979 resultados para Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy


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La fibrillation auriculaire est le trouble du rythme le plus fréquent chez l'homme. Elle conduit souvent à de graves complications telles que l'insuffisance cardiaque et les accidents vasculaires cérébraux. Un mécanisme neurogène de la fibrillation auriculaire mis en évidence. L'induction de tachyarythmie par stimulation du nerf médiastinal a été proposée comme modèle pour étudier la fibrillation auriculaire neurogène. Dans cette thèse, nous avons étudié l'activité des neurones cardiaques intrinsèques et leurs interactions à l'intérieur des plexus ganglionnaires de l'oreillette droite dans un modèle canin de la fibrillation auriculaire neurogène. Ces activités ont été enregistrées par un réseau multicanal de microélectrodes empalé dans le plexus ganglionnaire de l'oreillette droite. L'enregistrement de l'activité neuronale a été effectué continument sur une période de près de 4 heures comprenant différentes interventions vasculaires (occlusion de l'aorte, de la veine cave inférieure, puis de l'artère coronaire descendante antérieure gauche), des stimuli mécaniques (toucher de l'oreillette ou du ventricule) et électriques (stimulation du nerf vague ou des ganglions stellaires) ainsi que des épisodes induits de fibrillation auriculaire. L'identification et la classification neuronale ont été effectuées en utilisant l'analyse en composantes principales et le partitionnement de données (cluster analysis) dans le logiciel Spike2. Une nouvelle méthode basée sur l'analyse en composante principale est proposée pour annuler l'activité auriculaire superposée sur le signal neuronal et ainsi augmenter la précision de l'identification de la réponse neuronale et de la classification. En se basant sur la réponse neuronale, nous avons défini des sous-types de neurones (afférent, efférent et les neurones des circuits locaux). Leur activité liée à différents facteurs de stress nous ont permis de fournir une description plus détaillée du système nerveux cardiaque intrinsèque. La majorité des neurones enregistrés ont réagi à des épisodes de fibrillation auriculaire en devenant plus actifs. Cette hyperactivité des neurones cardiaques intrinsèques suggère que le contrôle de cette activité pourrait aider à prévenir la fibrillation auriculaire neurogène. Puisque la stimulation à basse intensité du nerf vague affaiblit l'activité neuronale cardiaque intrinsèque (en particulier pour les neurones afférents et convergents des circuits locaux), nous avons examiné si cette intervention pouvait être appliquée comme thérapie pour la fibrillation auriculaire. Nos résultats montrent que la stimulation du nerf vague droit a été en mesure d'atténuer la fibrillation auriculaire dans 12 des 16 cas malgré un effet pro-arythmique défavorable dans 1 des 16 cas. L'action protective a diminué au fil du temps et est devenue inefficace après ~ 40 minutes après 3 minutes de stimulation du nerf vague.


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Diagnosis of Hridroga (cardiac disorders) in Ayurveda requires the combination of many different types of data, including personal details, patient symptoms, patient histories, general examination results, Ashtavidha pareeksha results etc. Computer-assisted decision support systems must be able to combine these data types into a seamless system. Intelligent agents, an approach that has been used chiefly in business applications, is used in medical diagnosis in this case. This paper is about a multi-agent system named “Distributed Ayurvedic Diagnosis and Therapy System for Hridroga using Agents” (DADTSHUA). It describes the architecture of the DADTSHUA model .This system is using mobile agents and ontology for passing data through the network. Due to this, transport delay can be minimized. It is a system which will be very helpful for the beginning physicians to eliminate his ambiguity in diagnosis and therapy. The system is implemented using Java Agent DEvelopment framework (JADE), which is a java-complaint mobile agent platform from TILab.


