292 resultados para Caquetaia spectabilis


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Candida albicans has become resistant to the commercially available, toxic, and expensive anti-Candida agents that are on the market. These factors force the search for new antifungal agents from natural resources. Cassia spectabilis had been traditionally employed by healers for many generations. The possible mechanisms of the C. spectabilis leaf extract were determined by potassium leakage study and the effect of the extract on the constituents of the cell wall and enzymes as well as the morphological changes on C. albicans cells were studied along with cytotoxicity assays. The cytotoxicity result indicated that the extract is nontoxic as was clearly substantiated by a half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) value of 59.10 μg/mL. The treated cells (C. spectabilis extract) demonstrated potassium leakage of 1039 parts per million (ppm) compared to Amphotericin B (AmpB)-treated cells with a released potassium value of 1115 ppm. The effects of the extract on the cell wall proteins illustrated that there were three major types of variations in the expression of treated cell wall proteins: the presence of new proteins, the absence of proteins, and the amount of expressed protein. The activities of two enzymes, α-glucosidase and proteinase, were determined to be significantly high, thereby not fully coinciding with the properties of the antifungal reaction triggered by C. spectabilis. The morphology of C. albicans cells treated with the C. spectabilis extract showed that the cells had abnormalities and were damaged or detached within the microcolonies. Our study verifies C. spectabilis leaf extract as an effective anti-C. albicans agent.


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Aim: To study the qualitative analysis of phytochemicals and antibacterial activity of the ethanolic and methanolic extracts of Bougainvillea spectabilis and Bougainvillea variegata leaves. Methods: Phytochemical constituents were determined qualitatively by the Harborne method, while antimicrobial activities were determined by measuring the zone of inhibition on Mueller Hinton Agar. Results: The maximum inhibitory effects were obtained against the Gram positive microbe Staphylococcus aureus for the methanolic extracts of both B. spectabilis [(28.54 ± 0.18) mm] and B. variegata [(21.97 ± 0.06) mm]. The Gram negative microbes Proteus vulgaris [(16.00 ± 0.15) mm] and Serratia marcescens [(16.00 ± 0.06) mm] gave maximum inhibitory effects for the ethanolic extracts of B. variegata, while Salmonella typhimurium [(17.26 ± 0.12) mm] gave a maximum zone of inhibition for the methanolic extract of B. spectabilis. No inhibitory effects were observed for the extracts of B. spectabilis or B. variegate against Enterococcus faecalis, Vibro cholera or Klebsiella pneumoniae. Conclusion: Both B. spectabilis and B. variegata possess significant antimicrobial activity that, following additional studies, could replace commercially known antibiotics. © 2012 China Pharmaceutical University.


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Crotalaria species containing hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids grow widely in pastures in northern Australia and have sporadically poisoned grazing livestock. The diverse Crotalaria taxa present in these pastures include varieties, subspecies, and chemotypes not previously chemically examined. This paper reports the pyrrolizidine alkaloid composition and content of 24 Crotalaria taxa from this region and assesses the risk of poisoning in livestock consuming them. Alkaloids present in C. goreensis, C. aridicola subsp. densifolia, and C. medicaginea var. neglecta lack the esterified 1,2-unsaturated functionality required for pyrrole adduct formation, and these taxa are not hepatotoxic. Taxa with high levels of hepatotoxic alkaloids, abundance, and biomass pose the greatest risk to livestock health, particularly C. novae-hollandiae subsp. novae-hollandiae, C. ramosissima, C. retusa var. retusa, and C. crispata. Other species containing moderate alkaloid levels, C. spectabilis and C. mitchellii, also pose significant risk when locally abundant.


