167 resultados para Carbides


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The effect of pre-straining (PS) and bake-hardening (BH) on the microstructure and mechanical properties has been studied in C-Mn-Si TRansformation Induced Plasticity (TRIP) steels after: (i) thermomechanically processing (TMP) and (ii) intercritical annealing. The steels were characterised before and after PS/BH by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and tensile tests. The main microstructural differences were the higher volume fraction of bainite and more stable retained austenite in the TMP steel. This led to a difference in the strain-hardening behavior before and after BH treatment. The higher dislocation density in ferrite and formation of microbands in the TMP steel after PS and the formation of Fe3C carbides between the bainitic ferrite laths during BH for both steels also affected the strain-hardening behavior. However, both steels after PS/BH treatment demonstrated an increase in the yield and tensile strength.


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Ultrafine grain sizes were produced using hot torsion testing of a 0.11C-1.68Mn-0.20Si (wt-%) steel, with ultrafine ferrite (<1 µm) nucleating intragranularly during testing by dynamic strain induced transformation. A systematic study was made of the effect of isothermal deformation temperature, strain level, strain rate, and accelerated cooling during deformation on the formation of ultrafine ferrite by this process. Decreasing the isothermal testing temperature below the Ae3 temperature led to a greater driving force for ferrite nucleation and thus more extensive nucleation during testing; the formation of Widmanstätten ferrite prior to, or early during, deformation imposed a lower temperature limit. Increasing the strain above that where ferrite first began 0.8 at 675C and a strain rate of 3 s¯1 increased the intragranular nucleation of ferrite. Strain rate appeared to have little effect on the amount of ferrite formed. However, slower strain rates led to extensive polygonisation of the ferrite formed because more time was available for ferrite recovery. Accelerated cooling during deformation followed by air cooling to room temperature led to a uniform microstructure consisting of very fine ferrite grains and fine spherical carbides located in the grain boundaries regions. Air cooling after isothermal testing led to carbide bands and a larger ferrite grain size.


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The photolytic phenanthrene-based precursors for both β-methoxycarbene and β-ethoxycarbene were synthesized with and without a deuterium label attached to the a carbon. The incorporation of this deuterium label allowed distinction between a 1, 2-H shift and a 1, 2-O shift pathway to the respective alkyl vinyl ether, without the influence of a primary kinetic isotope effect. Photolyses of these precursors gave rearrangement products of the expected β-alkoxycarbenes. In the case of β-methoxycarbene, no methyl vinyl ether was observed due to its volatility. However, the appearance of aldehyde peaks in the NMR spectra, from an apparent further rearrangement to acetaldehyde through an enol intermediate, indicated that a 1,2-H shift had occurred. Ethyl vinyl ether was isolated following the photolysis of the β-ethoxycarbene precursor. Quantification of the two pathways showed less than 2% undergoing an ethoxy shift to the ethyl vinyl ether. Yield experiments on this photolysis demonstrated a maximum yield of β-ethoxycarbene as 43%, though this decreased as the experiment continued. Computational work on the β-ethoxycarbene system indicates that the triplet scate is more stable than the singlet. In addition, the activation energy to the 1.2-H shift pathway is remarkably low and is clearly consistent with the observed overwhelming preference for this pathway in the experiment.


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The effects of pre-straining and bake hardening on the mechanical behaviour and microstructural changes were studied in two CMnSi TRansformation-Induced Plasticity (TRIP) steels with different microstructures after intercritical annealing. The TRIP steels before and after pre-straining and bake hardening were characterised by X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, three dimensional atom probe and tensile tests. Both steels exhibited discontinuous yielding behaviour and a significant strength increase with some reduction in ductility after pre-straining and bake hardening treatment. The following main microstructural changes are responsible for the observed mechanical behaviours: a decrease in the volume fl:action of retained austenite, a increase in the dislocation density and the formation of cell substructure in the polygonal ferrite, higher localized dislocation density in the polygonal ferrite regions adjacent to martensite or retained austenite, and the precipitation of fine iron carbides in bainite and martensite. The mechanism for the observed yield point phenomenon in both steels after treatment was analysed.


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The electron backscattering diffraction technique was used to analyse the nature of carbides present in an ancient wootz steel blade. Bulky carbides, pro-eutectoid carbide along the prior austenite grain boundaries and fine spheroidized carbides were detected. Electron backscattering diffraction was employed to understand the texture of these carbides. The orientations of the cementite frequently occur in clusters, which points to a common origin of the members of the cluster. For the bands of coarse cementite, the origin is probably large coarse particles formed during the original cooling of the wootz cake. Pearlite formed earlier in the forging process has led to groups of similarly oriented fine cementite particles. The crystallographic texture of the cementite is sharp whereas that of the ferrite is weak. The sharp cementite textures point to the longevity of the coarse cementite throughout the repeated forging steps and to the influence of existing textured cementite on the nucleation of new cementite during cooling.


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The effects of pre-straining and bake hardening on the mechanical behaviour and microstructural changes were studied in two CMnSi TRansformation-Induced Plasticity (TRIP) steels with different microstructures after intercritical annealing. The TRIP steels before and after pre-straining and bake hardening were characterised by X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, three dimensional atom probe and tensile tests. Both steels exhibited discontinuous yielding behaviour and a significant strength increase with some reduction in ductility after pre-straining and bake hardening treatment. The following main microstructural changes are responsible for the observed mechanical behaviours: a decrease in the volume fraction of retained austenite, an increase in the dislocation density and the formation of cell substructure in the polygonal ferrite, higher localized dislocation density in the polygonal ferrite regions adjacent to martensite or retained austenite, and the precipitation of fine iron carbides in bainite and martensite. The mechanism for the observed yield point phenomenon in both steels after treatment was analysed.


