736 resultados para Cantigas de amigo
Este trabalho de monografia visa iniciar uma discussão acerca de aspectos fonológicos relativos às consoantes róticas no Português Arcaico, a partir da análise de um recorte das Cantigas de Santa Maria, de Afonso X (1121-1284). Foi realizado um levantamento da forma gráfica das palavras para a posterior quantificação das ocorrências de róticas nessas palavras. Depois de analisada a literatura básica relativa ao PA, foram feitas considerações sobre o corpus deste trabalho, no que diz respeito às afirmações feitas pelos autores estudados. A partir dos resultados desse estudo, constatamos a semelhança existente entre os sistemas consonantais do Português Arcaico e do Português Brasileiro, principalmente no que diz respeito: a) aos processos de neutralização de róticas em contexto de coda e b) aos grafemas
The present study has as main objectives the mapping and the analysis of fricatives in coda position in Galician-Portuguese religious songs of Alfonso X, the Wise King. The consonant system of BP, specifically with respect to fricatives, will be considered as object of study. The initial approach of the data, to establish whether there is opposition between the sounds represented by the focused graphemes, will be taken from the structuralism model (CAGLIARI, 2002). Thus, the elucidation of some characteristics of Portuguese linguistic background may contribute to clarify facts of its current structure
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This research aims to present and discuss three morphophonological processes – juxtaposition, allomorphy of the verbal thematic vowel and gemination of similar vowels – which occurs in word formation involving the suffixes -çon and -mento in a corpus composed of 420 Cantigas de Santa Maria. The cases analyzed in this study occurred with nouns from verbs of the first, second and third conjugations. Through the analysis of these processes we conclude that the suffix -çon triggers more morphophonological processes than the suffix -mento. However, although the processes are very productive, we note that most of the names were formed from the juxtaposition of the suffixes - especially in nouns formed with -mento – which shows a tendency to regularity in the word formation with these suffixes.
This article intends to study sandhi phenomena in Archaic Portuguese (13th century), in order to obtain clues about the prosodic status of clitics. Analyzing the texts of the reminiscent religious medieval cantigas (420 Cantigas de Santa Maria, compiled by Alfonso X, the Wise) this study intends to determine the cliticization direction, in order to find clues to the formation of superior prosodic constituents, based on the consideration of the syntactic structure of the sentence and the direction of the syntactic cliticization.
This paper aims to make a study on secondary stress and stress of monosyllabic words in Archaic Portuguese. With regard to secondary stress, our intention is to demonstrate its limits of occurrence. And about monosyllabic words, the aim is to analyse its stress attribution and the possibility of those words assume prominences in the linguistic level demonstrating or not its prosodic independence. The data will be collected by means of a new methodology in the study of the prosody of dead language. This methodology is based on the observation of coincidences and non-coincidences of musical prominences of poetic texts with musical notation, and linguistic prominences.
O comportamento prosódico dos monossílabos no português arcaico por meio das Cantigas de Santa Maria
This paper aims to conduct a study on the prosodic behavior of monosyllables in Medieval Portuguese. This research is based on an innovative methodology that observes the relation between musical and linguistic prominences and its contributions for data collection regarding the prosodic structure of the language in study. There are in Medieval Portuguese heavy (tonic) monosyllables and light (atonic) monosyllables with diverse syllabic structure. The onset is irrelevant for the syllabic weight. Monosyllables with a consonant in the coda are heavy unless this consonant represents an inflexion element. Monosyllables with no consonant in the coda are normally light but there are also heavy monosyllables with no consonant in the coda.
This paper aims to conduct a study on proparoxytones in Medieval Portuguese through an innovative methodology based on the observation of coincidences and no-coincidences of musical and linguistic prominences of poetic texts with musical notation.. This methodology allowed us to verify the existence of a hundred and thirteen proparoxytones words in a corpus constituted by the first hundred Cantigas de Santa Maria. It was possible to locate the stressed syllable in 92,93% of the found words.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fil: Esteves, Pedro Eliseo. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas
El término latino que da el castellano "llanto", llegó a designar una especie lírica muy cultivada, el planto (en castellano) o el planh-plany (en occitano-catalán), es decir, el lamento fúnebre por la muerte de una persona querida o un personaje célebre. El gran modelo o paradigma de todo planctus, para la sensibilidad medieval, era el de la Virgen María a los pies de la cruz de Jesús. Se analizan en este trabajo algunos elementos de la tradición del planctus mariano en la Península Ibérica, la cual incluye no sólo célebres poemas de largo aliento como el Duelo de la Virgen de Gonzalo de Berceo, sino también manifestaciones líricas más breves, desde las piezas litúrgicas en latín hasta los poemas de los dolores de la Virgen presentes en las Cantigas de Santa María de Alfonso X.
En el gran cancionero mariano, confeccionado en el scriptorium real castellano bajo la supervisión de Alfonso X el Sabio en la segunda mitad del siglo XIII, pueden rastrearse elementos vinculados con la performance a través de los tres discursos artísticos que interactúan en su conformación como producción: el poético, el iconográfico y el musical. Pero también a su vez la performance puede analizarse como articulada en tres niveles presentes en la producción total: la performance representada (es decir, la representación de actos y actores de performance), la performance realizada (las marcas de una performance del poema que tuvo lugar) y la performance futura (indicaciones de una eventual performance del poema, que podría tener lugar). El presente trabajo focalizará el análisis en esta articulación propuesta a través de las marcas e indicios conservados en las fuentes primarias del discurso musical. Posteriormente, se observará en qué medida estas marcas permiten desarrollar estrategias musicales relacionadas con los procesos de reconstrucción musical del repertorio alfonsí.