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冷杉属是松科中的第二大属,在北半球有着广泛的分布区,从温带的高纬度地带到亚热带(偶达热带地区)的山地,呈间断不连续的分布。虽然一些学者曾对冷杉属进行过大量的分类学和系统学研究,但该属复杂的变异式样至今仍困扰着植物系统学家们。本论文是在腊叶标本和野外实地调查的基础上,从形态学、解剖学、分子系统学和植物地理学等方面进行分类学和系统发育的分析研究。现得到以下初步结果。1.对冷杉属叶角质层内表面胞间凸缘的研究结果表明,可以分为4种类型: 1. 弯曲且发达的单凸缘;2直且发达的单凸缘;3不发达的单凸缘;4双桥型凸缘。分布于欧洲和亚洲的绝大部分种类都是弯曲且发达的单凸缘类型(日本一种除外),而分布于北美的种类则具有四种不同的类型。 2. 叶横切面的研究结果表明皮下层细胞的发育状况和树脂道的位置与大小在Sect. Balsamea中稳定,皮下层细胞的缺失和不发育、树脂道大且中生在该属中可能反映原始状态。 3. 本研究首次发现nrDNA ITS的长度在属下有较大的变异,变异幅度1700 bp-2500 bp,分析得出引起这一变异的主要原因是由于ITS1中有以GGCCACCCTAGTC为核心数目不等的重复序列的存在,并讨论了ITS长度的变异在冷杉属和松科系统演化中的意义。 4. nrDNA ITS的RFLP分析结果和5种冷杉的ITS序列分析结果(以Keteleeria davidiana为外类群)表明A. bracteata与Sect. Balsamea总是聚在一起,亲缘最近;A. kawakamii应属于Sect. Momi。 5. 地理分布和系统发育分析的研究结果表明,冷杉属的多样性中心在北美西南部、而种类分布最大多的地区为东亚、种群分化最强烈的地区为我国的横断山脉。根据冷杉属的系统发育、化石资料和现代冷杉属的地理分布格局,冷杉属可能起源于白垩纪的高纬度地带。 6. 结合ITS RFLP和ITS序列的分支分析结果以及某些形态特征和地理分布资料,重建属下分类系统,将冷杉属分为8组2亚组。探讨了各组间的亲缘关系,认为Sect. Balsamea是冷杉属中的原始类群,Sect. Balsamea是与Sect. Balsamea亲缘最近,形态上十分特化的类群。来自ITS的分析结果为摒属下亚属的划分和将A. kawakamii自Sect. Balsamea中移出,放入Sect. Momi中提供了强有力的证据。经过标本和文献考证,综合各方面的资料,本文对冷杉属进行了全面系统的分类学修订,包括44种17变种1亚种,系统排列如下: 组1. 树脂冷杉组Sect. 1. Balsamea Engelmann。该组包括8种4变种:Abies balsamea, A. lasiocarpa, A. sibirica, A. sachalinensis, A. fraseri, A. koreana, A. nephrolepis, A. veitchii, A. bracteata。 组3. 日本冷杉组Sect. 3. Momi Franco。 亚组1.日本冷杉亚组Subsect. 1. Firmae (Franco) Farjon et Rushforth。该亚组包括6种3变种:A.holophylla, A. homolepis, A. firma, A. beshanzuensis, A. chensiensis, A. pindrow, A. beshanzuensis var. ziyuanensis, A. chensiensis var. ernestii, A. chensiensis var. salouenensis。 亚组2. 鳞皮冷杉亚组Subsect. 2. Squamatae E. Murray。该亚组包括12种6变种:A squamata, A. delavayi, A. nukiangensis, A. recurvata, A. spectabilis, A. mariesii, A. kawakamii, A. forrestii, A. fargesii, A. fansipanensis, A. fanjingshanensis, A. yuanbaoshanensis, A. delavayi var. fabri, A. delavayi var. motuoensis, A. spectabilis var. densa, A. forrestii var. georgei, A. forrestii var. ferreana, A. fargesii var. faxoniana。 组4. 冷杉组Sect. 4. Abies。该组包括7种1变种1亚种:A. alba, A. cephalonica, A. nordmanniana, A. nebrodensis, A. cilicica, A. pinsapo, A. numidica, A. nordamanniana ssp. equitrojani, A. pinsapo var. marocana。 组5. 太平洋冷杉组成Sect. 5. Amabiles (Matzenko) Farjon et Rushforth。该组仅一种:A. amabilis。 组6. 高贵冷杉组Sect. 6. Nobilis Engelmann。该组有2种1变种:A. procera, A. magnifica, A. magnifica var. shastensis。 组7. 大冷杉组成Sect. 7. Grandes Engelmann, emend. Farjon et Rushforth。该组包括4种2变种:A. concolor, A. grandis, A. durangensis, A. guatemalensis, A. concolor var. lowiana, A. durangensis var. coahuilensis。 组8. 墨西哥冷杉组Sect. 8. Oiamel Franco, emend. Farjon et Rushforth。该组包括A. religiosa, A. vejarii, A. vejari var. mexicana, A. hickelii


