989 resultados para Capitalismo pos 1970
ENGLISH: This report deals with the Japanese longline fishery for tunas and billfishes from 1967 through 1970, extending the studies made by Kume and Joseph (1969a, 1969b). The distribution of effort and catch is discussed and evaluated, and the changes in apparent abundance are examined. An analysis is made of the sexual maturity and size composition of the fish, and a brief comparison of the size composition of the catches from the longline and the surface fisheries is included. SPANISH: Este informe analiza la pesca palangrera japonesa de atunes y peces espada desde 1967 a 1970, ampliando los estudios hechos por Kume y Joseph (1969a, 1969b). Se discute y avalúa la distribución del esfuerzo y la captura, y los cambios en la abundancia aparente. Se hace un análisis de la madurez sexual y de la composición de talla de los peces y una breve comparación entre la composición de talla de los peces capturados en la pesca palangrera y la epípelágíca. (PDF contains 166 pages.)
The herring of the Baltic Sea shows a complicated population structure. Comparable to herring in other areas it can also be discriminated as spring and autumn spawning herring. Autumn spawning herring has been nearly vanished since the late 1960’s. Baltic Sea spring spawning herring show a broad variety as far as morphometric and other biological characteristics are concerned. It seems not very likely that all those differences are genetically based. The spawning sites of populations are, however, often clearly separated and such groups of herring are in most cases characterized by distinct differences in individual growth. Therefore for assessment purposes it is necessary to distinguish between as small as possible units in order to not endanger smaller populations to become extinct by overexploitation. On the other hand migrations and mixing of herring of different origin especially during the summer feeding period result in extreme difficulties of the discrimination of small units. For this reason only three herring assess ment units have been identified for the central and the northern Baltic Sea: herring in Sub-divisions 25–32+32, herring in Sub-division 30 and herring in Sub-division31. The spring spawning herring of the western Baltic Sea has been combined with spring spawning herring in Division IIIa. Only the herring stock in Sub-division 30 shows a positive development in the past. The largest assessment unit in Sub-divisions 25–29+32 decreased continuously during the whole period 1974–1998. The western Baltic Spring spawning herring stock decreased from 1990 to 1996. There is an ongoing debate on scientific level whether the combination of small populations into large assessment units like the one in S-D’s 25–29&32 might include the danger of the extinction of small compartments of the unit. On the other hand the practice by the International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission of managing the Baltic Sea herring fisheries by dividing a yearly Total Allowable Catch for the whole area among fishery zones without taking care of any biological structure and any individual stock development is totally against the idea of sustainability of fisheries.
The sprat of the Baltic Sea is not as short-lived as inother Seas probably because fish predator species arerestricted mainly on cod and salmon. Sea bird popula-tions are much smaller and marine mammals are rare inthe Baltic Sea. The sprat stock biomass is fluctuatingstrongly. The fluctuation is mainly influenced by thestock recruitment and is also dependent on the strengthof the cod stock. After a strong decrease during the1980ies sprat catches increased again from 1992 onwardsand reached a peak with over half a million tonnes in 1997. At about the same time the character of the BalticSea sprat fishery changed from catches mainly for hu-man consumption to catches mainly for industrial pur-poses initiated by the fishery of Sweden. The recentrecord high catches of sprat have been possible only dueto the low level of the cod stock of the main Baltic SeaBasins over some years. A sprat fishery on such a highcatch level might cause conflicts with a recovering codstock in future.
Apresenta o regimento comum do Congresso Nacional.
2 cartas y 2 tarjetas postales (mecanografiadas y manuscritas) ; entre 210x280mm y 150x105mm
On the basis of the ”Gdansk Convention on Preservation of Living Resources of the Baltic Sea” the International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission (IBSFC) has been regulating catches of most important fish species in the area since 1974. This article reviews, in a first step for Baltic Sea cod, the development of stocks and fishery since 1970 in the light of respective catch regulations of IBSFC. TACs have been fixed by IBSFC by species for the whole Baltic Sea and resulting quotas have been split according to national and/or international fishery zones from 1975 up to now. The Baltic Sea cod is on biological background treated in scientific stock assessment as two separate stocks. Both stocks, in the western and eastern Baltic Sea, show clearly different developments over the period since 1970. After a short living peak in stock size of the eastern compartment about 20 years ago this stock has been on a very low level since the late 1980’s. During that period with increasing effort big cod catches have been landed.. The level of fishing effort is more or less the same still with much lower catches nowadays. A detailed description of development of stock sizes and recruitment is given. The conclusion is that with the present regime of regulation on the basis of one TAC for the total Baltic Sea and with high fishing capacity available for cod it will be impossible to meet the aim of good and stable yields.
ENGLISH: Estimates of relative annual abundance of yellowfin tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean during 1970-1985 are made using catch rates, measured as tons caught by purse seiners per hour of searching. Catch rates are standardized a weighted generalized linear model. The important standardizing factors are vessel speed, season-area, and whether the yellowfin were caught in association with dolphins, skipjack tuna, or floating objects. Observations are weighted to give equal areas equal weight and to give each unit of fishing effort equal weight within an area. The results indicate that catch per days fishing underestimates abundance during the late 1970's when the fishery shifted some of its effort from dolphin sets to floating object sets, and overestimates abundance when the fishery shifted back to dolphin sets in 1984 and 1985. SPANISH: Se estima la abundancia anual relativa del atún aleta amarilla en el Océano Pacífico oriental (OPO) durante 1970-1985 por medio de tasas de captura, calculadas como toneladas cortas capturadas por barcos cerqueros por hora de búsqueda. Se usa un modelo lineal ponderado generalizado para estandardizar las tasas de captura. Los factores importantes de estandardización son la velocidad del barco, temporada-área, y si se capturaron los aletas amarillas en asociación con delfines, barriletes, o objetos flotantes. Se ponderaron las observaciones para otorgar igual importancia a áreas iguales y a cada unidad de esfuerzo pesquero dentro de un área. Los resultados señalan que la captura por día de pesca estima por bajo la abundancia durante los últimos años de la década de los 70, en cual época la pesquería trasladó parte de su esfuerzo de lances sobre delfines a lances sobre objetos flotantes, y la sobreestima al volver la pesquería a lances sobre delfines en 1984 y 1985. (PDF contains 45 pages.)
