats (+31 +/- 9 versus +12 +/- 3 beats min-1 in the trained SHR). Hypertension specifically reduced NTS OT receptor mRNA density (-46% versus sedentary WKY rats, P < 0.05); training did not change OT receptor density, but significantly increased OT mRNA expression (+2.5-fold in trained WKY rats and +15% in trained SHR). Concurrent hypertension- and training-induced plastic (peptide/receptor changes) and functional adjustments (HR changes) of oxytocinergic control support both the elevated basal HR in the SHR group and the slowing of the heart rate (rest and exercise) observed in trained WKY rats and SHR.


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Heart rate (HR) variability and large arterial compliance can be improved using fish oils. DHA, a component of fish oil, has cardiovascular health benefits, but its effect on HR variability (HRV) and arterial compliance is yet to be quantified. Sixty-seven overweight or obese adults (thirty-six males and thirty-one females; 53 (sem 2) year; BMI 31·7 (sem 1·1) kg/m2) were randomly allocated to consume either 6 g/d sunola oil (control; n 17), fish oil (260 mg DHA+60 mg EPA per g) at doses of 2 g/d (n 16), 4 g/d (n 17) or 6 g/d (n 17). Blood pressure, HR and compliance of large and small arteries were measured while supine at baseline and after 12 weeks in all participants, and HRV was assessed in a subgroup of forty-six participants. There was no effect of fish oil on blood pressure, small artery compliance or HR. However, the low frequency:high frequency ratio of HRV decreased with increasing doses of fish oil (r − 0·34, P = 0·02), while large artery compliance increased (r 0·34, P = 0·006). Moreover, the changes in these biomarkers were significantly correlated (r − 0·31, P = 0·04) and may reflect fish oil-induced improvements in arterial function and cardiac autonomic regulation.


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Cardiac complications of diabetes require continuous monitoring since they may lead to increased morbidity or sudden death of patients. In order to monitor clinical complications of diabetes using wearable sensors, a small set of features have to be identified and effective algorithms for their processing need to be investigated. This article focuses on detecting and monitoring cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN) in diabetes patients. The authors investigate and compare the effectiveness of classifiers based on the following decision trees: ADTree, J48, NBTree, RandomTree, REPTree, and SimpleCart. The authors perform a thorough study comparing these decision trees as well as several decision tree ensembles created by applying the following ensemble methods: AdaBoost, Bagging, Dagging, Decorate, Grading, MultiBoost, Stacking, and two multi-level combinations of AdaBoost and MultiBoost with Bagging for the processing of data from diabetes patients for pervasive health monitoring of CAN. This paper concentrates on the particular task of applying decision tree ensembles for the detection and monitoring of cardiac autonomic neuropathy using these features. Experimental outcomes presented here show that the authors' application of the decision tree ensembles for the detection and monitoring of CAN in diabetes patients achieved better performance parameters compared with the results obtained previously in the literature.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Model of the study: Controlled clinical trial. Objective: To verify the effects of 16 weeks of combined aerobic and resistance training on cardiac autonomic modulation in menopausal women. Methods: 17 menopausal women were divided into two groups: the training group (TG: n=11) and control group (CG: n=6). The body composition variables were estimated using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. The cardiac autonomic modulation was evaluated by heart rate variability using linear indexes. The training protocol consisted of 16 weeks of 50 minutes of resistance training and 30 minutes of aerobic training. Results: For the TG there was an increase in the rMSSD(ms) index (pre:17,4±3,7 and post:24,8±13,1, p<0,045), an increase in the duration of the intervals between the cardiac beats(ms) (pre:891,2±80,2 and post:974,1±71,4, p<0,003) and in the values of heart rate(bpm) (pre:68,1±6,4 and post:62,0±4,7, p<0,003), additionally for the spectral indexes in normalized units, changes for LF (pre:52,2±13,1 and post:44,5±12,4, p<0,025) and HF (pre:47,8±13,3 and post:55,5±12,4, p<0,025) were noticed, demonstrating increased parasympathetic and reduced sympathetic. There were no significant differences to CG. Conclusion: combined aerobic and resistance training promoted benefits to the autonomic modulation in menopausal women.


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Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)