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根茎兰属为兰科中的一个小属, 主要分布于东亚地区, 仅有一个种Galearis spectabilis L.见于北美。根茎兰属为Rafinesque (1833) 基于产自北美的兰亚族Orchis 的一个种Orchis spectabiltis L.建立的。该属具肉质, 匍匐的根状茎, 粘盘包裹于一个明显的粘囊中而与Orchis 及其邻近属明显区分开来。根状茎是划分本属属级单位的重要性状之一。然迄今为止, 对根茎兰属及其邻近属所具有的根状茎在兰亚族中的系统学意义尚未进行过详细的研究。对于根茎兰属除根状茎之外的其它性状以及花的结构亦未有详细全面的研究。细胞学方面本属虽然已有部分种类报道过染色体数目, 然尚不全面。鉴于上述背景,本研究制定了以下目的: (1) 深入了解根茎兰属根状茎以及其它重要性状, 重点了解本属主要器官的结构与性状, 尤其关注粘囊的数目, 柱头的结构: (2) 在不同层次, 用不同方法研究根茎兰属及其邻近属不同分类性状的系统学意义, 力求建立根茎兰属内自然的系统。本文通过对根茎兰属及其部分邻近属植物的形态性状、花发育形态、花粉形态学、种子形态学、细胞学及植物地理研究, 确认了根茎兰属的独立地位并对该属进行了分类学修订。结果如下: 1. 形态性状分析 在查阅国内外馆藏标本及野外居群观察的基础上, 对根茎兰属及部分邻近属的形态性状进行了详细地比较分析, 重新评价了各性状的分类学价值, 认为根状茎, 粘囊及柱头结构对于根茎兰属及邻近属的划分具有重要的系统学意义; 叶片数目、唇瓣形状、距的形状及长短对属下分类有一定的意义; 叶的形状与大小、花色、花被片上斑点多少(斑唇根茎兰除外)有无等特征在种内变化较大, 不宜作为种的划分依据, 至少不能作为主要的或唯一的依据。 2. 合蕊柱结构及花部形态发生 根茎兰属植物合蕊柱结构解剖及花器官扫描电镜观察显示: 所观察材料的除二叶根茎兰柱头为2 部分组成, 柱头侧裂片舌状远伸出于蕊喙下凹穴之外, 其余种类柱头皆为3 部分组成, 柱头侧裂片皆垫状加厚, 位于蕊喙下凹穴之内; 粘囊数目除黄龙根茎兰为两个, 明显分开, 分居蕊柱两侧之外, 其余种粘囊皆为1 个。本研究结果不支持Aceratorchis 及Aorchis 划分为属级单位的观点。本研究结果认为黄龙根茎兰可能是根茎兰属与具根状茎的舌唇兰属植物间的一个过渡类型, 但二叶根茎兰的系统位置却难以确定。 3. 花粉形态学 扫描电镜下观察了根茎兰属及其邻近属5 个属19 种23 个样品。结果共观察到8 类花粉表面纹饰: 光滑微糙、光滑皱褶、光滑具不规则的浅凹穴、具皱褶的、光滑穿孔、疣状的、网状异型网胞、棒状具基柱的, 其中光滑具不规则的浅凹穴的为新发现的一种类型。研究发现花粉表面纹饰在属间及属内表现出极明显的差异, 对研究属下类群及属间关系具有重要的系统学意义, 而花粉小块的形态及大小不具有划分种的分类学意义。比较具根状茎的植物与具块茎的植物花粉表面纹饰发现, 前者纹饰较为简单相似, 主要表现为光滑皱褶的及疣状的, 后者纹饰复杂变异很大, 主要为网状异型网胞的、网状的或棒状具基柱的。共观察到根茎兰属内5 种花粉表面纹饰: 光滑微糙, 光滑皱褶, 光滑具不规则的浅凹穴, 疣状的及网状异型网胞。多样的纹饰说明根茎兰属与舌唇兰属、尖药兰属甚至Ponerorchis 、舌喙兰属可能有较近的关系。 4. 种子形态学 在体式镜及扫描电镜下观察了根茎兰属及其邻近属6 个属9 种的植物种子的形态及种子表面微形态特征。结果显示:所有观察材料的种子形态属于Orchis 型。种子大小、种子长宽比率及种皮表面纹饰存在较大的属间差异, 可应用在属间界定及关系判别上。根茎兰属种子大小及长宽比率处于蜻蜓兰属、角盘兰属及舌唇兰属、兜被兰属之间, 可与此4 属清楚区分开来, 但正如Tohda 所述, 本研究亦发现根茎兰属与Ponerorchis 难以区分开。种皮纹饰在根茎兰属亦存在种间差异。本研究结果显示种子形态可能与其相应的地理来源有关。但本研究不支持将根茎兰属归并入广义红门兰属中的处理。 5. 细胞学资料 本文共研究了根茎兰属5 种植物的染色体数目、静止核和有丝分裂前期的染色体形态, 其中4 种是首次报道, 3 种植物的染色体数目为2n = 42, 1 种植物的染色体数目为2n=63, 70。所有观察材料间期染色体形态皆为介于简单染色中心型及复杂染色中心型的中间类型。 6. 分类修订 在应用上述性状分析结果、解剖大量泡花及查阅国内外大量标本的基础上, 重新划定了根茎兰属的概念, 包括新性状的补充, 对该属植物进行了系统的分类修订。确定了根茎兰属目前包括7 种, 其中发现一个新种黄龙根茎兰, 该新种与卵唇根茎兰及二叶根茎兰近缘, 与二者之区别在于具明显分开的粘囊及柱头侧裂片短舌状; 作出2 个新组合。另描述了每个种的性状特征、变异情况、地理分布、生态生境、相关的分类学处理及其与近缘种的关系。