506 p.
10 cartas (mecanografiadas y manuscritas) ; entre 160x85mm y 220x165mm
ENGLISH: Project Little Window was planned to provide some answers to the important scientific question of whether or not the HRIR (high resolution infrared radiometer) sensors aboard NASA and NOAA satellites can provide useful data for much of the oceanographic community. The sensors aboard these satellites were designed in response to the initial needs of meteorologists for temperature measurements integrated over a distance of 5-10 nautical miles and extending over a range from 30°C to about -75°C (i2-4°C). To this end the sensors have been a very powerful tool to the meteorologist in preparing daily weather advisories and in carrying out research. SPANISH: El proyecto Little Window fue planeado para suministrar algunas respuestas al importante tema científico sobre si los captadores (ltsensors") infrarrojos de alta resoluci6n (IRAR) a bordo de los satélites NASA y NOAA, pueden o no proveer datos útiles para la mayor1a de los oceanógrafos. Los captadores a bordo de estos satélites fueron concebidos en respuesta a las necesidades iniciales de los meteor6logos para obtener mediciones de temperatura integradas sobre una distancia de 5-10 millas náuticas, y entre 30°c y aproximadamente -75°C (~2-4°C). Con este fin los captadores han sido un instrumento poderoso para el meteor6logo en la preparaci6n de las informaciones diarias de tiempo y en la realizaci6n de las investigaciones. (PDF contains 171 pages.)
Actas del VI Encuentro de Historia Forestal. Gestión forestal y sostenibilidad:Experiencias históricas(2013)
[EN] Language Down the Garden Path traces the lines of research that grew out of Bever's classic paper. Leading scientists review over 40 years of debates on the factors at play in language comprehension, production, and acquisition (the role of prediction, grammar, working memory, prosody, abstractness, syntax and semantics mapping); the current status of universals and narrow syntax; and virtually every topic relevant in psycholinguistics since 1970. Written in an accessible and engaging style, the book will appeal to all those interested in understanding the questions that shaped, and are still shaping, this field and the ways in which linguists, cognitive scientists, psychologists, and neuroscientists are seeking to answer them.
This study was carried out to establish trends in the cast net fishery of Kainji Lake, Nigeria. The cast net fishery was second in importance to the gillnet fishery in the early years after impoundment of the lake and still continues to be an important component of the fishery. Some of the economically important species such as Citharinus spp, Tilapia spp, Labeo spp, Alestes spp and Synodontis spp are exploited by cast nets. The study has not revealed any drastic perturbation in the species diversity, catch composition, and any real ecosystem overfishing. On the other hand, both the catfish, Auchenoglanis spp and the predator Hydrocynus spp appear to have increased in the catch in recent years. Never-the-less there is a decline in the mean weight of the major exploited fish species due to the capture of under sized fishes without allowing them to grow to 'legally' marketable sizes. The use of small meshed cast net and also fishing in the shallow waters of the lake can give rise to this situation. Thus, there are signs of growth overfishing in the fish stocks. It must also be acknowledged that the situation is complicated by the fact that in a multi-gear fishery as on Kainji Lake, the cast net fishery could not be managed in isolation without due regard to the other competing gears. The catch per unit of effort (CPUE) has declined in the cast net fishery possibly due to the increase in effort by the major fishing gears over the years. The ongoing extension campaigns by the KLFPP appears to be having the desired effect, as there was reduction in the number of the major fishing gears on the Lake in 1997. It can be anticipated that if this trend continues, the CPUE will recover in the long run. Yields observed from the mesh selectivity study revealed that for major species in the cast net fishery, both by number and weight, were maximal at 2.5 inch mesh, which contrasts with the fact that current minimum allowable mesh in the Fisheries Edict for the Lake is 2.0 inch. The adoption of 2.5 inch as the minimum allowable mesh in the cast net fishery is recommended to be included in future revision of existing regulations. It is also recommended that for this control to have a desired effect, the casting of the net from the shore should be prohibited so as to reduce the incidence of juvenile mortality in the nursery areas. (PDF contains 28 pages)
ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission operates under the authority and direction of a convention originally entered into by the Republic of Costa Rica and the United States of America. The convention, which came into force in 1950, is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals fish for tropical tunas in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Under this provision the Republic of Panama adhered in 1953, the Republic of Ecuador in 1961, the United Mexican States in 1964, Canada in 1968 and Japan in 1970. In 1967, Ecuador gave notice of her intent to withdraw from the Commission, and her withdrawal became effective on August 21, 1968. SPANISH:La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical está bajo la autoridad y dirección de una convención la cual fue originalmente formada por la República de Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América. La Convención, vigente desde 1950, está abierta a la afiliación de otros gobiernos cuyos nacionales pesquen atún en el Pacífico oriental tropical. Bajo esta medida la República de Panamá se afilió en 1953, la República del Ecuador en 1961, los Estados Unidos Mexicanos en 1964, Canadá en 1968 y el Japón en 1970. En 1967, el Ecuador anunció su intención de retirarse de la Comisión y la renuncia se hizo efectiva el 21 de agosto de 1968. (PDF contains 128 pages.)
7 cartas (mecanografiadas y manuscritas) ; entre 210x270mm y 210x295mm y una tarjeta de 140x105mm