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Introducción: El programa de Fisioterapia de la Universidad del Rosario, en su responsabilidad social de generar un impacto positivo en la comunidad y en su propósito de formar profesionales, cuenta con los Programas Académicos de Campo (PAC) que se consideran una fuerte estrategia de extensión de la Universidad. Los PAC contribuyen a la adquisición de competencias para el desarrollo de procesos de acción-actuación-creación en los estudiantes para que resuelvan problemas en un espacio real de ejercicio profesional. Bajo esta perspectiva los PAC del programa de Fisioterapia muestran su comportamiento a través de la medición de indicadores de proceso y resultados propuestos desde el Programa con el fin de proveer información útil para la reorientación y permanente actualización de los contenidos programáticos en las asignaturas y en los mismos PAC. Materiales y métodos: En el siguiente artículo se presenta un análisis de los indicadores de demanda por género, régimen de Seguridad Social en Salud, procedimiento y morbilidad de los Programas Académicos de Campo Integral Pediátrico, Integral de Adultos y Rehabilitación cardíaca y/o pulmonar, con el fin de establecer las características de la población objeto de la prestación de los servicios y procurar información verificable que dé soporte para la construcción de procesos de cambio dentro de la dinámica de mejoramiento continuo que debe tener cualquier institución. Este seguimiento es útil para la toma de decisiones de planeación académica que contribuye a mejorar los procesos de planeación y a facilitar el cumplimiento de los propósitos de formación para cada práctica, y de esta manera ayuda a ser elemento de análisis para directivas, instructores y estudiantes en la orientación del proceso de gestión académico-administrativo, y a retroalimentar los procesos de planeación y programación académica. Resultados: Los resultados arrojados en el análisis de los datos de la morbilidad en los programas académicos de campo muestran el siguiente comportamiento durante los años 2004, 2005, 2006 y 2007. Conclusiones: En el PAC pediátrico la mayor incidencia es de asma con un 37,2% y la más baja incidencia es para luxación congénita de cadera y enfermedad mental de origen central con un 0,1%. El 58% de los usuarios es de género masculino, y el 81% del total pertenece al régimen contributivo. En la morbilidad del PAC de adultos la mayor incidencia es de EPOC, con un 23,2%, y la menor incidencia es de lumbalgia, con un 2,4%. La mayoría de usuarios atendidos (58%) son hombres, y el 58% de los usuarios pertenece al régimen contributivo. En el PAC de rehabilitación cardíaca y/o pulmonar la mayor incidencia fue de EPOC, con un 40%; seguido de neumonía, con 17%; y con una menor incidencia para asma, con un 2%. El 54% de los usuarios son hombres y el 91% del total pertenece al régimen subsidiado.


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Considerable efforts have been expended in elucidating the inter-cellular and intra-cellular signaling pathways which elicit cardiac myocyte hypertrophy or apoptosis, and in identifying the changes which are associated with the end-stage of the response. The challenge now is to link the two. Although some of the signaling effects will be the acute modulation of existing protein function, long-term effects which bring about and maintain the hypertrophic state or which culminate in cell death are mediated at the level of gene and protein expression. With the advances in micro-array technology and genome sequencing, it is now possible to obtain a picture of the global gene expression profile in myocytes or in whole heart which dictates the proteins which could be made. This is not the final picture since additional regulation at the level of translation modulates the relative proportions of each protein that can be made from the transcriptome. Even here, further regulation of protein stability and turnover means that ultimately it is still necessary to examine the proteome to determine what may cause the functional changes in a cell. Thus, in order to gain a full picture of events which regulate the response and gain some insight into possible points of intervention for therapy, it is necessary to examine gene expression, mRNA translation and protein expression in concert.