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Vegetative and reproductive development of some European and Californian species of Laurencia Lamouroux (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta), L. obtusa (Hudson) Lamouroux, L. spectabilis Postels et Ruprecht, L. crispa Hollenberg, L. osmunda (S.G. Gmelin) Maggs et Hommersand, L. pinnatifida (Hudson) Lamouroux and L. truncata Kutzing, is investigated on the basis of liquid-preserved and herbarium specimens. The latter five species share several features, but they differ distinctly from L. obtusa, the lectotype of the genus, in essential anatomical characters of vegetative and male reproductive structures and tetrasporangial development. In these five species each vegetative axial segment produces two rather than four pericentral cells, and spermatangial branches (filaments) are produced in apical pits of branchlets from apical and epidermal cells rather than from trichoblasts arising from axial cells. The spermatangial branches are usually branched alternately and usually terminate in a cluster of several large sterile vesicular cells, rather than being branched dichotomously and terminating in a single, or occasionally a row of two, large sterile vesicular cells as in L. obtusa. Apical spermatangial pits of fertile male branchlets (except for those in L. truncata) are pocket- (or urn)-shaped, with an ostiole-like upper opening, rather than cup- (or bowl)-shaped. In these five species tetrasporangia are produced laterally from random epidermal cells rather than abaxially from particular pericentral cells (the third and fourth ones) as in L. obtusa, and the two presporangial cover cells are aligned parallel rather than transverse to the stichidial axis in surface view. These important differences strongly suggest that L. spectabilis, L. crispa, L. osmunda, L. pinnatifida and L. truncata occupy a phylogenetically different position from L. obtusa, and lead to the conclusion that the genus Osmundea Stackhouse, which was based on 0. expansa Stackhouse, nom. illeg. (= Laurencia osmunda) and which has been a nomen rejiciendum as an earlier facultative synonym of Laurencia, should be resurrected. Emendations of the generic criteria of Laurencia and Osmundea are proposed here, and relevant nomenclatural changes for several Laurencia species are also included.