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This paper examines the effects of TiC and NbC precipitation and prior cold rolling on the shape memory behaviour of an iron-based alloy. A precipitate-free alloy was used as a reference to investigate the relative contributions of prior-deformation and precipitation on shape memory. Heat treatment of the Nb- and Ti-containing alloys at 700 °C and 800 °C resulted in carbide precipitates between 120 nm and 220 nm in diameter. Bend testing of these samples showed a marginal increase in shape memory compared to the precipitate-free alloy. Under these conditions TiC precipitation exhibited slightly better shape memory than for NbC. However, this small increase was over-shadowed by the marked increase in shape memory that can be produced by subjecting the alloys to cold rolling followed by recovery annealing. When processed in this way, fine carbides are formed in the Ti- and Nb-containing alloys during the heat treatment. For particles >25 nm in diameter the shape memory is unaffected, but, it was found that small <5 nm particles have a detrimental effect on shape memory due to pinning of the martensite plates, thereby inhibiting their reversion to austenite. The optimum shape memory was observed in the precipitate-free alloy after cold rolling and recovery annealing.


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The bake-hardening (BH) behavior of TRansformation Induced Plasticity (TRIP) and Dual-Phase (DP) steels after intercritical annealing (IA) has been studied using transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and three dimensional atom probe tomography. It was found for the DP steel that carbon can segregate to dislocations in the ferrite plastic deformation zones where there is a high dislocation density around the "asquenched" martensite. The carbon pinning of these dislocations, in turn, increases the yield strength after aging. It was shown that bake-hardening also leads to rearrangement of carbon in the martensite leading to the formation of rod-like low temperature carbides in the DP steel. Segregation of carbon to microtwins in retained austenite of the TRIP steel was also evident. These factors, in combination with the dislocation rearrangement in ferrite through the formation of cells and microbands in the TRIP steel after pre-straining, lead to the different bake-hardening responses of the two steels.


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A 0.79C-1.5Si-1.98Mn-0.98Cr-0.24Mo-1.06Al-1.58Co (wt%) steel was isothermally heat treated at 200°C for 10 days to form a nano-scale bainitic microstructure consisting of nanobainitic ferrite laths with high dislocation density and retained austenite films. The crystallographic analysis using TEM and EBSD revealed that the bainitic ferrite laths are close to the Nishiyama-Wassermann orientation relationship with the parent austenite. There was only one type of packet identified in a given transformed austenite grain. Each packet consisted of two different blocks having variants with the same habit plane, but different crystallographic orientations. The presence of fine C-rich clusters and Fe-C carbides with a wide range of compositions in bainitic ferrite was revealed by Three-dimensional Atom Probe Tomography (APT). The high carbon content of bainitic ferrite compared to the para-equilibrium level of carbon in ferrite, absence of segregation of carbon to the austenite/bainitic ferrite interface and absence of partitioning of substitutional elements between the retained austenite and bainitic ferrite were also found using APT.


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A 0.79C-1.5Si-1.98Mn-0.98Cr-0.24Mo-1.06Al-1.58Co (wt%) steel was isothermally heat treated at 350°C bainitic transformation temperature for 1 day to form fully bainitic structure with nano-layers of bainitic ferrite and retained austenite, while a 0.26C-1.96Si-2Mn-0.31Mo (wt%) steel was subjected to a successive isothermal heat treatment at 700°C for 300 min followed by 350°C for 120 min to form a hybrid microstructure consisting of ductile ferrite and fine scale bainite. The dislocation density and morphology of bainitic ferrite, and retained austenite characteristics such as size, and volume fraction were studied using Transmission Electron Microscopy. It was found that bainitic ferrite has high dislocation density for both steels. The retained austenite characteristics and bainite morphology were affected by composition of steels. Atom Probe Tomography (APT) has the high spatial resolution required for accurate determination of the carbon content of the bainitic ferrite and retained austenite, the solute distribution between these phases and calculation of the local composition of fine clusters and particles that allows to provide detailed insight into the bainite transformation of the steels. The carbon content of bainitic ferrite in both steels was found to be higher compared to the para-equilibrium level of carbon in ferrite. APT also revealed the presence of fine C-rich clusters and Fe-C carbides in bainitic ferrite of both steels.


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The aging behavior of a thermomechanically processed Mo-Al-Nb transformation-induced plasticity steel with ultrafine microstructure was investigated using transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography (APT). Strain aging at 73 K (200 °C) for 1800 seconds led to a significant bake-hardening response (up to 222 MPa). Moreover, aging for 1800 seconds at room temperature after 4 pct pre-strain also revealed a bake-hardening response (~60 MPa). The experimental results showed the formation of carbon Cottrell atmospheres around dislocations and the formation of carbon clusters/fine carbides in the bainitic ferrite during aging. It is proposed that this is associated with the high dislocation density of bainitic ferrite with formation of a complex dislocation substructure after pre-straining and its high average carbon content (~0.35 at. pct). The segregation of carbon and substitutional elements such as Mn and Mo to the retained austenite/bainitic ferrite interface during aging was observed by APT. This segregation is likely to be the preliminary stage for Mo-C particles’ formation. The aging after pre-straining also induced the decomposition of retained austenite with formation of ferrite and carbides.


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The structure, energy and bonding property of TixCy clusters formed in iron matrix were studied through molecular dynamics (MD) simulation method. The initial clusters with 1D-linear, 2D-ring, and 3D-tetrahedral structures were determined and their stability was calculated. The effect of temperature on the stability of the clusters was also discussed. In addition, the dissociation path of TiC clusters in iron matrix and the corresponding energy variation were analyzed. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.