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Heart regeneration after myocardial infarction (MI) can occur after cell therapy, but the mechanisms, cell types and delivery methods responsible for this improvement are still under investigation. In the present study, we evaluated the impact of systemic delivery of bone marrow cells (BMC) and cultivated mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) on cardiac morphology, function and mortality in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) submitted to coronary occlusion. Female syngeneic adult SHR, submitted or not (control group; C) to MI, were treated with intravenous injection of MSC (MI + MSC) or BMC (MI + BM) from male rats and evaluated after 1, 15 and 30 days by echocardiography. Systolic blood pressure (SBP), functional capacity, histology, mortality rate and polymerase chain reaction for the Y chromosome were also analysed. Myocardial infarction induced a decrease in SBP and BMC, but not MSC, prevented this decrease. An improvement in functional capacity and ejection fraction (38 +/- 4, 39 +/- 3 and 58 +/- 2% for MI, MI + MSC and MI + BM, respectively; P < 0.05), as well as a reduction of the left ventricle infarcted area, were observed in rats from the MI + BM group compared with the other three groups. Treated animals had a significantly reduced lesion tissue score. The mortality rate in the C, MI + BM, MI + MSC and MI groups was 0, 0, 16.7 and 44.4%, respectively (P < 0.05 for the MI + MSC and MI groups compared with the C and MI + BM groups). The results of the present study suggest that systemic administration of BMC can improve left ventricular function, functional capacity and, consequently, reduce mortality in an animal model of MI associated with hypertension. We speculate that the cells transiently home to the myocardium, releasing paracrine factors that recruit host cells to repair the lesion.