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L’hypertension pulmonaire (HP) est une maladie dont l’étiologie est inconnue et qui entraîne ultimement une défaillance du ventricule droit (VD) et le décès. L’HP peut être induite chez le rat par la la monocrotaline (MCT), un alcaloïde pyrrolizidique extrait de la plante Crotalaria Spectabilis, causant des lésions à l’endothélium des artères pulmonaires, menant à un épaississement de ces dernières et à une augmentation de la résistance vasculaire. Ceci à pour conséquence de causer une hypertrophie du VD, de l’inflammation, une dysfonction endothéliale NO-dépendante des artères coronariennes et une augmentation des peptides natriurétiques circulants. Objectif: Nous avons testé l’hypothèse selon laquelle l’étiopathologie de l’HP impliquerait le récepteur à ocytocine (OTR) dû à son implication fonctionnelle avec les cytokines inflammatoires et la libération du peptide natriurétique atrial (ANP) et du NO. Méthodes: Des rats mâles Sprague-Dawley pesant 220-250g reçurent une seule injection sous-cutanée de MCT (60 mg/kg). 6 à 7 semaines (46±1 jours) suivant l’injection, les rats furent sacrifiés et l’expression génique et protéique fut déterminée par PCR en temps réel et par western blot, respectivement, dans le VD et le ventricule gauche (VG) Résultats: Les rats traités au MCT démontrèrent une augmentation significative du VD. Une hypertrophie du VD était évidente puisque le ratio du VD sur le VG ainsi que le poids du septum étaient près de 77% plus élevés chez les rats traités au MCT que chez les rats contrôles. Le traitement au MCT augmenta l’expression génique d’ANP (3.7-fois dans le VG et 8-fois dans le VD) ainisi que le NP du cerveau (2.7-fois dans le VG et 10-fois dans le VD). Les transcrits de trois récepteurs de NP augmentèrent significativement (0.3-2 fois) seulement dans le VD. L’expression protéique de la NO synthase (iNOS) fut également augmentée de façon sélective dans le VD. Par contre, les transcripts de NOS endothéliale et de NOS neuronale étaient plus élevés (0.5-2 fold) dans le VG. L’ARNm et l’expression protéique d’OTR furent diminués de 50% dans le VD, tandis qu’une augmentation de l’expression des cytokines IL-1β and IL-6 fut observée. L’ARNm de Nab1, un marqueur d’hypertrophie pathologique, fut augmentée de deux-fois dans le VD. Conclusion: L’augmentation d’expression génique de NP dans le VD des rats traités au MCT est associée à une augmentation des transcripts du récepteur NP, suggérant une action locale de NP dans le VD durant l’HP. L’expression d’OTR est atténuée dans le VD, possiblement par des cytokines inflammatoires puisque le promoteur du gène de l’OTR contient de multiples éléments de réponse aux interleukines. Diminuer l’expression d’OTR dans le VD durant l’hypertension pulmonaire pourrait influencer de manière positive la fonction cardiaque car l’OTR régule la contractilité et le rythme cardiaque. Mots clés: hypertension pulmonaire, hypertrophie du ventricule droit monocrotaline, récepteur à ocytocine, inflammation, peptides natriurétiques.


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Die tropischen Anden sind eines der artenreichsten Gebiete der Erde. Fast die Hälfte der 45.000 in diesem Gebiet vorkommenden Gefäßpflanzenarten sind in den Anden endemisch (Myers et al. 2000). Die Gattung Fosterella (Bromeliaceae) ist eine den Anden zugeordnete Pflanzengruppe, denn die meisten ihrer 31 Arten kommen in den Anden vor. Achtzehn Arten sind kleinräumige Endemiten. Fosterella hat damit Modellcharakter für diese Region. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Evolution der Gattung in Raum und Zeit mithilfe der vergleichenden Sequenzierung von sechs plastidären Loci (atpB-rbcL, matK, psbB-psbH, rpl32-trnL, rps16-trnK, rps16-Intron) und einem nukleären Marker (PHYC) untersucht. Es wurden über 90 Akzessionen von 24 Fosterella-Arten untersucht. Mit 5,6 % informativer Merkmale innerhalb der Gattung war rpl32-trnL der informativste Chloroplastenmarker. Es wurden mit den kombinierten Sequenzdaten eine Maximum Parsimony-, eine Maximum Likelihood- und eine Bayes´sche Analyse berechnet. Weiterhin wurden biogeographische und ultrametrische Untersuchungen durchgeführt. Die 6-Locus-Phylogenie zeigt eine Aufteilung der monophyletischen Gattung Fosterella in sechs Gruppen, von denen vier – die penduliflora-, weddelliana-, weberbaueri- und micrantha-Gruppe - klar monophyletisch und gut gestützt sind. Die albicans- und die rusbyi-Gruppe bilden hingegen einen Komplex. Ultrametrische Analysen legen ein Alter der Gattung von ca. 9,6 Mio. Jahren nahe. Der geographische Ursprung von Fosterella befindet sich nach den vorliegenden biogeographischen Analysen in den Anden und nach der Biom-Analyse zu gleicher Wahrscheinlichkeit entweder in andinen Trockenwäldern (seasonally dry tropical forests, SDTFs) oder in azonalen Standorten des amazonischen Tieflands östlich der Anden. Es gab mehrere Ausbreitungsereignisse, von denen die beiden Fernausbreitungsereignisse nach Mittelamerika (F. micrantha) und in das zentrale Amazonasgebiet (F. batistana) die auffälligsten sind. Die feuchten Bergregenwälder (Yungas) der Anden wurden offenbar mehrfach unabhängig von Fosterella-Arten besiedelt. Insgesamt wurden elf nukleäre Marker (XDH, GS, RPB2, MS, ADH, MS, GLO/PI, CHS, FLO/LFY, NIAi3 und PHYC) auf ihre Anwendbarkeit für molekularsystematische Studien in Fosterella getestet. Davon konnten acht Marker erfolgreich mithilfe einer PCR amplifiziert werden. Die Fragmentgrößen lagen zwischen 350 bp und 1.500 bp. Nur für drei Loci (FLO/LFY, NIAi3 und PHYC) konnten lesbare DNA-Sequenzen in Fosterella erzeugt werden. FLO/LFY zeigte nur 1,5 % Variabilität innerhalb der Gattung. Der NIA-Locus erzeugte bei der Amplifikation mehrere Fragmente, die separat voneinander sequenziert wurden. Der Locus PHYC konnte hingegen aufgrund der guten Amplifizier- und Sequenzierbarkeit für das gesamte Probenset sequenziert werden. Dieser Marker zeigte eine Variabilität innerhalb der Gattung von 10,2 %, davon waren 6,8 % informativ. In der Phylogenie basierend auf PHYC ist Fosterella klar monophyletisch, innerhalb der Gattung zeigt sich jedoch an der Basis eine unaufgelöste Polytomie. Es lassen sich neun mehr oder weniger gut gestützte Artengruppen definieren – rusbyi-, villosula-, albicans-, weddelliana-, penduliflora-, weberbaueri-, micrantha-, robertreadii- und spectabilis-Gruppe - die sich in ihrer Zusammensetzung mit Ausnahme der weddelliana-Gruppe von den nach Chloroplastendaten definierten Gruppen unterscheiden. Viele Arten sind para- oder polyphyletisch, so z. B. F. albicans, F. penduliflora und F. rusbyi. Bei den beiden erstgenannten Arten weisen die unterschiedlichen Stellungen in Chloroplasten- und Kernphylogenie auf Hybridisierungsereignisse hin.