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The aim of this study was to research Candida dubliniensis among isolates present in a Brazilian yeast collection and to evaluate the main phenotypic methods for discrimination between C. albicans and C. dubliniensis from oral cavity. A total of 200 isolates, presumptively identified as C. albicans or C. dubliniensis obtained from heart transplant patients under immunosuppressive therapy, tuberculosis patients under antibiotic therapy, HIV-positive patients under antiretroviral therapy, and healthy subjects, were analyzed using the following phenotypic tests: formation and structural arrangement of chlamydospores on corn meal agar, casein agar, tobacco agar, and sunflower seed agar; growth at 45 degrees C; and germ tube formation. All strains were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In a preliminary screen for C. dubliniensis, 48 of the 200 isolates on corn meal agar, 30 of the 200 on casein agar, 16 of the 200 on tobacco agar, and 15 of the 200 on sunflower seed agar produced chlamydoconidia; 27 of the 200 isolates showed no or poor growth at 45 degrees C. All isolates were positive for germ tube formation. These isolates were considered suggestive of C. dubliniensis. All of them were subjected to PCR analysis using C. dubliniensis-specific primers. C. dubliniensis isolates were not found. C. dubliniensis isolates were not recovered in this study done with immunocompromised patients. Sunflower seed agar was the medium with the smallest number of isolates of C. albicans suggestive of C. dubliniensis. None of the phenotypic methods was 100% effective for discrimination between C. albicans and C. dubliniensis. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Chronic chagasic cardiac patients are exposed to oxidative stress that apparently contributes to disease progression. Benznidazole (BZN) is the main drug used for the treatment of chagasic patients and its action involves the generation of reactive species. 41 patients with Chagas` heart disease were selected and biomarkers of oxidative stress were measured before and after 2 months of BZN treatment (5 mg/kg/day) and the subsequent antioxidant supplementation with vitamin E (800 UI/day) and C (500 mg/day) during 6 months. Patients were classified according to the modified Los Andes clinical hemodynamic classification in groups IA, IB, II and III, and the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione S-transferase (GST) and glutathione reductase (GR), as well as the contents of reduced glutathione (GSH), thiobarbituric acid reactive species (TBARS), protein carbonyl (PC), vitamin E and C and nitric oxide (NO), myeloperoxidase (MPO) and adenosine deaminase (ADA) activities were measured in their blood. Excepting in group III, after BZN treatment SOD, CAT, GPx and GST activities as well as PC levels were enhanced while vitamin E levels were decreased in these groups. After antioxidant supplementation the activities of SOD, GPx and GR were decreased whereas PC, TBARS, NO, and GSH levels were decreased. In conclusion, BZN treatment promoted an oxidative insult in such patients while the antioxidant supplementation was able to attenuate this effect by increasing vitamin E levels, decreasing PC and TBARS levels, inhibiting SOD, GPx and GR activities as well as inflammatory markers, mainly in stages with less cardiac involvement. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Several methods have been utilized to prevent pericardial and retrosternal adhesions, but none of them evaluated the mesothelial regenerative hypothesis. There are evidences that the mesothelial trauma reduces pericardial fibrinolytic capability and induces an adhesion process. Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) has proven to improve mesothelial cells proliferation. This study investigated the influence of keratinocyte growth factor in reducing post-surgical adhesions. Methods: Twelve pigs were operated and an adhesion protocol was employed. Following a stratified randomization, the animals received a topical application of KGF or saline. At 8 weeks, intrapericardial adhesions were evaluated and a severity score was established. The time spent to dissect the adhesions and the amount of sharp dissection used, were recorded. Histological sections were stained with sirius red and morphometric analyses were assessed with a computer-assisted image analysis system. Results: The severity score was lower in the KGF group than in the control group (11.5 vs 17, p = 0.005). The dissection time was lower in the KGF group (9.2 +/- 1.4 min vs 33.9 +/- 9.2 min, p = 0.004) and presented a significant correlation with the severity score (r = 0.83, p = 0.001). A significantly less sharp dissection was also required in the KGF group. Also, adhesion area and adhesion collagen were significantly tower in the KGF group than in the control group. Conclusion: The simulation of pericardial cells with KGF reduced the intensity of postoperative adhesions and facilitated the re-operation. This study suggests that the mesothelial regeneration is the new horizon in anti-adhesion therapies. (C) 2008 European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe how intensive care nurses manage the administration of supplemental oxygen to patients during the first 24 hours after cardiac surgery.
METHODS: A retrospective audit was conducted of the medical records of 245 adult patients who underwent cardiac surgery between 1 January 2005 and 31 May 2008 in an Australian metropolitan hospital. Physiological data (oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry and respiratory rate) and intensive care unit management data (oxygen delivery device, oxygen flow rate and duration of mechanical ventilation) were collected at hourly intervals over the first 24 hours of ICU care.
RESULTS: Of the 245 patients whose records were audited, 185 were male; mean age was 70 years (SD, 10), and mean APACHE II score was 17.5 (SD, 5.14). Almost half the patients (122, 49.8%) were extubated within 8 hours of ICU admission. The most common oxygen delivery device used immediately after extubation was the simple face mask (214 patients, 87%). Following extubation, patients received supplemental oxygen via, on average, two different delivery devices (range, 1-3), and had the delivery device changed an average of 1.38 times (range, 0-6) during the 24 hours studied. Twenty-two patients (9%) received non-invasive ventilation or high-flow oxygen therapy, and 16 (7%) experienced one or more episode of hypoxaemia during mechanical ventilation. A total of 148 patients (60%) experienced one or more episodes of low oxygenation or abnormal respiratory rate during the first 24 hours of ICU care despite receiving supplemental oxygen.
CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that the ICU environment does not protect cardiac surgical patients from suboptimal oxygen delivery, and highlights the need for strategies to prompt the early initiation of interventions aimed at optimising blood oxygen levels in cardiac surgical patients in the ICU.


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Aim. This paper is a report of a study to describe patients' and nurses' perspectives on oxygen therapy.
Background. Failure to correct significant hypoxaemia may result in cardiac arrest, need for mechanical ventilation or death. Nurses frequently make clinical decisions about the selection and management of low-flow oxygen therapy devices. Better understanding of patients' and nurses' experiences of oxygen therapy could inform clinical decisions about oxygen administration using low-flow devices.
Methods. Face-to-face interviews with a convenience sample of 37 adult patients (17 cardio-thoracic: 20 medical surgical) and 25 intensive care unit nurses were conducted from February 2007 to September 2007. Interviews were audio-taped, transcribed verbatim and then analysed using a thematic analysis approach.
Findings. The patients identified three key factors that underpinned their compliance with oxygen therapy: (i) device comfort; (ii) ability to maintain activities of daily living; and (iii) therapeutic effect. The nurses identified factors, such as: (i) therapeutic effect, (ii) issues associated with compliance, (iii) strategies to optimize compliance, (iv) familiarity with device, (v) triggers for changing oxygen therapy devices, as being key to the effective management of oxygen therapy.
Conclusion. Differences between the patients' and nurses' perspective of oxygen therapy illustrate the variety of factors that impact on effective oxygen administration. Further research should seek to provide a further in-depth understanding of the current oxygen administration practices of nurses and the patient factors that enhance or hinder effectiveness of oxygen therapy. Detailed information about nurse and patient factors that influence oxygen therapy will inform a sound evidence base for nurses' oxygen administration decisions.


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General practitioners fall into three categories in their pursuit of dietary counselling: little involvement, or provider of referrals, or they have strong involvement. The barriers to dietary counselling are inadequate partnerships with dietitians, patients suffering multiple medical conditions and the view that HMG-CoA-reductase-inhibitors (statins) reduce the need for dietary change.


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Obesity is rampant in modern society and growth hormone (GH) could be useful as adjunct therapy to reduce the obesity-induced cardiovascular damage. To investigate GH effects on obesity, initially 32 male Wistar rats were divided into two groups (n = 16): control (C) was fed standard-chow and water and hyper-caloric (H) was fed hypercaloric chow and 30% sucrose in its drinking water. After 45 days, both C and H groups were divided into two subgroups (n = 8): C + PL was fed standard-chow, water and received saline subcutaneously; C + GH was fed standard-chow, water, and received 2 mg/kg/day GH subcutaneously; H + PL was fed hypercaloric diet, 30% sucrose in its drinking water, and received saline subcutaneously; and H + GH was fed hypercaloric diet, 30% sucrose in its drinking water, and received GH subcutaneously. After 75 days of total experimental period, H + PL rats were considered obese, having higher body weight, body mass index, Lee-index, and atherogenic index (AI) compared to C + PL. Obesity was accompanied by enhanced myocardial lipid hydroperoxide (LH) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), as well of depressed energy expenditure (RMR) and oxygen consumption(VO(2))/body weight. H + GH rats had higher fasting RMR, as well as lower AI and myocardial LH than H + PL. Comparing C + GH with C + PL, despite no effects on morphometric parameters, lipid profile, myocardial LH, and LDH activity, GH enhanced fed RMR and myocardial pyruvate dehydrogenase. In conclusion, the present study brought new insights into the GH effects on obesity related cardiovascular damage demonstrating, for the first time, that GH regulated cardiac metabolic pathways, enhanced energy expenditure and improved the lipid profile in obesity condition. Growth hormone in standard fed condition also offered promising therapeutic value enhancing pyruvate-dehydrogenase activity and glucose oxidation in cardiac tissue, thus optimizing myocardial energy metabolism.


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Previous studies have already demonstrated that auditory stimulation with music influences the cardiovascular system. In this study, we described the relationship between musical auditory stimulation and heart rate variability. Searches were performed with the Medline, SciELO, Lilacs and Cochrane databases using the following keywords: auditory stimulation, autonomic nervous system, music and heart rate variability. The selected studies indicated that there is a strong correlation between noise intensity and vagal-sympathetic balance. Additionally, it was reported that music therapy improved heart rate variability in anthracycline-treated breast cancer patients. It was hypothesized that dopamine release in the striatal system induced by pleasurable songs is involved in cardiac autonomic regulation. Musical auditory stimulation influences heart rate variability through a neural mechanism that is not well understood. Further studies are necessary to develop new therapies to treat cardiovascular disorders.