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The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that soil water content would vary spatially with distance from a tree row and that the effect would differ according to tree species. A field study was conducted on a kaolinitic Oxisol in the sub-humid highlands of western Kenya to compare soil water distribution and dynamics in a maize monoculture with that under maize (Zea mays L.) intercropped with a 3-year-old tree row of Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. Ex R. Br. (grevillea) and hedgerow of Senna spectabilis DC. (senna). Soil water content was measured at weekly intervals during one cropping season using a neutron probe. Measurements were made from 20 cm to a depth of 225 cm at distances of 75, 150, 300 and 525 cm from the tree rows. The amount of water stored was greater under the sole maize crop than the agroforestry systems, especially the grevillea-maize system. Stored soil water in the grevillea-maize system increased with increasing distance from the tree row but in the senna-maize system, it decreased between 75 and 300 cm from the hedgerow. Soil water content increased least and more slowly early in the season in the grevillea-maize system, and drying was also evident as the frequency of rain declined. Soil water content at the end of the cropping season was similar to that at the start of the season in the grevillea-maize system, but about 50 and 80 mm greater in the senna-maize and sole maize systems, respectively. The seasonal water balance showed there was 140 mm, of drainage from the sole maize system. A similar amount was lost from the agroforestry systems (about 160 mm in the grevillea-maize system and 145 mm in the senna-maize system) through drainage or tree uptake. The possible benefits of reduced soil evaporation and crop transpiration close to a tree row were not evident in the grevillea-maize system, but appeared to greatly compensate for water uptake losses in the senna-maize system. Grevillea, managed as a tree row, reduced stored soil water to a greater extent than senna, managed as a hedgerow.


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Adubos verdes (AVs) são condicionadores do solo utilizados para a melhoria da estrutura e fertilidade do solo. Este estudo avaliou o efeito de Crotalaria spectabilis Roth (crotalária), Cajanus cajan (L) Millsp (guandu) e Brachiaria decumbens Stapf (braquiária) nas propriedades microbiológicas e bioquímicas do solo sob laranjal. As leguminosas foram plantadas nas entrelinhas do laranjal e, após 3 meses, cortadas e lançadas nas entrelinhas. A braquiária, já estabelecida, foi roçada e lançada nas entrelinhas. Após 5 meses, as amostras de solo foram coletadas na entrelinha e na linha, na profundidade de 0-20 cm. O delineamento experimental foi em parcela subdividida. Efeito significativo (p< 0,05%) da aplicação dos AV sobre as contagens de bactérias, as atividades da desidrogenase e nitrificante foram obtidas e aumentaram, em média, de 20, 39 e 190%, respectivamente. O número de fungos diminuiu de 57%. A atividade da urease e a solubilizadora, e os conteúdos de matéria orgânica e umidade não foram influenciados pela aplicação dos AVs. Dentre as plantas, respostas significativas foram obtidas decorrentes do estímulo da atividade da desidrogenase em 57% pelo guandu, da urease em 58% pela braquiária, solubilizadora em 346% pela crotalária e nitrificante em 236% pelo guandu ou braquiária em relação aos demais AVs. Estes resultados sugerem que a aplicação de AVs durante anos consecutivos pode estimular a ação dos microrganismos e melhorar a qualidade do solo.